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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1923, p. 8

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JUNE WEDDING Staples-Spargo.. 4. Iey pretty though quiet wed- diwg took place at the, hom-e of Rev. and Mr,_ W. H. Spango, Manvers 1ýoad, B'owmiaaville, at 3.30 o'clocki Saturday afteraioon wçhen their youngeî dwughter, Eila May, wasI uaited in marniage with R. J. F. Staples, B. A., Toronto.1 The bride's gown was of orchid, crepe and ivory radium lace with al picture hat of black lace. She wore the grooni's gift, a stîing-' of breauti- fully matched pearîs, aad carried a slxow.,eî buquet of Ophelia roses aad imaiden hair fora. The brides-! miaid was AMiss Jessie B. Tuite ofi Belleville, who wore a dress of cream, French voile with black lace hat andý carîied pink roses. 'fi grooi was] L',rý ï P,,e asSst y . Iln. Diet.chiiuL, E. A., The ceremony was performied bý Toronto, The weddiag march wasp,,,. R. A DUelve of Smiithifield, undej played by Miss Madeline Young, an,- arch of evergreen dotted witl B. A., Belleville. The bride's nmother orange blossdoms, wore a gown of black charmeuse During the signing of the registei satin. 1Mis, Annis acconipanied by Mrs, The ceremiony which took, place in Chans. Snowd.en sang "Because". the library prettily decoated with The bride was the recipient ol feras andI roses, was perf ormied by1 many very beautiful and usefu the bride's father, assisted by Rev. gifts. The groom's gif t to the bridh W. S Pascoe, D. D., and Pev. S. C. was a sunburst of pearls and thc Moore, B. A., B. D. 1 piaaist and soloist each received eà After the ceremony, the guests; pins. sat dowin to a very dainty wedding! After the guests, about sixty in Iluncheoni wheîe the several toat nuraber, had partaken of a daintly wenýe proposed with moreâ than the served weddiag îepast, the happy usual eloquence. couple ieft amid showers of good After the reception, Mi. and Mrs.,wIshes for a inotor trip to St. Staples left for a trip on the lakes; Mary's and olSer western points. the bride travelling in a aaivy blue The bride wore a suit of 'navy blue tailor made suit, browa fox fui and poiret t~will, opening over an em*i French milan hat tiimed with eop- broidered blouse of saad georgette per grass. and hat to match. On their return Mr. Staples was for many years they will reside in their home' near coninected. with Albert College,' Bel- i-Maple Grove. leville, anud has recently joiaed the A unique feature of the occasion staff of Jarvis St. Collegiate.' HeIj* was the christening of Mr. andI Mis. a very popular singer and is the tenor Crago's litte grand-daughter, Hazel soloist of St. Jaàmes' Square Presby, Thelmia Jean, daughten of Mr. and terian Ohurch. Mrs. Staples is a Mis. Norman Metcalf. graduate of Grace Hospital, Toron, to, and was forimerly a teachen ofi Household Science at Abert Col- lege. INSTITUTE PICNIC Mr. ' and Mrs. Stapîes will be at home after September at 388 Sunny- At Hamipton Saturday Afternoosn. sidr Av., oroto.Women's Institute Picaic will be hield at Hanmpton on Saturday, JulyI 7, when ail Branches in West Dur- Miss Jean Matchett, Toronto, wasihain are expected to' join. Mr. Geo. home over the week-end. JA. Putmian, Toronto, Superintendent Miss Hilda Tuff and girl friend, of Institutes, will give an address. Toronto, are visiting Mis. F. Brant- IBring your baskets wýell-filed andi en. have a good time. IFRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AT LOWEST PRIÇES ALWAYS IN STOCK, ' ARC HIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville Dominion Stores Ltd. CANADA'S LARGE ST RETAIL GROCERS SALMON Clover Leaf i lb ....49c Horseshoe Sockeye 1/ Ibs.................... 27c Eagle 1I L..