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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1923, p. 1

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ahxR"\,biuon tte With Whîch is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol- T.TY tr ÂA T AMVOZ VYP.C1 Qn C4 1L....TQ Pishikao n T-R1r A ->TTTIr T V rmTTTTIC1Tn A IT-7 Frocks withSum mer Jauntiness CHARMING DESIGNS FOR VARIOtPS OCCASIONS Women whô delight in having their summer -ward- obe complete should visit the Dress Department and see he Wonderful assortment of New Dresses. Yiju will find an éCtensive Varlety of Dainty Fresh Summer Frocs of Voiles, Crepes and Ratines. Charmi$ga daptioo noVelty fabries and combin- ations of COlôrs and nïiaéials that add style and econ- Whîle in our store don't fail to see the d4splay of Wheni lookigaround for,-men's -smmer clothes or urnishings you wHI find our lVen's D'epartment has an- 'ticipated your requirements-and at such reasonable prices. In 1884 The Central Canada Loan aind Savings Companiy had eleven Dirctors of whorn orly two are living to-da:y. MIr. E. R. p, resi- dent of the C-omrpany,, was at that time suarting his career as a junior cl erk, in t'le Peter-boro office. Paid en Savings Accounts (wviJi the privilege cf issu irg cheques) One dollar opens an accout, and de1,osits or withdrawals may be made by nmail SEXTON WANTED Sexton for Methodist Ohurchi, Bowman- ville. Apply by letter, stating salary to C. M. Cawker or P. C. Trebilcock, Bom- mnanville. 2-tf Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Friday-Saturday JULY 6-7 "THE FOIRGOTTEN i..AW" Enacted by a sterling cast inclIud- ig Miton SuIs, Clea Ridgley and Jack. Muflhall. Adapted f rorn Caroline Alabatt Stanley's famous novel "ÀAModern Madonna". JULY 9-10 "THE LAST M~IOMENT" B>y Jackc Boyle With Henry HullI, Doris Kenyon and Louis Walheirn Wednesday-Thursday JULY 11-1.2 *PrisoeIIa Dean SA Cigarette, the daughter, of the Regiment, ini the omantc story of adventure and thrill that wilI live forever "UNDER TWO FLA.GS" From the immortal novel by Ouida W MAVY1iJN VILJL, 'flUflibJ&Y, J U LY 5, 1923. V V. I L.. . -L ill dbLi aW ý'JÂN, rUUai5IrI. ~2.O* aYearIiiAdvac ~ a ('Yivm z i~0P Public Sehool Promotions The following are those who passed the June promotion examinations at BowmanvilIe Public Schools, names in ifrdr of ment. To Si. IV sel Bu' rton, Betty Morris, Blob Baif- Honours--Helen Darcit, Morgan auf, Orville Williams, Orvibbe Soucit, Lurney, Johin Alexander, Leola Chale Cawker, Yvojnne Tighe, Ruth McMann, Bernice Bagnoîl, Vera -Tueèrk, Elfîed Cox, Edwaîd Bagnell, Wood, Irene Batemnan, Archie Mc- Alan Willlanis. Donald, Fbora Abcunibrack, Nelson Pass-Harold GibbsIlia Vallean, Jackman, Greta Molbon, Gould Jack Hall, Jack Miller', Elsie Car- Titurston, Gertrude Alin, Jini Devitt, ruthers, Jean Clarke, Walter Colo, Doris Pooley, Montague Alia, Fred Lawsoif Kirkton, Gerald Suatton, Jackman.. Gordon Jollow, Bradley Honeyinan, Pass-Ethel Cx Allan Knight, Margaret Cobville, Harry Alliiu, MVar- Hester Caverly, Robert Harris, ion Battle, Marlon Slemion, Maurice Stuart Candler, Viola Callan, Jos- Boothi, Hilda