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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1923, p. 6

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M.pMm levers Kidney Trouble Mys. F. Rlnehart, CaiMP- S This was followed ypiswk at times ,werevery severe.llie dtctor laid 1 had inflammat of the bladder and that an <per- * ationi mighit be necessmr. To this 1 Yfuse-d, and began using De. heefit, The pains lot, urinati'l1 wwco7cted. and I ha"e had no racurreumceof these ailmerits. MS. Chas's idney-LIver PlUs ~snjis sOci, Sc~. b«e. mi demâw%, ce, mU5 s TO E XPECTANT MOTHERS À Letter from Mrs. Smith Tells 1kw Lydia E. Pinlchai's Vegetabie Compoimd Helped lier Trenton, Ont.- "I1am wi itin to you in regard ta Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- out it I have taken it bef-ore aeach of my adafterwards, and 1.fn it a great help. ::: eyrpull thiough. '~One day a frndof r y husband told bum what the Vegete- b1- Compound had donc for is wvife and ad'vised -hin ta takeeabottla borne fer nie. After the fourtb bottle I was a differant woman. I bava four cbldrcn now, and 1 aiways find the Vegetable Compound a great help as it seema ta rmake confinement casier. I racoxnrend it ta in friends. "- Mrs. FRED H SMITH, John St.; Trenton, Ont. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeae Comi- pound is an excellent niedicina for ex- pectant mothers, and sbould be taken during the entire period. It bas a ge-n- oral e fFct ta strengthan and toneup the entire system, 50 that it raay work in evary respect eff ectually as nature in- tenidtd, Thousands of wotnen testlt'y ta this fact. Wok'à61tOB Rot Voinpomni& * .4 ae. reliable repudting SoZcieeld in three de- grees of strenth-No. 1,si; No. ,2, $3; No. 3, $5 per bot. Sold bJ Il druggists. or sent p n ecipt of price. W-n aMl1e t. Address: TEcOOK MEDICINE CO. T'OIOUTO, ONT. FumagElyWau iESTÀBLISHED 1857 ~#impurter direct ot SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANiTES and onîy th. best lrades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I einploy no cemetery caretakerau as agents preferrlng tc oel my awn goods thus saving the purchaser the'nt'a commsion, A cail solicuted. F. li. Proprletor. Phone 32OVo BOUNSALL Bowrnanville. Box 94 SP110$PKOIE1 lTe Great Engish Preparatin.. *Tones arid invigoates the wwhole nervous system. makes new Blood in old Veins. Used for Nervous »ebilty. Mena and Brain UWory De poden J.Los f Enrry, Pal pitation o) *for $5.9 Sold by ait druggisis, or mailed in paï pkg. on receipt of priçe. N-ew pampdik maile free.THE WOOD MEDICINE Co_..,TGNTOONT. Double TracRoute Bel-ween Mountreal Toronto Detroit Chicago Unexcelled dining car servce. Sleep- ing cars on night trains and parlor Cars on the principal day train.. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horni- linz, District Passenger Agent, Tor- enita. J. H. H. JURY, Agenit Phone 78 Bowinanl.e BOWMANVILLE, AUrG. 2nd., 1923. DAILY PRAYER FOR A YOUNG CHILD Lord Jesus listen to my prayer, 1 thank, Thee for Thy loving care, O keep nie saf e each day and niglit Through ail the darkness and the light. May ail I think or say or do Be right and kind and pureand true Until I reach Thy home aboya Where ail is ligbt, and joy and love. -Amen. Summer Asthma Will spoil your summier and mlake your company distressing te, your friernds unless you get relief. Get a box of RAZ-MAH today. Mee* people feel better fromn the fret dose. Your druggist will refund your money if a $1 box doca flot bring relief. Ab-. solutely harniless. (Generotis sample for 4c in staxnps. Temletons, To- ronto. IR12 RAZMA For Sale by F. R. Kersiake and Jur"y & Lovel rHAFED by rash or itclilag C kin? Johnson's Baby Pow- der gives quicli relief andI keepe5 infanu cool and comfortable. Try thse Drsg Store Firat LFRAI CHIIORENI BUILD STRENOTII RAPIDLY ON Scott's Emulsion Zutoo Tablets DO Three Things -e Hoadadio in 20 mtu --breask up a Ccaovenjhi de-ihwv woa't Iur Yeu.. Best of ail Fly Killers 10e per ?acket at ail Druggists,. Grocers and General Stores