-........ 25c Eagle '/2- lb .......... 15e Cascade ,j lb .........19e Cascade 1/2 lb rSARDINES Saga Norwegian, 2 for 25 Brunswick,....4 tins 25C1 FISH Kipper Snacks, 3 tins 25c Tuna Fish ............25c Chieken Haddie. .. 26c Lobsters............... 38c Kippered Herring ...22c Here are a f ew suggestions. We have everything you need for a picnic. You would do weIl to visit our store and make your grocery purchases. We Save You Money. POTTED MEATS' Clarks~ assorted Meats. Veal, Tongue, Beef and- Beef Ham 3 tins 25 Fray Bentos Corn Beef '..............33e SOFT DRINKS Hires Root Beer ....33c Hires Ginger Ale, Gol- clen Gate, Orange- ade, Lemon and Grapeade ........... 25c Rose's Limne Juice ...39c Thîl ~ '.te I"ndepe&ndecýrnt THURSDAY, JULY 5th., 1923 e 1 JUNE WEDDING Snorwden-Crago A veiýy pretty wedding took place on Wednasday afternoon, Juner' 2'7, when Bessie GrerEa, daugliter of Mr. and Mis .P. A. Crago, "Maple Clif", Darlington, becamie the bride of Wil- liani Lloyd Snlowden, son of Mn. Samiuel Snowdenanadclthe late Myrs. Snlowden of Maple Grove. The ,bride, who eatered the draw- I'ng-îoom on1 the arim of hon father to the strains of the bridal chorus froni "Lohengrini" rendered by Mis. G. F. Anais, was becomiaigly attired la a g2ýwn of ivory canton crepe with radium lace and peail trim- mig. Her embroirdered veil wasl Caught with a wîoath of oraage blos- soms and she caried a beautiful bouquet of roses. ance. Miss Sara Renwick, Rochester, N. rBishop'. Sweeney made touchiag Y., visited fniends in town over thse refen-enco to the death of the late holiday. Rector of the parish, Rey. J. E. Fen.- Mn. and Mis. Rob.ert Brown, Ton-1 n niag, and bespoke the earn.est sup- on-7to, are again occupying "Beatly Y port of the aew Rector by the mem- Cottage",. Y bers of the oongregation, andal The Misses MeNnughtoa, Mon- IbrigIht future for the parish unden ieiussof h Mse hie incuinbency. .treal, aegusafth is1 Followiag the service a reception Drummnoad. e was helI n the Parisb Hl-l. Miýss Amy Haunter, Toronto, spent ____________the holiday with honr mother, Mis. - e Wni. Ituntor. LAKE SHORE,CLARKE Miss Lillian Wright, Torontto, Mrs.R. Bwon nd -spent Dominion Day guest of Miss Mrs t. ,ove adapughiton Phyllis o- Ethel Wade. Toronto, visited e sister, MnIs. Leslie 1Allun ovon the oia...r J. F. Row- Miss LiiIy Jones, Toronto, spent land and sou ofKineto , spnt tho the holiday bene, guest of hier brother wekedat Mr. Howoll -Hwau' Mrs. Milton Bnownl anldaidsughter Evely'ilJ. S. -i Jones. visitod luin t.. MisMaggie Pw, Mis. A. D. Wheelr, Toronto, was ,11, Oshawa, 15s endig honholidaiys at1 nt i D, homo. ... The dontii occurrod at the home guest atM.D . Gaibrith's "Elmi- of ber sistor, SIre. Wmn. Lakeýof Miss hunst" for the holidaY. MraryWbhr on Pniçlay, Juno 29. Do- Mn. lHenry Ragea came down froin ce2asod suffenod a stroko 1-st Sopteml- TrnoadacmaidMs-Rg ber and was ila Rowmianviflo Rospit-alTontaticcpaedMs.R - uintil Apnifl of this year whon site was on anad the, childien home. nemiovýed to Mrs. Lake's. \Shie had an-Mi) Ms een oaîe othe'.' streke on Fn a sd died Ina Mraid s.Nlo Rend, few hours, Thie fuineral wass heldfi-on, Toronto,. wee holiday- visitais with Mn.Lat' resipee on stinday, July -Mr. andI lWrs. George H. JuIll 1 st R..w. S. 4'. 