Bro-výn, Jack Jennings, ephine DeMay, Pauline Turner, Nel- Leen Gunn, Rnby Thomas, Konnetit son Bartoni, Wibfred Bennett, Ken- Grahami, Gladys Simipson, Maud neth Luxton, Neil McMullen, Bobert Wyatt, Bernice Bunidle Gordlon Yeo, Clark, Elmer ,Ward, Liliani Lamoui- Kaîl Smith, RBoggie Westnutt, Elva tagne, Thelma Greenamay, Cliffoîd Drew, Marguerite Burden, Hariy McMelýullen, Florence Ives, Ernest Laniontagne, Maîjoi Rome, K~atht- Brown, Willie Wyatt, Norman Hon- lbon Thuiston, Evelyn Flaxman, nings, Fred Homard, Harold Rice. Mairice Prout, George Widdicombe. THOMAS TOD VICtIOr0 FATAL MOTOR <ACCIDEb WeIl Known Business Man's Sud& Call. A very serious accident and oý which cast gloom over the wbuh commun t, esulting fitalIy, toi place Fîiday evening- about 6.: o'clock when Thos. Tod, bakér ai confectioner, and one of oui leadii anti most highly respected citize and business nien was ushered ir eternity without a word of warin The fatality took place at Har: Allin's corner on King-st., Mr. T( having crossed froin his own sto to Allin's grocery shop and retur ing was about te stop fronm the i Iwalk to thue pavement whý,îen c. driven by Mi. Perey Lowe rao Ithe west and turned the cornertI Iwards tjhe south. Mi. Tod xvý knocked backwards and feli strikir bis head on the bard concrete, tI faîl causîng concussion of the brai- He was carîied inito Allin's stor nuedicil help was in-im-ediately suxi moned and he was conveyed by an bulance 'to the Hospital w%,heie everi thing possible was d one, but be nevi regained eonsciiousness and passe away shortly aftei. 10 p. ni. the sani evening. Deceased was th eldgst son c Cliarles and Jafte Muir Tedl. He wa bôîn on December 8, 1861, in th village of Markhami, and came xvii bis parents to tbis town when abou three years of age and has practical ly lived bere all bis life. He leari *ed his trade with his father who car iied on a bakeiy buiiness here fo many years. 'He was in Uxbridg f or about three years but since hi fatbei's death bas conducted th, business bere tlp to the pissent. A a business man he was h bighly respect ed and bis advice was sougbt an( acted upon on niany occasions and oi variolis natters. Peibaps in no place outside of hij borne was bis influence feit more oi used more generously titan in th( churcb of bis choice and St. Paul' Preshyteriaxi Church will feel his bùs most keenly. For the past seven teen years ho was Clerk of the Ses sion, a Trustee of the Cbureb, ano foirnuany yeais smperitendent of tii Sunday Scitool. He always tooka keen interest in the work, of tite young people andmore especially the young meiu whl'alwys found in hum a wise couasellor and guide. At the tine of bis tdath ite was a miember of Bowmanville Hospital Board and a veîy active workei hav ing takýen a deep interest in this work since its organization. He was also a past President. He was on the executive of the Citamber of Commerce and for a few years a miember of the town council. On Septeniber 1, 1886, be was unit. ej in marriage witb Emima Windatt 7 at ber mother's home near Gante- bridge who with two. daughteîs, Mis. Wright (Jean) and Olga