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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1923, p. 3

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~¼Y ~ At Your Service Let us supply you with your daily meat re- quiremTents. We are prepared to give you prompt ser- vice and supply you with the choieest of meats at reasonable 'vrices. PROMPT DELIVERI SERVICE Wilbert J. Dudley, Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowinanvi1le Dominion Stores Ltd., CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS Santa Clara Valley Prunes, 2 lbs. f or 25e Peameal Bak Bacon 43c, $ide, Bacon ....33c IL New Canadian Cheese 23e Kraft Cheese ...,,.,..35c Gùm Drops ........i19e lb Jelly Beans .......25c IL Cjiecolates ........ 25c IL A.sorted Kisses .. .. 25e lb Choice Crearnery Butter 36e lb. Chase & 'Sandborn Spe- cial Blend Coffee 39c 1h] £agie Brand Salmon 25s Eagle ;Brand Salmon 1%' 15c Cascade Salmon ls .... 19c Cascadev Salmon 1/2 ... ll Sheriff's, MLaensand Pure Cold Jelly Pow- ders, .......... 3 f or29 TRY OUR MACHINE Bra 1~cala WRAPPED ied7eal f Not touched by a hand, clean and sanitaryý We. Sel1 To Satisfy . Look For The Red Front. Make Your Home Comf ortable l and Sanitary Are you enjoying "ail the comforts of a home"? You are not unless a modern sanitary bath room equipment is included. Don't be afraîd of the èost. It is trifling com- pared with the satisfaction and convenience it affords you. 4 An estimate from us places you under no obli- gation to buy. Oreenaway &àIElliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville WHEN YOU EAT THOS. TOD'S BREAD, YOU EAT THE BEST Delivered daily in town. Have the wagon call at your home. T HOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmnanville Ail BOWMANVILLE JUNE 14, 1923. LOCAL, AND OTHERWISE Mýrs. CDr.) E. Day Clarkçe, Toronto, is visîiting Eev. and Mrs. W. C. Wash- ington. Soon lSe time for the corporation hay crop to be removed from some of thie boulevards. Mr. Clemens Perey, Newburg, was recent guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Perey. A 'puncture is a littie hole f ound in auto tires at Io-ng dialnces froni phiones or garages. Dominion Day will be our next holiday. It cornes on Siunday, but will be observed on Monday. Mrs. A. G. Willough by, Coîborne, is visiting friends ini Bowmý,-ranville and Toronto.-Coborne Enterp1rise, Mr. J. G. Adams of Beamsville, lias heen appointed Principal of the High School at Oshawa at a salary. of $8,- Miss Florence Rickarýd -was dele- gate fronm Bowmanviltle Methodiat W. M. S., to the Branch meeting in Cobourg last week. Messrs. Wm. and Jýs. Scott, Missesi Louie and Addie Scott, M~r. Willard Skuce, Franklin, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Huiiiphries on Sunday. Amone the nunber who received the dlegree of B. S. A. at the Convo- cation lest week was M~,r. W. Kelvin Bunner, con of Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Bunner, Pickering. He is now eui- ployed at the Governm-ent H. E. S,, Vipeland Station, Ont. "The Girl in Red" presented hiere recently by Port Hopers under direc- tion of Mr. Theodore H. Bird, was presented five times hy Çamipbellford young people. "Nobody's Baby" isi ho eing prepared by Napanee tafl-1 ent under Mr. Bird's direction. The leading stores in Guelph are rnow closing at 9 o'clock on Saturday nights. And' why shouldn't ail "tores e4verywhere close at that hour on Se-;turday nîght?. That's late enough in al conscience to keep peop- W at work at the end of the w\eek. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hama'r Green- wood, 23 Roxburg7h street, West To- yronto, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Charlotte Louise, to Dr. Hugh Thon-ipson Carmnichael, eldest son of Dr. and Mrs. D. N. Carmichael, Peterborough. The wedding to take place quietly at ~the end of June.-Toronto Globe. After sixteen years of faithful .service ln the Woodstock Collegiate Institute, during- the iast six of which he acted as principal, W. J. Salter, B. A., one of Woodstock's most highbly esteem-ed residents and a son of Harry Salter, Royal Street, Oshawa, geoes to St. Catharines this fali to accept the principalship oif the new St. Kit's Collegiate Insti- ~tute a'nd Vocational Schopl et a sal- ~ary of $5,000 per annuni. MINISTERS AND C14URCHES Church of Christ, Su-riday, June 17. Mr. -ickson of Toronto, will preach etboth services: The Sunday School will be held at 12 o'clock after the mnorning service. Bay of Quinte Methodist Confer- ence meets in Whitby next week. Ministerial session opens W'ednesday, June2O, and the general session on Thursday. Mrs. (Rcv.) R. F. Stilîmian was presented hy Om-emiee Methodist Ladcies' Ajd with .an address and a leather case containingo one 'dozen initialed silver tee spoons andi sugar Havelock Preshyteriens have ex- tended a unanimous caîl to Revý jas. MllIroy of Dutton, to becomne pastor of their congregation ini succession to Rev. James Skene, who resigned after 13 'years' service. Rev. G. R. Turk of Bram-pton, was elected President of the Toron-, to Methodist Conference. Rev. W. J. Smith was reeîecte4 secretary. Mr. Turlç roused great 'enthusiasm by his presidlential decleration that the con- ference was a unît on the question of prohibition. Rcv. J. Lambert Alexander, a Bowmnanville boy, who is pastor ofi First Congregational Church, Hemril- ton, and Chairunan of the Congr-ega- tional Union of Canada, delivered a fine addresset the annual confer- ence of the union whuch met ln Ot- tawva last week. i St. John's Churh ector, Rev. G. S. Postlethwaite, M. A. Organist, Mrs. John A. Gunn. Brd Sunday after Trinity, June 17, 1923, 11 a. m.-Holy Communion snd sermon. 2.30 p. m.-Sinday School. 7 p. m. -Evenspng and sermon. Preacher, The Rector. FALL TERM OPENS AUGUST 27TH. ELLOT Yonge and Chiarles Sts. Toronto. IArrange now to enter this f ar- 0115 school-fa-mous for strictly high grade work and for prompt- ly helping students to secure eni- ployment. NONE BETTER IN CANADA i Write for catalogue and you will soon sec why you should patron- Iize our school. Open al'year. Enter any tume. W. J. ELLIQT, Pripcipa BOWMANVILLE HID§8PITAL List of Dosnatirff Ladies' Hospital Àuxilary--12 diapers, 5 head shaMvls 8 Patients gowns, 2 surgeons gowfl5, 3 pairs blankets, 1 dozen towuls, 2 ýdozen bath toa/els, 1 dozen spreads, 100 paper doyhqes, 30 tray cloths, 3 doz. table ne'pkins, 2 dozen pillow slips, 7 infants vests, 30 sheets. Dr. A. S. Tilley-Devonshire Creani. Miss Jollow-Chrysanthemumis. A Frien'd-Roses. Mr. Wm. F'oley-2 jars fruit. Mrs. J. A. McClellan-1/2 gallon 1mraple syrup, hem, raspberry vinegar. Girls' Morning Hour of Methodist Chiurch-1 doz. lemnons, 1 doz. grape fruit, 2 doz. oranges. Mr. H. A. Farrôw-Basket of snow apples. Mr. C. Rehder-Turkey. Mr. T. W. Cawker-Goose. Hospital Atuxiliary-Pair of chick- ens, 2 doz. oranges, 1 doz. grape fruIitý,2 doz. bananas, 2 lbs. raisins, figs, grapes, dates, pine apple, nuts. C. G. 1. T.