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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1923, p. 4

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I .> Yo ur Overcoat is Here. Our pri ces are low but the coats are the finest we ever had-mwade from Iniported British Woollens. We can retail these coats to you at a very popular price ........ $22.50 to $40.00 We also ean give you an Overcoat tailoreil to your individual mieasiure for .................................. $35.00 This is a Wore of Service It does't matter -%?hether you cone in for a Neck Tie or for a Suit or 0vercoat, we serve you to the best of our ability. If you simply wat to look 'around you're free to, do it. We'Il help youin i your selections, but w\,e won't try to seli you any~- thing you don't want. That's our idea of service. G. N. THURSTON BowrnanvillE&s Up-to-daýte Hlaberdashery and Far ShQp, iHave 'You'Visited If you are a large woman do not experience difficulty in purèhasing Clever Stylish Garments that fit comfort- ably and yet have a real ~smart appearance? If so, isit our shofi, see and-try. on a few of our dress-. es designi.on purpcose for'large women. The niateriais arébeatutiful quality Sil'k Canton Crepe, Georgettes, Poiret Twill, Tricotine. We bave s&urred the exclusive selling rights f or Bowinanvillte of the only manufacturer in Canada, that we know of, who make nothing else but Stout Women's Dr-esses. Walk Up-Staiis-Pay Cash-S ave Dollars C. S.MASON Exclusive Wor4men's anid Misses' Upstairs Ceat and Dyess Sholppe Pro WWr Block Phone 25J Bowmanvilie The Shop That Leads' BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 22nd, 1923~ MAPLE GROVE Miss Jundfas, eahe S. S. 3, pent Sundlay 'xwihMms. C. C. Jeffery . . ..M,1 and Mrs. . .Scott and Son Lee, (1\Vw- ma nville, Sunldayed ai 1\1. L. C nw dlens... .Milss vioia Stevens si)ent Sun- daty with 'fe E. 1". Hart, Oshaw~, 'ENFIELD The anntla1 metijng ofithe Blleld befring wa"s fheld in the o unt Hanll on Satturdaty evetnIing ov. 10 with a f111atedac of mlembers. Tl,, maeeting was peie over by the e- ide(nt m. Geo. Oriston. Minutes ofl thle Last mieeting were mad by the Sec-ý retary _Mr. Fred T. AshIýon. The gen- eml business wais pucddwith and! manIly tRnd vaied subjeçts were discus- sed by those presenit.i New-ýly elected ofïlierIs tare: IPresient-ý George OrIston; Sýcmtary-F. 1T. Ash- toni. Mr. C. H-ayes lia's beenengge to kili anfidelvrf another term hav-lt ing given splenidid stisfacetion11during the past yesr. Visitors: Mrs. 1H. J. Wery, Enniskil-1 len, and MISS EB,. Sargent, H1ampton, atý M. Russeil OmmIistons; _Ms. E. .ýnnis, Whiitbyv, and Miss L Annis, oono M. asnd Mms. Jolhn Simon,, Eniikillenl, receotliy visited ait Mr. F. Glets MessF. and'( James anld Miss GraIcu Ormiston, Raglan, at -Mm. J. Stark' S; fri anmi rs. E. Pascoe atnd Miss rae $Oknat Mr. G. Orm-istons; M iss Eluhy Smiith, Whitby, at MVr. W. Smiith's; Mm, a.11.d rs.C. L. Macke-y, Bmroklin, ait M. UL(-. Paseoos; Thankýsgiving.i sevcsweme fairly vf-li attended Sun-l (Lity eveniung. 