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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1923, p. 2

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N468 is h% the 1r rnu.mber of cups it gvés per pound. - Delicious 1 - T"y it. Yomu Ne Pr otction WE INSURE EVERYTHING Recomnmencl Only The Best Companies. Better Cail To-Day-To-morrow May Be Too Late, J.i. MA^-SON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers APhone 5 0 0 Bowmanvillé MUTHER OF TWIN BOYS Tells How Lydia E. JPinkham's Veg- etable Compund Relieved Her of Iflamation and Great Weakness West St. Jobhn, N. B.- "I mas in a golieral run-domu condtion follomitig the birth of ay twiu boys. 1 had a great deal of iflamnation, with palias and weakness. Finaly aiy doetor recoin- rnen«led Lydia E'. Pinikham's Vegetable Compoundi. He saýid that your medicine would be the only thing o build mie Up. 1aim sure ho la right, forl1 am feeling much btter and amn gaining lu weight, having gone. domu o ninety-thre pounds. 1Iwas lu bed for over a mîon th, ~ut a. up again now. I have reconi- meuded the Vegetable CompôUtnd o my friends sud give you permission o use my leter. "-Mrs. ELMER A. RITÇrnIE,. 82 Roduey St., West St. John, N. B. Thiere aremiany wmien mho flnid their household dutie3s nmot unhearable 0w- lu g o some e mekness or derangement. The trouble nîay bo slight, yet cause such annoying syxuptomas as dragginig pains, weakneîs sud a ruu-do*u feeling. Lydin E. Pinkham's3 Vegetable Comi- pound la a splendid medicine for such conditions, Ithas la mauny cases relieved those symptoms hy removing the caus-e of thean. Mrs. Ritchie's exporienoe la but one of mauy. You xight ho interested lu reading Mrs. Pinkham's Private Text-Book upon -the " Ailmnents of Wome. " You cen g t a eopy free by writing the Lydia E.Pnkhamn Medicine Co., Cobourg, Ontario.e Cider iiade and AF? LES WANTED Sat Manning's Cooperage repaired. and remoclcled i Scuigog St. Bowmanville Just South C. P. R. Stafion Astbma Briugs Misery. But Dr. J. D. Kellogg's 2,ethma Remedy mil repiace the misery mith weicome re- 1ief. Inhaloti as amoke or vapor iti reaches the very innermost recesses of tihe brouchial passages and soothes thein, Restriction passe,; sud easy breathine- ret rus. Il you kniew as weli how this remedy would heip you as d o thousanda of gateful use-~ rs, there woul!d ho n package iu your home tonight. Try it. Aou are noS i&iaesOt- mient for Eczemna anld Skia Irrlta- tions. It relieves aS once and gradu- 1ahly heals the0 skin. Sample box Dr. Chas's ointment free if you mention tis paper atdnd 2c. alamp for postage. 60c. a box; al dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limîited. Tproaio. K.EEP YOUR EYES CLEAN CLEAT, AND HEALTKY AST lIMA No Smiokin-No Sprayin-Uo Snuff Just Swallow a Capsule Restores normal breathinz, stops mucus gatheringa lu the branchial tubes, gives long nights of quiet slcep; couains no habit-f orming drug. $1.00 at your druggists. .Seud 4c lu stampa for a generous 'sample. Temipletons, 142 King West, T oronto. GUÂRANTEED RELIEF " For Sale By Jury & LovelI The natural food for babies when mother's ndlk GRENTEA cedar and pine still abunýdant and Ibeginng Vo have an export value. IThe -whent and flour speak, of the good grain aud also of the flour aills begiuniug to flourish.1 This Act was passed by a Legis- laVure elected bef ore thle Rehellion of, 1837, of 'whieh IHu.- A. P. MaeNah was Speaker, Sir Fr~ancis- Bond H~ead The lEconomiy 1BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 22nid, 19231 NEWCASTLE HISTORY By John iui (Continued froimat page) to the opposite party to that'in whicb his apcestor was for so long anili- ~portant factor. A. (hlan) Wlmot (1804-1893)l was the eldIest son of Samuel Sreet Wilmiot. He was known as Coonel Wilmot and commranded the i ilitia of the neigbibourbood. Ho waa also a J. P. ai-d was soirnetim-es called Squire Wilmot. After the new muni- cipal systei was iatroduced in 1850 Allan Wilmot wns Be ove of Clarke for two yearas. He was a staunch Cou- servative and, as we have juat saccu ran agaiust Henry Munro lu 1861. IV was the frst parliameutary election1 of