llaveyou shinely"u ke shoes ldan? ORONO (Fiani The News) Miss Doiiy Emo is guast of the Misses Coînisb. Miss Louise Cowan, Toronto, is hoiidaying at homne. Mi. and Miss Meilar of Toronto, are a Mr. F. Osborne's. Mi. Stevenson of Cleveland, visit- ed at Mr. IH. G. MlacDoneld's. Mi. Laverna Cooper of Sudbury, vilsîted his fatber, Mi. George Cooper Miss Bernice I'ucker of Ottawe, visitad ber father, Dr. M. M. Tuckei. Miss Agatha Staples of New York, is visiting her father, Mi. Williami Stapies. M-. and Mis. Orm Waitars, Lon- don, visited bis relatives here ovar Sunday. Mis. J. F. Lorrimen raturnad from a pleasent visit ta lier old home et Fergus. Mi. George Dinner bas purcbese'd the Wes Noden rasidenca in the north weîd, Min. E. Grady and family, Hamil- ton, ai evisiting liar fathar, Mi. C. G. Armistrong. .Miss May Mitchell, Toronto, is spending baer vacation with Mrs. But- tais, Church-st. Masters Gor-don and Roy Wintar aie spending a very pleasant waek with fîiends ln Toronto.:1 Mis. Brecken of Toronto, spant the past week at the home of ber sistar, Miss F. Osborne. Dr. C. T. Miller, Manager of thé Red 'Rose Tee, Toronto, visited his father, Mr. John Miller. Mr. and Mis. George West end Miss Berthe Rundie, Port Parry, vis- ited at Mi. D. T. Ailin's. Mi. Graham of Winnipeg, is spend- ing a hýoliday with bis wifa and son at Mr. Josephi Campbeil's. Mi. and Mis. O. W. Rolph have returnied fromn an anjoyeble holiday by mnotor to Ottawa and Montîeai. Rav. J. W. Re and Mi. end Mis. Adolpb Henry imotoîed out to thel former's sumimer cottage at Kawerthe Park. Mi. Percy Law-rie who is holiday- îng haie is now ioceted et- Detroit where ha has e position in a state, bank. Mis. (Dr.) John Chester of Des- boro, aceompanied by Mis. J. Chas- tai of Toronto, are visitais at bier fetheî's, Mi. T. Smnith. Mi. and Mis. James Tamblyn aea in Toronto where Mi. Tamiblyn is, assisting bis brotbar-in-law%ý, Mi. Deve Eiliott, in building operatians. Mi. and Mis. John Uglow of Ne-T casta, anid Dr. Uglow and son George* of Chicago, wara guasts of t~hef orn- aî's daug-hter, Mis. C. R. Carvethi. Mr. Robait Emo and sister, Miss Florence Eino, Mi. end Mis. Cîosbie and friand, 'Mr. Butler of Toronto, motoied dowx i-nd visitad Mi. Wmn. Coishi. Mi.s. Isaac Wintai is visiting bar fether at Kiemnount wbo is in a vary poor state of bealth.- Sha le Mccomi- panied by lier brother, Mi. Albert Farrow of Ballyduiff. Mi. James Hellett of Toronto, ac- campanîed bis oister, Miss Cassiý Hlllitt, home fîom the city an'd is ra- maining for a faw weeks. Mis. McCarty, soprano soloist, Toronto, favored the congregation of the Mathodist Chuicb Sunday evan- ing with ana of baer bast selectians Rev .A. K. Edmison bas returned eftar a pleasant visit witb biis brother, Dr. Edmiison, Montreai. Mr. Ed- mison sew something of Nortbern Quabec duîîng bis visit, and hed the. plea sure of fisbing, lake traut and Reliaves Asthme At Once. If yeu could raad the thousands of unso- iicited letteis received by the miakers, from _gratef ni usais you, toa, would realiza the rearakable powers of Dr. J. D. KaIlogg's Asthme Ramady. AIl cases, incipiant and chîonic, are benefitted by this great famuly ra-i- ady. Why suffer or eixperiment with wortbless preparations wben the gen- uine- Kellogg's cen bc purchased everywhere. Mi. and Mie. William Undeiwood spant the week-end with bier aunt, Mis. James Hunter, et the close of e fe aw waks enjoyabla boiidays. Be- ginning et Niagara Fells and Vict- oria Park wbere they enjoyed the hospiteiity of the Ciifton House, tbey went ta Cobourg, Rice Leke end71 otb- ai points. A clay's trout fisbing 25 miles noith of Colbarne resuitad in the -capture of 204 spacklad beautias, -ilAn ýp-the baggad 7 longe, P such cases, common sensa sugg-ests the use of reliabia home remedies, sucb as Dr. Thomnas' Eciectric Oul whicb is wvonderfully effective in aas- ing infiamimatoîy pains and heaiing C uts, scratchas, bruisas and spiains. The prasaence of this remady in the family medicine cbast caves many a \- is. ,the FORD SON TRACTOR Chadburn Motor Co. Oshawa, Ont. 