I Iouses for rental are scarce. *Give the lawn inower a drop o. ia a$i,00ý to et of 192:3 adds so mxuch .lthotqgh the Most tomiç of wall decoral- s, it can be the Most dive, wheu of good ity and design. he wallpapers we are ving embody the m of delightful color- and piquant designs, they are extremely ýerate in price. visit to our store wil re you. T. ALLIEN 910 Dookstore s e a late used r( Bes Sunday by ag The rs woul4 3e very we: and farefoot boys arý meen conmplaining abou end 'off 1923 Mrs Edith V. Scobeli ( ( Peter Marti-i & &mis Building Contractors Gi( th( Plastering and~ concrete work a tel specialty.fi Blocking Machine and large Ob square timbers suitable~ for rais- Pe ing houses. a We are aiso open to do Teain- ic. ixsg and Trucking. Truck going ist dally between Bowmanville and tiý Oshawa. Phone 294W ti 16-tf eu to . n as Stores, Ltd.1 ANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS \SANTA CLARA VALLEY fornia Prunes 2 lbs. 29e SIZE SHOWN IN WINDOW aNe r cset "1 àN es h'd-> 3e lb CeamrButter 35c BLUÉBIRD AT ORONO' of Edit<or Sail Cuttellin.g himself a bandian and musician of note Iwe were interested ini seeing what he would s ay about the Bluebird -per- e forxnce in OrQno. We have pleas- EXPOII In our last ss .e., f or the singer trade. The that IDur- der have bred'(IlPow - mri et's oniS t success but no oger o ti it is actuallý partly because 1partly becausE to pre6erve the of the bacon e singeçi tbey d before heing hw Donminionr e backg-rou iy dear, then, ýyou Cani ail voun meot W. stU of Iayed the part of ivarion's ahr ýthe Innkeeper of Tryostol,) andT did twell. The Orchestra was h.andicapped by ,e absence of the lst vilila, an'd xe key ln whicýh the opera wças writ- een. The cello obligato te 4arcel>s ine ba'ss solo was played in finished ylVe by Mrs. Neal. *A1so, t> flu.te bligatto work, runnine throughi the )erforma,,nce was welli arringed,.aiiZl is laved by, Mr. E., Tuerk, a local Layer, wafs well 'handled. The mug- eas so oftcn the case ;wheiivcl ts arrange it, w'as considered froni se vocal end only, ani in this case srew the orchestra into verv, diffi~- xlt keys; the flute part rîtnning in-, ofour or five flats. This was es- ýecially difficult, and the more so is Mr. oeuer~k used the old Meyer sys- xm flute. F-Ie le to be congratulated an the way he iilayed he played the )art. The 5reneral accompaninients )y Mrs. D. R. Morrisôn left nothing be dlesire~d. A very enjoyble êivening was ent and'probahly Orono would be ,ad to hear it again. It was repeated 'r the 4th time in Bownlaaavjlle. THE PART BRITAIN PLAYED ,reom Wall Street JouErnal, New York "It is a grand total of eleven bil- in for which no value has been re- eived by Britain except the satis- action of having been loyal to lier Lies and of havinz broken the power, of lie id à1l piteker to work for the sane nd. bea In fact, if they do not the presentmayba mnarkets of Europe will be 412ckly proved,. tak-en by their competitors frodm .sa cesh other countries. is at once( Take tilpe, Mr. Fariner, to reacl o that c tihese artiepu, the back ii are sent to PO1NS Q 3AON QGS chilled, a -0 10 PIT NBCNHG to 72 hours Lhen passed 1. Great Britain annually iipoi'ts the head 0 aboutt 600,000,001' lbs. of ba2con, and other oome 12,00,000 lbs. a weel, only 'does 2. There, is almost anp tUlimiited take the fo: market for Canadita bacon in Great Britain, pirovdel it is what the Brit- The side., ish consumer desires. pic1kling cel 3. Domestie taste also tens toe- tii cured. fer ean strakybacon very sinifla? "eWillshire fer~~~~~ eatrkycuse irres to the prevailiing taste i Great Brit- breed of hý niahave beenc There is only a very'1irriited mar- ses of ban ket for the fat, lard-type of hog in e, of th, Canpada. sorted, ace 5. One type of hog, tberefore, will They are tl enter to both the dontestie and ex- houirs and , .port traçies. This mutst be the bac- are packed on type. The standai 6. Select bacon hogs muist weig~h each box hE between 160 an'd 210 lbs., at the whether lei packing