whichi the writer has a cîcar recol- lection. Hoe au stili se the dust raised hy the procession cOmiug dowu the gravel road froma Orono to Newcastle and eau hear the drumis beating which aecompanlie'd 1. John Mid'dletona (1792-187-5 ') as an original settier from the north of Euglaud wbo came to Clarke lu thqe early thirties. His home was on lot 27, cou. 3. His adopted sou mas lHen- ry IMiddletou(1827--1906). He masi a MethodisV and n liberai rupporter of the church flrst as a Wesleyan aud laVer as a Primitive Methodist. Asa E. Walbridge(,1782m18'60) seems Vo have settied lu Clarke lu 1819. He was the son of Elîjah Wal- bridge, boru lu 1752, IAvho came from Nom York State and seVIled nit h~e Bay of Quinte region. Asa E. Wal bridge hud four sons: John Every[ (1816-1891), William, Elijah, As Pobes (1829-1905) and one daugh- ter, Mrs. Leonard Theaipson. Elijah's son Asa mas postinaster in Nowvastle for a ime arouud 1878. N'o one bear- ing the rame, Walbridge is nIow in Newcastle, but Mrs. Stephen Jose, -wbose home is ou lot 26, con. 1, is a daughter of John Every Waihridge, and the Misses Thompson are cousins of Mrs. Jose and grand&daughters of Asa E. Walbridge. William Mlelntosh (1799-1849) becamne proprietor of lot 28, coù, 2,1 origiually deeded Vo Robert Blwu Ho mas also a a iller and merchant, ns was bis sou William down Vo 1870 or thereabouts. Jool lieman (1790--1875) came, Vo Clarke about 1830 and ýowned lot 34, cou. 1. Ho came frea Youge street, having been homu in Massa- chussetts. Ho was noV of U. E. Loyal- ist origin. Ho -,as one of the early7 orchaadists of the region, and hie descendants have maintained bis rep- utation in this respect. Richard Lovekin (1770-1840) came from Ireland with his father lu 1795, andi settled in Clarke in 1797, on lot 32, cou.1, wbich mas afterwards, called Pionee r Farm. His sou, Rich- ard Atwood Lovekiu, (1805-1882) ~was said to fhave been the flxst white child homu lu Clar-ke. Another.son James Patrickson Lovekin (1818-ý 1893) was au active merchaut ilu Newcastle. BoVh brothers mare prom-, nrt lu the municipal affairs of Clarke. Samuel Street WilmoV (1773--1 1856), lenown as Major Wilmot, came' io Clarke fromn Yonge street ab~out 1816 and bought land from the Hart- melis mbo bad acqtuired 1V from the Lovekins. Lot 32, con. 2, kuowu as Belniont, mas the centre of the WiI- mot estate. Major Wilmnot had fouri sons, Allan Wiimot, already men- tioned, Lewis Wiimot, tanner, ýwbose land was lot 34, con, 2, John Wilmlnot, bunker of Nem York, I Whoowued lot 31, con. 2,9 and Samuel Wilmyot (1822-1899) who' inherited Belmont. Ho ýdistinguiah- ed- himseif hy bis researches iun~h thyology, aud mas thefounder of the Government fish 1atcheries of Can- adla. Mrs. Du~ncan Galbraitffi ilaa daughter of Samuel Wilm-ot. An iuteresting episode lu the life of Major Wilmot mas bhis parliament- a'y experience. Ho contested the seati of Durai in, Parliament lui 1820. His oppouent was George Stralige~ Boul on aud te Rturniug ofilcer mas Thomas Ward of Port Hope. The v otiug took place in Port Hope £romp Monday Juiy 3 ill Saturday Juiy 8 anid great confusion bad. oo-Ur ed particuIaCfly ,in connection witl a number of -%oters from Cavan. The result of the election mas, however,, that Major WilmeV was dcclared elected aud mas amoru lu andi took his seat as metaber for Durham on! January 31, 1821. The writer does net kuow how long ho remialned ai membher of parliaaient. hRi kNDERSON'S VALEDICTORY This Addreî Was Read by His I ~ tu ICommecemrenit Nov. 9, 1923. Mr Chairmjan, Mrs. Galbraith, Ladis and Gentlemnen, Girls and Mr. TIwm Boys :-I regret that 1 arn unable to j be present with you to-night, but 1 arnit you in spirit, and 1 eau well imnagine fromi past experiences wbat apleasant evening you are having,. It is with a feelingý of deep grati- tude that 1iaccept this gold mdl Gratitude, flot oniy for the gift, but also for the generous spirit that prompted the giviug of the Thýe donors, the £amnily of the late Mr. Samuel Wilmott, have rear- ed a monument that wilI last so long as there is a Iligh Sehool in Newcast- le; and even iu the most regrettable case of the High