1NvEED ROOFING? Don't put off fixing that roof. Do it, now while -weather is fine. Brantford Roofing has long become recognized as the standard by which oth- ers are judged. Why not have the best-Brant- ford Roofing? We also seli Brantford Roof Coating. Com- pare roofiing an~d you wilI eventually choose Brant- ford Roofing. Phone 145 Bowmranville jThe Shop That Leadsl BOjU'"RSÂLINO HATS MADE IN ITALY $7.50 Borsalino is the King of Italian Hat Makers. His goods have a world-wide reputation for their very, high standard of quality and superiority of finish. For business men who are exposed to alI kinds of weather "The Borsalino Hat" is the best we know of. NEW STYLES, NEW COLORS, EVERY HAT GUARANTEED G. N. TH"-UR--'STON Bowmnanville's Up-to-date Haherdashery and FLur Shop. Grand Disp-,Ily OF Fali and Winter Coats -1 We are now showing a most beautiful and georgeous array of Ladies', Misses', and Children's Faîl and Winter Coats. This collection is the best we have ever had. The prices are mnost reaisonable. The tailoring on each garment is absolutely correct, The styles are the latest. Every garment we sel] is guaranteed to give absolute satisf action. May we have the pleasure of your early. in- spection. Ours salespeople are always glad to show any garments w.hether you intend to buy or not. "Pay Cash And Buy For Less"- Dry Goods and Phonel 106 SHAWS Mir. aud Mis. Loine Cobblediek viited Bowmanville recently.. Mr. sud Mrs. George Jamnieson, New- castie, spent Suuday witb the lstter'a inotheir, Mra. S. Riek-ard. ... Mr. aud Mra. W. Hanna and Miss Birdie Col- well spent Sunday at Mr. A, A. Col- will's, Newý,catie,.... Mr. John Tre- wiToronto, is speuding a few days at Mis. E. C. Bem.an's .... M i ss -en- rietta Forsytb and l Miss Beasie IRoach of Toronto, have r'eturned home af- ter bolidaying at Mr. George E. AI- lin'S. Miss Ethel Allun retuirned Vo thbe City with them ... . Mr. F. Coates, Toronto, spent the week-,end at bis home bere. Plan now to be in Bowmanville, Dolar Day, Saturday, SeptembjIer l5thj. ENFIELD visitors: Mr. H. Hurîbut, Owen1 Sound, sud Mra. J. Reddie, Toronto, at Mesrs. G. Ormistou's sud F. T. Ashton'a; Mr'. and Mra. A. sud Miss Aima Page, Toronto, at Mr. S. Page's; Mr. sud Mis. J. Gilbert, Port Perry, Mis. E. Annis and Miss, Mai- jorie Aunia, Whitby,, at Mr. Frank Gilbeit'a; Mr. sud Mis. Atkinhead, Toronto, at Mr. R. Oririston's; Mr. sud Mra. P. Densemi, Toronto, at Mis. F. Ashton's; Mis. Edwin Orniis- ton bas been visiting ait Toronto; Mi. Albert Niddery sud Calvin, Tweed, at Mi. J. Hepburn's; Miss Veina Or- miston at Kediou; Miss Beasie Pais- cos at Oshawa; Misa Helen Paseoe ait Brooklin; Mra. Russell Joilow at Mi. L. C. Pascoe's. Pllan now to be lu Bowmranville, Dollar Day, Saturday, Septeerr th. LONG SAULT The Harvoat Homie Festival in cou- section with the Long Sault Chuîch will be heid as f oliows: On Sund-ay, Rev. W. H. Dafoe, Bethany, wýil prea'cbat 2.80 sud 7.30 p. mi. Spe- cial musie wIU be rendered by y roue Choir. On Monday, y fitycas suppeir wilI be served byý the ladies of ýthe congregation sfter 'which s concert will be given by the Harmony Choir sud GIse Club of Toronto. The artists are: Mr. Hanry Biuns, Tenor; Mi. Fred Beatty, Second Ten- or; Mir.Roy Williami-s, Baritone; Mr. Chas. P. Tuck, Basa; Mr. Jas, B. Taylor, Entertaineir. The Glee ClubIý le very highiy rocommeuded by those wblo have heaird it. Admission: tes sud-concert 60c; tes or concert 4Ov;I childie2n 30e. Proceeds in aid of Trust Fuand. W. T. Wickett, F. G. Smith, Pastor. ' Sec'y.