~XU'V VVW lit <T-l-t--t-iW--T-T i 4 _n - I T1he Views ofthe Candidatesý Tbis depatnwnt bas been ararnged to ive te three political candidates in West Durham an op- portunity of placing their views'before the electors. The Canadian Statesman hias placed a columnn at the dcisposai of each candidate for the next two weel,,s, without expense to theii Liberal Columni ..Conducted ilu the înt enest ef W. J Bragg-, Liberal Cax-ýidate. TO THE ELECTORS 0F WEST DURHAi Ladies and Gentlemen: The Provi.ncial Legislature havin dissolved the electore of Ontario a: once moere cailed upon te make ný of tbat meest valued rigbt, their fri chise; caieful and studied consider. tien of tic principles for wbicb th Liberal panty in Ontario bas stoodi the past and will stand ia the futuri is now requested. The Liberal party la Ontario, tinsi ing the people and witb notbing t conceal, bas a piatform and a polie wbicb is the product of two genca< provincial coxvltions ieptresentin ail parts of the Province an'd induw ing îepicsentativsp efaIl classes au activities of Ontarilo, paiticulai] frim those engaged la agriculture. The outstanding necd of this gici Province at the present tiû-he is Geveriruent which wiil conduct put lie affaire lu a sound, enomnic an business-like isanner and put a Cur on the tiemendously incîeased ex penditure wbicb la the cau~se of coI cern ln the minds of the people ii ail parts ef the Province, Witb the Provincial debt increas cd to such an extent te $240,000,001 and the annal expenditure baviný ieached Uic enornionis sum~ of $38, 000,000 and alm-ost every lknowi source of revenue tapped and th( eredit of the Province havingbccorni se seriously impaircd in the monel mark<ets of the continent, nietbod must be adepteçi te check this enoxý mous inerease and restorse onfidenCE in Uic Public mind of tbe Province. Having been in closest toucb witl agricultural interests aIl rny f e, il is my amnbition te make myseif par- ticulaily usef ni te those engaged in the basic industry of tmis Dominion. If ciected, I can be safely~ depcnded upen te give the closest attention to agricuitural problems generaily, and~ te watcb carefuily the rural needs of this constitnency. Beiieving that there must be dloser co-operation be- twecn the man who produces la the country and the-man whio consumes in the city, I wiil do my utniost tc assiet la sol.ving this prollem so far as it may be consideied a local er provincial, pîoblem. My views on the temperance qjues- tion are weil known. The Ontario Temperance Act w as passed follow- ing a directddemand for piobibitoiy legislatien on the part ef an over- w*helming majoiity of the people of this Province, and if clectcd, 1 pur. pose te give itrny bearty support. This is the kind of administration thecocuntry rnay expect witb Mr. Welington Hay as Premnier and with such a Goveinnient I will give my unqualified support. I 1ar n l perfcect accord witb the policy of tbe Libciai paity which stands fouisquare on the Ifydro Electiic. MY position is that we sbonld take strong ground in the inatter of reforming the Hydre Electric affairs by giving the muni- cipalities wbo finaiiy bave te pay an-d arc paying, a real voice as te bow their meoney shonid bc spent. In tbei words, any reformation should have beca donc froni within, and net ini the spotligbt of publicity. With icfeîencc te the probleni of Noithera Ontario, we need a corn- prebensive snrvey of Agriýncatuîe and Timiber lande. The Liberal pelicy would produce a large annuel re- venue fromn timber, but more iinport- ant, would inie more commtercial devcloprncnt foi mhat part of the Province. Wc aise propose te pro- vi4o ,transpout-ton 1faciletes for mines ln remote districts and wc be- lieve the prospector should be help- ed te