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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1923, p. 2

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AUCTIONEERS T»EO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderato. Ennisidlen P. O. Phone 19'7-r3. 1-tf JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer 16 years' experienco in f arm, furni- ture and nouse auction sales. Ad- i res Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer- éhnt, King-st., Bowmanville, phono 131. box 33. JOSEPH COULSON Liceised Auctioneer Vahiator & Rea-l Estate, Newcastle, Ontario. 22-tf VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Niglt Cala Promptly Attended to. Office King-st. W., Statesman Block, Bewmanvillo. Phone 243. GENERAL CONTRACTOR & ENGINEER Specialist in reinforced concrete. Estimiates furnished. George Chenery King-st. Bownianville 49-tf SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING BOOKKF.EPING Complte Commercial and General Improvement Courses. Students acepted at any time.- Good posi- tions for afI graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE Oshawa and Toronto PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILORS (Frormerly -in Bowmanviiie,) now at 1262 Yonge-st., stop at Summerhill .Ave., Toronto, phone Trinity 2217w. We t;an stili glve yotA our Ibest servlees.l Guaranteed to fit an-d workmanshlp at pre.war prices. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor ~graduate in Pentistry Toronto UJniversity. Graduate of Uthe Royal Coflege of Dental Surgeons of On- tarie. Qffee King-st., Bowmanville. Office phone 4. House phone 22. i DR. J. C. DEVITT Asaistaut-Dr. C. W. Lyon* Grraduate of Royal Dental Qollege, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p.m. daily except Sunday. Phonoi 90. ouse phone 90b. D~R. R. E. DINNIWELL ffonor Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and niember of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licesed . prcic-n narliosad thes.Donon Dentisteyin aOn ts rjanchte. DOficeio -Kng'st., Boiwran'ville. Opposite BakoMontreal, Phon e 891. HARRV BOWM~ANVILLE JUNE 14, 1923. LEGAL M. G. V. GQULD, B. A., LL- D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY omoney to loan on Farm and Town Property Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BAR1RISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTÂRY Money to loan. Bonds for &ale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowvmanville Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 279J. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Co.plote Motor or Horse Equipment Ail calîs promptly attended to. Private Ambulance. Bowmnanville phones 10 and 34 Branch Stores-T-Orono & Newcastle. WILLIAMS & CANN Embalmers and Funeral Directors. Calis given prompt and personal at- tention., <No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 119, Bow- manville, Ont. 8-t DR. S M. JONES Osteopath and Chiropractor 86 Simcoe St, N.. Oshawa, over 14 years' successful practice. Examina- tion Free at office. Phono 224. 2-tf OPTOMIETRY R. M. MITCHELL Registered By Examination Special- izing in errors of Refraction andi Musua I alances. Latest Meth- Office-R. M. Mitchell & Co's. Drug Storet B owmanville Ontario! PIANO TUNING Having had 17 years practical ex- perience as fine tuner with the Do- minion Organ & Piano Co., 1 amn preparod to do first-class tuninig and action repairing on ahl makes of pianos. Ail work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Phone 314, box 384, Bowmanville. L. B. Tapson. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years attending Phy-, zician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residonce, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, MI. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of En»fkilleu' Office and residence, Dr. Beith's1 former residence on Church-.,ow manville. Phona 259. 4- ALIN' CASH-IN-ADVANCE TALK We wish every st¶scriber thought enoughl of this paper to pa-Y bis or bier subscription strictly. in advance. Many of tbemi do,, but sowne do not. We think a gýreat -deal of our sub- scribers. There 15 nothing within the bounds of re2ason we would not (do for them. But somne thoughtless souls overlook somnef acts concerning this paper which we now bring to thieir attention. Subscriptions dIo noV sustain this paper, It takes lots of avriig Vo make up the deficit between the cost of runnling this paper, ad'h subscription revenue. It (costs nmoney, tun-e and effort to secure c-ubscribers and keep thelii renewed. That cost miust -De pasýsed on Vo subscribers and adIvertisersý. The bosses in the business miust ho ah- sorbed by, the profits, if there are, anyi.