IVES'y STORE is Mrs. Richard Goode has been ho rne daying at Toronto, Niagara a: Buffalo. ing. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Goddai-d a: ghe, visiting friends at Trenton ai Belleville. are Mr. Win. Walmsley, Toronto, 'w ndï a recent visitor with his sister, Mr R. H. Goode. and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Armstror Grant an'd 7visited Mr. on in Rochester, N. Chas, Wright, Tor lier brother, Mr. d and other relative sed'to hear that Izabethilile, Au. tigutit-btl, Ebexn R rS. ýon August 7ti n, son of -Mr. an gedl 38 years. BIGGEST DOLLAR FOOTWEAR VALUES EVER BOWMANVILLE gc IN MEMORIAM ry In fond and loving memory of my dea't wýife and Ilmother, Caroline Ford Babcock, id whlo died August 21st, 1916. WVe cainnot 'forget you, Our lovedl one so re dear. er T-our -nemory gLrows sweeter year after yea1r, You cannot return, so our tears are in I. vain, itBut in hecaven we are hoping to meet l. Huasband, Daughiter aind Spn, %ard Daughterj-in-law.1 In loving mremory of Wmi. Coram' who id departed this life- August 17, 1921. IS, Aslýeep in Jeassoh lh9w et dsTo be for such a sininher meeýt But thine is still i ablessed sýi e From whb*eih noue ever waîkes 1to weep. ofWif e ndFarily. NTED ~rs S.W.S. oms M. ÀT -ner t own. ,k, N. Y., and Miss Marion omst, W. A." Drav wa, are guests of Dr. and Mrs. Spencer. rand Mrs. Fred Reid and L05 ýhter Mary and Mr. and Mis. LOST-Stra, Varcoe motored to Presqu Isle. Betlesda, on. __ ý ~-To n -v. acres or illage or I Aill. l Il MIND an wfllle pas- ti' 0 Otorû ri Liberty n Mlondaty orse, with Send iaff nanville.3 school lasts. This year's Dollar Sale will be bigger and better than ever-don"t fail to attend it Thursday, Friday and Saturday AUGUST l6th, i 7th, l8th' Watch our windows.- Get your children fitted out with shoes for at special prices. Something special for everybody while the sale BOOTS AND SHOES Ab ~g Pair MEN5 WOMEN & CHILDREN %>l.II for These shoes were originally priced frein $3.00 to $ 10.00 1esides the $ shoes there will be others specially reduced to $2.00, $2.95 and $3.45. On Saturday only $1.00 will be allowed off any slioes regularly priced over $.O 150' Pairs Ladies' ]Boots'- 2 Pair for $1,001~ Speeial lot of Infants' and Chîldren's white shoes being cleared out at $1.00 pair NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES ON SALE GOODS PURCHASED DURING THESE 3 DAYS Ives' Casdh Shoe Store Pa.y Cash and Pay Less BOWMANVILLE rnOt1e for the benefit othei chldian, unless thay already have something more suitabie. GET IN THE HARVEST FIELD EARL-Y lil order to enable Canadian Na- tional1 Haîvesters to be first in, the field, first Canadilan National Rail- way train fromy Toronto, Auagust 13, will leave the Union Station at 12.15 a. Mn (Mgh. August i 2th). It cars0 ýr cars Serving HELP KITCHEN GIRL Balmoral IRotel,.13 BUILDING AND) FIRE LIMIT 1 BY-LAV ARTICLES FOR SALE COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE-Pure 6 welks old, fine sturdy stock. A Ge(o. Jamieson, Newcastle- FOR SALE-T-wo antique hall et Apply to Mrs. P..-M. Souch, King Bowmianville. Phione 315. FOR SA LE-Singie trnggy and harr in good condition. Apply to Jas. liott, King St. E., -Bowmaavilla, p! 157'. CARS FOR SALE-Somre good se( Ua uhd f ,frealiments F'or £ares,I to nearest .ONCE-ýppýly ta ~iil1le, 8 APPLIC 11N BOWMA Excerpt from By-Law No. 1073 n.-, ,il5norf iinriv ir~nd o , h-ev, rui re£t tii . LIos. ±Per Uil.. t COLLECT( You11 neyer get another pair of Eyes Take cape of them. They're the only pair you will ever have. Are they perfect? Do you know if your eyes are right? Don't guess--Know. Have them examined by our quaiified Optome- trist. If the glasses you are now wearing are not correct-he has the experience and equipment to discover this important fact. Remember, you can neyer get another pair of eyes-so'guard your sight carefully. "Have Your Eyes Examined" Re ILLE DR SALE BARGAIN, 0ep consent of the. ic By-Law No. 1074 sttvehices to, right of %way, iC to) submit to the -for white shoes, both buckskin and. canvas. Whte Cleanier j WILL NOT RUE OFF . JohIn1 v.es and t earnily week- 2th,1 weddi OFFERED IN -ighlion. to con- houses, H.LD. MO. North Elgin Si 461 Bov CARDS Bîrthday Congra.tulatîion Condolence Convalescent HOUSE FOR SA Il & Co* ie 280 Bowm