mouin the loss of a loving busband and fatheî. One son, Windatt, passed on befoie on March 8, 1916. The funeral wbich took, place on MIonday afteino*n was one of the largest seen iteîe for niany yeais. The service was conducted by Rev. D. W. Best, B. A., who gave a most consoling message to the bereaved ones, paig a woîtby tribute to one wito hadýben closely associated with himn in the work of God. Rev. S. C. Moore of the Methodist Church, and Rev. Geo. Mason of the Presby- terian dituich assisted i<n the ser- vices at the bouse and the cemietery. Other ministers attending were Rev. W. C. Wasbing-ton and Rev. W. H. Spargo. The paîl-beaiers were Messrs. J. A. McClellan1. R. J. Gui, W. H1. Car- ruthers and S. J. Henry from Sý.1 Paul's Church and Dr. J. C. Devitti and Noîmani S. B. James froni the Hospital Board. The flower-beaîers were Messrs. G. Meaidow%ýs, F. Cook, E~.Dlg'. Coîden, G. Chaitran, ,emiployees, and F. Spry, former em- ployee. Members 'of Jerusalemn Lod'-e A. F. & A. M. ND. 31, G. R. C., of wbicb deceased -%as a member attended the funeral in a 'body, many bretitren being present froni Toronto, O»shawý,a, Whitby, Newcatle!1, Oronp, Pýeter- boro and other places. 1 As the cortege passed along Kin- st., bundreds of citizens stood -witit bowed heads in deference to one vhose life bad always been used for tbe upbift of bis fellowmen and wito had so suddenly been cut down. Berea -Muidoif, Willie WribL rence Williamis, Madaline Veale Gertrudle Wyatt, TomBaron, i lea imick Tr, oyNadsul,NqmnC HcolejMISTR AN H Cr IGould, Ivan Hobbs, Artbur Cox, .Rus- sel] Smith, Delbeit Yeo, Charles The congregation of the 14Ieih ýjst Vanton, ann Seenn.Church and S t1l's Chiurch wil wr VantoeDany henan jsiip together July 8, to Augti, _6, Sundlay, JLy 5.8 at il a. ni. in St. i, ui's To Jr. Il Churelh. 7p). m. in the Muethofljst Honors-lber CuleyWal Chutrch.. Bey, D.._W.Beüst will cn luct Honors-bbet Culey Wate' the services. Sulnday Sehlools n, il Chenoy, Dorty Edger, Violet Mýc- 4Casss at 12-1 p. m. n j" Feeters, Jini Pickard, Harold Colner, _M4r. B. A. Long, soloist of Wes, il- K<atie Ireland, .Bessie <Giv¶ea, EKatl ster Churchl, Toronto, who delighted thfil Bentz, Kathleen Westriutit, Bessie congregation, at st.« Paul's last s:da M a rt y , W iI l~ S m p s o n G ia e leli n g w ieh h is ' so lo s "A lo n e W t M a r y n , W i l i e i m p o n , G r a e G d - a n d L a n d f iH o p e a n d G u y ~ Welsh, Ned lReidet,, Hazel %urran will sing next, Sunulay xnorning ila St. Mildred Burden, Winton Bagnell Paul's "There ýwere ninety andNne Evelyn Oke, Mary Ireband. (lh y request). Many will he glad to bear agai Mr. Long's noble rendering ofý this Pass-Dudley Bradd, Gertrude great song. Hooper, Editit Cartwright, Résie De- Chuîch of Christ, Sunday, Jnly 8. May, Jack Allin, Audrey Prout, June Morning service only. Rev. F. A. Lougitutan, John Blunt, Robert Hay-J Tonkçin will preach. Sunday Sci:ool es, Féin Smith, Frank Smitl4,âBr'ucelat 12 o'clock. Jaakman, Billie Smtit, Orland Pluni- St. John's Citurch, Rector, Rev. mer, Henry Coke Joe On. G. S.