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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1923, p. 8

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WEST DURHAM ELECTION Expeisses of Candidates Financelal sttemenint of theOletion ex-_ penses of W. J. ragg, LiberalCad- ate for yWest Durhiam in the Provincial Election ld June 25, 1923. 1El,ýtion contributions-none. Elxpen ses Reit of ,-omitee roomns, BIow- nialnvill ........................2. Stenographer's eees............... 12.00. M. A,. Jameus & sons, printing, etc 55.30o BeTel lepo o . .................8.50 Traveling and livting expenses for selIf and driver......... ........1.0 Dated at Clarke this 27th dlay of Aýug- nist. 1929 M. J. HOLMAN, Returning Officer for W\est Durlham. Flnanicial statemient of the Electlin expeases of 1. T. Chaipman, Progressive Candidate for WstDurbi in th ie Pro- vincial Election held Julie 25, 1923. Election contributions........... $110,04 Expenses 1installing and use of Bell Tele- phoQne in Coinittee Room ... 11.00 Relit for Commiittee Roorn....... 10.00 Relit for halls for political mreet- ings.............................2_ 00 G. _N. W. Tlegrapfli Co. report of Elect'inresuits ..................10.00 G. N. W. Kîngston and reply re- A1ýrmories, Blackstock............. .94 Speaker Orono.............. ..... .00 James Papers, advertising, etc.. 26. 52 Orono News .......... .. 9.50 Express on Camipaign Literature 6.55 Typinrg copies of voters' lst. ' -00 ) Auto ire .........................10.0 Postîuge ............ .............. .. Dated at Clarke thiis -"-th day of Aug-1 ust, 1923 M. J. HOL.MAN, Returning Offcer for West Durham. Detailed 'n.emrt of eection exp'en- sesi Of W. Arthur VanCamup, Conser- (atie Ondidateý, for tlýe ProvIncil Election, peld on 2th June, 1923: Eleect5oncontribuitions-nonle. Hire of motor car for use_ of Mýr. VranCampI to VanCamip Bros..$5o00 To Orono News Adlvertising ...8.10 To James Papers Advertising . 1.00 To T-elephione calls .............. 17.55 To Telegraph expenses ....... 10.00 Tfo Bowmoan Hoise.................0 To Balmioral Hotel............ ...3ý.00 To Newcastle Hlotel............... 4.50 To Orono Hotel ...................4 TPo Postage ..................... 27 Total $83 MONTAGUE J. HQi.MAN,ï Returning Officer. JjHere and There J The Swiss Government lias, ap- propriated 500,000 francs for the puI'Pase of assisting thse emnigration of unemployed workers, especally as farniers to Canada. .Saskatchewan now stands first in the world in regard ta thse number cfrural telephones per capita, witht a telephone for eVery laine of thei r Population. __0__ Thse Canadian Pacifie Eailway ha. a survey Party ins the Rouyn gld- f ield, Plotting a route in case Itb sliould be decided to push furtiser i pothward thee une nOW being buit roMattawa t oQuinze, fConstruction Work on a 39 mile extension of tihe Aceue-Emipress lin. running from Druieller to thse 2 Bull Pond will be commenced thisa ye ar according ta statement msadea by D. C. ColeMan, viee-president ofs thse Canadian Pacifie Railway. L Organization of thse Okanagan P fruit growers into a co.operative as-1 sociation lias now been accom-f plished. Ameng the main difficul- #ies which f aced thse Co-perztive advoeates 'was thse raiuing of nde-a quate credit te finance the whole ocheine. This has* been overcomie The United States boa ghlt Cana- dian prodisce during Feruary to the'valuse of $26,'719,205 ini ceapari-n son with $20,116,356, Canada's ex- ports te thse Uii#ed States in 1922.o Exprts of Canadien produce t. thseE United Kingdesn were $17,874,260 in February 1923, and $15,316,265 în February 1922. Canadian exports ot whiskey for the year ending Marci 31st, 1923, a.munted to 339,181 gallons valued at $2,698,377; for, the previous year thse quantity exparted was 192,910 gallons valued at $8827"9. Aie and beer exported during the past year amounted ta 1,4M,629 gallons, whlue for thse previous tweive inontha the aniount was only 421,- 960 gallons. Making Canada Europe's liest and quickest road to the Orient means mucli to this country and thse Canadian Pacifie Railway, in re- trrariging its route from England or socialittue with you to-night and after Trinity'. 