-Chr*stm--as treat, cakies, cauidy, fruit and flowers. Mrs. T. C. JewelJl-Quince jelly. Mr. T. Tod-CJandy. Mrs. Albert Hills--1 quart cream, 2 jars fruit. R. R. Stevens-Quart cream. Dr .A. S. Tilley-Grandfather clock. Mrs. Fred C. Vanstone-Stereo-. scorpe and viewvs, 4 pairs blankets. Epworth League-Miscellanieous, fruit, sugar, etc. Capt. and Mrs. J. B. Neale-5-2 jars fruit andi pickles. Mrs. F. Vandervoor-t-BDasket of pears. J Miss Blaekburn's Class, Public School-Christmas tree. Mr. Iarry Frecman-1 qt. creain. Mr. J. J. Lordf-Basket of apples. jMr. Thomras Annison-Pair slip- pers. Mrs. (Rev.) Wickett-6 jars fruit. Mrs. Scward Dowson-2 jars fruit. Mr. Sidney Brown-Bcets, turnips,. carrots, 2 jars bleck currents. Mr. H. PawvsonV-Bag of vegetables and turnips. Mr. Mark Prout-Carrots. Miss Florence Riclar-Jar mar- malade. - Mrs. Wm. Robbins-Carrots and beans. Mrs. L. Jollow-1 dozen jars fruit. Mý,rs. W. Richards-Jar fruit. Hampton Women's Institute-2 laundry baskets, 1 waste paper bas- Mrs. J. Spencer-1,ýý bus. on-in. J. B. Martyn-Onions. Mr. Cox-Cabbages., Masonie bLodge-Flowers. Bowmanville Wormen's Institut- Dishes and Lînen-Value $25.00. Cash I. O. O.-F ................. $20.00 Jerusaleni Masonic Lodge .... 10.00 Hamrpton Women's Institute. 5O Adult Bible Classa, hois Sundéy School, -Newcastle '4.501 Geo., W. James........... 3.001 JUNE WEDDINGS Vanstone-Sharp A prctty June wvedding took place Wednesday et the homne of Mr. andl Mrs. 'C. A. Bender, Il Lynweývod avenue, Toronto, when Zora Evelyn, daugliter of Mr, and Mrs. Sylvester J amnes Sharp, was miarried to Russell Sinclair Vanstone of Brantford. Rev. Dr. Young, performed the ser- vice. Thé bridÏe iooked lovely ilalher wcdding dress of white kîtten's car crepe with long court train embroid- ered et the cnd 'with spray of crystal beads. Her filmy tulle veil was caughit with e coronet of reel lace and orange blossonis. She carried a bouquet of swcetheart roses and lily of the vallcy. The bridesmaid was Miss Glexnna Sherris in a pretty dress of peacýh Normandly voile with black bat, and carried e bouquet of laven- der sweet peas. Mr. Charles Thomip- son actcd as bcst mnan. During the alternoon Miss Jackson sang and Miss Ethel Kenncdy was at the piano. After the ceremiony a receptioil was held. Mrs. Sharp' worc a grcy crepe charmeuse dress with amcetbyst bat and corsage bouquet of orcbids. Mrs. Bender wore grey crepe mieteor witb bat to match and bouquet of sweet peas. Mrs. H. W. Sharpi had on a dress oif reseda green tianton crepe, lalc bat and bouquet of swcet peas. Later thc bride andl groomi left for their honcynioon trip to the north, the bride going away in a suit of navy blue with bat en suite and mink furs. Mrs, and Mrs. Van- stone will reside la Brantford. Neate-McGilZivray A very pretty' vwcdding was sol- emnizcdl on Monday, June 4, at the home of hier mnother, when Mabel, eId- er daughter of M. M McGiflivray of Toronto, was unitc'd in marriage with Archîbaold J. Neate, also of Tor- onto and fornuerly of Belfast, Ire- land. The c'eremiony was conduct- cd by the Rc'v. A.P. Addison. The bride iýntered the room on the anm of ber uncle, _Mr. Walter Sullivan to the strains of Lohengrin's Wedl- ding March played by Miss Marjorie Failis, who also presided et the piano during the signing oif the register. The bride was charmingly attired la ýpeari grey canton crepe and carried Rosemary Roses. She was attcnded by ber sister Gertrude, who wore pale pink crepe de chene and carried a bouqixet of Ophelia Roses and Babies' Breath. Mrs. MIeGiiliviay wans becomningly ettired in ne'vy bro. caded canton crepe and wore a cor- sage bouquet of Sweet Peas and Lily of the Valley. The young couple wvere the recipients of nxýny beauti- fl gifts from their numerous fricnds. Th~e groo)m's gift to the