-Treas. Pllan now to be, in Bowmianville, Dolar Day, Saýturdsay, Septemnber 15th. TYRONE Misses Rets R. Colo, Marlou sud Dorothy Belîmian, Town, Mr. sud Mis. Russell Worden, Maple Grove, Mr. sud Mis. Russell Osborne, Clarke, Suindayed wîlth Mir. sud Mis. John His. The Haivest Home Services sud Festival of Tyrone Methodiat church which were held on Suuda-y sud Monday asat were a decided sueces in every partieular. On Sunday, Rev. R. A. Doive of Brooklu .deliver-1 ed two ver-y able diseourses to the profit -sud edifloation of al! who heard hlm, wbule the choir reudered excellent music. Mouday s large crowd atten-ded the hall games lu the afteinoon sud the supper sud con- cert lu the evening. After al had douie justice Vo tbe chieken pie sud other seasouable vianda, al aettied down to listen Vo the play entitled "The Fruit of bis Folly," wbich -'yss well îeudeîed by the Young People of Kedron. The difei'ent charset- ers rendered their parts weIl, imi- pressing- the attentive- audience with msuy gosd morais, sud sufficieut -wit sud humor Vo anake the play inter- eatlug aud enjoyable to ail. Pro- grim was inteiapersed witb 'Instru- miental munsie by Misa May Gardiner sud Miss Mary Brightwell sud the T-yirone Orchestrai, sud waa miucb p- preciated by aIl. Receipts am-ount- ed to $300.00. We very much ap- preciaite the services sud contribu- tions by which we have been euabled Vo eujoy auch a suecessful eveut. Miss Hazel Morrison, Toronto, la visiting at Mir. W. Stewart's.. Mir. sud Mra Howard Stevens, Enniakil- ion, speut Suuday at Mi. Robert Burgess' .... Miss Ethel Shkinuer, -Toronto, spent the holiday at home. . .Mi. sud Mra. Jas. Souch, Mi. sud Mus. Wmi. Richards, Bowmanville,, Siindayed at Mr. Thos. Richards'. .î .Mi. sud Mra. Sherwood Rundie, Grace sud Jean, Bowmanviile, Mr, sud Mis. Hnarry Phîlp, Nestieton, speut Sunday at Mis. W. S. Wight's ... Mr. V. Hooper, Misa Velma Sain.. derson, Toronxto, sud Miss Ida Joues, Whitby, vlsited at Mr. ID. Hooper's..' .Mr. and Mis. Lîllicrapp sud Vol-1 mai, Caingtou, sre visiting their daughter, Mis. L. F. Byai.... Misses Hazel sud Marie Weriy, Oshawa, apent the -week-end at Mi S. V. Hoaî's ... . Mi. sud Mis. Jos. W-ight, Providence, speut Sunday wlth fried ... . Mi. Raiymond Davey la visiting frienda lu New Ontaio .... Mi. and Mirs.- Fred Moore, Provi- douce, spent Labor Day witb ber parents, Mir. sud Ms Levi Skinner -Miss Florence Gardiner -la tak- inig Miss Elma Gardiuor's achool un- tii bier recoveîy from lher receut op- eîati on .... Misses Mabel Cunnin- ham sund Elmai Laîke, Oshaiwa, speut the week-end at Mi. W. H. Moore's ...Two very exeiting games of basebsîl was played bore on Labor Day. The flrst beiug betwýeen1 Maple Grove girls and the home teani score 24-383 lu favor of the former, afteî which Orono sud Tyrone play- ed s very fast gaime. At the end of the 7tb innings game wýaa called on aceounit of darkness. Score 4-4 .... Miss Rosie Shortt bais îoturued Vo bier sehool iu Bobesygoeon. Plan ruow to be lu Bowmauville, Dollar Day, Saturday, September 15th. lA. E.Jennings, Hjampton Ontario DARLINGTON Miss Mari orne Cole, Town, was ire- cent visitor with Mira. Goirdon Van- Camp ... . Miss Mary Hume and Mira. A. Knig-ht, Town, visited at W. H. 1Woqd's ...Miss Ruby Smith, En- field, with Miss Margaret Abernethy . ..Miss Gladys Vo'wne3' attended", the Exhibition iu Toronto advisited bier fîiend, Miss Nellie Re.... !. ir. Levi Bartlett hias returned homea- ter spending s miouth helpil-ig Mr'. Ed. Ar-mstrong, Nestie-ton ...Mir. and Mira. Goîdoýn VanCami-p spent Sunday witb bier mother, Mira. G. Stephena. Mr. Iyan Stepheus accompaniied thein home sfter spending- his vacation ait his sisteî's. Mir. Alfred James, Detroit, la via- îtiug bis brother-iu-law, Mir. Thomas Power....... Miss Msud Houck, Es- n)onola, is visiting Mira. J. H. Power. Plan now to be_ in Bowmanville, Dollar Day, Saturdiy, Septembler 15th. ENNISKILLEN Rev. and Mira. W. E. Honey, Mel- vin snd Floyd, Belleville, Mir. ail Mirs. Jas. A. Aikenhead, Toronto, vis- ited at Mira. H J. Werry's. ... Mir. iGordon Werry is visiting friends in Toronto