11ev. C2. C. Waý,sinigtoni, Bl. A., Eenz r, prehed a very i-, pimeSsive 5,I-llolnand the choir IreaIdered Sýetionls suitable to the occaýesion Mon daiy eveniog after ilthe supper The ladies: gave the play entitiefi "The Old Maidsi Asoition"* which -was enjoyed by aill,1 anfi a meal good scil venling was1 spent. Proceieds about $46 ...Thel dIramiatic club iS giving itS popular, drama *'The Souithemn C_'inclrll"thîs Tbursdlay evening ati yrtle.The ougpeojple helId their ireguilar meeting ln ýIhe church Suiiýday eein The, progmam wavs in chargec ýf 3rd i Presideýnt, WlaePascoe. Topic wais well givenl by ILa"rol Ormiston on "Na- tioniality'" exýcllent eadlngs were glven by MVr. Chias. Simipson and MmýI . M . ....l)s.... Lage eetIs next Smilday1 eveing.... Laies' A-id NviIl hold their mthciilly meigat the hJome of Mm. lerBradiey on \Wednesda \oNvemi- ber 2 Fh OI]l Caîl to hl nseedb a bible verse on the, Bimth cfi Chist. ENNISKILLEN Legu W\edaesdaity evenlng in charge of '2] Vie Pres., Miss _Myrtie B1unt1.1 Aftem opening exircises, Topic was ably, taktnilby Mms. Jas. _A._ Wery; Bible reading, _Mm. Wilb,,rt Smith; RP,adlings, Siýrss .Alma Oke and MP. Frank Dolancl; Vceai solo was nicely renere byMm. I oh Slemnon; maalng 1,,vIssMa I er.Meeting closefi byMzphbn daiy morning lnu charge cf -M. Francis Weurmy-. PReadfilg by -Miss Alima Wery;ý a (l ue't, "\WeareYonig Abstainers,"ý was nicely Sung by Misses Alice Ashi- ton and Doris Gritf5n; eadinge bjy MTissý ,Myrtle Brunt andi M. H. yve ....Reserve 1)ec. '20 for Enniskillen 1Sundaity Scliooli C'hristma~ ...3 ,et._Tl4e anthom i by the choir Sndyevening, "Hlope !in The Lord." was excelleýntly reýndered, and the solo at the close cf the service by Mr. Join Siemon. "More Love To Thee,'- Wats gnatly unjoyedl.... The seýripon by, P'aster MIenzie on heJpns Emerigency , llief was excellent. Tlei xofccasson of Jalju's national ca;tas- trophe h las openi up n-a channlel thirouigh which there will flow opportun- ities for, Christain men and woinen te acopsbtvam thlgs th- t will tsSiStý vi i'a ma 1ai la v bmigng the, king- i domi of Heaiveane~m The opportunity' of, tirprossing i ii- aipon tIn, Jap-1 Iane-se mmid the genmineniss of -Chiistanity7 Iand secondly an opprtunity for lus 1 r:ak 1ng sometsacifie te t-e ait-el I111 ho. s1dea and thilereby layngu treaisrelun Heaven). ... Mmv. J. Taml ynl Grono, is visitiug lhem dautghiterM W J .stainton:; Miss Saah ByersCart- iv tientt. v.on..s . \ o.e( HAMPTON' LOST OR I'OUND WATCH FOUND-Novembem 19, in Bowmnviie. Ownr ay have saie. by prilovîng pmo çmty ud pying for ait F. J.Micel box 353, Bowmianvile,. 47-3wi WANTED WANTED-Dmýiviig fHerse for the wlnjter for its lteUp. Reasonable work and good, came. Apply Rev. E. R. Jampes, The Rectory, Ne'weastle, Ont. 417-1, VyANTE-Reliabile nd cdependable! girl forgnea housework. Permanent position. A-'pply M-rs. R. Kerby, 478 Simeoe St. North, 0Oshawa. phone K577J 47-1w -~ r ~I BURKETON Le'agiue to-uight (Thursday)'a body welcome. _ Service Sunday1 nioraiing at the uFuial . hu... . -On Wednsda, Noven-ibIer 14, the fsmn- ily sud-relatives of Mr. and Mis. Jas. McLaughlin getheilci et their home in Burketon to celebrate wit th the 40th suuniversaiy of th &'r ed- ding, Their three sons ývth their xvives and fam--ilie2stwç Qbrothiers an-d six sisters with ni-ces snd nephews ai Mr. and Mris. McLauglin's onlyl surviving uncle and his wife made up a comipauy of about fifty persons. Af-ter partakiug of a bountiful f owýl dinner the faxpily and frienids spent a pleasýant social timi-e. During the eveuniug the fsmnily pîesented Mr. sud Mrs. McLaughlini with a beauti- fuI Kitchen