10 a. mu.-Suniday wc are idelighted ta find you in theO Sehool. il a. m.-Holy Commun- full enjoymeat af bealtis and îon and sermon. 7 p. m.-Even- strengtli. Few iadeed privileg- sang an-d sermon. Preaciser, tise cd ta reacis even tise three score and Rector. ten and retain as great a measure of healtis and strengti as you now pas- sess. We sincerely hope you con- HAMPTON BOY SCOUTS tinue to eniay lite for se'verai years -ta comie. May Heavcn's richest Tise Boy Scouts have returnedi blessing be yours. Wc take pleas- tram camp and from, al reports it ure ia prcsenting you witb tiss must have been quite a success. Boys hyma book as a sliglit tokien ot can- from Hampton and Zian packed the gratulation, best wishýes and appre- tent ta its utmnost capacity. The ciation. of service rcadercd taoOur camping grounds were about a mile Women's Institute. and a half north and east ofthtie vil- Mrs. Elford thanked the ladies for lage in ane of aature's secluded tise gitt. Shsort speeches wcre given spots liung- with twining 2eautiesi by severai pthers. A sociali bour Pienty of water, extensive play was spent during which refrealiments grounds and many ambitiaus second- wcc served. Mrs. Eltord's malden growtlis, providing ample shade and name was Anna -Maria Werry,1 protection- ail iselping ta add ta daughter of thse late Peter Werry, 1 the grounds suitability, Soiina. 1 It is reported tisat a definite pro- Mrs. T. A. Wrigbt, Cart~wrighit, is frrami was tollowed ecci day, the visitiag lier ýsister, Mrs. Eiford, also atternoons being given up almnost en- lier daugliter Mise, Anaie Wrighit, and -tirely ta gaines and sport. Tlie grand-daugliter Hazel aceompany boys with 'their scout master, Rev. lier.-Lindsay Post.j W. W. Jones, had invited the par- ents ta have tea wsth them aon Wed. nesday eveniag and the~ Mission Cir- cie girls ta visit thse camp on Thurs- OBITUARY day afternooa. Sonie fifty persans accepted th~e Williamx James Witheridge, Sarles, invitation and took tea while thse Dakota. boys served. On the last nigbt of the camp saine The deatsot a nc of the aldest set- fitty friends of tise boys visited tise tiers of Sarle s, North Dakota, in tise camp and brouglit a treat of ice persan of W. J. Witiseridge, accurred cream. Mr. T. A. Thrqwn of Ot- an Wednesday, April 18,. Deceased tawa, led tise boys in community had been- iii for neatly twa montbs singing and Mr. S. G. Cliant moved and as tilue went on lie gradually a bearty vote of thanks for thise grew we4ýer and bis strong constitu- terest taken la tise boys and Mr. tion was unable to witisstand tise Chias. Hastings secondeid the motion, ravages of pneu.monia. H1e was one and said tliat the resuits of the ot nature's noblemen la its truest camp could be seen aiready la tise sense. boys, as saine six oftbteir officers H1e believcd la tise tatherhood of had made public addresses, la whici God and the brotlierhood of mans. He tiscy really excelled telling of tiseirl believed tisat tise 'man -who scatters respective ýduties. Mr. Jones, re- flowers la tise pathway of bis f ellow- plied for iiseif 'and on bebiait ofi mcn, wiso lets inta tise dark places of tise boys. 