retain a fair portion ef the wealtbho b as dls-covered. It is miy desire te mieet as mnany as possible ef the lectors eXofthis îid- ing befone Election Day, and I shal aveu nmyslf of every eppo-tunity te discuss public questions witb mem- bers ef the Electorate. In seeking youî support and influence, 1 loie if eiected as your representative, te devote mnyseif faitbfully and earnest-1 ly te the dutieef the posýition. Trusting I iray have your fither confidence and support. S9mi, Paitbfully yeurs, Wr . Ba M. A. JAMES Steamsiiip Tiicets To Europe-Canadian Pacifie, Wlhitel Star Dominion, Cunard, American. Conservative Column. Conducted in the interest ef W. A. VanCamp, Conservative Candidate. Ferguson, Nickle and Bock For Ontario. Arthur VanCamlp wili support this. tri o. A vote foi VanCamip la a vote for Ferguson, Nickle and Beck-thc three outstanidiug mca to whomi the people ef Ontario look for guidancel to prospenity in the future. The, Conservative Party is the People's Party. The Conscnvative candidate la W. Arthur VanCamp. lis slogan la: Economical Administration and Low- ei Taxes. The Coneservative party under Sir James Whitney made this province wbat ,it is to-dey-tbc banner pro- vince ef Canada. Ail the Diury goveinrent clairns credit for la the attempt te carry on. the goed work coxmneaced by Whitney. W. Arthur VanCamip, the Conserv- ative candidate te represent West Durham lan the Ontario Legisiature, was Reeve of the Townsbip ef Cart- wrigbt for miauy ycaîs. Ho thus be- came farnilar with munfiuipal affaira, the public need and the ways ef do- iug public business. In his capacity as- Reeve he waa ef course a member of tjhe Counties' Council for the United Counties ef Northumberland and Durhem. There lie farniliarized hiniseif meat actîvcly and effectiveiy witb public business on e lai g o scale. A tribute te hie promlwo4iic and effxciency îa the feet that bie was a strong candidate for Wardlen. Soeolectors ef Weet Durham, you will ieadily note that Mn. VanCamrp je tiaineçi in the primary and second-ï aiy schools ef public affaira. le is( new seeking widci fields ef endeev- oui. Ris characten la uublemi-ishcd aud bis iutegrity la unquestiened, He stands bof oie you ou bis menits and iespectfully asks for yenr votes and influence.I U.F.O. CoIumi Conducted in the interest of I. Chapmian, U. F. 0. Candidate. Editor's Note-This column ni reserved for use of U. F. 0. par shouid their candidate se desire use anme te express bis views. letter similar te those sent te ti other candidates was deiiveîed te 2M 1. T. Cbapmuan, U. F. 0. Candidat but ne acknoWledgment bas- bee îeceived fîom bhim up te the tin of --oing te' prese. JUNE WEDDINGS Smith-Scott A very quiet but pretty weddin took place on Wednesday, June at the borne of Mi and Mis. T. Scott, Tyrone, wben their on] daugbter, Ettie Evelyn, was marrie te Mn. Anthur L. Smith ef Enfiel( East Wbitby Township. The bic] looked cbarming ln a 'dresa of esau colored crepo de cbene over whit silk'. The cerem-ony was 'penforrne by Rev. Isaac Conch, M. A., Stratt roy, an uncle of the bride, assiste by ber pastor, Rev. W. T. Wicket- Miss Mabel Coucb played the weddin march and afteî the ceremiony Mi, EvelyxÏ sang te the ýdeligbt of aIl beautiful solo entitled "Mine A' Alone". The bridai party was ui] attended, tbe register was sig-ned b Fred L. Smith and Mabel G. Scoti After the guets, about hiurty in nun ber, had partak-en of a well preparei and daintly served wedding repasl the couple left on a mnotor trip ami( showers of good wishes for Niagar and points west, the bride wearing drese of Ail Tyrne Crepe with oa and bat to match. The decoratien were artistic and tbe biide's b-onque of roses, carnations and sweet peaý was very beautiful, indeed. Suitabi( giftis