Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1923, p. 6

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Weeok Enid Speci'als We have two newi' high grade bicycles that we wivll sel for away below cost to clean out this line. A splendid opportunity to get a good wheel at a cheap wheel price. Regular $55.00 for $38.00. Remember there are only two of~ them, first corne first served. FORD TOURING We have one 1918 Ford Touring in good shape, mechanically good tires and top, a real buy $1,50.00 cash or terms. Also a 1922 Ford Sedan $550.0O0. We have many otlwrs but these are specials for this week. Luke, Bn'oys, Limited Phone 188 Bowmanviille Protect Your'Family and Your Pro perty! If something serjous should happen to you to-day, taking away your earning power, what would becorne of your wife and family? Would they becorne public wards? What are yon doing to couinteract such a misfortune? 'YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE Insurance protection, in all its branches, hlas been carried by this firm for many years. Como, in to-day or have us call and 'figure out wh'at Insurance you should be holding. J. J. MASON & SON Rýeal Phono 50 !E'state and Insurarice Bi'okers. 1Bowmanvulei BOWMANVILLE, AUG.6h.19. 1 W. iE. ORONO Choser (From The News) By un rc nt mnbers Miss Deacon, Toronto, was reen N Si guest at lier uucle's, Mr. John~ McRaa. o*ha' * Miss Lenora Williamsou is at Glen was, ch, Island, guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Willisms. Heuse 1 The most obstinate corus fails to iu Outai resist Holleway's Corn Rem-over. Try. bers at it. Thursda) Mr. Harold Allun sang a well rend- mieeting ered solo in Metho'dist Churcli Sun- ber for day evenijpg. Whip. Rev. J. W. Rae is homie'fromi- Ka- late Libý wartlia Park. He liad two weelçs was ýdef of low temnperature. preseut Mr. sud Mrs. N. G. Madge, Provi- Marde deuce, R. I., are visiting lier pareuts, Ontario Mr. sud Mrs. Jas. Hunter. the sale, Horticultural Society will hold its compatit m-onthly meeting, Monday, Sept. 10, arship a lu Suuday School of the Methodist Liberals, Churcli. He than Miss Zella Brown, daugliter ofMr for the and Mrs. John Brown, Kirby, under- ad in hir went au operatien Saturday for re- co-toperai m-roval of a boue fromnlier knee. comiug Piano Recital will be givan in the There h, Town Hall, Orono, ou Friday even- UrniedPr i-g, Septemýber 14, by pupils of Mrs. bned î Colville, A. T. C. MU., assisted by local naw ecog talen. newHot talent.with thE Mr. James Middleton -was pain- party, tfi fully iujured in a football game, lumentc Cannin.g Factory vs. Forestry Farni position. recently. He il still under the doct- The n ors carie.Lbra Demonstration Truck ot the De- iety. E partmieut of Agriculture, ýdemon-1 in the 11 strating ruuning water in the house, type tha: will be in Orono, Muoday, Septeiuber ticularly 10, from 1 to 8 p. ni. session.d Mr. John Morreli, Wilkesberre, listratieti Pa., is with his cousins, Mrs. Isaac errors o: Wiuter. aud Mr. W. H. Barrett. Mr. Born Morrelilihas beeu connected witli ShiP, Mr bauds as player and teacher. Whitbyi Ail niothers can put away auxiety Toronto regarding their suffering cýhijdren the degi when they have 7Mother Graves' LS a banr Worm Extermiinator to give relief. sOn,'Il Its affects are sure and lastiug. taieoAgi ber of t Repiorted than au oul company Lias HETw taken options on the Neal Farm and -mie lu adjaecent lands with the ebject of lu 1917 proving where there is oil., Some Ite o time ago Mr. Neal in sinking a well te the found gas and it is believed there 15 general also oil deposits. iat the la Its Quality Selîs It.-Tle tact a stiff fi that so uiany thousauds of intelligent Ontario. people continue to use Dr. Thomnas' Like hi Eciectric Oul speaks volumes for its nawv Lili healing afficieucy. Ever since it iug Libeý was first iutrodueed it lias grown to the L steadilv in publie lavir, owing en- elected ir r:rely to ralieviug a speeific varîousi cord is L wlio heard Orono Band 'ening- spoke in very y termis of the progr. nieyer heard them to i e. Mr. A. J. Knox e but on uext appeai will lie under directic 1.Taurblyn. 1,h fiiL-.-Couphning e r P-inard, in to be p; ýon Hay, Ontario, h Perth, s las uo fuel prob-, 'oblemn of the trans distribution of th e fromn their place of e point of- conSurmp- vince of Alberta is out- the matter of ceai re- taiuing as it does four-ý ýet of the coal of the1 -two per cent of that of Em-pire needs of Canada cenituiries. Se -we ueed ry. eut market for Alberta )roximately seven million ear, wxhile the maines in ce have a Inroduciino- cap- leagu suad d for g00d- bbe. A. and4 nei retat e corn, andr there was down. d (o'tI er -of arge cosi a hlad very but mnn-y boosters ste of W( )re severe it of whi for Ca sterru han is1 Hlope. -riso~n, E If years E ýe yaars, e maxi- staaliug around Ebel aud bW 1-1 ri (f a, Or ins to inaiçeCanadà rgies to lr xteusive.