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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1923, p. 2

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mville. Phone 243. LEGAL V. GOÙLD, B. A., LIL.D. STER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR' FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Equipaient Ail calîs prornptly attended to. Private Ambulance. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34 Branch Stores-Orono & Newcastle. WILLIAMS & CATN pianos. --Ail work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Phone 314, box 384, Bowinanville, L. B. Tapson. GENERAL CONTRACTOR & ENGINEER Specialist in reinforeed coacrete.' Esatimnates furnished. George Chewery King-st. Bownianville 49-tf PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILORS (Formerly in Bowmianville,) now at 12621 rYonge-st., stop aIt Summerliill Ave., Toronto, phone Trinity 3217w. Wve can tIli give you aur best ervices. Guaranteed to fit and morkmanshlp at pre-war PrIces. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING Embalmers and Fui Elalis gi.ven prompt tention. No extra tance. Phones 58 mlanvjle, Ont., BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 6th., 1923.1 THE EDITOR TALKS r In an article copied' fromi Japant Advertiser into our last is.iue Dr t tencliers naa arrivea at V ancouver' from Ne-w Zealand an'd Australia on the exehange plan ia operation be- tween British Columbia and these countrýies. No doubt goodl will e suit from the interchange in the broadening of the views of the pub- lic educators. Five years ago the writer addlressed one of New York's large public sebools on Canada, its extent, its natural resources, climi-- ate and people. This year the vice-- principal of that sehool and her three sisters engaged in other schools ia thiat city have just completed an ex- tensive tour throug-h Canada from British Columbia and Yukon to Que- bec and th'ey have acquired a woaderful fund of knowledge of this Dominion. In our course of rea'ding recently of the educational page ofThNe York Evenin- Worlcl sent va >U Pool- L.EGE TALKS' West' Durham tnrougnout( ,e no signs o e. New Zea dominion to rate, this ha, ithe year. 1 ostal rates ý [a Canada. Ti nhbt Iha±.lt wý * * * omimer( V, of a ns. Ia rec a res( with ractor ~ -.DEN,- * * ana with ang- eoff * * * * * * epresent tfunn,' iand French b ir homes, for a AUCTIIONEERS THEO M. SLIEMON Auctioneer Farm and HOUseSEýaleS a Sr Ternis xrocerate. Enaiskille Phone 197-r3.- JAMES BIENNETT rit 1110 tut a S..,,JAuo ience now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal cachers' Federation, has jusi rned from attending the conv( rthe Canadian Federation at ýeal. He says that while thE ýade a plea for the "g-lorifieý Sthe great amea in science, -ure and art instead of thee ,e praise of mlitary and naval s, as in the usual school oks. Tht s fl* tat* h w* t LK TO ' AND GIRLS nw mmâimm qmmmmlb. AÉOL lm Ir MI lac IT 1 Il BjOWMAN VILLE Tuesday and Wednesday September 18-19, 1923 PROGRAMME First Day--Tuesday, September l8th 7 p.m. CITIZENS' NIGHT Ail exhibits ini Main Building and Poultry Building Open. .Good Lighting. BAND CONCERT By Bowmanville Band in front of Grand Stand. MOVING PICTURE SHOW Fromn Stand (rain or shine) COMMUNITY SINGING ALSO MUSICAL RIDE By Royal Canadian Dragoons 20 HORSES - 20 MEN ADMISSION 25c-GRAND STAND FREE Second Day Wednesday, September 19 AIl departments open-all animals must ie on~ the grounds by ene o'4lock as judges wilI commence their duties sharply at that hour. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PARADE At 12.45 p. m. sharp. Ail children in parade admitted te grounds free. For information apply te Secretary. The Bowmanville Band will give concert on grounds during the afternoon. Musical Ride by Royal Canadian Drageons. Industrial exhibits, excellent stock exhihits. Make this day a success by your attendance. Apply to Secretary for Membership Ticket and enter your stock, fruit and ladies ~ work and improve the exhibits. Admission to greunds 35c; cliildren 25c; autos 50c; - carniage 25c; Grand Stand 25c. single I - CHINA AND GLASSWARE When choosing gifts don't forget that China and Glassware are always acceptable and make excellent gifts. able. Our prices are always reason- sana in the monuments always received ani Lt of "glorification". a Ili is the men of se ture and art who have ,reatest benefactors of mar iere has been a lot of bi ; raised maialy by the E ct tnose ike anyc )ve not the ancient 1, at our fathers haves 1Staples referriag to ýd righteousness of the1 gone before. These 1, )Ud be found la the Bool Bible. EVENING A High Ciass Concert will be given in the Town Hall at 8.15. Watch for further particulars next week. M. J. ELLIOTT, Presiclent. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville Pickling Time WE CARRY MIGHTY GOOD SPICES White, black and red pepper, cinnamon, nut- meg, cloves, allspice, mace, turmeric, curry pow- der, mustard, mustard and celery seed, or mixed spices, whole or ground. Mighty good spices, indeed, because of extremne freshness Proper spices are best for cooking, canning and preserving. Lay in a stock, now, High grade vinegar always in stock. le Amer than the true scence of iivirig is nuu uu Lnaix no mistakes but to avoid repeating th'ose miistakýes we have miade. To cultivate a good, stout heart Co make friends of those -who ex- -pect the very best of oae, and "to build a bridg-e for those who corne after you" was the advice of the speaker, -who used a great 'deal of poetical quotation ini his address. ï0io oecomne tne ountry. We hadan o* Take it home le the klds Have a paoket in your pocket for an encoi is wa to -Most of iinprdssed uatry that1 ts oril? adence sw ore easy. BOOKS Thie Importance of Many a girl's fortune is determiined Iby her face. A skin which is fresh, srnooth and alluring wijth the 'radI;ice of health, predicts ahpyftr, becauise this is the gcts of ail womanly chiarms. Every girl can have aa tifattractive skia if she vwill on11Y learn, to give it proper care. The constant application of cold creams, lotions, powder, and rouge tendl to make the skia sluggishi and inctve irt accumrnulates and blackheads and other blimishes appear. Thorough cleansing once a day prevents such a condition and keeps the complexion fresh and sinooth. Cold Creami is beneficial when applied to a dlean skin and rouge and powder are harless beau tîfiers-b ut--s ta rt fresh every day on a clean foundation. Keep your skia active and it will be clear, fresh, youthful and attractive. Soap to bc thorough, need flot bc harsh. The mldest toilet soap made is the most thioroughi of ail cleansers, as you wiil know after you have once tricd Palmolive. You can buyv Palmolive Soap at ail first-class deaiers. Made in Canada Palm and -notking nature's to Palmo Po $04P Volume and Efficiency' Produce 25-ce t SQuality for 1 oc JUST TO REMIND YOU That we have an excellent assortnient of J. G. McCLELLAN, Secretary.

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