plants (170-220 lbs, don the being limlil farin.) range. Gr 7. Conformation or shape is as iln ed on theo portant as weight. Carcasses must when recei yield the right balance for "Wiltshire packer's a- side.',what it cor sides."the "Wiltsl 8. Faraiers are niost li1kely to get jobbers and the true bacon types aniong York- 'smoke and shires and Tamworthýs. for the retý eds are irregular in 1the averaee farmer obreed thein. .linked haives of thse ry arc: ion and marketing of ture and market-. That is 1) of the pro( export bacc AUNT'S The Canadian Statesman is $2.00 a year -and worth it Subscribe To-day ntainFîîi Onc in E~ ngland hire sides" are sold to tihe d bacon curers who pickle, 1 therwise prepare them tail trade. practicaily the whole story cessing of our Canadian n1-. LETE BE SURE AND BUY YO-UR MILK FROM Gieti Rae Dary Government T. B. Test- ed Milk and Cream., SMore nourislinag, hain pasteurized. Power Machine Bottie' .Was'h'ér S'peeal attention to in- fants and invalids. Early rnornin elvr Quaiity Highest Prices Lowest R. R. Stevens, H. G. Freemnan, Proprietor. Manager. Phone 175-3or 5 17-3w* 1't Waste Chicken Feed Buy a Dry Mash Hopper--they pay for them- selves in' the f eed. they save-not expensive either. q BUYING CHINA Always make it a point tQ visit our China De- partment and see our splendid stock and the Iow prices gooçis are IIOW marked. 15 YOUR GROCER? Business is good-we're busy but can stili serve more customers with best qualit~y of girories at lowest prices. The OId Reliable Groz-er ARCHIE TAIT, - Bowmanvilleê r on bacc n the p less wast ice is t1h Lnd thej ORANGES AND GOOD BANANAS FRESH ,WEEK, AT THIE BEST PRICES INi TOWN Originality In Pootwear We've g-ained distinction for abil- ity to dis play Footwear fashions that have fownd acceptance ini the eyes of ail wômen. Particularly is this true this Spring, when selec- tion is thbe best we hlave ever showli. Your new shoes are here. Copekrnd Shoe Store Phore 249 J. J3owmanville 'tapo war, as in peace, she did lier p art. Proof if this 'fact lis furnished by Britagin's chanibellor of the ex cheq- uer, who recently broughit down the following figures as to thse war ser- vices and war sacrifices of the United Kingdom and the other nations of the British Empire: The Uniterd Kingdomi of Great Brifaini enrolied 6,211,427 men, of whomn 743,000 were killed and 1,693,- 262 were wound.ed. The dompinions and colonies enroîl- ed 1,60t5,527 men, of wvhomj- 140,- 923 were ki0î1ed and 357,585 were India enrolled. approximately 1,- 650,000) men, of l whom61,598 weiýe killed and 70:895~ were wouaded. It will thus be seen that in the great war the British empire called to the colors sonle 9,466,954 fighitiag mien; that of this numnber 945,521 paid these upremie sacrifice, while 3,- 121,706 suffered wounds 'andi tisa- bilities. Ia the face of these figures, lit is needless to ask, "Who won the OBITUARr George N. Giddy, Port Hope. A large num-ber of friends from Bowmianville, Orono and Port :Hop3e were present Saturday afternoon, April 28, to pay their tribute of re- spect to the late George N. Giddy, who died la thse Iospital at port Hope, on Thursday aftel'noon after an ilhsness extending over several nionths. Thse late Mr. Giddy was one of Port Hope's snost popuiar Young miea and was on the staff of the Traders Bank there for many years. Nineteen years ago last De- cemaber he was transferred frein.the local office and a banqunet was given by tIse Port Hope business men la his, favor. Sexvices at the residenceI and cemetery were conducted by Rey, J. W. B~aird and the following were, pasU bearers; L. H. Giddy, Hector Giddy, E. Johaston, C. A. Johnston, A iod WebstrerlyaMiss.LAura .Hea Cifodw, fsterlyandss. ASualihre gens and ýhree children survives., Hardens qukckly. Dries as smooth and 1ardas marble. S5tays white and never cracks or chips. A WF'nderft 1Fnish fer betÀ W. H. DUSTAN aXe Plumbing Heatinoe FOOT COMFORT DEMONSTRATOR saleable portions of a hog give tihe atcptd ontfe og followlag average -yield: ly about leaving your present hon Per cent. and thie snrrouodiag-s to which y( Bacic bacon............. ...... 