bride was a wlhute gold wrist watch and to the bridcsmnaid and pianist onyx rings. Thie out of town guests w\,erc-Mr. and Mrs. W. J. W;right of Lindsay, and Mr. E. Jolut and Mise Edith and Vlaster Hlarvey of Bowmanville. Af- ter a dainty breakfast the happy couwple left for North Bey and upôn their xreturn will reside in ¶Toronto. ti RA[LWAY TIME TABLES FORI BOWMANVII..LE Grand Trunk Railway. qoing East Going *W.ot Express 8.42 a. m. d Express 4.22 a. m Express 10.38 a. nm. Express 7.06 Pass'ngr 1.26 Express 10.02 Pass'ngr 3.09 p. mi. Pass'ngr 2.02 p.mû Lacal 6.49 p. mi. Pass'ngr 7.13 p. m.* Express 7.21 p. m. Pass'ngr 8.24 Express 9.58 p. nm. Express 11.07 p. mi. Canadian Paciflo Railway Going East Going West Express 12.26 a. ni., Express 10.18 a. mi. Express 5.47 a. ma Pass'ngr 2.08 p. m.* Local 8.20 a. m.* Express 9.16 p. mi.* Express 4.33 p.m Express 11.18 p. mi. Local 7.00 p. m.* *')ai1y except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Town Agent Canadian N&tional' Railway. WeRt Bound East Bouiid Tyrone Station Pass'ngr 8.15 a. mi. Pass'ngr 6.34 p.m. SWALL TPAPER adds 80 much Although the most economic of wall decora- tions, it can be the most effective, when of good quality anti design. The wallpapers we are showing embody the charm of delightful color- ing and piquant designs, yet they are extremely moderate in price. A visit to our store will assure you. W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Bookstore Peter Miartin & Sons Building Co'ntractors Plastering and concrete work a specialty. Blocking Machine and large square tim-bers suitâble for rais- ing bouses. We are also open to do Team- in- and Trucking. Truck going daily hetween Bowmianville and Oshawa. Phone 294W 16-tf Parkers Cleaners AND Dyers We wish to further announce that each Monday afternoon our representati-ve -will be at Hann's Haberdashery -where we will receive goods for Cleaning,. Pressing, Dyeing and Repair$ng. Phone 61 Bow3nanvîIIp Oppopite Bantk of Montreal How to Make Red or Black Currant or Gooseberry Janm Crush wveil about 2 lbs. fruit. weli. Use hottest fire, and stir con- Mleasure 4 level cups (2 ibs.) crushedI stantly before and while boiling. Boil fruit into large kettie, add 4 cupiar ooemnt.R'mv ri water, stir until boiling, cover kettie, hadfr\oemnt.Rnoero and simmer fifteen minutes. Add 71/2 fire, and stir in 1,L bottle (scant 'evel cups (P4 lbs.) ijigar, and mix jcnp) Certo. Skin and pour quickly, The Moil at open Type .Element The open-type elenient found on Mloffats Electric Ranges triurnpbs again and again in. al fair tests. It is safer, quicker, and requires lcss renewals than any other type of element. Furthier information, illus- trated literature and cata- logue will bc furnished by your Electric Shop, or write Moffats, Limited, Weston, Ontario. 123 SOLD AT THE HYDRO SHOF 1 '.4 Mahogany or Oak $62-50 eHis Mas ter's VoIcew Portable Victrola Just an easy handful, yet you carry with you the whole -world of music. Get these records and 'invite your friends for au evening with the latest "His Master's Voice"-~Victor dance l"bits" 216407{Ba""Y Google- - - Fox Trot 1111 Be Hee When You Corne Back-Fox Trot Melody King's Dance Orchestra - Tel Uer-I Stutter - Fox Trot 19049 at Red Hlead Girl - Fox Trot The Serenaders and The Collgians 19043f'By the Shalirnar - - - Fox Tlrot ýSweet One- - - - Fox Trot Paul IWteman and His Orchestra AU on 1-inch double-sided, 7,5c. HIS MASTER'S VOICE, LIMITED INSURANCE CON VEYANCING REAL ESTATE Mrs Edith V. Scobeli Phone 189 Bowmanville 4, trî

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