BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 19, 1923. now. This have beeni gardens. us down selling n sales resistance; Advertise per- game for the quit- Q'UALITY-- PRICE-- SERVICE- HIGHEST QUALITY-LOWEST PRICES- 4PROMP~T AND COIJRTEOUS SERVICE These are some of the advantages you get when you patronize this store. A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL Is the policy on which this business bas made such record increases in volume each year. We don't ask for ail your business, but a share will be appreciated. WHEN (D Wi. PHONE 225 Horsey iBlock IPhone 22à, House 2"-72 Bow\ýmanviile Big D r op In Price of Furniture For the next ten days we are making a straight reduction of 1-5 Off R egular Prices for an.y article of furniture in our store-.prices are plainly shown. This meanis'for eadh and every ciolktr you 'spend hiere we give you back 20c-Oujý $100 you save $20. Isn't. this an easy way to make money? THIS IS A CASH SALE' WILLIAMS & CANN Undertaker & Enibalmer Bownianville Furniture Dealers Ont~ario So They May Live Happily Man, truly, is selfish,'I if lie fails to provide for the futuire happiness of his loved ones in the event deâth overtakes him. The devoted, indulgent father and husband* takes pride in seeing his family contented during his lifetime-and makes provision for their fut- ure shouId death intervene. Just a small allotment of one's regular income will make things safe and secure for those whom lie leaves,. Don't neg1eet it-don't put it off until to-morrow---for to-morrow may be toQ late. We believe you wiil be interested in our plan. J. J. MASON & -SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Ph*lme 50 Dowuavle CHIRP FROM TH-E BLUEBIRD Mr. Asa Huycke bas .equested us ta publish thi.s expression of his ap- preciation: Dea~r Editor:-Wouldl you be so kind as to express my sincere appre- ciation to the people of Bowmianville and vicinity for the really wonder- fui way they turned out to see the recent "Bluebird" production here. If I started to enumnerate the miany kindInesses of courtesies 1 have received here, I amn afraid 3fbu would have to print an "extra" so 1 wo't try; but please permit me to say- and my friends know that I arn no "gusher"-that neyer in my exper-1 iene have 1 worked with more ar- tistic, kindly and enthusiastic-and best of ail to miýe-wliolesome-i, humnan people. I know ail the sacrifice connected with anl affair of this kind and the nervous tension and exhaus- tion and in Miss Cole's cast, heroism comibined withi real artistic worth. The people who saw that certain ,,ork mnust be done and who accomi- plished that work without be-ing told to do it anid in somnecases not even verbally thanked for it. But those folk are not the kind that are look-, ing for thanks. As a musician, choirmaster and teacher, 1 know how an amateur show disorganizms tbingsdfor the timne being, and I thank the musicians for their co-operation especîally rememi- bering my friend, Mr. Henry J. Knight. To our principals Miss Reta R. Col,Miss HelenYelowee, Ms,.1H. M. Poster, Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Messrs. R. M. Mitchell, Geo. E. Chase, C. S. Halliman, T. S. Holgate, Sami Glanvlle, Mr. and Mrs. D . R. Morri-, son, Mr. David Morrison, Mrs. M. A.' Neal andý' just everybody, not f orget- ting ýlie ladies and gentlemen of l the orchestra, chorus, usiiers, stage car- penter, Mr. C. T. Ross for the use of his scenery, the town officiais,ý cle-rk, police dept., and the wvorknien around the tow,,-n buildngs-taII ,give by best thanks. 1 arn grateful for the friends 1 have made here, grateful for the so- cial affairs I attended and the efforts of the ladies of the Hospital Auxil- iary for their hieil, and their efforts to s4e that 1 was cormfortable and to also sec that I had a good timne ,ýhiuh 1 sure had and 1 appreciate it very much. 1 also feel confident that Bowrnanvile Hospital wvill nover sufer for anything as longÏ as suchl capable and clever ladiç such as mny friend M'rs. (Dr. ') Job-, , encer and, lier assis anLits are spe, te, thlings Up. The business mon were mo-ist kind and were alway.s "there". The R. M. Mitchell Du Store and Staff,ý Copel,,ndl's Shoe 'Store, The Ilydro Electrie and Press, put forth every effort to make things go. If the' opera and its musiç and rhymes -,,,re of any pleasure or~ bene- fit to tlnyone I am very glad; and whatever the future basý in store for it, 1 know that miy friends and the general public bere wlill ho- interest-1 ed~ and perhaps have a ple2asant mem-j ory of its-producýtioil here. , With best wishes for the good 1 people of Bownanville. Ma jl THE BLUEBIRD IN OS1hAWA Bowmanville Sinigers and Players Won the Hearts of Our Sister Town. (The Oshawa Telegrai) Bowmanville artists are delightfulý interpreters of the spirit and charm of the production as shown in "The Message of the Bluebird" an original lighit opera by Mr. Asa Huycke of Peterboro, presente'd in the Regent Theatre on Monday night by a caste fromn Bowmanville in aid of Bow- manville Hospital. The opera was excellently rendered, and Mr. Huycke is to bo congratulated on bis presen- tatLion of the play and on the splendid support given hlm by those who took part. B'owmanvil'le certainly has plenty of histrionie talent, and somne beautiful singers. The Regent was filled with an ap- prociative audience, very, man on ing fromi Whitby and Bowmiaaville. Every line and every note