12 have becomkii accustonsed TIsei B3reakfast bacon............... 14 are naturally mnany tender associ Hlams.............19 tions connected with every part Boneless rolled shoulders....18 it. Get a grip) on yourself; thiak Lard ........... 12 tIse imapiy tues you realized its i Triasinings and inedible part .25 advaages1 and tire wrench will ai - seens so hart. There are dra- 1001 backs la everv place, as there ai HOW DAN'ES GRADE where complete records are kiet B3ACON HOGS covering the numb)er of registere pigs bora, ail sales made and ho In the well-knit plans in' hog pro- much realized, te whon-1 sold, eti duction which have been carried on Each breediag centre sents to t] with one aimi~n view la Denimark experiniental station four pigs (ti' for over thlrtyV ears nothing is more maie andc two fernale) out of ea< important t hani the cotnueus grat- litter. When six weeks old, thIe; iag ut) of the herds. 5o well and t est lots from ail the registere carefuillyhas tire systepi been built stocks are then raisedl unter simili up that itIge average hog is aow conditions, ail getting thre sain virtually a purebred and the herds quality of feed and equal atteatiei are uniforai, built up frons a large At tise end of tihe test, or wivhea th infusion of thse Yorkshire breeid with hogs are matured, each lot receive thse oit native stock of forty years its standing as to quantity of fee go. There is stili à ruthiess weed- requireI., to produce 100 lbs. -air ing out of uathrîfty, poor types and The hogzs are then killed and score to-day breeding from aaything but according to bacon iruality. Point the hest froars and sows ie practically are noted for firmness fftsa imposible.shoulcler, back fat Iickness and di Many y ars ago breediag centres 'tribution, belly shape andI thicknesi were esta .bshet at convenient points size and? shape of hamrs, conditiono la the country with thre bject of head, feet and rind and for generý raising not "show stuf" but the right conformpation. clases of coninriercial hogs designet to supply tire growing export trate Actual measureenets are takena with England. There are to-day one to length of bopdy froini aitch bone t hunçret spd thirty su(!h centres. They end of aeck, thickness of beily an are privately owaed miostly by eider- back fat. as Wlell as percentageo ly farmers who receive fi nancial as- bacon yield fromn live weight. Th sistance according to auniber and indlividcual scores are averaget an quaityoX nials they keep. Thre thse parents of the Iots showing th Departinent of Agriculture select1 best average are thea recom-mende onse member of thse Committee ap- for furthr breeding purposes, wherE pointel to control these centres, the as those below a set standard are rc associate.d packing bouses another,l jected. By this -systern a close chec and, one le appointed thtie breediiag is maintained on ail breeting stot centres. This committee is ln ful and oaly thse best quaiity is dève' charge ofA ail thre breeting centresJ operd. from, CHICAGO coming to our store FRIDAY MAY IITH ýpt If foot troubles have clouded your life with neee ed misery, here is your opportunity to rid yourself of this te. trouble. Meet at our store a man specialy trained Îu lie Dr. Schofl's Method of Foot Comfort. Let himmtel you eh ~how the famous Dr. S<choll's Foot Çprmfort pplias se cati ease the paini of such. foot disorders asu *ak and ed broken down arches, weak, acbig ankde, calloum .on tehei soles, corna and bunions. n.e "E I E t p CahShoe Store Bowmanville 's- of WE ARE BOWMANVILLE AGENTS FOR bo id e bpaBdno r bpLAA~Spwor.ting Good.s Recognized by those ,who know as the best sporting goods made. Complete line of Baseball, Football, Tenns, Fishing Tackle, Bicycles, e. The boys tellilus our prices are lower tlîan elsewhere. Mlaswî & hk',s lHardware Phcone 145 Bowmanville INSUJRANCE CON VEYANCING REAL ESTATE k k "k k ýhe