4(oor'.of Bowmianville rs officiated. Stiele-s to mnourn bier Mis.G.ordoni Ashi, Oshawa, is loss two sisters, 1'Mrs. Roiring iý nd Mrs, Spe ding a few days with her par- Wmir.La, and two othr.Mr. jos- ents, Mn. aund Mrs.. IH. Wethereli. ophl W ofi i rewY Man.ri, Mn. Wil- liLnm Wohheo f Clift#cnd, Ont. Mr. and, . Ms- Chai-les n-nd famlily, The sun-tual straw-berry Feýstival of the - Tironto, were guests 0f Mi. andi Ulke Shonne Union Stunday Selhoi)l n-5Mis. Win. Janiieson over the holiday,, lieldi on Mr-. John H Tolmres' lawni on Fnl- day, June 2th. TIue evoninig was cool Mr.M.. Palmier B,rn-tfoid, and but was ouioyed 1by oîd amd Y""u-g.thMis.Mtcel Wtyeen- There -was lots- to est and good icethMis-Mtcel ibywr e- Icream b-sides. The Newteý(nvllebai'ct guestes at Mi, J. C. Hancock's. played dutring the evening sud othor MisMbeBrwToatsp t miusic. The bidron of the echool sang Mis ablBýnTo S t a horuis and M\r. ru Rikd rend- Dominion Day at Bentley' Cttage ened a solo which wss very mucli enjoy- with ber parente'. Mr. an-dlMis. Rolit.e od by ait. r Miss murnay, assistant imn--Brown. aer at theo Copper Beecb aphaea aoiai nlsd Miss Lifian Aniux Mn. antidMrs. Garnet Ryan, Ton-r iiainaýge-r ofthe cam~p, contributed. sm tson-itel ldy ih o an-0 w\ell rendered ins-trume1(ntaIs. Roi-uý. E no pntteKoiaywt irp Bý. CoIoke spokie very tittingly sudRoi, ente, 3,1. andI Mis. W F. Thomas, Ginard Ga an sd Dr. Farncomb were I Beaver-,st. alsoiutrestng jeaens Mn.Josphi Jint Tebbil,, Toronto, came clown i Coisn ated( as chairmnan. The- roI celpts smrotnted to aîmiost $80. - on the holiday te have a look nround ___________the eltI home {aw nad neet -old ciaq- uaintances JUNEWEDI ~ .Miss lHael Brown lias comrpleted 'Snowden-Curran. hier school duties la 'North Clarke antI hias, returned ihomi-e te enjoy lien- weli- A quliet wevdding toolc place Sntt-crdy-j anneLd heliday, Juaie 3, at St. Johni's (Churc, whe1,1 h . nero mih fariI C'arnie Viola, daughiter of Mn,. C.,il-.iTeLAdso Sit fai- raui -wassunited in n-in-igo with Mn.Ionve ta-day for a mater trip, througjlý t W E. T. Snowdleni, shawa, Rv .5 Western Ontario, Northenn Ohio andi. Postlethwaite, M. A., penrformi1n-tho INew York Statos,. coromiony, aud Mr. J.A. auna roatier-. ing the wedding miu.sic. The bride wliol Principal Canon of osig Putiie a entered thie chuirch on the nrni ,fmaipbr ISch 1oleft' thîs week fan Kingston v cousin, Mn. Loirne Dean, looked lovely i wen o il-ae up universitv -wonke sgown of whlito satin anad lace.vThereli -rlta long net viu hung gracefully frunia duning the summoîe. baindeau iof orange bleosson; , Hon1 Mn.n-nd Mis. EtI. Poutrey antd hain fenn. Sho w,ýas attendod by bher family andI Mie. Geo. Murray, Ori- sister, MrIss Mary Ctirrna, tlias gown o! 1 h, wene gu-este of Mrs. W. W. At-e jade green canton cre-pe an-d laig- lt-kao Ve oino Dy une hiat of black miohsir aud onrylag Ophelia roses. ,iil, iMisses Hazol sudi Gardon parties n-ne a big ciop bores Mnbe Crrnsisese h rd.w this seasoa, several were passed la- flower girls in iuffled frocks of piukor1 to history mest week antI several mono gaudie sud ,oiiIlut.s