CLARKE COUNCIL BOWMHANVILLE, JULY 5th.,_1923. IT HAS DONE ME, Nerves So Ead That Council Chamber, Orono, June 5, BY0F--- CNERNEW9ORLS OF GOODSAYS S e W udSitt id CÇiy Allinpresiding, and ailthe merbers (Continued fromi page 3) Dro ~ Creunct os eeread froni Little Britain-A. Earl McCut- t .Ovro 9 ig200IptdBuhoesspni vty5ce "Dr. Cbase's Nerv3e Food has d ea ionderful lot of gced. S.Hrt& Co.; Last Pst Fund Co. -cheon, B. A., B. D.Str000 West Toronto, RoseC, mbîng *oses 75c e 1 suffered from generalwalnsanwa ondwnadm Canada Ingot Iron Co.; Canadian Oakwood-E. M. Morrow. StreOetcoot, e.lmin oe .... ..... weeswr iisc ad eshapedthat I o uls down and yher Red Cross Society; Ontario Bridge Woodville-Ernest Harstoni. cannot praise it too highly Peonies, large roots...... Gn evswr nsc a hpeta ol i omn r o.; Treasury Dcpartment; Cana- Beaverton-Under the Supervision_____Aolagstcofanyerren nshusta- and not know what 1 was crying about, I aise dian Good Roads ,Asociation. Fileçi of the Presbylteriani Church.Anteroono esdt tat'êpce used to bave weak speils. Thanks te Dr. Qbase's Also from General Su~pply Co. of Uptergrove-Jas. G. Robeson. Afound ralonntoin reco nt as cr-Prnactive greatvrey....1cad ppr Nerve Food, however, I arn real well njiw. Canadia, and Bowmanville Gnerigrectve.foJ. H. Smyth, M Arom shail always keep a box of the Hoptl B. D. p' r wrin ietive frahetarsing frni a Also Fruit Trees, Snal Fruits and GreenhouePct Tefreladoeanthla-Victoria Road-4John H. Beck. poonly wi orgdgetv sse Early Catbbage and. Celery Planlts in abuindance Nere Fod n te huse an Fefor acer l wthaid overand he la- Coboconk and Norland-Under 1is hae stofr oreighteeni Nere F ocifa ue ous, a d r- tr a cepe'd wit th pks an Coin-the Supervision of the Presbyterian o th fomr e n - cormend tbern to rny friends; clt tedi oý hrh ilte ri inflanimatory hua thyare a endedful mediciie." Aceito atn ias body. Church.J.tismn. Mynmuscles and joints ached B o k ae N re (Mr, J. W. Vince, Druggist of Ransbery and 29 other ratepayers ne- A. E. McCutcheon, E. Campbell, s0 badly that 1 could not bend or ,et e ~en o~tr Madc, nL sas.-1 lae sld questing the closing up of sideline Chairman. Fin. Sec. on m~y knees. Nothing could. bc 80 TreeSren ~Mrs, Hc, Ont. y s, ave 81 between lots 24 and 25, con. 8. Laid painful to sufer as 1 did, My lier Phone No. 7 o ma v e and the dc inyu e.e Food, over tili July meeting. Lindsay District was aiso ut of orden and 1 oftenB has doe herliad bilios attacks, dizzy spels and muid h e m ' sdo e Treasurer acknowledged reeipt f Lindsay (Cam~bridge Steet)-W. spots floating befoe my eyes. My muci occP)$78.43 for the distribution of Rail-. H. Barraclough, B. A. blood was impure and I always f'elt J>U < SVS IVE RV E in i way taxi.1 Lindsay (Queen Street)-Alfred tired and weak. I tnied almost ~'~iI' .LAui~VU~d.V~~.F.FRequest from Trustees of school L. Brown, 37 St. Panul Street. everything, but my case seemed to be 50 Cents a box o&U dealers, - r ansoiiates Co.& , t., Dnt section No. 7: IOmiemee-Edward W. Rowland. getting worse, until at last 1 heardre ri To the Reeve andConi0f aeti1-o GRos about Dreco and decided to give ita Clarke: (Gentlemen-We, the Trus- Camibray-M. E. Wilson, M. A,. trial. tee ofS. . N. 7, lane Twnsip Dunsford-John R. Trumpour. ce m U ~ G O A C H 1E R ! Wretched froni Asthia. Strength1 with athoity of atepayers of said Fenelon Falls-W in. R. Archer, the -resuts really are wonderfu. ofash a h cnlieunefoaeiny sd n1bt5e u y ears the standi 11 mev YO N A G T Rof body and vîgor of mind are in-J section,. and in accordance with Pub- B. A.. aches and pains from rheumatism 17fR aLodon for @MIU 8FIVE«%»£ the muildes fc ses~e evitably impaired by the visitationsi lic School Acts and regulations Bbcye-AetC.H, have gene and I have no more dizzy av the si-inai,5slaanhsi a Wh a ieudrtheî hereby make application te yonr lhon- Mna-ne aeo rsy pells. My bowels are regular and cloud of recurring attacks and keep orable body for the issuing of de- t,eian 4lhurch. 