an~d sttending the Ex. Mir. and Mia. Audrew Sharp bad a real bouse party over tbe holiday. Mr. sud Mira. Will Sharp of Seattle, Mir. and Mira. S. Way Kent and ehild- ren of Paris, Mi. and Mira. Andrew Stevenson, Misa Margaret Stevenson, Miss Peggy Dunbar and Mr. Laswloir of Hamilton, Mr. and Mira. Hairry McComb, Miss Cors Sharp and Mir. ~Donly Bourne of Torouto, Mir. and Mira. Meredith Heniry sud ehildiren of Lindsay, Mir. sud Mira. Elg-in M\ount- joy aind Master Donald Mouutjoy of Hsydon. Plan now\ý to be in Bowmnanville, Dollar Day, Satiïrday, Sep)tembùer Il-tli. MAPLE GROVE Mr. John Lee aud daughter, Ger- tie, Kedron, spent thi eweek-end with* bis niece, Mis. Thos. Suowden and otheir relatives ...lr. Raymionid Snoý.wdeii, formierly of Jui -ry & Lovelîs Dra.ig Store, Bowmni-v.i ,, left Tuesý- day to attend College -f Phsiruacy at Toronto ... . Sehiool '- -opeued on Tuesday witb Mýiss JT_ neasteir as teacher.. Mir. W. G. E'oi Brant-, f ord, speut the week-end il hbis ais- ter, Mira. Chester Pow,,er...Miss Magg1ie Desirborn, Col1ý-,ý!bus, bas retû]îned homne afteir sa aant visiti witb Miss Vers Power. . .. Congratu- lations to Mir Samuel Snowden on bis marriage this week to Misa Ethel G. Macklin .... Mliss Gladys Allia, Osawa, spent the week-end with leir cousin,Mia Noble M'etcailf,. . . Mir. and Mira. J. W. Hynds and two cbiid- iren, MVr and Mira. John Sanders,1 Westmount, apeut the holiday ait Mir. L. C. Snowden's .... Mirs. Howard Wood and son Frank, Sim-icoe,aIrle visiting relatives. .Mra.Jae Wood who hias be-eh viaiting relatives around here returnied home t-a. .Mir. and Mira. Ewart Eve,-son,. Osh- awa, recently -,isited alt Mir. L" C. Snowden's.. , Mr. and Mia. L. C Snowden and famiîy ire-ently visited Mir. C. Schofield, Oshawa. .. Mir. sud Mira. W. Dearboirn, Mirs. Doolittle, Columbus, spent Sunday at Mir. Tru- main Power . .. . Our basebail girls went to Tyrone on Monday sud play- ed a friendiy gamewith their 'girls. Score 24 to 392 in favor of the visitors .Misas Muriel Hneoek, Port Hope, Mr'. Stewart Morto'n, Cobouirg, Mir and Mira. Fred Hill, Orono, Mr. Wes- ley Elliott, Kendal, were recent vis- itoîs at Mr. Truman Powers.. Mira. Campbell, Cornwall, is visiting ait Mir D. Rutey's... Mis. Milton Samuis sud son Fx'ed have ireturned home alter a plessant visit witb bier sister, Mis. J.ack Webster, Toronto ...Mi. Geo. Pow er bias returned home after spending s week wlth bis d-aughter, Mira H. L. Creeper .. Mir. and Mirs. Thos. Sno-wden recent- lv viaited their cousins, Mr. sud Mirs. Fred W. Lee, Taiunton. Plan. now to be in BwTvle Dollar Day, Saturds'Y. Septem0er l5thi. Fali Millineiry wiii be on display on Friday sud Saturday, Sept. 14 sud 15 at Dingman & Edmondstone's. NEW SHIPMENT PRINTS Twenti*eth Century Clothes "The Clothes With a National Reputation" We have just received our New Faîl Style Plates. .Also samples of Suitings an-d Overcoatings. The ra;nge is exception- ally large consisting of the finest of Serges, Tweeds, Scotçh Sax- ony, Meltons, Frieze, Check-backs and Cro1mbie Cloths. Nothing but the finest of hand tailorig and trimmings are used in the making of all garments, and we believe they are superior to anything in the clothing trade.. Caîl and see the wonderful assortment. If you are con- templating purchasing it wiJl be to your advantage to give Twenieth Century first consideration. Sold exclusively by il m cMurtry &z Co., Ltd. PHONE 83 BOWMANVILLE SOLINA IIAYPON NTC Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rey- Visitora: Mr .and Mrs. Normnan D nolds at Eri'n; Mrs. Shortridge ati Welsh and son, Toronto, at Mr C D.T1. C. D. Bedeli, late Medical Pickering; Mr. ndJ Mrs. W. D. Me- Avery's; Miss Stella Siemion an(j Superintendent Sydenham Hospital,. Laug,,hlin and famiilyOa, at Mir. Mr. C. Briggs,- Toronto, Mr. Ro Kingston, bas