of sw'tpeas. iTsheek b timan leas Mn. Erniest Snowdn. are in the ofin-g for ti 2wek Af ton the cremiiony ithe weddi.g p-t Oui city fat-hers h-ave a gang of mfotoredl to the homneof th" bridecs I muother, Division Street,. where a number mon putting la cernent sitlewn-iks ef frien6.s- sat dlown to a bosutiful inni- nlong v-nious skreets, which addtI choon. Ato the recoption the bride grently te t4e appeanance of New- sud grorom l ft amid s1howers of con-s-le., the non-t, as w-eh as comifont f(etti sud, good wtshos for a shoi- rtitn to Týoronito sud Biiff-alo, the bnid wear-' to the il'zeas inig a uavy bIne suit sud largo black Oui venerable citizen, Mn. Carterk hatL. On theinroturu thoy will resîdeBicbnheddslre eutio lu Oshawa. Bakur eddalredptto Ammig the guoste fron enut oftofol the "Biackbunn-Aiiin Clan" froin were Mnsd Mrs. odesd itheo thisý section nt the Blnckburn picnic danhtns Ohaw, 4ansd M, Ca.wich wae held ant the homte of Mi. M. Dean n-Id Misý.eùsSt1,uarIe sud erhi Cunrani, Bnrkeon. hn.Alf. Hardy'. Parlin.gton Twsion- 1 Domninion Day. 1 Mn. Jami-es Tebble, Jr., Toronto, le - OBITUARIES visitiag bis suat, Mie. Arthur Nicli- oie. Sorry to report that "Jin-i" le Mrs. Martha Dever, Biackstock. not feeling as well n-s usual but no doubt h ngrt Un-g air of the old On uue26, thonrepssdaway in thfhlivior tonhiof Cartwright, ore whose homo, homoe town wllIl soon reetone hlm to had becolne a laudmnank, in the person bis formier gdocl health. of Mn,. -Mantha Doyen, tin hon S7thi yen-r. t lsigh bsb SovI-ora weeýs n-go Mn,. Doen h lad al Hayîng is la fulswnintsIo seious fait nnd ntu accouint of ber age I, cality anad reports are that it prom- hon ! necovery wss not xctd isos to, be the largeet bn-y crop ihat,1 SIns. Doen b as sont most ofboi(rlfo thie section bas had for a long tinoe, ui atn ih and was esteùnaed by Iait who were priviloged to know hon,,., Thru antI al othen crope n-no looklng fine-o aIl hier illn-ess the disposition whdlheou- andI promis a bountiful harvest- dleared hon tIo so n-ny dld tnot dotsent bler which wvill be miucli appreciaied 'by aind hon bnrightne-ss n-n-dlgentionese. un- oj lculturists. der pain w ionag.çnificont, Durin, ei-gr OUiag9 laten yen-ns Shel n-el,-'d lwvtbi anmlboe caned for by hon "tson Ah drew sud ber gra'idchldron 1Mi1ss Violet, Aecadnanti- Orn. The fu'neral "as hoid on Thursday, June -8, from the fn-miiy homneste-d conunted by honriaiisten, Roi-. R. G. Carru1thors, internent biug made lu the M ethodiet Cemneteny nt Bln-cktoclç. Mrs. James- Dradeea, Pinedale. A i-ony bighiy' respected residient of Bnmk towushi p, in Victoria Counity, passed to honr rewn-rd ou Thursday, Jue 28, in lite person of Mrs. J. Bm-doen, P1ine- tleged 80 uyeans nt the homeofo! hon dn-ughter, -Mns. Wmi.3M. Gmhan, TLind-1 say.,where she bn-d gone on a visit a! littIe over two weeks ago. The latel SIns. Bm-doln was laid to nest in thel Rii-ersitde Cemete."y, Lindsa-y, by the, side of hon husband who p)redeoeas"ed bieri one ye-n n-go this month. Survlviuig are ton eobjîren--Mrs. George Curtie, Lindïssy; m Fred Riches-, Edmontoni, .AIta.; Mns. Thos. Blackwecll, Toronto; Mns. 'Wm. Grham, Lindsay; l4rs. J.i H-. Batomnan, Bowmn-ville; Mn,, C. L4ynch puoiticton, B. C.; 14rs. Ge o. Sonley, Pinediale: Mn,. Arch. Johinstou, Pinedale; Robert Bm-don, Snintfield an-d Wm.j Braden, Pinodale, jOnt. êl.l oncept Mn,. Riches wene present nt the funneia.I on Saturday, June 3th.