red to give vic& meats at Hou by ,ner- 'SL SPECIAL THIS ALYMER STRAWBERRIES, WEEK REG. 39c AT 29c Procter and Gamble Soap Chips, Reg. 2127 at 2125 SANTA CLA RA VALLEY Prunes '2 lbs 25c Bologna. 22c ed Ham 50C fast Bacon, 33c Bacon, Sliced 43c Club House "ES- qt. Pt. 85C 55C Good Ripe, BANANAS Large 40e Lyons tan id sne is1 nd step-1 Wilson, were full of hope and cor fort to the 'bereaved huhýband., tl aged parenits and many relatives a sembled, The palibearers were Messrs.1 A. Trost, Geo. Boushard, Frai Sturtvant, Alfred Evans, Archie 1 Jeal and Eidward Shugart. The floral offerings were ver beantiful including over 60- desigi wreaths, baskets, sprays, etc., froi relative.,s and friends-expressive( their sympathy for the bereave'd an of thir love for the departed on Among thein were a large circle c roses, carnations and liles from th emiployees of the Lawrie firni, ais from the furniture men of the cit, the Woman's Aid of Luther Memori« church, the Liedertaufel society ar many 'others. The reniains were laid to res anùçl sunshine and beautiful fiower in Erie cemetery, there to await th reunlion of loved ones. Among the relatives present fror Canada were: Mr. and Mfrs. J.J Croskeni, (sister), Miss Rheiî Cros hem, of Toronto; Mr. W. J. La'vn1E brateTo seli ellas bonds and June ). C.stocks thef tg of A proinent ba nk ing their h Mr. ouse advises us that ini rday,. one afternoon, with 1 loofl, Long Distance calis, they Sfive t o sold o v e r .$750,00O in nged bonds. the ther A Toronto bond sales.- buty man reports that he sold and $2a75,000 i tocks and hon- bonds in one we-ek, by pass- LogDtnc. tter These are only tw\o re- d on ;rne ports of nia ny thIlat fifty reach0 Us,, shovwill- how pbesalesmlen ecrn itl 1pLish more by using L-ong )OMS Distance than thley vent could in any, other way. 'For and 017P Ma]agýets will be al- was ]ad to co-ýoperate ndid wih ou in 1]plning to 1 an I eueresults. iterI :Our, TH ELErEHNCO ECIAL (Yes! We Havwe No Bananas- -- Fox Trot 'Th Grat Wtdto W'ugOrchestra MGrning Will Come - - Fox Trot Fez (!onfrq and Ris Ortehe8tra 190(,61 Baen-y Google Sung b5 Georgie Price 1 LOVY Me-----------Sung byg Aturray Saw MifiRiver Road - - - - - -- Fox Trot 19074 The Great White Way Orchestra 104Everything is K-0.i K-Y.- - - .- Fox Trot Paui W'hiteman ani Ris Orchestra 1 <Nuthin' But - -- -- -Fox Trot r Y u 've G ot o e e M a m a B- ry- i - - - Fox T rot Coine Back Old Pal------- -- âModjy Kiftg's Dance Orchestra Swingin' Down the Lane--- -- -- Beside a Babbling Brook- - - - - l'hie Great IWhelte Wag Orchestra HIIS MASTER'S VOICE, LIMITED 216411f - 19058{ - Waltz Fox Trot Fox Trot At any Ris Mater's Voice 1- Dealer '~Iand Sanitary the comforts of a home"? ,odern sanitary bath room aid of the cost. It is triflig com- e satisfaction and~ convenience it from us places you under no obli- re wno remeniner fim and I who ex- nd sincerest sympathy to him in the ýs of his if e partner. . OBITUÀRY ilsm Everson, Bradwortby, Davon, Englabd. The Western Tmes of Exeter, igland, contains a report the funeral of Wil- ni llvxrarcn. aosnco vf tI, nor 7ersonc on Sati .Lv . J rs. C. it T. -b» Elliott ers ý Bowmanville J EAT es Bui Mr. The suff erîng and loss caused by f orest fires are common knowtedge and, ye.t, carelessness with fire in the forest con- tinues. These forest fires are practically ail preventable. Save Ontario's Forests. They're Yocurs Every individual who steps ins -ide the woods should reinember he îs in 'the midst of highly inflammable property, for the upper layer of ground in the forest consists of partially rotted woocl, which wiIl burn., Lack of consideration for this gave rise to the strenuous situation in Ontario the last week of May and the. anxiety for days ini some settiemnents. Thoughtlessness or. bad judgment or care- lessness cause practically all fore8t fires. Your co-operation, as a citizen, is needed to prevent these fires by taking the samne care in the woods as in your own home. home. The Oil ing down, THIOM and Confectioner O.ntarlo Forestry Branch Parliament Buildings Toronto, Ont. ete.-In rmb- will 'find Dr. Give us an order, and we Home Afl gation aw