of music was written by Mr. Huycke who is a native bora Canadian, and Canada bas every reason lto be proud of him. A return visit of the "Bluebirdi" will be looked f orward to with great joy in Oshawa and we wlsh it sc cess everywhre it goes It i very attractive and it loseg' none of itsi me agau Ontario sage of as Capt. Bteke, was particularly' pleasing, whl~e Mr. Geo. E. Chase as Major Harrison was ail that could b e desired. His speaking voice was one of the best iiff th~e caste. Mfr. S. Glanvillli, as Marion's father was also good. If we have any criticismi to offer it would ho that in iuany of the ,speak- ing parts the artists failed to "put it aero6s". One of the biggest hits of the evening was made by T. S. Holgate, as the ship's cook, tagged by bis quaint "lîttie cdaughter"#' Marion. Too much cannot be said in praise of the splendid chorus, the well bal- anced singing, dainty dancing and charming costumes of this part of the company added xnuch to the suc- cess of the entertaiament, seldom one firids so perfect a chorus in arn- aerproductions. One of the most effective leatures ,,as the song "Fashions", by Mr. Chase, assisted -by eight young lad- ies as manaquins. They performed their parts with the air of profession- a15. A good orchestra added greatly to the orgainization. The Women's Auxiliary of the Bowmanville Hospital are to be con- gratulated upon their enterprise in furaishing such a high class enter- tainm-ent, which not only was pleas- ing in a spectacular way, but also proved a real musical treat. PLEASANT MUSICAL EVEN r Loyal True Blues Put on an Excellent Program. The musical and literary enter- talinmlent in the Foresters' Hall un- dler auspices of Loyal True Blue Lodge on Thursday evening was a ilmagnificent sucees. The large Hall was -well filled and the prograrn abun- dant ln quaintity and the quality hard to beat. Mr. F. E. Willia-ms fui- filied the duties of chairman m-ost ne- ceptably. The proeeeding-s were openeýd -with sciections by the Band from- Oshawa Missýionairy College whose -worlh throughout the entire evening wa-s greatly enjoyed. Th1e program eonsisted of splendid oêlsolos by Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Miss L. Ellegett, Mrs. D. W. Best, Mr. Sain Glanville, Miss Lois Lamb and M!issý Mary Morris. Readlings were nicely given by -Mrs. WV. Adamis, Mr. W. J. Berr, Mis Rhea Gould, Mr. J. Terrett; violin solo, Mr. J. Terrett; ex,ýcellenit pia~no solo, Miss Reta R. Cole; piano trio by Mlisses Leol'a Mc-Mann, Neldai Lylo sud Gertie Allun and vocal quartet by Mesers. Geo. E. Chase, C. S. Halîinan, Sain Glanville ano Rc-v. 1). WV. Best, B. A. Miss Doncaster's Hawaiian Orches- tra gave a numiber of ver-y pleasing selec-tions, as did Oshawa Juvenile Band, al of -which were nicely ren- dered. Refreshm-ten'ts were serve.d an-d Oshawa Missionary CoIlege Band furnished abundance, of music. A vote of thaniça moved bv Mr E., and seeonded by Mlrs. Fred Lyle anid heartily suppor ted by the audience wý,as extcnded to al who had so ably assisted on the programi. The sing- ing- of the National Anthem closed the proceedings of this pleasýnt so- cial evening piovided by the True Blue ladies. Put up your bird houses now. Early spring fiowers are bloomi- SINGER SEWING MACHINES' Bowmanville Agency Opposite Thos. Tod's Store New and second hand machines for sale. Al makes of machines repair- ed. Eemstitching done. el1 Bread for the Athiete To build the body for strenuqus exercise noth- ing will hielp you more than good wholesome bread That is the reason many athletes give bread their first consideration in their diets. Love It ,A Certainly, we ail can take the example of the athietes who have given this food angle minute study. CHRISTIE'S BAK. The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 B( andomeMattress Cover ice with vr purchase of a SAN ITFARY The Marshall Mattress is a LCO high-class product. The pri es are mnaintained strictly -but for Marshalli mQnth you have the priviiege of participating ini this splendid special offer. With every Marshall Mat- tress purchased this niontir you wili receive absoiutely free a splendid mattress cover, to protect your mattress f ron-, dust, stains, and wear.1 Now is the tirne to secure that Marshall Mattress you have needed for so xnany years-now whiie this splendid off er is yours. Don't miss this ogreat opportunity! Think of the wonderfijl comnfort of perfect sleep enjoyed upon this Mattress of nearly a thousand fine steel couls. It takes six of these Marshiall springs te equal one ordinary spring. Their action confornis to every mrove of the body. Over these and under themn is two inches of curled hair, or downy fine cotton felt-a revelation of luxuri- ous comfort I 1 Now for real comfort for the rest of your life! Get a M~arshall Mattress. The dealer will gladly show you the free m-attress cover and explain every detail. You incur no obligation. Distributor for Bowmnanviîîe F. F. MORRIS CO. Marshall Buy your Marshall Mattresas NOW and get this nece8sary cover Free If it hasn't this trademark it isn't a Marshall This Mattress Cover will protect your valu- able mattresses from dust, Stains and wear. It isrmade f romi best quality Sea Island cotton with douible Stitched searns. You can wash it over and over again. Be sure to see it at the Marshal dealers. .USE A. Mattress Co., Limited-- - ONT ARPIO rated Mattress, teeMrhldw -rs ;?rsIl JShock-Absorbing il