ýEPH'S SOCIAL - was is funera k, Ebeneý udyeV is daughite i-st., took on, Rev. uci were i the tý bait re a aickle SEATTLE 1 Mrs. nanville..... stock........... 0 .. ....... Perry... .. .ay............. ,bora............ ,va ............. Hope...... ut PRICES OF ONTARIO FRUIT n-' Fruit Branch Report For Toronto r- Ontario fruit. Lawtonberries, 4 5 qu.arts, -90 ta 22 cents. Blueberries, Id- il quart baskets, $1.75 to $2.25. h-- Peaches, White Flesh, 6 quarts, ï5 Of. to 50 cen.ts, il quarts, 60 ta 8-5 til cents. Triumph, sixes, 35 to ,-0 Id cents. Rochester, sixes, 65 ta 8-5 d cents. Plums, Bradishaw, sixes, 40 he to 50 cents, elevens, 60 ta 70 cents. el, Green Gage, sixes, 40 to 50 cents, eIevens, 60 to 75 cents. Pears, 6 ýd. quarts, Clapps, 40 ta 50 cents, Bart-~ ýP- Ietts, 50 to 60 cents. Apples, he Duchees, bushel hampers, $2, barraIs, r. o. 1 $5.50, No. 2 $4, No. 3 $2 to b- $2.50. 11 quart baskets, 40 ta 50 ed cents, Astrachan, il1quart baskets, inl 75 to 85 cents. Grapes, Charripion, fl lquart baskets, 50 cents. Toma- toitoe,il quart baskets,, 59 to 60 he1 cents. Onions, cwt., $3ý. 50. Pota- ty toes, cwt., $2.40 ta $2.50. aiads, etc., ta sat.4 Imported fruit: Galifornia pea- id cakes and pie of ches, Elb'erta,' 2 tier box, $2.25. n the work of pre- Peare, Barilett, boxes, $3.50. Ap-1 iuous rfpa1st the ples, Gravenstein, boxes, $3, Duch- h were generously ess, bushel hampers, $1.75 ta , $2. ies of the other .Grapes, Malaga, 4 basket crates, $4. ýown. Galons, 128 pound case, $5, 64 rteet which cauee d u 'ase, $2,50. Car arrivais 'ement, bahy Reid August 27th ta 29th inclusive, N. B. ii baby Bird won 4 potatoes, imparted, 3 pears, 1 ap- ides were MVrs. pies, 1 penches, 2 mixad fruit, On- .enefick, Dr. Roach taria 5 apples, 2 penches, 1 rnixed Lii out-of-tawnvi vis-1fruit, 25 potatoes, 2 tomatoes, 3 on- rs ta the contest-,ions, 2 plumis, 2 blueberries. st interesting feat-1 g- was the lotteryl NTEEITRSMI which reseinbied al NTEEITRSMI ii-ntal store. fora -jW ieriyt kll.Jh l n cents.ýliott, B. A., of Londo n, Ont., forl able ar- information contained ln a letter ta iaiwps thofc not for publication", hé hossIsays, but, Qmitting the busin-eSs par- fancy tMon, we take the'lîberty of seadiag o wvooi forth the balance ta edify aur rend- ad tone ers. Mr. Elliott -writes: After readling The Statesman care- Inmany fully 1 put them where they would or. The do the most good. 1 was able ta Uiss L. supply Rev. J. F. Chapman, Pastar ize, an of Empress Avenue Church, with the 11, Bat- capy bha missed -when movingfo W Peterboro. I gave Evalyn Jones WBa look at them while ehe was m-y1I ing a week-end acre witln nu 'iville Onue number 1 left with Lilliai lajsali on ana of rmy visite ta h Newcastle Conimunity Hall J went ta Mr. Wmi. Gorman, partner of the wholesale firm Dom-- Gormnan Eckert Ca., who waý Dow- in Newcastle in the days of t hoàse seys. My friend and naili e'n' 1 R Allin, thougli brou, ht ul ÏURSDAY, SEPT.EMBER 6th., 1923 N EWCASTLE Misýs Muriel Bradley le indisposed. MLr. Norman Alliai spent Thursdlay in the city'.. Mrs. W Perrin spent a day at the Ex. last week. Misýs Olive Lane is back on dutyi after a holiday. Mr. Frank Bennett, Jr., spent Mon- day in Toronto. Mr. C. Cannon is back, on onr teaching staff againi. Mr..,John Bonathan is speadling -,a1 f ew dahys in Toronto. Mr. W. Bonathan was in Toronto a few days at %week. Miss Nellie Thamnas spent Wednes- da-y at the Exhibition. Mr. Thos. Finlay is eajoyiag a fe-w1 days at the Exhibition. Mies Donelda Couch is visiting with friendis in Toronto. Miss Bessie Lake ie visit 1 ag with relatives in Bowmanville Mrs. Poole le spending- a few weeks with Mrs. J. Cunningham. Mr. George Bonathan, Toronto, w,,as home for the holiday.a Miss E. Sanderson returned ta hiero sc'hool duties here this week. NEWCASTLE UPPER SCHOOI EXAMINATION RESULTS Fred Anderson received credit (i pass) in English Com-position an Thirdl class honors in History. Eli'zabeth Hancock received credi in Eng-lishi Literature and in Coir Irene Rinchi received Third cias- hionors in Eng-lish Literature and i composition. NEWCASTLE- METHODIST CHURCI Rev. E B. Cooke, Pastor. 11.0' a. mMrigWorshin. 2.30 1). n OSHAWA FAIR Each Grand 'Course oi Entertainments Throug-h Iiigh Class Talent Bureau the f ol1owigý of entertainments in FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER l4th JT. H. Camieron-A Splendid Entertainer. H-arry Benaiett-"The Canadian Harry Lauder" Mfaud Buschlen-Finest Violiniste in Canada. In 'Addition-A firet class piaaist. MONDAY, OCTOBER l5th Bob Wilson-The Kin- of Comedians. Grace Bonnick-Best M'~usical Monologist in 'Canada. H'felen Hunt-Eminent Violinist. Jean Hai-Soprano, Gold Medalist Toronto National Exhibition 1920 NOVEMJ3ER Agnes Ai-So Itioni- oiunced Later) Elocutionist and,,an be om are spending a few days Palmer of Brantford, is vith Mr. and Mrs. J. C. .and Mrs. Wickh 'am, Tc d with Mrs. W. G. 