were made to the bride, pianis- and soloist and the presents WerE costly and of choice varîety, tr-ul; attesting to tbe pepuiarity of thc bride. Mi. and Mis. Smith will residE in the Township of East Wbitby. Tremeer-Davey Premier Drury dees net like thé On Wedncsday, June 6, the homei people of Toronto. Tbey are mostly of Mi. and Mie. R. H. Davey, Oak- Conservatives. wood, was tbe scene of a very pietty wedding wbhen their only daughter, Who placed the -Ontario Tempes,- 1Ruth Elizabeth, was united ln mai- ance Act on the statute beok? The niage with Mr. W. Frank 4Trerneer, Censervative party. only son of Mn. Arthur Trenteer and But Tempenance is net the issuej the late Mis. Treneci, Cresswel in tis lecton. Theissu isre-Rev. George Camnpbell, Manilla, offi- in tis eecton. he ssueiTetciatcd. To tbe -strains of Loben- spenibiity in gvermen. Igin's Wedding Marcb played by Miss Conservatives dlaimi that the Drury Hilda Bîoaid, cousin of the bride, .goveinnient absoluteiy failed te real-! h rdlpryiokterpae ire aay sense of nesponsibility. thebia at t1 bi lc delegatecl its work te Commissions.' under au ercb of eveigreens -with TheConervtivs sandfergovin-white and purpie lilaca entwined, ment by Uic peopîe'a repîssentativeswicwscrtdontepch tbîough their Executive C ouncil, The bride, who was given away by more modeiniy called the Cabinet. h er father, looked cbarming lu a The Cabinet MUinisteis are paid te do, beautiful gewn of white canton crepe the woîk ef the several Depaitrnents. and radium lace trimmed with pearls. Let tbem do it. Rler veil was of embroi'deied net 1 eught with coronet of lilies of the The Conscîvatives are opposcd te valley. She cariied a bouquet of proportional representatien wbicb je Ophelia Roses and was attended by an integral part ef Mr. Drury's prom- Miss Jean Hangravpe wbo wore white ised redistribution meesures. For silk, crepe de chene and cariied pink that reasen they blocked bis attempt and white carnations. Little Miss te rush througb lus Electoral Reform Grace Moase, niece ef the groom, Bis at Uic end of the last session of j was a dainty fiewei girl ia peacb the legisiature. ierepe de chene and caînied a basket Mr. Drury admitted on Friday that of fioweîa. Mi. Premton Davey, the Conservative administration wasi brother ef the-'bride, was best man. reepousible for the naising of teacb- The interior of the bouse was a pro- ers' salaries. Tbey aise cheapened fusion ef flowers. scbool books.. The bride was the recipient ef Everyone knows that the Drury mnany beautiful and useful gifts, goverument bas been extravagant. among them being a cbeck from bierý The $100.00 ceai sctttie incident of parents. About fifty guets setý Mn. D1ruxy's privete office shows the dowu te a sumptueus repast. tendepcy; aise Packard cars for the The bappy couple left on the even- nilisters at Oui expense. Oui debt ing train for Toronto and Orilla, the bas been raised te $243,oo0,ooo, -bride travelling inae navy bine suit wbile that ef Quiýbec la only $62,000,- with girey bat and giey squirîci fui. 000. We caunot alfford te bave an- On their return tbey wili reside on other Drnry goverument. The Llb. the Tremyeer Homestead. eral party is hopeiessiy disoîganized se we mnuat look to the Consenvatives to f orm au administration. Thein record frem 1905 te 1919 was unique OBITUARY lu its freedoiii from scandai and was te. The Conservatives, furthermrne, plan if returned to powver, to develop the St. Lawrence w%ýater,-powçÀer re- sources. 