opened an office for A .. Psce's Mste EdarWrihtSiemion, Winnipeg, and Master' Har- the practice of bis profession at the ataKcro; Ma. drs.Wightisold Siemon, Bowinanv-ille, were re- corner of Chuirch and Temperane ntbawa, nd Mr and Mrs. WJ. P unD enaustvitM.shs Seona.Stireets, Bowmanville, office forme>rly of London, at Miss Mary Hogarth'a; .:.Glad to.report that Mira. H. AshtonocuidbDrS.C ile.8-8 ~Mr.andMrs.Esie Teril Wooer recovering so nicely from bler re- and Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., and etoeainatBwavleHs HAMPTON Mirs Birgg, owmavill, atMr. ~ rtal .... Mr. Leslie Graham is sufer -____ Bars r. -an illa. r. Tin ing from blood-poisoning ...Con- Mr. E. Gee, Los Angeles, Cal., Mr. at Newcastle; Mir. and Mrs S. E. gratulations to Mir. and Mra. Chas. adMira. F. Gee and son Frank, Tor- Werryan sn esly t ~hwaGarrard--it's a son .... Munmps areono Mir. and Mrs. E. Elliott, S- Miss Norma Wright home frein gifinurvlae..Rv.T Thomas, Mr. and Mira. A. Penninî.l "Rrosie" Efel; ir. .Pen- Wickett preacbed an excellent ser ton, Bowý,manville, at Mir. T. Elliott's." found, Oshawa, at W. T. Baker's; Mir mnbieo dyatron Mira. Jeslie Evans, Cbapleau, MýIra _______________________________ and Mrs. L. Harris, Toronto, -Mr. and 2_________________________________ W. Lamiman and Miss Nancy Lamw- imian, Mr. Amos MeMullen and Miss Gertie McMullen, Oshawa, Mr. and Mira. Hall, Oshawa, at Mr T. son and Mir. and Mira. Sam Brooks WI n w and son Glen, Oshawa, at Mir. W. VanNest's; Mir. and Mra. G. Ed- Im nonson and son Gerald, Oshawa, via- ited at Mir. E. J. Black's; Mr. and and Mra. Mitchell, Misa Edna Rey- a e y L n e noids visited at Haimpton,.... Seveir- IV ai froan here aire attending the C. N. iU E. at Toronto. .Miss Lyda Taylor C uC n chell's Corners School 'Look up berew Mn g mt duties on Tuesday.., . Messirs. Jack, Joe and Jim Reynolds, Clarence 1 wish to announce to the citizens of Bow- Tink, Lloyd Williams and Misa Mar -leadvei*ytht1hveprhae h garet MclCessock -ill be students at manileadvcnt thtJ aepu hse te Bowý%manville High School. Mir. Al-. bakery an-d confectionery business of the late an McKessock will attend the Faculty Thms od of Education, Toronto.Thms od H-airveat Huome services will be heldIntkn vrsc avelko,ý b ies at Eldad on Sunday, Septenibeir 16, tInt in ovrsc awelk wnb ies wben Rev. Tbos. Wallace, Newton- wt its enviable reputation I realize the respon- ville, wl preaeh at 2.30 and 7 p. m. sibility resting upon me as its new proprietor. It Special music will be rendeired by the cboir assisted by tbe Bragg Quar- will, therefore, be my aim and ambition to hold tette On Monday evening, Sep- the high esteem and confidence of the citizens temiber 17, Ebenezer Young People will give ýtheir play entitled "An Oîd- who have patronized this store for haîf a century. Fashioned Mother". Admission 35e snd 20C. Ofering in aid of pair- I feel that my 17 years' pxperilence as a prac- qonage fund. Everybody is cor- isvrospae ei dially inv:ted. tical baker in tvaiu branches pae ei ~Congiratulations to Miss Loraine position to uphold the traditions of this store. 1LThompson, daughter of Mir. and Mrs F Thompson, Taunton, on gradu- Wîth confidence we solicit a share of your ating from Nicholls Hospital, Peter- boro, receiving her diploma and win- business. ning a prize for general proficiency, presented by Dr. N. D. Bucbanan. . frl She is now 'apending a pleasant holi -I E . J . day ait home, Mir snd Mra. fl " u u Frank Thompson, Misses Masinon and W i o b t Marguerite an*d Misa vera Baker at- tended the graduation. and Miss Bak-- (Successor to Thomas Tod) er spent a f ew days thiere Mir. and Mis. Henry Webber, son Baker &Confectioner Bowrnanville Harold and Geoirge, Burketon, vis- ited at Mr. W. N. Pascoe's._________________________________ 1 ci' Ï [ N