'Iay on ýs Hutchinson of Graftan, with her brother, Mr. K. :n. . nd Mrs. J. A. Polkinghoi a, are guests at Mrs1 tickets for se: WHY? Spoil your Pickles, Sauces and Relishes for the lack of a few cents? BUY THE BEST SPICES AND VINEGARS ie of Port Hope, with Mr. and Irs. F. Loveday and ýt the holiday with WE HAVE THEM R. WALTON' Grocer R ad'leo Exhibiït Yoiu are <ordlially nited to attend the Radio Exhibit and demonstration to be held at Oshawa. Fair September lOth, lLth and l2th. This dis- play wjll be made up of $7,000.00 worth of'the finest Radio appavatus obtaiinabIe and will include exhibits by Freed-Eisemixann, Burnclept, Graham and Branston Radio Companies., Do flot fail to accept this invitation as this will be your finest chance to hear and compare Radio Sets this season. Respectfully yours, DONALD D. McKAY. t' Values That Save Quality That Satis fies Service That Pleases These are factors that have made G. A. Edmondstone's Butcher Shop recognized as the best place to - buy meat in town, G. A. ]Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. use of ,e oid] ndsay, ihere! rw ith e with 1few WE Memah s f ewc s. W.:E yourig essayist i, U. "na gave pka-1iliy 4ULU1Ipani eU Uy iir.j-u tire ta maany people for their pro- iicnd'Miss Ada Barker mot, ductions seernad ta be in demand. Toronto on the hoiiday. A welcomne cailer 1 had lntely Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of K Gea. E. Hogarth, B. A., of Regina,, p.lstoMr.F. arigoua workijug westward aftar a visit ta his oa ffc Staff, Ottawa, m aidDaligto hme Hi vsi I cent visitors with Mr. and !V London was the occasion for n re- mn bcry union of a trio of aid tima uWhitby M r. Radar'ick L. Wright c friends and their wives. Jno. S. castie-on-the-Lake, wili ±Sýe Barnard, jeweier of London, was in vices in St. George's Churc'h business in Whitby, and W. J. Green- day, Sept. 9th, in the absenc( Wood, B. A., aow a, f Mitchell, was Rector, Rev. E. R. James vice-principal af the Whitby Lad- Wright wilI preach bathi ies' College in the days when Geo. H. andl evening. Hogarth wa5 principal of the Whitby A -,ost enjoyabie dance Hih coa. Itws yprivilege at Copper Beach on Saturda as a friend of ail thrae couples ta ing, everyone thoroughly e have a pleasantnmeeting with themn. themiselves. This was the dance for the summer as t] Mr. W. S. Bragg and Miss Leta, returned ta the city on Tues ies daughter, one af rmy former pup- i ter spending a happy sumimei ils, called on us recently. While Beach. IMr. Bragg, Leta and 1 were vlstingjý Rev. S. D. Chown, D. D., the London market, we met Mrs. General Sueprintendent of tii Fitchett (Marie Painton), a former odiet Church la Canadla, will Bown'anvilla friend, aow of Mon- a commiuaity mieeting la th treal, who -was visitiag friends il hiuniity Hall .on Sunday evelir London. A f ew minutes inter i e23rd Dr. Chowa is an e hiad the pieaeure of n chat with Mr. speaker and everyone should Harold Clarke, manager of the ta hea, this clev~er divine. Standard Bank, whose wifealwas fornierly Miss Helen Martin, so weîî Campll Copper Beechha and favorah'ly knowa ta the musical after a big reunion of maay f olk of Bowmanville. It wiiî la- girls who had spent their1 terest von to Ilearn that _Mrs. Clarkýe',s there for a week, or two dur kns,n tILoU Dar4 Ur. S. though atad is activeï sistant astort la Dundas an.d Mrs. C.1 ,-a other formei Is that Mr. an, to ineet. Afl ie B. H S s ta takiag- Labor Day Saturdayi il dance, th ind on Mon St hike a] iv is feit HvIIGH QUALITY AND CLOSE PRICES Count at this h ardware store, No need'to let shopping worry you if y'ou buy here. We re- fuse to seli inferior goods and guarantee ail pur- chases, JPrices are close, too. ingston' -Generai were re-j Mrs. Ed- I of New- the ser- on Suni- -e of the S. Mr. morning vas held l'fav even WulM. JAMIESON Hardware Store Newcastle Dollar It always pays to buy your groceries and baking fromn HS. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer nsurance Agent Division Court, Co. .oal 2000 lI Newcastle )rted Roses SBush Roses, splendlid variety........ 50c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75c i roots ........................ ....soc ek of fancy evergreens and shrubs at ii for 1 a deli Mitchel oneata 1 <1 1 ý, 1, iý A - 1 1 - Il M ' ý -, « 1 1 1 ý'P 1 Phone 21 Bowmanville ener