School 'becoming D non-existent, the gif t reverts to the1 DR Public Sehool. So each year, asl the summer school ternIi !S Over, 50 centsi a N Mr. W ilmott's naie is ed Prof. John Squair, M. A., Toronto in counection with this miedal. _______ _______________________ The name lu Wimottinurelation Haeria~ ith this towuN is even older than taught was Governor. Hou. C. A. thenam orNecaslwas1an , InFlauders Fiel was Attoruey ýrGeneral, James Fitz- tm ainer aofecase lats Major -With great fa! gibonwa Clrkan Sepha arisSamtuel Street Wilmotk settled. here Our village, 1 rer iwa Gentleman Usher of the Black the village was knn by the naine A native soi Rod. The re~>r for Durham of "Corners". W.1 were George Strange Boulton and dfUie mie~yls tcWin'dsor, Noven Georg Ellott.the family was to be fouud, where At this time there was au Upper advancernent to the village was to House, called the Leglslati've Councilbemd. Tyraiedttth Requisite on of which the Hon. John -Beverley nation's im-provemienit radiated from frer and stocl IRobinson was Speaker. The meai- the horme to the school, to the vil- a supply of Dr. bert froi the NewcaslLeDistrict 1geaud to the Empire. on1 hand, not ouiý ,eeZaccheus Burnham and Walter Iu selecting this type-fLmmor ois i hore a- Boswell. pofmnoil ahosad ThetwoHoses coutlute ahe farnily has recoguized' tha.t great poteucy.À The wo Huseseonsitutd anatiou's assets are lu its children Parliameut with Conservative lean- adio utcîde eu n' sweet ou f or horr ings. Ou accouint of the Rebellion, mnake a great nation. So, a s -au- edIl by colrile i-a Liberalisai was consi'd.eirably lu the added impetus to higher educationi, ateub a shade. this gold medal la. given. . Useful lu Can - - - ---- I1arn asked at timeis "Where isI ,yors, prospect Newcastle"? My answer is, "It j find Dr. Thomas VILLAGE 0F NÉWCASTLE i may be infinitesimal on the map 'but. useful lu camp. Cler's Nticeof Frst how mauy villages or adjacent town- 'legs are wet auè Cler's N ticeof Frst ships cail boast of beiug- the birth- rub them freely Ds. ~ ' t' *4 p lace of a world-known bishop- the~ result wilI b( P.osting of VG.-T8 a...Lst. Bishop Breut; of a manufacturing pains in the mui Voters' List, 1923, ' ,ieipality of prince-Mr. Chester D. MýasseY; Of eut, or contusion theVilageof ewct~,Couty a widely known writer and eoduca- taiaed, nothiug ,c theVilageof ei,..ý-cCouty tionit-Prof essor John Squaîr; of a dressing or lotib of Durhai-. f well known Editor and Jornalit- ___ Notice is .herebqvgivcn IXat 1 havei Mr. Joseph E. Atkinson of the Tor- transmi-tted ordeird . e persons onto Daily Star? Here too, *as the, NEW~ LAI mnentionýe(j id Section O i 1i O ntarýo birthplace of Northrop, ufterwards 9c Voters' Li sta Act thic, ',sreued formniug the firm of Northrop and 94tl said section to be ýso trn v ui Lted0or de- 1ïvere(, 0f the Li t, made pjursuant to Lynian coptineu t-fanied mnanufacçt- said Act, of ail persons appearing by ithe uring anJd wholesale druggists. Also Beats Elec last revjsed A-ýssessnrt Roîl of "'aid the birthplace of Dr. Jýes Tamblyn Municipaiity to be enotitled to vote in thre saidi muiipailiity at, elections forme- father of Gordon Tafiblyn, foundier A usw oi1 larlî ~bers of the- Legislative ýAssembI)y and of a fanieus chain of drug stores. ingly brilliant, soi at Municipal Eiections and that thre said The well-known W. H. Petrie of better tharn gas List was flrst posted Up, at my office at Tootfone f eree i entstdb h Newcastle, on the ineteenth day 0,e Oct- Trno one fPti nier entse y~ ober, *923,', and remaiins thcre for inspc- n achinery and electrical manu- and 35 leadiug wu 'ion.I And 1 hereby <cal upon 'ail- voters t. faeturing business, first saw the light to, ho superiort take imniediate proeing t accordiflgf da>y la Newcastle. The Arnoldi lamps. It hurrma' errons or ornissions coirrecte c ýingbrothers, houscfhold jiame in Tor- or noie-no pu- to law. outo, weil kno-wu provision dealers dlean, safe. Burni tDated Novemrbe~r 13, 1923. are, too, natives of Newcastle. comnmon kerosene CirVllg fNewcas4e W. Chapple, is one-of 'eeatl, Craig St. W., Mv 46most ,vorthy representatives.. to send