* Postlethwaite, M. A. Organ- To r.1 ist, Mrs. ' John A. Gunn. 6th Sun- Sday after Trinity July Stit. 10 a.ini. Honours-Gieta Pearce, R~ussell -Sunday Scitool. i a. m.-Morn- Hayes, Xlilailine Joness, Lorraine ing service and sermon. 7 p. ni- Fickard, ,Johtn Moore, Sydney Dillicxký-ý Evensong and sermon. Preacheýr, TIHREE MOI4OR ACCIDEN T Bowrnanville hias exp)erienccd a sr- jes olfimotor accid1ents during thi ast weýek wbiMh has set terror in the 'rts of mnany :iien.Tihe fatal a(1,lnt wbieh befeil Mr. 'Thos. Tod on i:ay nihwhich is reported elsewhE' in thiis issue, cast a gloomi over the .1tire Communiility. Tnesday m norniing while playin, in front of Mrs. W. L. IKecys* store, Býi lhe 4 ye'ar old soniof -Mr. and Mrs. E;., F. Weekes, stepped front behind a truck in front of a car gçlng east whiCi was driven by J. E. Benson of Welli r il. The rear fode f the auito strii, the lad on thue side of the hiead kn 'king hjmi dowýn. Hle was taken to -Jý mi Villa Rlest' Home" where it was ý,lund( lie wils not seriouisly hurt outs 'o f bruises on the face and shoulder an wa s,14 to ie takeni home during the te While shopping with hler mnotherTes day aftÉernoon, Arletta the 8 year old ragti of Mr. andi Mrs. Wm.* Myad ScggStreet, was strucit hy a motor while attempting to cross the streeýt In front of Kerslake's store. Hier b ft ear was hadly laceratedl and it was aise tluought hier skull was fractured. She was taken to the hospital and li-test re- ports state the littie girl is doing nicely and hope is lield out for her recovery. Tho car was owned by M~rs. Morrison, 7 Walmnu Roadl, Toronto, and only r romipt action on the part of lher chauffeuir no doubt prevented much mo nire serics in- jury. T homp~son, Doris Hall4, Jasper Smith, --- Jack Lunney, Rnby. Hobbs, B~yron Vanstone, Mary McLean, Dorothyl Mewhinne.y, Edith Morris, Muriel OFFICIAL. ELECTION RETURNS Taylor~, Evelyn Taylor, Arletta May~-1 nard, Andiewv Crombie. WÏ. J1. Jragg's Majority 181. , s~Alex. Colvlle, Crsit Croîbi'e, Hubert Hooper, Rowen By- Citizens generally were evid(ently ers,~ Lewis Harris, Jack Fenxiell, Jac quite satisflod with the unofficiï&1 re- Maityn, Boss Williams. * tuins in West Duritam ini the reýcent electlbn, for less thani a dozen elect- To "Jr. 1 ors. were present at the-Town.lHall HonursHila HllDorthySaturday night when Montagu- J. Wilonouth Hlam* H Fl, osi tliyHohitait, eturning Offieer, ope:ned. Wilsoin Rth avel, in osse eo, the ballot boxes and made the offlcial GeP iaCvry lenH~ly counn of votes cast on MVonda:y, June Pass-Robeit Kent, Clarence125b Nichols, Hairy Jackman, CharlesI Richards, Jean Herring, Miltoni <ra-, The fires appearing inx The l'ani, Joe Citilds, David Osborne. è' Statesman 0f' ast weeit were cor- rect with a fe\v exceptions. A ty- South Ward school jýograpica1 errer gave Mi.Bag To First CIass-Cedil Jack nonby il votes at Iaiiýpton wbich JackBeac, RggieAlli, jshouliý have read 111, the total, how- Humpage, Willie Phiblips, Patsy'vewserct Conolly, Anna Barrett, Lonise ,Cobe J At Starkvibbe Mi. VanCamp was., Lloyd Young, Bernard Dilling, Ho:-i crd'ted -uith 44 votes witereas t',ite waîd Steiinburg-h,,.Creswell Bassinger I official returis are only 24. Mabel Brookbam, Jim Callan, Alan 1 The complete retxpus as given ont Lyntier. jby the Returning Officer f oll'ows: To Sr-. Pr.