ý Certain credit arringeoments are ossentially necessary in any business. We have been pleasod 4o extond a reasonable credit on subscriptions Vo subseribers who neoded credit. But we cannot believe thiat aIl wlho ae- cept credit really need iV. Certainly credit should noV be considered f or an indlefinite period. Our subscription list is a permian- enV assot of this paper. Many sub- scribers have been listed for years and years. They are like old friends Vo a publisher. If we bad Vo go out and renew every subscriber, our sub- scription costs would ho prohibitive. We are strîving Vo furnish a higli class publication at lowest cost. Your cooperation in the mnatter of subscrip- tion paymients is earnestly requesteci. GRUNTS AND GRUNTERS Ignorance is the mother of impu-i dence. When you find a mnan find-1 îng fauît with everything that is puti bef ore hlm at a hotel table, you caun put it dlown that hoe was brought upl in a sback and was glad once Vo geV i bis meals off a paekin.g box. ý-Thel man who parades bis, imiportancle and ýwho insists upon beinig waited upon hand and foot, is usually a bog trot-, Ver, who bas not to go far back to' run up against a pick or a bucksaw.- We mec, these people everywhere-1 on the Utreet cars, railway trains, in hotel corridors and in stores, who aetý the farce until it makes one regre that the fool killer bas quit the job.,j A veýry pomipous alderman in a city' noV a hundred miles fromi Toronto, who w,,as noted for the money hoe had' and the brains hoe -hadn't, was a- strik-j ing example of this characVeristic. i Ho undertook to interfere unnecos-' sarily with a corporation 'foreman one day, and the latter snubbed him. "Do you know who 1 arn sir?" hie said, swelbing biniself out liko a bull padl- dy, and glaring at the man of fus- ian. "Yes", replied the other quiet- ly with a twinlçle, wiethe other emrployees leanied on their picks Vo hear the sequel. "You are Jimmie H., and I helped to- carry ail you owned on my back from -the wharf wý,hen yvou landed ini this country"1 The wealthly aldermnau strutted off' with dire threats of vengeance,' but ho kept away fromi the job after- 1wards., When the hog can't do any- tbing else iV can grunt, and sm folks have no othier way of inspir** folks with their size. Don't grurit. 1-Solomion, in Shoe and Loather- Journal. THE COUNTRY BOY Why does the farmer boy beave, home? That is the question raised1 by the migration from rural districts! Vo urban cities noted in recent months dosire-Vo figure iu the glitter and rush of lif e as it is lived in groeat cities- these are some of the answers su-- g-ested. Doubtless tbey are partly rigbht.1 But still one who bas seen the two sides of the mnatter, who knows what the city is and whàt the country is, is -disposed Vo ask again, why? For every country boy who fiacls suc- css in the cîty, bundreds f ail and weaken in body and shrivel in soul and sicken at heart. Most of these whio mig-rato cityward soon learn Vliat the glitter is from the famnes that humn, that behind the flash and sheen is mnuch tawdriness, that often beneatb the mask of pleasure is un- hiappiness. The country- boy, if lie is Wise, will hold iV -foly Vo foreg-o the content-! mient and h'appiness and health that are Vo be foûund in the dlean air and the vordant fields. CANADIANS RETURNING. TURN THEM DOWN If it is a traveller or peddl ater what line hoe represent, m1 dlown frankly, if you cý iat you wapt in your home ist allow a f ew of these g-ents ec idea in their heads that -v der our town ahea-d- of ani îrg, and that wve would $0011 ie'iellow bore who is navi 4< 1 ~EDITORIAL SUPPORT It is quite saf e Vo say that this or thiat newspa'per le influencedor conl-' trolled by this person or that p)erson-, especially durinig elecýtions, -whe'n the blood is hot, but very seldlom iis there any ground for the stateinient. Xnowing intimia-tely the miaiority of the men who edit the worthi-while weekly, newspapers iii Caniada, we knlow witb what scorn they would re- ject the miess of pottage in excbiange for tlie birtbrighit of free an'd un- trammiieled expression. Nor dIO we thinli they would wvilfully misrepre- 1sent or inisstate facts. Ir, the U. F. O. and Labor part-y are -without editoria lsupport frrom the bulk of the local weekly néewspaper:s, it is no doubt, because, having been support-I ers to one party, or adhering to one school of political thought thie editor bas not discovered in the ne-w par-1 ties anythîng that would lead hinm Vo believe that thie country1 'would be be>tter g-overned by groups than by1 parties, or that the intereýsts of ail the people -would be better served -with the pow(r vested in the representa- tives of one class than in a body of mien representing ail vocations.