- Hon children do rise ip an a nil hen blesset,- The vaîlous Comnittees lan charge of the diffenent eventa lanconnection with the opening of Our New Coïn- munity Hall on ,Aug. 2, 3, 4,' 5 anad 6 nçxt report that evenythbng le being arrangetI veîy satisfactorily -dii promises teI- be the biggest oetl the history of Newcaetle'. An emeigency meeting of the lo- cal onden of tiglit w-adn- was callet for this week but as there w-as not enougb for a quorani the only business tran- saciet w-as a vote of censuie nassed on the citizens for the mnvisfr manner i- Wbicb tbey are contributin-g tos the Menorial Libnary Fund and it w-as voted with grave concern thnt sone of the charter nemboîs weîe n-mon-g the offenders.. The Preeldent oex- pressord hie fear to youn correspond- ent iliat sucli pbilaaihropby wouid sur-ely undemi-e the foundatione of their onden anti w-bon ie -was in- foîn-et that the ladies had nlîeady succeeded il a nising oven $600 ia two weeks, lie tbh'ew up hie liands and admited that New-asfle was no place fer a tight wad. NEWCASTLE RkECTOR' 1 INDUCTED. On Wednesday, June 27th at 8 P. mlu a most interosting and imi- pressive service took place la St. George's Chunch, Necastle, when RV. E. R. James was indutod into the ilenubecy of th~e parlsh of Clarke, comprising St. Georgo's, lNwateand St. SavioiVs, Orono, by the Lord Bisqhop of the Dioceso." Assisting in the cornmony wore the Venorable Archdeacon War-ren, Rur- al Dean of York, Canion Sn-wyer of Cobourg-, Rev. J. A. Elliott of Port Hope, and Rev. J. Scott Howard. The Vonenable Anchideacon War- ren in his charge to mînister and poople, outlined the duties of each, em-phasizing- that God's wonk c-an only .be successfuily done whea mi-in- ister aand peopJe ail faithfuliy carry out thoir dutie-s under Divine guid- NEWCASTLE Peter Giddes le on the sick list. Mi- Fred Fligg is visiting with friends la Oroao. Mrsz. (Dr.) Anderson is visitinjg fîiends in Toron'to. Mi ss Audrey Mc1-Leod, Toronto, is vljsiting- frieads here. MrPS. W. T. Lockhart is spending a few days in Toronto, Miss Gladys Jackson, Toronto, wýas homne oveî the week-end. Mliss Ethel Locktart is visiting withl friends in Godierich. Oui Methocist choir picnickied at Cobourg on Saturday afternoon. MeIssrs. Law Brothers lost one of their valuiable work hoîses last week. Mâr. Percy Ranson, Belleville, is visiting her motber, Mi-s. Wmi. Hunt- or. - NEWCASTLE Miss Sadie Bennett, our Post Office iassistant, wvas la Toronto on Tues- dlay. Mr. and Mdrs. Harvey Matchett and fami-ily, 0Osh-avwý, sp-onet btho holiday with his people. A number of New-castle people tooký in the big doings ini Port Hope2 on1 the holiday; Mlrs. LeGresley, "The Bungalow", eatoytaiaed at Bridlge on Thursday afternioon I-ast. Mi. and _Mis. Russeli. Colwill and family, Toronto, spent the holiday at Mr. W. HI. Pearce's. Major R. J. Gill of Bowmanville was a holiday guest of Mr. and Mis. Crawvfordl at Apple Blossomi Cottage. Mn aad Mis. Can-iplin of Union- ville spent sorne very en.joyable days with their daughter, Mis. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke at the Parsonage. Special Saturday only-Men's Han- vest Boots, 3.0, pairs, guaranteed solid.i leather, $3.00. Copeiaad Shoe Store. Mi. and Mis. F. G. Mclntosh, South Bend, Washington, are guests of Mr. Wellington Foster and clthe formei's mother, Mis. WVilliam iMc- Intosh. Mi. anrd Mis. T. W. J'ackson have gone to Rochester on tlheir ananal pilgrimage andI will visit thein daugbt- or, Mis. P. B-wn. Mis. A. A. Somerville of Orono,. accomnpanied thein. .Methodist Church,, Rev. E. B.1 Cooke, Fn-star. Newcastle-11 a. ni. Claike-2.36. and 7,30 pý. m. Rev.1 W. T. Wic-kett of Tyrnse will speak' at Newcastle in the na>rning andI take the Clarke An-niversany services afternoon andI evening. Mn. W. C. Monaghan is vistng fîiends lanVthe olrd homte town. It is over fonty years since- Mr. Monaghan eft Newcastle a-ntIhe sees niany changes la the old hoiue -jown since tfen. Hie aIso thinks oui new Comm-anity, Hall willI h& a gnon-t bene- fto Newcastle. Mn. Walter Douglas~,, Akron, Ohio, ruade ai short visit wÛth hîs parents here o-ver the week--end. W-alter leý another of oui- Nhwcastle beys that has "matIe good" aind aow en.Îoys a veiy lueurative~ po-sition with the United States Rubber Co. as inspector of their numerýous branches. The sympathy c0f thle whcle neigil, borhoed of Nwat-o-the -Lake,, of sumimer- andI permanent residet, goes. out to- Mr. and Mis. Wm. C. Lake in thei r- row for the sudden, passing cïf Mrs. Lake's loving aind [oarly lo-wet sistor, Miss Webber- o-f Bo-Y.aFanxdiJle,. whe for seiroal weeiks >ioi to lier dceath has been listIýýng with Mn. andI Mis. Lake at the beaut- flysituated home on, the emn-nce iast of the barbon. Theý service in ý 15e Meuthadist Churcb. on Sunrday night was dis- tinct-Lvely national in dharacteî andi plut. Rev. E. B_ Cooke was as- istod b-y Rev. Roy. Hl. Rickard, wb.o,, at the nocent cofîfoience at Whitby vas statÏoned at the No-rthlport ciii. uit, P. E. Cou;ity. Rexîerend Roy xpressed himseif as feeli 'ng quite t home la hie aid home church, and e was sure aIl his filende lan the; aongregation felt the saine andI ho l'ould enjoy nothiag ketter thian ln- steaid of proaching te, theai, to walk îp and dow,.n the ai--les and have a andshake anad chat with, every onè. However, fie did preach on the eub- oect of "The Newer Patiiotism" and as the youag aman talked it seemod be had acquired the spirit and the visioa of a Wesley, who said "The feldI is the woîld andI the woîîd le my paiish'i only lie latI caught the vis- ion andI scanned the field froin the higli altitudes of modern iearning. rust to mention one thoiught of the proacheýr: ho said, that as a skilled nusician, playiag the composition of omne gr&at master, l4sed ail the leys, low and high and black andI wrhite, so Got in hie divine him-oniy, had a use andia place for ail peuples of the en-iti, black, white, yellow,,,, red, Jew and Gentile. If compai- isons are permissible, Roy captuned the hearts of his audience even mnore with his solo than wthhie sermon \vea ho sang in that full îich bai- one voice of hic "Whie we walk in ýh shadows." The hyma book with ite fine colleetion of national an~d patriotic songe lends itef admial -o such e, seryice as this anad the con- grogat±(jn uniLeç heaitîly la thie iongs of the -eo.venin'. Trhe dvt NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Senior Division Promiotion e-xamninations. Senio r i- rision. Hono)iýurs 7L,. pass 60%. Naines lin order of mentri: Jr. IV to 51'. IV-- E i1een o&ýke hlonors, Chanires Thackray, Wiilie Lke-rae uCjarke: r.IlI tO Jr. IV ila order 'ofnmenti- Neiearrod hbon, Mne.Lake 1hon, ROSS Jone hon Doothy Riokard 1hon, Burney Coueli, ~alyGaaWletGra- ha;manidBeýssie ('iaike equal, Penrn Sta-,j let0on, JanPrnu, thea Hlenniing, Lon- nlie GibIson, Rgnl Robinson, FrankL GaAresta MaBrtin. Giibeýrt NF0Eatch- er", passed on yars ork as 1he was nibe teowrite ex]aminations. C.PF. Cannon, PriIiiciai. itermediate Division Jr'. 