-Greta Witheridge, Bet- Jonavil ty Rice, Roderick Conolby, Phyllis Gibson, Margaret Sellers, Hazel'ýr r Barroîl, Aixisley He-nnings, -Alton c Richards, Jiuni Titenpson, Lorne Bick- ~ le, Harold Baby, Willie Dunlop, Dean Bickle, Tom Callan, Carl Baby, Viol- > et McMillan, Fernie Large, Gertrude West Ward 1 87 9 66 Laiontagne, Hazel Woodward, West Waîd 2 112 14 92 Thoînley Bairett, Wilbgr Stacey, North Ward 1 148 5 149 Ruth Mutton, MolIy Heari. North Ward 2 2,57 26 162 J. H. Johnston, Principal. South Ward 1 138 il 122 Southt Ward 2 74 1.1,94 BOWLING CLUB OPENING Total 814 76 685 .~~Majority ~ 2 u wing uu the fatal accident wiie befell Mr. Titos. Ted on Fridiay J ovening citizens mere iiinenoîood for celebrating tite opening ceremon- iles of tite Lawn Bowl-,ing Club as folatng . henprthe hMx.C.A.rve folaed. When tgite oM riived Smith President of thte Club, an- noned thit it hadl been decided to cancel the pîogiamn as well as flue openîng .gaies. Bewmanville Chaniber of Com- merce Band rendered its flrst open air concert on the green wbich was greatly enjoyed by large nuniber of citizens piesent. The nom ligbting systemi appears te be most sa tisfactory in Qvery way., Eighlt 1000-candle power lights are mionnted on itigit polls on seilti and north sides of grounds miticit lght the green almost as cleai as the broad dayligitt. Mi. Gus Bounsall, elect- rical exýpert, installed Ithe systeni under the supervision of Mi. Geo. E. Chase, the genial local manager ,of the Hydro Shop. Gaies are te stait titis meek and to be played weekly for the Alex.- Elliot Trophy and prizns. PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS Pnring Jnly and August tite Pub- lic T.4biary will be open fron 8 te 9 o'clock ail evenings except Satur- doay. On that ey'ening and in the. afterneons the usutal heurs will be kept. 27-1w Provitienc« Wyrone Maple Giove Hampton Enniskillen Courtice Bradleys Total Cartwright Blackstck 44 24 191" Devitt's 48 21 89 Cosarea 22 24 108 Nestleton 52 41 79 Total 166 110 467 Majoiity 301 Clar-ke Nowutonville 46 56 55 'Brown's 41 23 81 Lockithart's 71 13 13 Kendal 32 37 71 Orono N 89 80 68 Leskard 51 28 30 Moffat's 15 28 21 Starkville 32 21 24 Orono S 106 88 101 Total 483 314 416 Majority 67 Newcastle 151 15 1388 Mai ority 13 Grand Total 2-9 1i 01 5 i2114 Blragg's Majority 181 Darlington 1881 58 31 70 88 84 39 79 47 l 11. 57 69 82 50 113 64 109 29' 132 59 35 681' 500 408 'e Y-1 To< cJr. IV r Honous-Marion Hamuilton, Greta Id Munday, Maîjorie Moore, Jabez Varl lstone, Neilie Kirkton, Novelda Berry. )f Pass-Gerald Bradd, Kitty Knox- is les, Byron Cryderman, jack Çulley, le Brenton Hazelwood, Marie Valleau, h Harold Williams, Mabel Garner, Frank Jamieson, Nelda Lyle, Greta 1Synions, Leone Suttont, KEte Drew, SMyrtle Lyle, Herbert Colmer, Her- rbert Moorcraft, R~ance Dilling, Or- er vile Hooper, Everett Trimble, Flor- ýence Oliver, Philip Grant, Kenneti s e Werry, Blair Harris, Erie Colwell, sCharlie Downiey, May Clarke, Ellen Cale, Stuart Large, Max