- Renfrew lVercury. LONDON METHODIST CONFERENCEI Bay of Quinte and West Durham Well Represented. The f ollowing iteresting notes fromn the penuof Mr. John Ellhott, M. A., of 'London, a 'former highly es-1 teemied Principal of Bowinanville High School, and a faithful worker in the Methodist Church will be greatly appreciated by our readers as weil as his thoughtfulness in s'end- ing this review for our colums Dear Mr. James: 1 aniÈwriting- to you fromi the Lon- dloni Mthodist Conference now in ses- sion ln the city of Sarnia at whicb 1 amn a lay delegate from- tho London district. You, as a Methodist, would be înterested, were 1 to write of the wonderful niorning addresses of Rev., Dr. Shannon of Chicago and of Bis- hop Henderson (I Detroit, who preached the ordination sermon or of the doings of the representatives froin the two hundred circuits and stations that niake up this great con- ferenco, but l?'llgive you what willl please you more, some account of the former Bay of Quinte Conference mon whom, it was my, eat pleasure to meet. At the organ on Sunday in the Central Methodist Ohiurcli where the conference is being- beld was Mr. C. C. Laugher, wbo went- fromi Bowimanville. He bas a splen- Sdid choir here an'd is doing yery well. In the choir wero Florénee and Chris Laugher (Miss Sicily Laugher is in training at the Sarniia Ilospital.) In the tenior corner was M1r. H. -Mc- Anieshie formnerly of Bowmanville l1eIthodst Choir. The superinten-1 dent of the tine Sunday School in this church is a Darlington boy, Mr. Pereyj Gilbert, formerly of Enniskillen, iwhose sister Ethel 1 taugh'lt ini Bow- m-anville 111gb School. Mr. Gilbert is one of the supervising principals of the Sarnia Public Schools. The popular presihe-ft of the conference is Rev. Walter E. Milîson, well knowa to many in Durbain. The pastor of Devine St. Church, Sarnia, doing ex- cellent wýork in a prosperous church is Rev. J. N. Cîarry, a Durhami old boy. One of the 110W men intro- duced to the conference was Rev. J. F. Chapman 'whom I shah mneet fre- quently in London where he will ho pastor of Empress Avenue Church. I t was a pleasure to talk Bowmian- ville for a while with him. 1 arn on the samne commiittee with my former Bowmiianville pastor, Rev. Johin Gar- bitt, one of the stro hg mon of the confêrence, whose charge is ofie of the best of the eleven churches in the city of London.' Rev. Isaac Couch of Strathroy and Rev. C. E. Cragg of Winghamn, are both in good town churches and are hlghly esteenied by their brethren. Rev. J. T. Cosby Morris of Askin St., Londlon, likes to recall the days -when hie was a pro- bationpr on Tyrone Circuit, and made his bomawith the iate W. R. Clemens. Rev. S. J. Alli, superannuated, but stili vi*orouis was at conference . Ho i ý one of tbe Darlingtoni Allini'si brothier of Mrs. A. Elford and Mrs.1 K. Wight of Bowmianville. Three ex-presiýdents of this coni- ference. are former Bay of Quintel moin, Rev. Thos. l1fanning, D .D., superannuated, and Bey. David N. McCans, superannuating this year, wbo came from Cobourg, and Rey. David Rog-ers now living in St. Thoiii- as, -whom maost readers of The States- mnan know 'fromi bis letters to the paper. A touch of sadness coines in mny notes wben I think of one -,,ho was on the rolas having died dluring the yoar. Rev. Nathaniel Drew oýf Lon-1 ONTARIO ELECTION RESULTS SINCE CONFEDERATION Liberal Government Elected Nine Times Out of Vourteen. Election results in Ontario since 'Confederation have been as follows: 1867-Unionîst supporters of Sandfield Mconl,54; Reformers,i 23; Independents, 5. 1871-Rbýformners, 41; Unionists, 32; Independents, 7. 11875-Liberýls, 5l; Conservatives, 33; lindependents, 4. 1 879-Liberals, 5ý8; Conservatives, 29; indépendents, 1. 1883-Liberals, 48; Conservatives, 36; Independeits, 2. 1 886-Liberals, 641; Conservatives, 36. 180 0ü-', 54-; ConservaVives, 2?6. 1894--Liberals, 49; Conservatives, 27; Patrons of Industry, 14; P. P. A., 2. 1898-Liberals, 51; Conservatives, 43; Patrons, 1. 1902-Liberals, 51; Conservativ~es, 46G. 1905-Conservatives, 69; Liberalï, 29., 1911-Conservatives, 83; Liberals, 21; Labor, 1. 1914-Conservatives, 84; Liberals, 25; Ind.-Liberal, 1I; Labor, 1. 