111 to Sr. III-Hon.or's-Eieainor Andenrson, Fred Btjtler, Acidrey -MeGuire, 1,oy joues, George Gaines, Violet Brown. Paýss-RubjY Nichiolais, Jon Maefar- Jfane, Alfred Garrodl, LawreyGaines. Prize winner-Vioiet Proývp. Sr. II to Jr. III-lionors-D ou glas Wrgt, J e s i & \Ma cfý rlneý, AIbert Pearce, CsrïiIe Parnell, Evelyn Rickard, lDun1reath Dudley. Pass-Betty Garrod, .Fred Thomas, Rosa Cowan, _Marion itinchi. Pri7e win- nier-Dunreath Dudley. Jr. II to Sr, II-H7onors-M\urriay But- ler, Olga, Paskarlrlt, Eess5e 7Lake,~ Ruby Cowan. Pass-J essie VanDusen, Al1,an Spener, Floyd Brown., Willie MEahrn arold r ocViolet Ilennlhng,. Fred 'Couch. Prize winne-r-RPuby Ce',wan. H-. A. Maecn, teacher. Junior Division Book 1I to Jr. -Mary B ,eren, Mil- ton Brown, Lewis Clark, Fred Cowani, Fiejene H~ayes, Donald McEacherrn, Johin Rlýckard. rSr. Pr. to Book I-Flubert Anderson, ,Bille Bruntý MylCark, Rarry Couch, Gordon Garnod, Edwiin, 'asnnoek, Betty Mont-oenlois Martin, Gen5dolyn Willi&jn& Jr. Pr. to Si'. Pr.-Margaret Toms, Tai- bert A1d.cead, Lcyd AIMflread- To Jr, Pr.-Charie Brereton, Mary .Chaplin, 1Kate Clark, DoroLhy anig Billie MG4e.DonialdWd MED2CAL ALFRED FA4RNCO~MBP M. D,, C. M- Graduate of Trinity Univer~sity, alto of Royal Co1lege Physiin, Edin.. burg. Specialty--Diseasee of wom- en and childrel. Ofice -rPa ker'a Block, Newcastle. J. A. EJTLEX*M. D,c.-.M. Hor padiuateok'TinMiyUniveruity, 1 Licentiate of the State. Univyersity of N'ew York Matiulate of the Pont- Greiluate Medieul School and Hos- pital of New ycek and, F'ellow of the T,--ronto Acadebay of Medicine. Offlef., -Mrs. MeNughta-l R ildeni., èY1,wastlýe. Hiaurs-8 te 10 a. m_, 1 bo 3 D. m., ancb by awpointmnent. SI THE FOOD IS GOOD- THE PRICES ARE LOW That's always the situation in this Grocery Store. Because of Lhese tWo great faetors we have buit up an enviabfè business. We both lose when you-buy elsewhere. Grocer R,. WALTON Newcastlc Durant Dealers $ý1395; 6-cylinder i Tools to Make Sprîng Work 'Easy Yes, we have everything a well eq.tiiplYed hardware store should have. An~d ay folks, lie- fore you senci your monay out of the villIage for hardware come in, and see wi3A stýock and comipare prices. We make it worth y-our while to déèI> WvvM, JAMI""EONi llardware Store, Newcastle 0 g- .lf r ft Trial order will convince you that you save money shopping here. I THE SUPREME AND POPULAR DURjANT CARS- PRICES: Star $710; 4-cylinden Durant Durant $2335. DEMVONSTR-ATION: We wiil gladil' give you a deinpnstratioin of the Durant nt aay times. INFORMATION4: Fie;, informâtion on operation and cane of car. IMPORTANT: See us before buying a car. W. J.'MOOJ"RE & SON Newoastl* Coal SUMMER PRICES NOW IN OPERATIO1N See me before plaeing your order. Geo. Jamiesoi, Newcastle The Full Market Basket It le al7aiys- oui a*z to reu'der oea- eustomers aa eevice wblcjh w-ih be a-litWsat-ifactony-by FULL WFJOBT. FULL VAÉI-ES Jsb hoje. FUL.L QUALITY- Ail wr.-ask la ap-, 'fpertityf tO) 0w yeum.that it-pays ta, deali HL,.S. 1U Baker & Grocez, ýrittol

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