'The General Secretary lite tise sunsisine ot.human sympathy of the camp sad recorded some anc and humaa liappiness, is fallowing h1un.dred and tbirty-five visitars dur- in the footsteps of bis Master. ing camp. Tise boys ofthtie camp Deceasced was born an November liave been asked ta give tiseir report 29,186, a Wstfluham Qstaiaat Senior League on Friýday even-1 and went ta tise United States wbulc ing next. a yauag mans and taalç up a home-1 Next Sunday evening ail tise stcad near Saries. H1e was marvied i Brotiserhaads have been invitcd ta ta Miss Isabelle Tisompson otCypress, attend churcis at 7 p. m., when Rev. township la 1907. Mrs. Witheridge 1 W. W. Jones bas been requested to passed away an February 13, 1918. preacisto thein. A maie choir wil Deceased is survived by lus aged iead thse singing. father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Tise afficers ofthtie Scouts isad or.- John Witheridge, Saries, N. Dakota, g-anized tise boys into two p4trols f ormieviy of Soutis Dariington,' and were as t oilows: Frank Hast- and isy four sisters, Mrs. T. Wood, ing-s, Assistant Scout Master; Wai- Mrs. Thos. Ayre, Anale Witiseridge, lace Hoarn, Patrol Leader No. 1; Fred Battleford, Sask., and Mrs. Mar- BÙllett, Patrol Leader No. 2; Generai wood Oke, Savies, N, D., and two Secretary, Wiitred Sinale; Camp bro1lherslirvia Witheridge, Saries, Doctor, Wflfred Greenaway; Camp NJ. D., and Edward Witberidge, Bow- Inspector, Ualpli Glaspeli. manville. _______ Tise tunerali was heid at tise home of bis brother, Irvip, Rev. G. P. Lot of Ladies' Blouses marked Keeling officiatiag. Maay relativesj dow,,n ta haifthtie original price. and friends were la attendance. Coucis, Jobanston & Cryderman. Grand Course of E nte r tain men ts Througi Tise Aeolian Concert Bureau the tollowing Higis Ciass Talent will present a series of entertaiameats la Newcastle Comnmunity Hall THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER l3thI J. H. qamieroa-A Splendid Entertainer. Harry Bentt-"Thc Canadian Harry Lauder" Maud Buschea--Finst Violinsiste la Canada. In Addition--A first ciass piaaist. MONDAY, OCTOBER 15th Bob Wilson-Tise King of Camedians. Grace Bonnick-Best Musical Manologist in Canada. Helen Hunt-Emninent Vioiinist. Jean Haig--Sopraao, Gold Medalist Toronto National Exhibition 1920 NOVEMBER (Date Announced Later) Agnes Adie-Sopraso. William Baker--Tenor. Elleen Law-Soprano. Ruiper Lucas-Baritane. , NINETYFIRT BRTHDAY OBSERVEDJ The local brancisofathtie Wame's1 Institute held a sofcial gatisering at I the home' af Mrs. Elford an Thurs- I day eveaing, August 23, la honor of Mrs. Isaac Eltord's ninety-first birtis-1f day. With tise President, Mrs. Louis Moýynes, la tise chair, a short prograin was givea by local talent,ý also Rev. Mr. Smniths of Glenarni, gaveý an excellent address relative to tise occasion. During the evening, Mrs. Eltord was presented witis a hand- som-ely bound 'hyma book and tise f lorgaddress:1 Dear Mvs. Eltord,-iWe, a tew oti your triends and tise members of tise W. I., have taken tise liberty ta came ta your bome on tiis th1e occasion of your ainety-f¶rst birtis- day. We bclieve tiat words and tokens ot appreciation are taa otten delayed until tise recipient is un- consciaus ofthtie kiadly sentiments which prompted theni. oW - ,,1,,a d i,,iet andl t'nnAa Nliô,Frenchs River and Lake of the ecds districts, and shoaid be ready for~ occupation by July lst. Tihe iow cost of construction,. and miaintenance wili niake it possible tc, charge much Iolwer rates tisan tise standard hotel, and the camps wiUl prove a boon ta tisose et mod- erate means wisa desire to spexid a -Week or more or leu in thOOut .d0ors MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Hear Rev. W. H. Dat oe, Betbany, at Long- Sault Harvest Home ser-l vices on Septen-ibcr 9tb and lOtis. Cisurcis of Christ, September o. Mlorning, service only, Rev. W. H. Sparga -wiiI preacli. Suaday School at 1. 'clock. MUetisodist Cisurcis, Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., pastar will can- duet Labor Day services on; Sunday. il a. m--.-"Laborers with God". 7 p. m.