Tuerk, Fred SCole, Willie Barîett. n To Sr. 111 Honcirs-Horace Hobbs, Morley s Vanstone, Leola Miller, Pbyllis r Darch, Marion Hamley, Ruth Allin, le Evelyn Pearn, Allau Clarke, Bert; sWyatt, Harold' King, Beatrice Mol- s Ion, Arthur Kent, Geoffèýy Terrett, -Harold Slemion, Duaine Thickson, An- -nie Newhouse. Pass-Norman Taylor, Dorothy C'anning, Annie Buttery, Olive Jonesl Irvin Yeo ' mez Luke, James Bas- si-ager, Rh~ea Goiild, Oscar Jamieson, Elva Lamo'ntagne, Lloiyd Oke, Ar- thur Simnniclk, Bernice Beilman, Ray- mond Way, Violet Yeo, Margaret *Oliver, Harvey Joint, Bernice Fen- neIl, Mabel Curran, Orville Curran, Doris Jamieson, Mamie DeMay, How- aid Piekard Charles Postlethwaite, Alice Medd, Gladys- Jamieson, George *Tumpage, Robeit Cale, David Tordiff, Stanton Caverly. To Jr. 111 Honours-Marion Allin, Winona Caverly, Evelyn Goddard, Marion Lyle, Donald Campbell Bruce Cami- eron, Nora Wayward, Edgar Tomlin- son, Evelyxi Drew. Pass-Lillian Hamm, George Chen- eîy, Frank Blunt, Joseph Barton, Eva Tull, George Ives, Dorothy Blake, Donald Williams,. Allan Me- Lean, Robbie Bates, Lawerence Bentz, Clarence Yeo, Geraldine Williams, Morley Oke, Edis Cooper, Archie *Wood, Beit Mutton, Clara Ashlee, Allan Osborne, Gordon Adams, Lorne McQuarrie, Billie Gray, Min- etta Shortridge, Clarence Osborne, Nellie Wilson , Alex. Crombie, Roy [Hooper, Theo AII'n, Thelma Werry, Leslie Tudor, Alice Sheean, Roy Todgham, florothy Humpage, Doris Dilling. To Sr. Il Honcurs-Sarah Barmsixger, Phy- Ilits Challis, Joseph Alexander, NeW-, ton Hackney, Caroline Hamnilton, Stanley Dunn, Edward Richards, An- N SUMMER CLOTHES FOR MEN' CoucIi, JQIIII stQU & Cryderman., Bomaitiile hone 104 Limitea~ Il Advertisements i 0( Improved Pai ed thaL"cLuhtd tggy as Ga.ning- CENTRA\I L9AN ANDSAV 23 SIMCOE ST. ESw»ru DOn kMDVI C4NADA FOOTBALL FINALS A football game to decide the chamupionsbip of South Darlington Sunday School Football League wifl be playved between Maple Grove and Ebenezer at Elliott Memnorial Park, Hamipton, this Thursday (July 5), atL 6. 0 P. nM. WERRY PAMILY JPICNIC The Werry clan~ will bold their 1annual family picufe on Wednesday, July 11, at "RoselandIvale'", the home of Mr. and Mis. S. E. Wen-y, Solina. Tlis wifl be Jubilee Year heing the 5 th anniveisary of this great f ar- ily ieunion., Hamilton; Mi. and Mis. Chas. Tod, Whitby; Mi. and Mis. D. M. Tod, Oshawa; Mr. and Mis. Will Tod, Mr. and Mis. J. D. Keachie, Misses J. H.I and Miss Marion Tod, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. Rankin, Woodstock; Mi. and Mis. L. Gray, Oshawa; Mi. and Mlfis. Francis Mclntyre, Whitby; Mis. S. H. Edwards, Mr. V. H. Edwards,j Mi. and Mis. Will Wyllie, Mis. J. Wyllie Mis. Hawley, Mis. C. D.1 Dyke, Mr,. and Mis. H. E. Tient, Mr. Anderson, Mr. J. McGiIl, Mr. Geo. Haivey, Mi. Harvey Tod, Toronto; Mi. and Mis. E. E. Patterson, Miss Windaqtt, Brooklin; Mi. Walter Scott and Miss Agnes Scott, Barrie;1 Messrs. Peter Wndatt, John Wind- att, Tom Windatt, A'igus MêXay, Reginald Windatt, Edwin Windatt, Ganiebridge.1 ba 1- r, 1, a a Year In Advance A cAliv -Mi% 9r7 1

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