'Hon. Adarn Beck, is ran- ning as a Conservative candidate in London. He is the Hydro king. He wîll ýdevelop more Hydro which will undoubtedly resuit in relieving the present fuel famine and resuit in -,ower prices. The more Jlydro pow- er the less coal required for publice and mercantile consumption., There- fore, vote for VanCamp and cheaper funel. M%,r. Vancamp does nlot oppose ,equity and fairness in the support of tr-unk higlivays. Hie opponents are accusing bis party of opposing the relief of tbe counties of tbe support thereof. That is flot so. lis party simply pointed out that the Drtary government was trying to -use sucb a scheme as election propoganda. CONSULTING ENGINEERS JAMES PROCTOR & REDFERN LTD 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can. ]Bldes, Pavients, Waterworks, Power Plants. nellierators, Factor-. lea, Sewersage Systemn, Hydro Elect- rieArbtralos, îtiatin.Phone AdeL1044Cabl "JPCO"Toronto. OURPEE-J;waIIy paI out of th@ niny we seve Our cient. Mrs. James Craick, Port Hope. The death eccurred at Pont Hope suddenly on, June 8 ef Jean Kybe, wýidow of the late James Craick. Mifrs. Craick was bein et Mille Roch-I es, Ont., in 1884. She, entered the teacbingl profession when cigbteen ycars of age and aftex, giving pivete tuition ln Sherbrooke, Montreai and Toronto, joined the staff of the Bow- manvilie Gramniar Scbool, wbere she remained for se-iqeral years. In 1872 she accepted a simillai position ou the staff ef thc Port Hope 11gb Seýhool, resigning te mariy Mi. Cîaicki in December, 1 877. The late Mis. Craick, was a won eX o higl iIntel- lectuel attelumients, keenly interestcd la ail the important devcloprnents of thc day and posscsaing a mind richly stoied witb a wealtb of vanicci infor- mation. She wasaa member cýf St. Paui's Presbyterian Cburcb and, be- f ore aiing beaitb confined lier te the bouse, took au active par iin churcb work. 5be was a cluarten and 1f e member of the Women's Foreigai Missionary Society and for sevenal yeans held the position of preaident of the Peterboro Presbyterial Society. She is survived by eue son, W. A-I net Craiclc ef Toronto, an'd two step- daugbters, Mis. R. A. Muihoilaad,' Port Hope, and Mis. Augus MecMur:. cby, Toronto. T. A the Wr. lue 6, ly ed ide t. ig The 1Newvcaet1ýe rcî4ependint THURSDAY, JUNE l4th, 1923 NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE CHURCHES Mis. H. Bonathan is indisposed. _Miss Charlotte Rose, Port Hope, 1,s; MAethodist Churcb. il a. m.- Mr. Norman Toms Oshawa, spent visiting with friends in townvi. Morning Woî.s;iip. 2.380 p. mni tbe week-end at borne. ( ir. C. Cannon spent a f ew d.ays Sun.day Sehool. 7.00' p. m.-sub. Mrs. Tetley of Toronto, is visiting iecenitly in Selkirk with friends. jc-MaigLif e Comiplete"*. Mon- with Mrs. John Garrod.Mis ilaGbo ispedn a day evening-Young PeepIL's League. Mr ,and Mrs. W. J. Moore miade a fe holidays at Mirs. Frank Gibson's. Wedniesday evening-Prayer service. business trip to Lindsay. MIr. K. Hutcinisoni of the Standard The induction of the Rev. Edward Mr,-. J. Tebhle of Toronto, le visit- Bank l;.spent the week-end in Newton- R. James, as Rector of St. George's, ing with Mrs. A. Nichols. ville. Newcastle, by the Lord Bishop of the Mis. A. Otton of Toronto, is spend- Mr. Fred Lake hias gone to Ayl- Diocese will take place Wednesday, ing a f ew days in town. mer where lie isnow ernployed in the Junie 27, at 8 p. in., in St. George's~ Mi. Robert Gibson of Toronto is Standard Bank. Cburcb. A fulil congregational at- spending a few days at home. Don't forget the Young Peopie'si tendance will ho appreciated. Mr. Ierb. Toms, Toronto, spent League picnic at Oshawa next Sat- Newtonville and Newcastle Presby- tbe week-end with bis family bere. Lirday afternoon. terian Churches. Comnmunion Sun- Mils. Glenidenning hAs returned Miss Evelyn Bonneli, Toronto, is day June l7tb. Preparatory and re- frorn Renfrew after twe weeks' visit. spending a week's vacation witb bier ception of new mremnbers at Newton~- Mr. P. AMoMaher accomipanied