With Which'is Incorporated The &owmanville News 'URSDAY, JULY 19, 1923" $2.00' a Year In Advane- 5c a Gbpy No. 29 THE EDITOR TALKS MUSIC PUPILS PASSED ished the fifth- Toronto Con.3ervatory Examns. nd its history, Kers1ake. Our Mr. T. W. Stanley, Teacher. i us that these A. T. C. M., Piano-Viola Brown, [ils one', have aps. a s Daz1igo Initermediate Pianio-Marion Or- SPECIAL Mr. A.j purcha sedl SUNPAY DINNER AT BALMORAL HOTEL' Dresse her we fiid ourstoeks .e offering exceptional our Gingham, Ratine ad Voil es-a beautiful ýd prices. clown at cost and less. LITS REDUCED S which range in cent~. price fron' eto get a'Tweed A surprisç awats ere Soce mai 's for Friday week -.Annie Gardi ier, LINE 0F MENWS COTTON SOX Blue, grey or blýck shadès in Men's Cotton Sox, splendid val- têes at 35c, Friday and Saturday 4 PAIR FOR $1.0 NECKWEAR ~Your choice of aay $1.50 Neck- tie. in the store, Friday and Sat- urday - COT Trousers, wiii wear ýegular up Saturday MEN'S CLOTHING SPECIAL NO. 1 Men's Sport Suits, new models, rough tweeds, Norfolk and Sack styles, niceiy miade., regular Up to $28.50, for oniy $19.75 STRAW SAILORS Men's Straw% Sailors, 'ail the balance of our up-to-date stock to clear Friday~ and Saturday 20% DISCOUNT MEN'S CLOTHING SPECIAL NO. 2 A line of bine and grey serge Suits, very best quality obtain- able, pure wool an.d guaranteed fast colors, re-gular up to $35, on Priday and $aturday $28.50 EACH ,zer, Tý reAl and anticipating Sreunion next yeý H OF 35e EACH Mrs. L. M. Fish~er, Teaâxer. Primary-Marion G. Rickard,. Elementary-Minnie Pea&'e, hon- AVien's Brown, Boots. 01!Y' 15 pairs, p laring at $245. Ives' Cash Shoe .ore. Ex-Warden and Mrs. A. J. Een- )oner. Boys' Navy ajnd Khaki Cotton Jerseys, niceiS, trimmed, best quaiity, regular 50c, Friday and Saturday 39e EACH NECKWEAR Friday and Saturday any $1.00 Necktie in the store for enly 69c Balbriggan Underwear M~en's Balbrlggan Shirts and Draw,ý,ers, regular up to $.LO, Friday and Saturday 75e EACH SWEATERS Be sure anud see our new Sweat- ers for ladies and gentlemen, in the new convertible collars, al sizes at 1$4.75 PURE WOOL BetCASHMERE SOX BetEngUeýh malce pure wool, Clearing at only 50c PAIR J. Beggs, teaeber at Janet- the part aine years, has ointed Principal of Ponty- ic School. G. Bragg, B. A., Vancouver, iýiting his brother, Mr. W. M. P. P., and 1his niother, B'ragg, sr., an'd other rela- le, and M.l.and Mviss '.raceo ar pos -wee Sun- land Mrs. Jas. W. Hoskina Bowen, M. Marlon of Oshawa, visited W. S. 'Bragg's recently, FICIAL OPENING ,wcastlec iun".itv Hiall Thursi A Friday Cody. oud 1 hone 271 wcastle, Julý OSHAWA .ers. Sale LEE oseland- bere- Coni owlees, en , M. D., Reeve. 1