-Iniducstry, Rumaaity and Christiaaity. Sundsy School-12 ta 1 P. in. St. John's Cliurch, Rector, Rev. G. S. Postiethwaite, M. A., Orgaaîst, 9NjYLr .JonT - 1 , à C ,, ' .'1Lfl OU' ,A , ', HONORS 1 TheiN, mdEbic'AL f, AUGUST 3Oth., 1923. NEWCASTLE Miss Edna Riekard is visiting witl hier sister ln Beilev ille. Miss Nettie Caswell, Bawmianville, spent the ýweek-end at home Mv. Wade Scisjaubel of Chicago, is visiting withi Mrs. B1. Wade. MHi ssý Cathevie McEachern bas re- turned isome tram Oshawa. Mrs. (Rev.) J. Scott Howard i visiting triends in Toronto. Miss Frances Gibson, Oshsawa, spent the week-end at home. Miss Margaret Lake, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Miss Grace Culley, Toron>to, is guest of Mrs. Frank Bensnett. Mrs. John Poole of Toronto, is vis- itîng Mrs. Jack Cunninghsam. Mr. Howard Toms af Saskatchie- wan, returssed isome ast week. Mr. Cameron ot Standard Bank, is off duties awiag ta sickaess. Miss Janie Singer is spending two weeks witis trienda la Toronto. Miss Sarah Molise isaý retuvned home tram ber visit la Hastings. Mrs. Frank Gilison la improving lier residence -witb a large verandas. Miss Olive Lane is enjoyiag two weeks' vacation tram lier daiiy dut- les. Mv. Hanlan Parker is visiting with khis parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Par- ker. Don't forget tise Big Concert ta bc iseld la Commuaity Hall on Sept.1 1Stis. Mrs. J. C. 2Hancock and son Adair, spent the week-end with triends la Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grieves are vis- iting with bis mother, Mrs. J. GrieVes. Mr. and Mrs. Melrose Parker ot Oshiawa, spent Suaday witis lis par- ents isere. Miss Frances Paul, Toronto, wais guest at Mf's. W. G. H2ays over tise week-end. Newcastle Higis and Public Scisools wiil open on Tuesday, September 4 at 9 a. Mu. Mr. George Feaniag af Sutton. was a guest at Mr. J. E. Matchett's over tise week-enid. Mrs. Venner bas retuvned ta lier home atter a pleasant visît with ber ýsister, Mrs. M. Maison. Miss Am~y J{szter, Toronto, la speading be r vacation witis ler mothee, Mrs. Winm. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Ainçrew Moffatt and family, Osha'wa, spest Sunday with her suother, Ms M. E. Toms. Mr. and Wts. W. G. HIy andi daugister Char! ' btté, motored ta Tor- onto on M4ônday ffo a tew days. Mrs. Jamaes Parker and littie grand- daugliter, Isobeï Lumsýden, visited re- cently with IMrs,. Melrose in Guelphs. Mv. and Mrs. Roderick L. Wright and son Dîck, and Mrs. Wallace of Bvoadlaw,ýn, are spending a few days at tise Exhibition. Miss June Uglaw and brother George returned ta tiseir home ia Cisicago on Monday, atter a pieasante visit witis Mr, snd Mrs. John Uglaw. Mr. an.d Mrs. Tbackray and fam- ily accompaaied by Mrs. Piper and .Miss Marks of Toronto, motored ta Cobourg aund, spent' Sundsy with friessds. FRUIT GROWERS' MEETING Tise meeting of fruit g-rowers iseid la tise archard ot Mr. A. A. Colwili, Newcastle, on wbere tise practical probleins of tise arcisard were thor- ouglily discussed between growers and protessional mca of the country was tairly weil attended., N. Y. Prof essor Speaks Professor G. W. Peck ofthtie Newl York State Extension Service of Pomooy explained tise benefits af isaretul pruniag of yaung trees. Professor Peck was very miuehinl tavor of light pruning-, and poiated out that a great deal of damage can be donc trecs by tise severe methods that have been practiced in tise past. According to tise "expert," a cansîderable portion of aur wiater injury, sucis as suaseald, is caused by iseavy pruning, which Icaves tise msain branches ussporteeted liy tise sinaller linlis in the wintcr. On turtiser dîscussing liglit pruning versus lieavy pvuniag, Professas Pecl, gave figures on actual yieids obtaiaed tram bath metisods. Tai demanstrate tisis point lic gave statistics tram a ten-year-old B'en [Davis orehard la New York State -which yielded 13 bushels per tree