1919-United F'armers of Ontario, 44; Libeirals, 29; Conservatives, 25; Labor, il; Soldier, 1; Independent, 2. THE SCHOOL 0F SORROW 1 sa', in the sehool of Sorrow The MNaster was teacbing thore; But mny eyes were dimi with weoping- And mny heart oppressoçl with care. Instead of looking upwards And sceeing is face divine, So full of tender compassion For weary hearts like mine. I only tbougbt of the burden The cross that bof ore me lay, The clouds that hung Vhick above mie Dark'ning the ligght of day. So I would not learn my lesson And say "Thy will ho done", Sthe M aster came not near mne And the leaden bours wont on. At iast in despair 1 llfterd My streamiing eyos above And I saw the Master watching With a look of. pitying love. To the cross before me Hoe pointod And 1 tboug-ht I beard Him isay: "Mychild thou must take thy burden And leara thy task to-day... "Not now may 1 tell the reason 'Tis enough for thee Vo know That 1, the Master, amn toaching And appoint thee ail 1y woe." Thon kneeling the cross 1 lifted For one glimipse of that Face Divine Had given me strength Vo bear it And say: "Thy will, not mine." This way 1 learned my lesson, And through the wvearyy years Ris hielping hand sustained mie And wiped away mny tears. And love, the glorious suflighit Froni the heavenly homie streaied down Where the school tasks ail are endod And the cross is exclhang'ed for the crown. Pine Crest Sanitariurn, June 5, 1923. experienced farmier realizes the împortance of ~1accurate book-keepig. The farmer who opens a Chequingi Account with the Banik of Montreal is enabled to keep an exact record, of receipts and expenditure and te have the helpful advice of an experi- enced banker whenever he needs it. We shall be pleased to stipply >'ou 'witk ca Fatrners'ccount .Book free of charge. IBowmanville Branch: J. A. MeC1e1Jan, M~anager BANIÇQF NTREAL '£ýÎst~ih'fshý v.r I00e a V13T2TJ10-SHAVE FREE LTUBE KND WeAsk You to Finçi Out I4ow millions of men enjoy quicker, easie~r shaves When wve perfected a shaving cream wlth 5 Soften any bearin distinet advantages, we asked men to try it. Mil- bing in. lions did. They found out how to reduce sbaving Lather Iasts-10 mi time and at the. saine time save skin irritation. Strong-walled lait We ask you to discover the saine tbings hy a casier cutting. test at our eitpeftse. Blended palm and i The 5 advantages of PALMOLIVE SHAV- effect on skin, ING CREAM are the resuit of 130 laboratory ' Millions of mon hav experiments--covering 18 ruonths' time. Stdy eWe ask from youmer them: We, only, can [ose hy Lt multiplies itself 250 turnes in~ rich lather. for free 10-shave tube THE PALMOLIVE COMPA4NY OF CANADA, Limhitd Montresi, Que. Toronto, Ont. Winnipeg, Man, PALMOLIVE SHIAVING CREAM in on. minute, witlmout rub- niniutes if ne<cossary. Wbes hoId hairs, erect for 1 live oi have lotion-like av found these claims true. erely the, courtesy of a trial. y that,, Mail couponn 0w 10 SHI Just fil in your nai The.Palmolive q Dept. Bargain-Hun%.ters' In ihis comnmunity are hundreds of individuafls and families on the watch for an advertise- mient which will off er them -what they want at an advantageous price. Cal 1en bargain-hunters if you will1, but there is niothing wrong in waiting for a bargain, es- pecially when the seller is anxious to seil at a reduced price. One family' wants a new carpet-the need is flot urgent. Ano1ther faily is looking f or- ward to buyin.g a set of dining-room furniture -it niay iiot be for a twelve nionth. One man is thinking of buying himself a watch. One woman a shopping bag; another an umbrella. All can be mnade to buy earlier-by advertising. A NOTE TO MERCHANTS Stimulate business by the offer of so*ne slow- moving Unes at special prices. Brighten up business by advertising some desirable goods at reduced prices. Make advertising bauish duil: business. Ofteni you can teinpt the. buyer who is biding his or her time, to buy from you-at a tirne of your natning. Shop Where You are Invited to Shop The merchants advts in this issue is your invitation. [I H j j h Hi 'i il-w- [I TH-IS IS ~Roof ing Time Of course you will want the best which is Brantford Roofing Recommended by builders and contractors and sold in Bowman'ville by Màson &I DaIe's Hardware Phone 145 Bowmanville STARI CHICKS RIGHT Cive the chicks the proper feed and care at the- start and you will reap big dividends later. POULTRY SUPPLY HIEAD QUARTERS V/e have in stock the best chicken feed on the market. FUL-<)-PEP--P -Starter, Chiek Feed, Developing MV.ash, Laying Mash. H-0 STEAMICOOKED CHICK FEED--Sold tons of this last year an-d it gave resuits. WQDEHOUISE SUPPLIES & REMEDIES- Large stock of regulators and conditioniers. DIXON'S REMEDIES-Also Chick Charcoal, . Chick G_'rit, Oyster Shell. SPECIAL PRICE FOR LARGE QUANTITIES -o 'il H j~] h H y- More and more the

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