NEWCASTLE THE SUND 0f ail the vani 15 HAPPY RECIPIENT 0F A COMMUNI' (Continued froml last RVICES service, and *dflý*,, Wise ]Builder USES THE1 SHOW CLASSIFICATIONS aii and seei $1oooo a square deal f or every- CASH AND VALUABLE SILVER PRIZES Wanted!1 Addressb Colonel Me Col." "cLaugthin vec anciUm Great War next 'dre-v e4of the Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we f ail to cati on you we would àppreciate a phone cati 'or Write us. Hunters, Jumpers, Saddle, Roacisters and Harness Horses, Ponies Tandems and four in hand, Agricultural and Heavy Draught. A CLASS FOR EVERY BREED 0FHORSE DAILY STEEPLE CHASE AND POLO MATCH EVENING CONCERT PERFORMANCE New and up to the minute attractions, moving pictures in the open air, wonderful display of fire- works. AUGUST 14, 1$, 16, 17, 18 Horse Show Park By The Lake Orono of their and do corne. Mvcrae "-- l a the Colonel said e theijr duty br, ýop-nvlanzlv; thi4r 1ve and work for peace. uld concentrate all our efforts ce ald good citizenship. Meincrial Tablets Unveiled The Evening Services. pe Long before the time for the w( 7ening service, tÉe great auditorium to ýgan to fil and people fromn far and N( Ide began to pouir in to hear the p v. Canon Cody, D. D., LL.D., of co )rointo, for it is not often that the Protect Your Family and Your Pro perty! If Sc to cou- Autos rk à&$ m of l f iat 100 to 775 Every used car in our garage must be sotd within the next 10 days and to do this prices have s been reduced very materialty. This Iist gives- you i, an idea of the real genuine bargains off ered: in le Look them over-ask for dernonstration. nd ~Chevrolet Sedan 1922 .........$77500M YOU Dus shouild happen to you jour earning power, what wif e and famlly? Would ýds? What are you doing (isfortune? RESPONSIBLE Insurance protection, in ait its branches, has been carried by this firm for rnany years. Corne in to-day or have us cail and figure out what Insurance you shoutd be holding. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Biokers. Bow 9 «"Ote uah 01 -ý; *z = lu iartfc ig 1917 ............. ig 1916 ............ ing 1917 ........... Touring B25........ ý BOYS, Li, Imported Roses 2000 Importe.d Bush Roses, splendid variety ........ 50C *a CibrgRoses ............... ................75C g. Penelarge roots ............... ...ce Also large stock of' fancy evergreens and shrubs at at- tractive prices. Perennials in great variety........ 15c andi up per root Also Fruit Trees, Sniall Fruits and Greenhouse Plants. Early Cabbage and Celery Plants in abunciauce. Brookdale Nurseries ry of of a fe of Cobourg Ont.