by tise usual heavy pruniag and 24 busheis witis a iigbt systematie tisin- ning. Iight pruaiag wiil give 35 per cent. more fruit tisatise beavy method, and also a 25 per cent. larg-er trce at twelve years old. Tise speaker took great care ta stress that essougis prunissg sisould lie donc ta produce a tree' with a mnodified bead. Orchard Cultivatioxi The grawers fired a aumnber ot questions on tise practice of cultiva- tion, wisicli werc answered very ably by tise Professor, who stated tisat on heavy soils it is advisablc ta fali- plaw bw tisrowing tise sali up ta tise trees, wiich shlows an carlier stavt la tise orchard la tise spring, but on no accouat ta taliow tisis spthad an the ligiter salis. It was poiatcd out thait it is asost important ta have tise trees welI matured betore thse wiatcr sets in, checkiag tise growth carly by cover-croppine or by letting tise wceds g-row ta tarin a mat ovcr tise -round. Canker ta Prevalent Besides Pratessor Peck theve were tise tallowing mess preselit tram tise Provincial Departinent of Agricul- ture :-Dr. R. F. Stone, A. W. Ros, J. A. Neilson, D. A. Kimbali, H. Siret and A. Fulton, -who assisted la giv- iag int orination. Dr. Stone clearly dlescribed tic distinction betwveen black rat canker and sunscaid, çnvhichi have been con- tused by tise growers, and pointed 'out an tise trees' how tise former af- fects tise li bi, leaves and fruit. * oaur Ontaro orchards, stated tise doc- tor, and la causing a great dea.l of damnage ta tise Ben Davis and Alex- ander. Tise proper metiosad of sprsying weve taken up by A. W. Rass, who emphasized on spraying tise treesi thoroughiy and using sufficient m-tateriai. Tise promoters of tise field meet- ings, wisicis were arigissatcd by the Fruit Brandis, Departinent ot Agri-~ culture, Toronto, jntend ta organîze mare aff-aîrs of this kid tbrougisout] tise arcisard sections, as it is toit that more g-oad can be- donc by dis- cussissg tise growers' probleminlatise orchard and by demonstratissg rigist methads than by tise usýua1le.lcture- jroom nmeeting-. -Luvru.j W Vt*L4 Le concl.usion orJ tise atternoon sports, Brie entertain- cd h isyoung- friends on tise castera piazza ofthtie lodlge with snany de- lectable cats, iacluding- ice creasu. Mr. Ray, tarinerly of Standard Bank Staff here, now empioyedli Wellington, is suffcring tram a sev- ere aLtaek of appeadiettis. We, ail wih hbu a spccdy rcvey. Miss, Helen Ednsison of Toronto, Miss Doratisy Edinison of Orono, and Miss Marlon Rickard and Masteri Stanley Rickard of Shaws, spent a part of their holiday time at Mr. W. H1. Pearce's. Mr. Floyd Vanpblew motoring fram Toronto to Petevisoro, stopped over for a wile an Monday witfislits brotheir and sister-in-law, Mr. andL Mrs.EHarold Vanpislew. Floyd anid his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H.ý Vanpilew have receatly veturned train a trip ta Ottswa. Mr. and Mes. Win. Pearce and family accompanied by -their' guests, ,Mr, and Mrs. Robcrtsbas, Mv. and Mrs. Scansian and d4gtT Mroy Miss Edna Hall ansd Mr. Raymond iMcLeod, ail of Toronto, motored dlown to Hope and spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Sain Scultisorpe. St. George's Sunday Sehool Pic- nie lield at Hampton on Wedlnesday was largely attcndcd, evervyne tisor- oughlly enjoying tiseiselves. Mrs. Matthew Bro'wn entertained tise chidrea with many gaines andaa aumber of races were iseld. Tis was anc ofthtie moat enjoyable pic- ni- mpk.e nu 4znnOtimp-**~ A miscellaneous shower was iseld CHILD'S FATAL ACCIDENT at tise home of Mrs. John Hendry an A sbockiag accident toolc place at Friday evening la honor oftlber sis- Kaladar, a depot on tise Gasadiau ter, Miss Mary Erskine, whose mnar- Pacifie Raiiway, a f ew miles trom riage wili ýtake place ia September. Tweed, Frida.y atternoon, wbcp tise Many licautitisi and usetul pvesents littie