Vol- parents, MIr. and MUrs. T. W. Bon- ville on Wednesday afterneon, also1 ney Moore borne for the week-end. neil. the rissionary meeting and decora- Mi. andi Mis. Gordoni Ash, Oshawa, Mi. Lloyd vanphlewý and Messrs. tion of the grounds follewed by a tea spent the week-end with ber parente. Loghrin Bros., Toronto, spent the pieparatory service and reception of Mrs. Craig of Toronto, is spending week-end at Mr. Harold Vanpbîew's new members at Newcastle Fridiay a f ew days at Mis. Frank Bèntts and Mr. W. Hl. Pearce's. evening at 8 o'cloçk, followedj by a Messis, Ormu Parker and Lorne Mr. Hl. K. Ray of the Standar<d song service and meeting of session. Cobbledickc each lbat valuable herses Banik Staff, has been transferred to Subject "Wb-eîe Wilt Thou tbat we last week. Wellington, and Mi. Camieron of prepare the Pas3sover?" Nelson Epworth League picnic at Oshawa- Bowmanville ie bere in bis place. Wirn. Girard Graham, B. A., mirrister. on-the-Lake on Saturday afternoon Mir. Geo. Eilbeck and Mr. W. H. iext. Pearce visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mis. Frank Bennett, Bowmnville, Sculthorpe, Hope Township, and en- LAKE SHORE spent the week-end with relatives joyed a 'day's fisbing in the trout here. streams of Sam's broad estate. Mis. Wright, Toronto, visited at Miss Margaret Eber spent te The et and 2nd Forms of ourMr. John Hendry's last week... Mrs. w e k e d w th M s e r in a - E gh S h o1a e o p e e h Fearn, M ontrea , is visiting hier sis- Dusen.' spring and summer terni, andi Miss ter, Mrs. Frank Bone... Mr. and! Mrs. Jas. Stapleton has returnied E. MI. Sanderson of tbe H. S. staff Mis. Lorne Butson, Mis. Edgar But- fîom vi«siting liei daugbter, Mirs. Mill- has gone to ber home in Wîoxeter uson,' Miss Minnie Webber, Bowman- son, Newton ville. for bier summer vacation,.ile n M1 odSkner 1v ~"Mr. larry Lurnsden and son o aBuffalo, are visiting witb bis mlothei Mis. M. Lumsden. by Mis. Burro-ws who has been in Tor t.onto f or a f ew mnontbs lbas returne( n-te lier hbee ere. d Mis. Charles Gomme of Toronto t, i visiting with bier dangbteî, Mii ÂdWalter Crowters. a Mi. George G. Thomas ef Pitts a burg, bas been visiting witb Mi. an( at Mis. W. Vanflusen. ls Mi. Jack Andereon, Toronto, vis et ited witb bis mother, Mrs. (Dr.) An a, derson over Sunýday. le Miss E. Sanderson left on Monda st for bier homte ini Wroxeteî te spcný re lier summner vacation. ly Mie. Sucdaid and two childien o: ie Oshawa, are visiting with bier sis- le ter, Mis. W. Ciowtbers. Tom MeMahon came down fronr Toronto and spent the week-end witl bis fîiend Volney K. Moore. Mr. Albert Brown, Port Hope, spent the week-end with bis parents, le Mr. and Mis. Samuel Brown. Mis. W. G. lay and farnily of y Toronto, are now occnpying tbeir r, ummrer cottagé at the lake. r, Mis. J. H. Tbomnlbas ieturned homie te Toronto afteî a pleasant vis- it with Mis. J. W. McLaugblin. Mr. Ricbard James of Toronto, is visiting with bis parents, Rev. and Mis. E. R. James et the Rectory. Mis. H. Rayner and daughter of Grimsby, are vîsitîng with berj hmnother, Mrs. D. J. Gibson, Hazel Dell. Mi. and Mrs. A. Moffatt and fam- ily, Oshawa, motored down and epent SuandaV witiilber mother, Mis. M. E. yToms. a Court of Revision of the voters' eList was held ilu, the Court bouse on Monday. His Honor Judge Ward presided. e Mr. W. G. Hay accompanied by Mr. fR. Dicky of Toronto, motoîed down yand spent the week-end with Mrs. eHay and farnily at the Lake. k Mr. and Mrs. Lyna Dudley and slittie son Mac of Toronto, were Sun- day visitois at Willow Gardens, the homie of Mr. an'd Mis. H. W. Dudiey.