a lamwp Among mnany clever women, two trial, or even to naines present themselvos Vo myi the first user ip ea IN~ THE SURRIOGATE COURT 0F mmnd, the naines of help hlm lutroduc Miss Dora Farneomb, a .wmNiter i day for full par TH-E UNITED COUNTIES 0F I .'thbor and scial service worker: ý hlm to expain ho NORTH-UMBERLAND AND also Miss Breut, a -writer,- social ser: ageucy, aud witl DURHAM vice worker and lecturer. money make $250 ________ 1 might ad ldumany more namnes toi_______ In tire estatea of rOBERT BEITH1, Sen- tlhoseinientioned but suffice it to ay' ator, deceasej,, andj James Beith, gent le- ta eolo ecsl men, deceased, both 0f -the Towu -nof0W- t 4e£Llgh co fNwcsl manvie, in tire (Cotuty of D)urhamn. hais contributed mnuch material o-IlL NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to wards the professions and a greatj R. S. O. 1914, Chap. 1221, Sec. 56, that ail many of former pupils are new persons haviug cdaimns againat the es-W ttsof the saiçi Robert Beithi who ied Iprorninent ministers, physicians and on or about the 2G-,th doay of Januatr, teachers. YneadC r A. D.2, and James Bith who dIied j ThewaIls of ou, ulcbidn I nw on or about the Siast day of August, A1. D. hd s wei±kow or to deliver to Williami E. N. Silair, falmous Caýnadians as Ex-Premier acliool. Keeli K. C., solicitor for the exectors 01n 0" Meighien, Ex-Premier Drury, 'Hon. Gradua.tes ail th before the Ist day of Noveruber, A. D. 12.thieir namYesý addcresses anddes- N. W. Rowell, K. C., Mr. J. E. At- fool with educý criptions and a f uli statemenit of prkînson, Mr. Chester D. Massey, Gen- Best. - lIt alway ticulars of their dlaimns and the natuire eral Sir Sam JiHughes, Dr. J. L. cr o lcn duly certified, and thlat after fthe said tiughons3is9p Brot, ev. Dr dlay the executors will proeed to dlis-i Chown, Canoa Coidy and others. So, ion snx tritoîte thre asseýts of the deceased among1, even though a humble villge, thej Write for C, the parties entitled tihereto, having re- 1 ga L o filtte oaim 0f Wich they, greýat men of our day have pausedi mence niow. shall tleO have notice. hiere to give usa message. Have 1 ~ E DATE thi 7thday f Nvembler, A. D. we not becu favoýred? I_______ 1923. Jlessings have been showered_ up- -_______ ___ w. E. N. SINCL.AIR, K. C., oif us hy nmunificent gifts towards_______ Soicitor f6r the Executors, Oshawa., Ont. orcuce u ytelts Oi 4i-3 derful gift of this splendid Commun- S ity Hall by that prince of good fiel- 10Ws-Mr. CD. Massey. As 1W~e pupilsJ~ becomne older ad realize ahl that our predec essors andiAt..Z. their parents have dQue Vo bring Afe g Newcastle te this state of perfection, shouid we not try Vo do our parts to haud down au even better lieri- m b tage Vo those who will replace us?A Sootfhe A's mjatq As divines seek deeper insniratio-n mieAi - Hands Trembled tnd 1 Culd Not Sleep"9 us Hon.Y, BratfOed, Ont., writess- 'Wheu ,I1began taklug Dr. Chuaes Nerve Food, 1 was w0 tervouà that when I picked up a cup of tea My hand wvuIJa tremble likea leaf. I could not sieep well, couc) net i- membýer'things, and there were neuralgic paîns through my- bodY- After taking seven boxces of Dr. Cliase's Norve Food, however, 1 am n aperfect health." CHASIE'S IERVJE FOOD bo0,oll deniers or Edmanawi, Bates & Vo., Ltd., Toronto. alih lu the future o emain,of on of Newcastle, Fredesl'ck Anderson. nber 1, 1923. ithe Farm-Every ck-maiser should keep Thomas' Electrie 011 .y ns a ready remiedy .nily, but hecause it 1caVtle mediciue of A~s a substitute for ses aud caVVle affýect- ar surpasses anytbiug idmlnistered. Where once bis ow life-blood ~ran Saythey strength of Beef in a red; Mrs. (I5r.ý Shurti form in~ which it can So let your rest be sxveet and deepi .q miust have tae redl easiiae n Flauders Fields. 1 Ater trying every1 Foar not that ye have di.ed for I diqcarded thema by the system. naught1 ZUTOO, wîivh 1Ihi The orch ye tlgew to uls we caught 1 find the tablets ai <~ >< » T en million bandis will hold iV hîgh remiedy for all kin M A EAndfreedom's light shall nevex <die; 2 et e ýx MAKEGOOD We'e lernedthe lesson that ye

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