1 sîeep througîi the night wjthout dis- Jury & Lovell, Druggisuts ___________ LLbody and mind at their full effi- bentures to the ameunt of $7000 for faliburton-Chas. D. Daniel. turbing. Have no more tired feel -_________________________________ M A DE WE cenyDr J D elog'sAshm he' 1I g C~(arnavon-Harold E rar ing and anso much stronger that MVother Tells How Her Daughter moving the cause. It does relieve. tien, and erecting on said site a new W.R. Archer, A. L. Brow g ladly tell'5any one about Dreco, asi Suffered and. Was Made, WeII by It does restoe the suferer te normal school 'liuse for public school pu-rowma. Fn ScI think that ail who sufer should Lydia E.&ikhm' Vegetable bodily tnim and mental happiness. poses; said dehentures te mun 25ChrmnFi.Sc know about this medicine. It has -A xhnesy:Yucngtyears, and te bear interest at 51/ Peterboro District dn ewnd fgo' Compound Anecag a e a e per cent, and te ha payable ont of Mrs. Oliver's statement is a mnes- nidofth dadeios n yuryadthe rateable property of said sec- Peterhore (Georg~e Street)-W-V. sage of hope te ail who are troubled Vancouver, B.C.- "My daughter is a without injuring the grass if' yen tien subject te the limitation con- Haroid YeungM . B. D., 541 Wat-wt ypoi asdb alyd young- girl who bas been having severe squirt a small quantity of gaseline; tained in the Public Sehool Acts and er Street. gestion. Dreco is scientifically pre- pais nd we k nd izy eein s or n he he nt of he e nw lc me regulations. The proposai for sucli eterbono (Trinity)-Albert J. paed froin Natue's hierbs, roots, sonie tirne and had lest ber appe;"tite. Plants., An ondinary sewing machine a a isbe uscie yteLnf d 0 and leaves and acts on the Thrughan Idr dugher hohadoilcanma~esan ffiiet tol orTrustees te and sanctioned at ia spe.. Peterboro (Mark Street)-R, Bamn- vtal Orans, tnigerand regulating heard of a woman who wastaiitdoing it. cml mneetinofataeso adfhMA88MrkSet theni in' a way that speedily bene- ýA for the saine trouble, we were t-11 of 1 t g ofrtpyer fsi or, M . 7 akSre.- Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable (Com- sehool section called for that pur- Peterboro (St. Jamies) -Jos. D. lits the whole bo.dy. It contains no Pound. 'My daughtr as been taing it H r a ft pse. Signed by E. T. Griffith, Richardson, B. A., 163 Romaine St. mecury, potash on habit forim-ing fote r and, we haetnd a u mbro o o f nterailday 'ýsth Lid oan d y-aCtharprlesvn- ay ReTiRchrd, .J.eo sJ.i& friendsPaboutit. I-arn B. dr uithoatd tbinthe meetineoriProtrudin nowies ons Bem ailri wds.rpNoseptrOR'at py.meigAB.D a ot l o i n h e b us , fo I m se fD ogi a op e frat io u i e Dr . h a e' M K a - tl m n. W h re s A . , r aeBi.e - icD . M P tter-n o ri takeoianfor thavto ak, tir ed w r-outf nr et wi elve y u a ne a dr feln hc oehe onst salefr ating, becnet., or PotilitgLio aversen ywto e e-cil sn Ryod-RcadB Deoi en pcal dead buti.1a evrwtot Iersor 1mansro,1ts&.,Nosiaed yJ aseyad29oh'lkfedCas ~dcB . Idb ocIdug I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fnitihidigeupad stogyIdntdTrot.ame ofee atayers-teaetidrod be .,en B.iDe. MPos . PNei 80in awmnvll begommenf it inte ouseforI e f r- WarsawFnr .Dr. C a--. enverywhere.a p J.k it forNtALD,2947 2tire. Eaan-ot Chapman te ll nvestigate. BetnceanndWm. D' F. e. _________ and_ Promng tih eagoftwevces girlled Éi r atn eeft 0 o; a Curti o f be Resnte e ssm ueit Cron g bea suppliedr. For, Burnsates& CndsiSca y J.