AUG. 30, 1923 $2.00 a Year In Advance FAMILIAR FACES IN NEW YORK T( COAL RURAL LIFE1 Four Sisters Cover ýnand I Ail Summer Goods Redu'ced hà Price There is no better time of the year to buy Dresses, Blouses, Coats, etc., than right now while we are clearîng ail summer goocis at greatly reduced priees. Here's a f ew of the bargains: Ail Voile &âi4 Children's Gingharm Dresses at Haif Price Ladies' Gingham Dresses and all Voiles hy the yard at greatly reduced prices Six only, balantce of $pring Coats at exactly Half ?rice A lot of Ladies' and Children's Middies to be cleared out at 50c ea A lot of Ladies' Blouses ot Haîf Price BOYS' SCHOOL SUT MEN'S EALL SUITS Men's and, Young Mens~ Just arrived for schoo1 Fal Suits ini Tweeds and opeuing next' week-tough Worsteds, newest materials wearng teedsftom$6.5,up and styles, prieed from wearng wees frm $Oup$1350 to $42.50 C0uch44sI to &CrydIernian, Bow1manille Ph1one 104 Lîmîtei ker, So] lob o ,re (,Il [y hon-I I.y 4, 00 mui :, i - s to Pr di up the Alaska, Stakin-g at princ 'way the y by, the V ýe to Car( Stold us ;agricuit- le te time iar Faces JUtaio. h the above eared along r.Baker is rio Experir Iy, therefQrc e is a breer and $hro min Darli Mr. Bakeý ;e at the 0 youing wîth al Fair <on nave eovered r two montir ,visiting -Ni o they spent ie lakes to Di larger cities inthe Nor ýd and Seattle ific Ocean to distance of da1ys with sE other !an. ininig they 2g at nadaa an, n, fan; ANNOUNCING, September Program at Royal Theatre Bowmanville Lizing that the movbng picture patrons of Bowmanvilte appreciate r class of films we are starting Augiust 3lst to give a pick of the best which are appearing in the Iargest down-town theatres of Toronto. ,cy means considerable extra expense in presenting such a high gram and in future prices will be: Adults 25c; children 15c-includ- You will find sufficient variety in this list to please every taste. HERE'S AUGUST 31-SEPT. 1 Norma Talmage In "Smailing Thrn" SEPTEMBER 3-4 "Souls for Sale" Rupert Hughes' Story of Hollywood SEPTEMBER 5-6 Richard Baithehuess In "Soinuy" SEPTEMBER 7-8 "Pride of Palomiar" Front the story by Peter B. Kyne SEPTEMBER 10-11 IVae Murray In "Fascination" G~et a Prize List and corne to Osh- ?Va Fair. IRemember the dates ýptember llth and l2th. BUSY SHOPPERS' GUIDE School Shoes at Ives' Store. See Alex, Elliot for dianaonds. We stili have a few of our $1.98 roes for women left. Your size here. Copelanci Shoe Store. Sweeping reductions in al Sumi- er goods.- Get your share now. s quoted in' Shoe Store est by com- 1 uWtc( hone 97*. ,en'r, Shoc ;overlook Dresses now rice. Couch, n. le easy at Alex1 TO ANTICIPATE: SEPTEMBER 12-13 Dorothy Phill-ips In "Huriicane's Gal" SEPTEMBER 14-15 "Pik Gods" with Bebe Daniels and Jamnes Kirkwood SEPTEMBER 17-18 "The Christian" By Sir Hall Cane SEPTEMBER 19-20 .Tnbnnv Nines i SEPTEMBER 21-22 Charles (Buck) Jones In "The Fast Mail" SEPTEMBER 24-25 Lady Diana Manners In "Diana of the Crossw,,ays" SEPTEMBER 26-27 "Mighty Lak A Rose" With Doîothy MacKaill SEPTEMBER 28-29 Betty Comipsn and Bert Lytell In "Kick In" Children's Middies Couch, Johiniton ce Store is stQCkiflg Wonmen's Americi 1. Be sure te gi over before purcha Suits inst arrived f( 3' handicap, 50 yds, 6 years i de-R. Bates, Edward Bag-1 ,handicap, 100 yds, over 12, der 16 years-W. Bates, L. as race, 50 yds-L. Reader, Barton. yds, open to Goodyear e m- --Pollard, Hl. Lapp. tnen's race, 100 yds, 180 lbs, ýer-Samis, S. O'Brien. for men, 50 years and over 'Brien, H. Fletcher. le and Thread Race-Mrs. on andi Mr. McDonald; Miss and Gea. Attree. Biscuit Contet-CarI Bentz, 'ader. Race-G. Attree, Bruce Camn- ged race-,Taekman and G. G. and E. Attiee. est famuly on grounds-Harry tt, R. Bates. equal-7 each. Show-Baibara Bentz, Ken-, ,ng for the courtesy of tl on the C. P .R. ail alc e. They were ticketed er .Agency, New Yorlk,1 -e journey excepting the ENGAGEMENTS r.~ and Mis. Theodore Fi, FIE LD A At vil, theC marriage to take place A., L. Pas( it the mniddle of September. A. W. Ani r'. and Mrs. R. J. Bull, Weston, Thos. Bake )unce the eng-agement of their John Bake ,hter, Mary Jean, to Mr. William W. J. Leas ýerick McMahon, barrister-at- R. E. Osbc Port Hlope. The marrilage wiil S. E. Weri place quietly on Septaniher the A. IL Bre J. F. Qaboi . and Mrs. Davidi Muir Tod, Osh- announce the engagement of daughter, Mildreci Lorraine, to THE4RE'S John1 Jeffrey Burns, son of Mr. Mis. William Jeffrey Burns, ýwa, the mnarriage to take place More an( ýpte-mber. ing educat Janetville, announce the engagement of their daughter Meta, to Laverne H. Heaslip, Newport, Mich., son of Mr. and Mis. William Heasllp, Janet- ville Otàt. Marriagie takes place early in September. AUCTION SALE Monday, Septenmbr I7-The Gal- braith Brothers, Lot 8, Con. 2, Darlington, tcwn of B-owmnanville, will seIl al of their faim stock, im- plements, etc. See list in pap. et-. Sale at 1 p. mi. Gee. and~ Ted Jackson, Auctioneers. A. J. Staples, Clerk. Pres- ser- dend MION Testanding of the ,r snet given as yet, bi4t arded 85 points and over scoe & Son, Hampton. nuis, Tyrone. ore, Hampton. er, Hampton. ask, Taunton. borne, Bowmanvilie R R 2 Try, Hampton. rent, Bowrnanville R R 5, )rne, BoWmanville R R 4. AN ADVANTACGE IN PAYING CASH nd more people are becoin- ted to the ýdea that it atronize the store that seils ysteni been eepl- totie. linge pnh1fl THE SALVý ARMY A RARE TREAl - 5e a Copy No. 35 AUGUST WEDDING ERE1 Miles. rn avnd A very qu ed at ti )wmanville. bt 29th. wl ers al-so1 Alberta imo'tion Relider ;soleni- sonage, Y, Au- Larmne 'leorenee late J. n miai- SQuick, iQuick, ,B. A., ,r thatg Wili loTý