'l Wvvhy, boil away your fruit ? CANADA, THE EPIRE'S WOODYARDj By Robson Black, -Manager, Cana- dian Forestry Association. Here are somie itemns of interest to Canadians. 0f the total area of forests in the British Empire, Can- adla bolds over 50 Per cent. Ind ia bas 14 per cent, and Australie, and Ne'w Zealand about 8 per cent,. Seventy five per cent of the forestý area of the Empire belongs to the people an-d oniy 25 per cent to cor- porate bodies and private individuals. Ini Canada alone more than 85 perý cent of the f orest area is public own- ed. The Cana.dian people gain from their foîest possessions the enor- nou.,s revenue of $500,000,000 a, year, representing the production of ail branches of our f orest industries. More than 100,000 men are engag- cd in Canada converting forast pro- ducts into weaith in some f orm or othor. Naarly 400,000 other people depend on this 'forest army' for their food and 8helter. In the pulp and paper mills are, 33,000 men, drawý,ing $40,000,000 a year in wages. The lumber industry pays 5,5,000 mnen $60,000,000 wages, annnualiy. These are but two indust- ries out of a score that are directiy dependent on a forest supply. Canadien people cause 4,000 f or- est fires a y.ear tbrough'racklessness. The burned material represanta many tumes what is utiiized by ail the in- dustries front coast to;coast. Your Home Medicine Chest.- Amnong the standard bousaboid reme- dies that should aiways be on band in your home medicine chest, noue is more important than Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul. Its manifolid useful- nees in îelieving pain and beaiing sickness isý known by many thous- ands throughout the land. Always use Dr.. Thomas' Eýclectric Qil for re- iaving rheumnatic and sciatic pains, treating sore throats and, cbasts, coughs, burns, scalds, cuts,---bruises and sprains.1 T HE CALL OF GEtT7GIAN BAY Georgian Bay--l- - - giaaming stretch of L4ake Huror's waters, dot- ted with 30,000 isian( S of aIl shapes and sizes is one of the moist deiikht-1 fui and popular of Cf- r as summer playgrounds. It is so býeautiful and thare is so muceh to cdo-candeing, bathing, fisb-' ing, yachting-ail thase deligbts aw-ait tha lover of the water. On land there aresports aplenty-ten- nis, golflngz, lawn bowling,- picnickingi and dancing for thosa an pleasura bent and for those who are weaîvý of the gay social wbhirl, hundrads; of I alluring trails over wooded hi't and camping grounds wbere primitive 1pleasures -restora the jaded spirits of the city dweller. The shoreline of the B'ay is dot- ted -witb resoits to suit avary taste. Tbe breezes from across thae broad axpansa of Lake Huron are aiways cool and invigoîating, and the watersi abound in black bass, maskinonga. salmon trout and other fish. Hotal accommodation is good. Ail the chief points on Georgian Bay are reached by Canadian Na- tionial Railways and descriptive book- let may be pîacured fraeefrom any of their agents. No need endure the agony of coins wýitb Uolloway's Corn Remnovar at band to ramove themi. Live up to your ideais as the years; pass for to desert themn makes old age a tragedy. EMA YoU are flot ex p ertinent- îng %wiien you tuse Dr. Chase's oint- mient for Eczeina anid Skin Irrita- tioiis. It relieves at once andl gradul- al heals the sicin. Sampie box Pr. chase's 0litinlent free if yýou mpention this paper and senýd 2c. starnp for postage. 