three-year-old daughtcr of tise were veccived by tise bride-t o-be. Tise agent, 'Me. Spencer, was issstastly cveng was spent with gaines ansd killed, and a baby brotiser of five music and s very happy time was en- yeavs haid a very narrow escape. joyed by ail. It appears 'tiat tise two littie Miss Lillian Amiraux reccived a tats were piayissg witis a toy wagon visit over the week-end o Ther par- on tise platform ofthtie station, just enta, Mr. and Mrs. John Amiraux as a frcight train begass ta uave ant an'd ber lyrother ad iaiter-ia-law, ofthtie station. Tise little wagon Mr. aud Mvs. Wiil Amiraux of Tor- ran down the sligist incline at anc onto. Tise visitors were pieased end of tise plattarin, tise wbeel1 struiek and'intcrested in ah tisey saw and some sinali obstacle and tise littie heard at Newcastle-ass-thc-Lale sand girl was tisrowss on ta tise tracka, particularly'la tise talcs of jollilies of mader tise whccls ofthtie train. Camp Copper Beecli. Mr. Spencer, tise canductor and anc other mass were standing on tise Word reaclsed Mrs. (Dr.) Ander- plattorin at tise tisue and sawv the son ofthtie recent deathin l Govani, accident, but were powerless ta save Sask., oftlber sýister-ia-1aw, widow tise littie girl. The tather made a of tise late 1Rev. John Seasuan and nsad rush for tise spot and was, suc- mother of Rev. Jùstus Seahsan of St. cesatul la rescuing tise litt2le boy tran Thsomas Churcli, Montreal, and of furtiser danger. bis twia brother, Rev. Canon Sea- Thse aotiser of tise unfortunate mia of St. AIIan's Cathedral, Tor- ebild ia a niece of Mrs. A. W. Pick- onto, aise aofCpaptan Charles Seamaa1 ard of BownIanville, and dsagiter Manager of tmpevili Bansk, Montreal.1 of Mr. and Mms. Jas. Beacock, MyrtUe. criare Ot ubI±,. .UVI l 1icOU1 111 connection witi tlie Peterbova Nor- mal, namcly Bridgenorth, at a libersil sslary for bis fivst year. J. W. Bradley General lnsisranc. Agent Cierk of 2nd Division Court, Coin missioner, e. Coal SUMMER PRICES NOW IN OPERATION Sée m~e before placing ypur order. Geo. Jamieson Newcastle depessds lai Witisout go tend to bu, ftails. Ch keyed up 't means perf 0 uipon your heatik. alis you cannat at- ad it decliies and tic wili kccp yo'u cet iseaitlh, .which Bawnianville---Opposite Town Hall Temperance St. 2Daly 2-5 ansd 7-9 and by appaintinent. Orono-Wili be la office 10 ta 12 s. i, Mass'day, Wednesday, Friday. Dr. Durwin E. Steckley Hossar Graduate et Taranto Chirvopractie Collage Phanes: Bowmaaville, Office 141J; Residence 141W. WHY?I Spoil your Pickles, Saudes and Relishes for the lack of a few cents? IBUY THE BEST SPICES AND VINEGARS WE HAVE THEM Grocer R. WALTON Newcastle HIGH QUALITY AND CLOSE PRICES Count at this hardware store. No need to let shopping worry you if you buy here. We re- fuse to sell inferior goods and guarantee ail pur- ehases. Prices are close, too. WM. JAMIESON Hardware Store Newcastle Dollar For Dollar Jt always pays to buy your grocerles and baking from HS. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newcastle1 Use Bank Money Qrders WFN.youwent tes remit any amount ap to fitty dllars, ~V1'~ine~br that Bank Money Orders axe inexpensive as we a0 sal. IT ha ~res, exclusiveo f Revenue atainps, are: $Mand aister, tbree cents; over $5.00 and not excee ig $1%sixents; over $10 uand not exceeding 30, ten cet« aver$30 and net exceeding $50, fiften cent&. you a get Money Ordurs et eny brench of this Bank~ THE M STANDRD BAN K TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGIITY.THREE MILLIONS Bownmanville Brancis, - . H. W. Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branvis, , . E - . PetoManager Newcastle and Newtoswille Bra)ches * J. Scott Mngery, Manager NEWCASTLE 't Chiurcis, Rev. E astor. 11.00 a. voriship. 92.3 0 P. of tise office (lance, . m., 1 'ý ll,ý u 4 ,11

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