- O~R SPORI just use -soap and hot water te dlean SMPEnaîneled Wlare. It is se dean and so pure. As smooth as china & À and as Strong as steel. And no metal mu touches the food. Be sure you get SaýM Pôtdfld"WÂR Three finishts: Peaul Wae twe coats of peary grey eKalel inside and ouit. Diamnd Wam gthree coats, light blue anid white outzide, t4lte ining-; Cryutal Ware, three coats, pure white irmide and out, widh Ro~yal blue e4ging. SoId ini Bowmanville By Mason & Dale Insist o n iugget'-] the more Frequent wiIl keep ry it ana you LwJ.i U be stIVUc. Our popular miember, Mr. Fred W. BOwýeit, O. A. Gamnsby< Bill Davey and C. G. Armstrong were at the Old Boys Reunion at MÎillbrook. Four basebail teamis, a lacrosse game, Osh- awa baud of some 26 pieces, and a dance at night iu Armouries wýith an J Orchestra from- Peterboro,' and an- Ather dance in the Towvn Hall with Russel Edgerton and another young fellowv on violins and Mrs. Jim Richi- arsnat the piano, ail of Pont- pool. Miller's Wormi Powders prove their value. They doûflot cause any violent disturbauces in the stomach, any pain or griping, bu~t'do thieir work quietly and painlessly, so that the destruction of the wornis is im-J perceptible. Yet tliey are thor- ough, and from the first dose there is improvemeit in the condition ofj the sufferer and a cessation of man- ifestations of internai trouble. Death came suddenly JMouday uiorniug to Alice Beer, a if e-long resident. Miss Beer had occupied her customary seat at the Methodist churchi the evening- before and was thought by frieuds to have been in even better health than usual. Next morning however there being no re- spouse to the usual summons, sud repeated knocks ut intervels, hkr brother-iu-law, Mr. BriggIs, eutered hier room to fiud her apparently coin- fortably resting there, but the sparli of lite hsd fle'd, without the slightest indication of a strugg-le. Deceased wss ilulher 83rd year. Funeral took, place Wednesday te the cemetery, services being couducted by Rev. A,. K Edm-ison aited by Rev. J. W. Rae. 0f a large famlly of thirteen ohiîdren, seven boys aud five girls, grown te manhood and womauhood, three ouly survive, George Beer, aged &7, residing in California; Mrs. Je-- ell, Buffalo, N. Y.; sud Mrs. Briýggs of Orono. Choked for Air. Sosue littie irri- tant becomes lodged lu the bren- chiaI tubes, others gather, and the îawfu~l chokiug of asthiua results. Nothiug off ers quite sucli quick an'd positive relief as Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthiua Reiedy. The healiug, suioot-hiug smoke or vapor penetrates, ecears the passages and gives uutold relief. Tt lias behind it years of success. Tt is the sure remedy for every sufferer. MONEY TO LOAN $80,000 to le-nd on farms-first, second rnortg-agus, mortgages paid off,. mort- ga ges purchased. -Business private. Write or cail E. R. Reynolds, Ï7 Victoria St., Toronto. 34-1î5* 1~ Uunei. A further closed season through- out the Dominion lias been provided for Wood Ducl., exteudiug te Jan- uary 31, 1924. A similar ciosed Ducks, except that Eider may be shot lu the Yukou and Nortliwest Terri- tories durinig the regular open sens- ou previded for ducks in those lo- calities. The open seasons provided under Migrator.y Birds Convention Act for'. 1923-1924, Ontario sud Quebec are:1 Ducks, Gesse, Brant sud Quails. lu I Quebec: Septaurber 1 to Decemiberi 1,1, both dates iuclusive. Iu Outar-: le: Saptember 1 te Decemrber 15,i botli dates inclusive. Shorebirds or Waders, includiug- only the follQwing: Woodcock, Wil- son or Jack-Snipe, Black-beilied and Golden Plevers suid the Greater sud Lasser Yalloýwleg,,s. Iu Quebec: September l'to De- ceruber 14, both dates inclusive. ,lu Ontario: September 1 to De- cemiber 15, botli dates inclusive, ex- capt that ou Woodcock the open season shahllie from Septemiber 15 to October 15 both dates inclusive. nu ful j Speifect le with he long tct Bàsa 7di3trict IfTED .-ot. P -OULTRY WANTED impurter GIrect of SCOTCH !ADSWEDE GRANiLTES and oni>e the best gradze of ERMONT BLUE MARBL: a mploy nope eterycaretaker 'I 1 arn prepared to hand] any quantity of Pouitr and wl pay the highe, cash price. Phone 81 col lect to I. STIEN WHITBY or drop me a card and MUill.i rS down shHEAT and resistano. Scott's Eniulsia k.e systen VIT ALITY a run-down sy'steui 1 ou1d not sJ.p or, t. MONL The softer the leather comfortabIe the shoe. applicotions of "Nuggee' the leather sof t. Dolub .71 .1 777 777777i777Mlý 777 m 77, 77177-7,7 6th, 1923.1 .1

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