ý A large numer frorn this district went up to Bowrnanville te bear Pre- mier Dinry and comiment veîy fav-ý oîably on bis masterful presentation of bis stewar7dship. Mi. H. W. Dudley f eil from tbe scaffold in bis barn, a distance of about 20 feet te the cemnent floor and seriously injuîed, bis bip. He bas since beqn confined te bis bcd. A number freibere attended the EBowrnanville Methodist Churth Sun- d Lay evening and were delighlted with 1 he excellent songl service rendered by the Oshawa Simncoe St. Choir. Mr7. W. R. Laking bas opened a gar- age in W. J. Moore'-, premises, Mill Street, and bas mioved bis famiily in.-1 te the Lee residence. We weicornie Mr. 1Laking and family to Newcast- le. Mis. (Rev.) Campbell and daugb.- ter Editb, on furiougb Jrom Japan, spent tha week-end witb Mis. George Hloney. Miss Campbell g-ave a very interesting and instructive addîess on Japan in the Methodist S. S. Sundayl The dlock of tbe' new Community Hall bas been placed in position and new tolîs the heurs te aIl who care te lend an car. The citizens of New- castle are greatly indebted te Mr. Wellington Foster for this beautiful and useful piece of equipment. te ouri village. A game of bascuall between Bowt- manville and Newcastle Juniors wae played on tbe Conumunity Green on Saturday afteinoon and resulted in a win for the borne boys. The gamne was cvenly and well played, and -we niust say the boys can show somte of their eiders bow te conduct therni- selves as proper sportsmen. Dr. Corbin is in town ge'tting bis offices in the Matchett Block in readiness for business and expects te be in readiniees te attend to al the dental needs of Né 'wcaîstle peop-i le. Dr. Corbin will fill a long feit want of the cemrnurnty and we trust that the public will give him their patronage. A "Book Sbower" la, aid ef the Memoriai Library will be held on the g-rounds of the Misses Dnumrnond onj? Fidiay, Jnne 15, at 4 p. m. Eveiy- body welcome. Corne and brin- yeur book or books. Give the Me- meniai Library a stait and beip te erect a wortby memoriai te "Oui Boys". NÊWCASTLE.ON.THE-LAKE Mn.- and Mis. Bradin, Toronto, wene guests of Dr. Walton-Ball at Hlarris Lodgc. Mirs, Iay and children have noved iuto their new cottage àt the lake, built by Messrs.. Wm. Baines and Wm. Cowau. Mi. and Mis. Clayton Crawford and thîce childien, Toronto, are aui-I meriiig lu Miss Helen Farnxcomb'sI Cosy cottage' "Apple Biessomi", now iooking as pretty as a picture lnaia veritable bowvýer of pink and white Mr. George Bulliss new sunirner home, situated on the creat of the! knoil, on the land purcbased fîomn Mia. Maibony, Bownîanvilie, is about compieted and Mn. and Mis. Bulli and thîce sons, Manlins, John and Wilfîed, are spending their week- ends bere. Mi. Wm. Hennings bas, bad change of the construction of this; homre wbicb commanda a -widc viewj ef the lake and surronnding land- scape.1 Mr. and -Mis. Win. Buckley and son' George arc now numbened among oui lakeside residents, and are mak- ing extensive improvements on their tiewly acqnired pîeperty, lately own- cd by Mr. James Parker. The brick house on this preperty, a large t-wo sterey dwellng, is beid to bave been the iraI brick erected in Clarke' Township, long before Newcastle was built on incoiporated, and it -was erected byr the grandfather ef oui present Mi. Henry Adams, Eagle1 Cliff Faim, Lakc Shore East. Miss -lMMlllaii efBowmianvillc bhas ieased for the aunmmer-nsoe Dr. Faincomb's very a 'ttractive and ideally situated bouses la Aniadue, Glen. This beauty spot la an up-te- date g-ardetn of Eden; cool and invit- ing arbors of cedar trees, and twin- ing woodbine; a veivety grassy cx- panse of ievcl iawut; a windingrilvulot ef sparkling spîing water, flowing i tbrougb the midat to makeý its cerf- tnibution to the bine waters ef the lake close by; lu Uic midst of tbe g.rassy m--eadl a spreadiug and bounti- fnlly yielding butternut trce, andf spanuing