-Dr.bry ad 29othe staefted-hes.rE", dlefineA findit i buldin meup ad 1 týýsýZ initedToroto. e bos: ree.Brot-ethat Prosll UdNevaleyeoldbmaagoe dgoods r y a ditowom en sui re eas of i1 .U i er h avee eu osa bu n r ced. Itd betIw8eeonon etie in s 1,n y a g te aef"- i s o et 4 en 2 co 8teo lowi gse s S T. Tukr , C .Enk . R d ic , se ul e ah an n e e y kic e v n *fe r as e t o .cke' o k n Dn a Der2th47 itin t hou. ghs, pmnt ee i vsed of ind a ge s ma eha irmam . HFn. Se. t a itMP E e Vesnssve' B. C, ranc hr omditefit up ilf theymolther who v-.z:smayT ue avnothiLgLe at anyn sholdhaguie hterdunng itrne Sal Cut fessfulofAsesmnt Chni,- ktToîe . TheBres anedpreaatin -A F e cup t art ýhe . Àsk fo Ithe caatoplains 0f heacae pins . 0 IN Apsl e phepotrd Distict uire. Juo aplyloetou te te ICtt In the backRand oow1923, bsd or if ou il W. LaytonGdeg off . burno nas cld nt e ai n will a bateTh a a x notice a slonens sftught, nareos befong M.her, ogeofolo igcssS .TCarpefrd CWEsRed Ellitofattno sad I op-h MPEaeldW anht ermak e îfe asle f o -'.Halo el-dof. ,i bilf dickPer,~cf'eal Ldi.n E, Pinka' eeakCrnpUI aIsL osedtfanferre ges m. aeh, inigChasna. W aretFAinEMOPN US s. Sc hudb thadi vr ice E'- le E raiet o s- pounçiespigor ap thed foi'sc we terfeds M .Wesh rasere eL Rwo-Fe .Jeln stini- 27T111. , îug. ne e a. anyI>iuE nml toueid e fe i ra coniton. LoThein).-L is oTT-aainre îee a ih s o sh udh vegiehavdrngti im .S ce fa i nd.S . Berylli sngs t rsedred te0.0 H al e lI dg~ .Sy on District uui'wedite inside suthe, o, to the edgin neso irtbIiMcn h at fyurS .hao&w n t dogf 1 -te 1mnr-up, butq vefeB.A., o -c daughter make lfe easi r for h r. p uny b abAeA. Qami sbtransfe red to D .C e . H W rk r h-C hpa n A . e mp n k-7 1 be ii8e, er &e w LRE BBYaOO E. P Mcuthen'sdemteL.Bel. astng-Mlte L Hito eu shoL-faEM OPES for stricty Id in Bowm éainjlsie anBot. MDamo*i ae CONDENSaD MtLK j Stples Norharn-ErnesdW.hCteley. Arrangwnowtte eiiter thi conditios. cande fornprompt- hae f aileb~5cd :nS. . chutt, s es tain e as ato N .e And w'H' cEi, B AIOtu nt te secue ar -__ ____ _ Homu-Capan Tatthva- oroa and Blm0.Sntar . plymn S es nt mo a n w in ll to . 0N E ETÎRIN AN DA__ __MÉTAL___ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ NO NEO VOSPEN RE5 L~ a d ce mectd be and the ama i Hi wath -To be supplied frein rite fo catalo ue and en wi Mhery declaredt e therried as- Kene. oonEse whyyen ra1B.atron *RRjT~y Ye't',Shines Obane fr ,,ad th lek b C .eartt . .Jbln ne an t hre. t.T rno instmucted AND A . arlste af ierrdtificHa rkwot Chaiman F. ecp.J ..E OTPncp.Gea Following bui tapl s wem pad: auc-A. H.estW.fer. Arrng nwtoener is fam.- -n ihtreetatn,4e o FIGHT- BOK J Cu~dItceo one o .B.Bell ai-sltou . Wito B.. os chol 8Lou fUE c od nB anille a]Bihe e4èrna&f1 L. ellwor etrodTN.h4Thrnabur-Alne Colte. i-rde wranFfr ropt Muncipl onl.mad orsfBoD Limte, oCrelandrS.ScVi, ssi ets' form.........16 90 ElorAdJosM. Wuhte,. A, yhlg stuet t- eur C w ayWlar ok. y. BnB.reaiD.egrde, uensor-E . . exmih anickabyrpte e and tincid- B idgwatT e -A.D. Wite. rm Wrt orctlgu n yuw -N hueti ny8 y asaota R.b Aicl a ed . t h a evll a-U den upervsion o n se w y y u s o l ar n S.? uttil, dv.RRITATetInOBanrof-Wm.H al. he blflO nail eaa 1 ýSr ^5UURIZO eoers' ist Parofthe Townmia o ol ow he lias brothers, sisterifc M onte aie-To lie pp i n. Sn le L , Pi ncpal. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ -JE AT AM M Esupplar e dr2, ... ... ...i l l in C W rt-.F... W. Ete r ed-y is e m r y _ ne he snec sai ve t eMo, d R tle re p. t e l iecl ts,2 i.andic y u thel ay ~OUNÀL~' -aI feeiug likea fghtig cok!'pnd 2,eCo. v.........,. n Clone-T be npiedictrtinkof distingandh a MAPLE - MOUbTLuTWIK thapn hswy esn sis. Tomso, nlaia nw . . iH. , Ae. H.arFoster, 60c;F MATCH. Eechm' PIsjut dfregonovet nd bilater al, lota2d to Yen itat teextaaeaar te bd. mîndiatly he uIs e. on.4.............9 0 eeiidsîfeuiy We.AssumetB. Ris gi e amoie h dgstv sd, servCoe a B.el D.g BLUtE ckiiave rata won'ta S'Eli~aieogNe. ttdasýnce.o..ce.......... 2 5 l y,,, ffereutanIie4R.r.longer. AlunCcTpHl NorldrladusoDesse.ts an u V esi lots ...16 e#l ad90kfo h or;o~ VERONTBUE MkB..Ebrgli- yeken apeite sd fU C. Buge, ep. eulgrert lot the sym cfD.match ezceU- ernloyne emeer ~rtakes f aery fr wrk nd 2c n . ....... ... .2 5 5 e py J.MorAma, Be.uD.cin as~~~~~~ agns9efrlgt éI GDWiIeHowmtI80 Yeai;e sn J. Rocad, .8posite lt6 ahndpancenta e of accidnts wilD.begreater th tiwaen' Qthutn. k oi re ti he di oeedstementandi s o ee rk on l 0roada - n e S p riso / c, KBR W ND Bu ti ny8 er aota .R larrie nd.Tatt' wallnsurncecoveing fre, heft coi te atna atiity - ndfel ... ..... ... 148 0 5 F.thOUSL eiefigh ar tin cc" is assoia L. sheep andCo HllElerA.Beknp healtb.S. Alunshe peva uatols fe , I y E U m ' E Y .. Phoo 26WSo ~ ilso s he pilbas rters it eod bw, r, utyoudotittkhethamterothr suis e c.. ............00 _____________W. _______ rlso .~t 1 Wnpes icsal1oe h ol . Laittlerk onu vrt ots No.Jtiigic h LVu cn lVw4aLy s fcurefo.Con ou frteb -alfein Ik fhigco" a23,o...............1220 ~ruiwI1ýf5 cANA distn MATCh caMAPL~eNEA& gaeo nuac tecpily1wfe-n UNSAL'SIt Aesthi a Apeso .Tue sda, unl aoa un. e .S ih, A H otFMTH MNMNAAR OK al ruic ihbst.25 s d SOc Ceugr ad ...e....e.. eet0on JANu n. isrnc htSec.pop stlrnn ESTAB ISHED 1857Becafl ys, ilcjs e fin e î goigert kReetee , ave24tinie, troublematchsaar Tt. ae d. imed f oat hPilb - con.-4 ..ne9 Dobl Irak oi naktEyo Carmanieedigestive and Cpackage.eBeserfirea min- Real Eotate andhensurancetsBî'okers. S OTC eAI) SW EDE atteE..pnce officer.....___5____________________and______ Lemoicio A si I ust-rdu t.. HcetIEl Unxclld inngcar semvce. Sleep- "1 iieadaCiie Natmeg, AIm>end, Plainu j OFRDlaArwot,ý1 0TeGea nls Peaaio.QoSàC« o 1lng cars on nnght trains and parlor ANEMIC GIR At ail Groceso *trousses ndivigakea tewel Cams on te principal day trains. e in.cify sYse. mas e Bovod 4Dl, eaZ fUlaf Full information to any Grandl McLARENS INVINCIBLE DbItMntlcdNi Wryseof , $3 No iil Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn~? yI- i DtoM L R S 1"VN I L re ne *Losi vofEn , a, pitatlon o0 od 3;N, ,$5xr y. ing, District Passenger Agent, Ton- 'on~I Made by 1foLARENS LIMIED, esofal -hHarigMmr.Pce2ebO.3e«D fpc, onto. ~ t -~a icatt'srwutsîonl daSîLtoaan<fst ofî>eg.Fly KiIIlers 10e for $5. Sold by aldrugists, or îîaUsed in pain pamlet die J. H HJURY Agnt ieia per Packet at ail Druggists, 9kg. on rceipt of pncs et.' pmpht male THE coocMgu g o Phu 8xun v dbyZ4I t ý3- »f rocers and General Stores e<T WOUEIIEOJRT0OV,@8JO4N <mslWa* il :1 r', 'r' N i k LA