6OC, box; aldealersorErazn te&C. Limited, Toronto. ORGANIZATION Sam was diriving alonig a country road, whvlen a horse-fly~ started dig- ging in on onie of his mules. Out fiickdt his long "black-snake" whip and ï,he fly passed into oblivion. tA Lt.tle further on and Sain spied a tiny lizard scuttling up a tree. iOut went the whiplash agaîn, and the lizard ceased to take interest in world affairs. "Sami", suggested his white com- panion, wýho had been a.dmiring his skill with the whip, "see if you can bring down that hornets' nest up there". "No, suh;' boss! No, sub"!1 Sam oh- jected vigorously urging bis mules to a faster pace. "Ah ain't monkeyin' wif no hornets. Dem dawdone bugs is awganized." The "Off-Day. As a vermifuge an effective pre- paration Is Mother Graves' Worm Extermninator, and it can be given to the .most delicate child without fear of injury to the constitution. DelclusDesserts easily made with IQUICK PUDDINGS1 ~AND CUSTARDS Save tlne, trouible and Just acld milk to contents of package. Bail for a min- ute--a3Id serve. Equafly delicionu, hot or cold. Custards L Von aulz. Anowroot, At aii Groe..s, Md MaLA2ENS LIMITED, HamhZdW df noie. 14 How to Make Delicious Plum Jamn Slice, pit and crash well about 2Y2 and mix welL Use hottest fire an(, ibs. plume. Measure 4 level cups (2 stir constant]y bef ore and -while boil- lba.) crushed fruit into lar~ge kettle, ing. Boil liard for 1 minute. Re-' add Y4 cup -water, stir until boiling, move from fie and stir in %' bottle cover kettie, and simmer 15 minutes. (scant '/- cup) Cert, Skim and pour Add 7% level cups (31/1-lbs.) sugar, quickly. T HE interior parts of a Moiffat Electric Range are troubie-proof. The user is furthermore -protected against accidents because of the out- side terminais and other safety fea- tures which make the Moffat -the ideal range for domestic use. The Moffat Electric Range is simplicity itself. Further inf orm ati on, ilïltratecd literature and catalogue wiii be fur- nished by your Eiectric Shop, or write Moffats, Limited, Weston, Ont. gworrasElectrlîc MOFrATSRang«s POST OFFICE, BOWMANVILLE HARVESTERS WANoTEDLm $15m29 TO WINNIPEG Plus hall a cent a mile beyond ta ail points ini Manitoba, Saskatchewan, A.lberta; Edmonton, Calgary, McLeod and East. SPÊCIAL LOW FARES RETURNINO U". it ih Chpberies Cumva,5t Appbas *Aadtho 159*, i Ank 1 m dm Auguet 134,h and 22nld-Toronto, Caiedon East, Beeton, lâ fiN 1; Meaford, Collingwood, Penetang, Midland, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and east thereof in Ontario, also west of I<achute and St. Eou Andrews East in Quebec. DAT E%5 Auguet 1lSth and 24th-Toronto, Inglewoad jet. and al stations south and west thereof in Ontario. Special Trains Leave--(Standard Time) TORONTO UNION STATION August 13th-12.15 A. M. (Midnight August lZth) August 13th-9.OO P. M. August 13ti-12-2O P. M. August l3th--4.00 P. M. August l3th-1O.30 P. Mi. August 2Znd-12.30 P. M. August 22nd-1O.30 P. M. Throulgh Trains with Lunch Oounter Oar--Iýood and Refresbments et Reasgonable Prices. Speolal Oars for Waon andGOlonlet Gars of Latest Deslgn Travel the National Way tg any point in Western Canada A Alie Mm' E -()6 The delicious, superior quaiity of the jams ansd jellies you cen make so easily with Ceito would alone miaka. a trial well wortli while. Basides, you get 50% MORE frein thé saine frait-only eue minute's boiling ne- quied-fuil flavor and color of fruit rataned --perfect texture--certainty of suecess with any fruit. Complete bookiet of recipas with every bottle. If your grocer dae not have Certo, send his naine and 40e and we wiU miail you a bottie. Write today for revised Cerf» Book- lot of 73 recipes,(fIee). "'Faro e Ung "-$15 te WINWES. "aeRetarnîg"-$20 trum WINRIPEL COING DATES TERRITORY ALQST1 rom Statiom miuOmario, GtlYs 1db to and incaiutng TSon~to onLae ýhma. Sb Lice AUGUST 13 ad Bav ock-P terbero Lime n..o ncuie and 1,md ta g9sKiiton t. e 0ftew juntnlimy. AUQUST 22. dfrC 0m Fro anSttios »anýJto or UMxll Uand Burketrqn, to Bo1,ý c.weinde Auuù T15 (Wsoman sfl9ticue 0South eLld W"t ofurno and ipçlt>4ing =Pb<ndWn O= c.t aid j Prom eustt wunSoo lalertak, OangeîueQte$ate, St. Mary's, Port Bure, atbd St. Thoeao Branches. AUQUSt4 From aU Station. Toronto and Norh ta BoSltmn n *usivir, SP=AL TUAI NS TUOWTO LUNC4 CUNTEsi CAftS-s.od mud Uf«emneeet asseosahia plOU Fun particulars from c£nMadenPacifieoicetAeitle. W. puu-roNw, Dwic les fl uoexht .Tons.. 7ravel CANADIAN PAIFl fourbtaPackfng COmPany, Limite&d Cobourg 6 C. B. KENT, TOWN AGENT t." '~l ~l I ~... 'k 'À L I * i Il *1 h i i 509000 Harvesters Wanted wmmý e

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