the brook a rustic bridge, ef sncb style and ýwoîkmansbip as ai-1 moat te compel a cressing. The' thîe bouses, situated sepanateiy la enticing spots eX the glen, cmnn frein thein uppen storles, views off the lake and harbor and have wide venandabs emibodying in their con- struction, iustic w\ork ef unique, in-1 tnicate and orig-inal designs. The carpenter work and mastic work ef verandaba, bridge entrauce gates and the severai chairs and settees were dune by Mr. Warren Plnch, Third Line, Clarke. JANITOR WANTED Appr)rlications for position of caretaker of Nevecastle union Pýublic andl High School will be received np t) o JuIy 2, by the oertr-rsne f the Board 0f~ ~ I- duaon .R. Pear'ce. Duties to commence August 11, information regard- ing such miay be obtained from 1\r. H-erb. H-ancock or MAr. Geo. Gaines of the Property Çommittee. 23-2w Poriope'sBi Celebration Thie ,eunion of Port Hope's Old Boys and Girls is ading special in- terest to the Dominion D)ay celebra- tion in Port Hope on Monlday, July 2nd. A nionsiter pregrarn bas been arranged covering the entire day. Wateh for further annolincements in these colmue next week, roue, spent Sunday at Mi. William Lakes . . .. Annual Garden Party is a mucb anticipated event te the sur- rouuding country 50 many wvllibe inteîested te know the date bas been decided for June 29tb piovidiug the strawbeiries are ripe thea. Fuither particulaîs later........ Mn. Robent Douglasla on the sick liat. Don't spoil youî holiday or vaca- tion witb a "coin pioducer"--comle te Coeland's Shoe Store for an easy fit ef styiisb shoes. SCIENCE AND CHIROPRACTICf ýChiropr.actic as wcv practice it is a strictly scieutific rnctbod ef correct- ing bodily defecta. By applying oui knowledge and akili te the' seat ef moat bodiiy ills, the spine, we lavai- iably brnug eut imuprevement, relief, and often permanent cure. OF~FICE HOURý Commenciug, Mciuday, May 28th. Bowmanville....Opposite Towu Hall Temperance St. Daily 2-5 and 7-9 and by appointmnent. Orono-Willl be lu office 10 te 12 a. mn., Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Dr. Durwin E. Steckley Tools'to Make Spring Work Easy Yes, we have everything a well equipped hardware store should have. And say folks, be- fore you send your money out of the village for' hardware corne in-and see my stock and compare prices. We make it worth your wile to deal with MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. b., C. AL. Graduate of Trinity Univeraity, ao of Royal College Physicians, Edin- buîg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- en and children. Office-Parker's Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honer gra.ctuate of Trfiity Univeruity, Fellow of Trinity Médical Colleg- Licentiate of the State University jÉ ' New York, Matriculate of the Peut- Graduate Medical School and Hos- pital of New York and FelIow of the. Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. MeNaughton'a Rosidence, Newcastle. Hours-8 te 10 a. mn., 1 te 3 D. m,, and by appointment. J. W. Bradley General Insurance Agent Cleîk of 2nd DivisIon Court, Co=.. missioner, etc. * I Coal SUMMER PRICES NOW IN OPERATION See me before placing your Geo. Jamieson Newcastle SThe Full Ma;ketI3aýket It is always oui alim te render oux cuatomers e servic wbiclh will be abaolutely satîsfactory by giving: - FULL WEIGHT FULL VALUES FULL QUALITY Ail wce sk je an, eppertunity te show yen that it pays te deal here. H . Britton !Baker & Groce< Nýewca*tls; WM. JAMIESON - Hardwar~e Store THE FOOD IS GOOD-,ý THE PRICES ARE LOW That's always the situation in this Groçery Store. Because of these two great'factors we have buit up an enviable business. We both lose when you btiyelsewlwre, Grocer RWALTON Newcastle j I 7 i I i q ; 1 iL Newcastlé, 1,