Cabinet as a token of their good wishes. IMrs. Roy Taylor of Cartwright, îead a very appro- priate address. MVr. McLaughliu in a f ew well chosen words thanked the frieuds for their kiud remeushiancýe and good w\,ishes sud presented Mis. McLaughlîu with a uiew Weddiug Ring to replace the old one. SOLINA Mm. and Mis. C. L. Mackey, Brooklin, visited hgr fatlher, Mr. Richard Pascoe, ..Mr. Aif. Ayre hias îeuted the Green Farm for a terni of two yeas sud lho sud Mr. Green will have a joint sale ou De- cembor 13t...... Mr. and Mis. I. E. Tinik recently visited et Brookliui .... Miss Ellie J. James bas keen under the 'docto's care wîth brou-1 ch........ Mi. John Baker -\as in iOnterio Counity Friday ;as Depart- ment Judge on heavy boises su-d beef cattle when teanis that were mu training~ for the Royal Stock Show Iwere prosent from York, Victoria, Peterboro and Ontario aud Durham Counties, besides teams for Guelph Wiaýter Fair fi-oiOntario snd Dur- ham an(d it -was aise field day for Ontario Co., about fifty wore pies- et... . Ir. Harold Pascoe attendled Fiel'd Psy iu Ontario Couuty Friday ...Mrs. S. Edg-ar WYerry' sud soli Wesley are at Toi-or o witb bier sis- i ter, Mres. Haîry Groc. -ýs, 19 Barrie ,Ave ... . Mrs. W. T. _ý tvlor is vAsit- 1 ingl bier daugbter, Mr-. Eîuest Lai- imer, Blackstock.,. Meýssrs. Ayro ami Glaspel are exibiý)ting sheop at the Royal Stock Show-..rayer. meeýting at Mi. Johin Pa'c(oe's this, Thiursday eveing. . -.. an d Mrs. W. Wýýilliams anJd soru .,owmnville, sud Mrs. S. C. Rundie, Maple Grove, ý Sindaye'd at Mr~. J. T. Rudle's.... SMr. Geo. MeCulloch sud Miss Re- son, Columus, vîsîted bier sîster, Mis. Harvey Hardy. ... Wome's Iu- stitute iieetig Thursdayr at Mrs. Harvey Hardy',s, was -wel attended. A paper was gîvon by Mrs. S. E. IWerry sud arraugeipnts made for the play which the Institute ladies hope to preýent Ister. Hoi,î-iade can3dy sud apples wero served by the hostess. Mesdam'es Roy Langmiiaid, C. D., s~oL1 Ruudle sud Miss E Reynolds re attondc1ing the Women's Insfit Convention and jRoyal Winter Fair in Toronto. son; The sympqathy vof Ithe commnun- Ms .W esl Y U)i 11lY is extend'ed to 1Mm.,W,Hjerrin ios.D ind Mi.c. t sulî u laution ou the prenrlses the, dleath cf Iis aged moîber who, Slamnin ad fau-iilY, Bowmianville, ONTARIO & QUEEN STREETS alwsy ui shwaon Thumedaliy,. su__iVMiss Sadie 'Virtuel Torouto, Mr. sud BOWMÀNVILLE VMrs. Wmn. Ierrîng, m. anc Mme,-.AynierI Mrs. Frank Virtue, Burliugton, Mi. on He1riin sudMaster . Leslie Mowry at - adMs .S ituOhwa AURýY EEBRiS tended-C the funeral . .. .If the boys orladMsR.S iteOhwa AT DY EC BRIT younig mon froni the ueigbbilorinig villages -Mr. J. J. Virtuels; Miss Emmna Nid- at i1o'clock cshamp, the follewiug furul- ,îwhlo have kei up nioisy behatviour late dery, Toronto, at home; Mi-. Harold tume andi housebold effects: Saiturdsay eveuings, wouldI kindly dIl' - 1 Jbson with his ruother, Mis. J. Jeb- 13Buffet; D)ivanette; 2 Arm Chairs; Set continue sanie at once villagers would- Dining Chairs,; Extensioni Table; Congo- greatiy appreciate thieir action. son; Miss Coi-a DeFoe ut Mr. C. W. teuni Ruig, 9 x il: Fancy Cleck; Big __________Souch's; Miss Beatrice Leach, Zion, Euasy Chair; Easy Rocker; Loather at Mr-. F. J. Gîoat's; Mi. sud Mrs. Couchl; Silal Oak Table; Morris Chair; HAYDON IW. virtue, Trenton, aud Mis. Loi-ne .Qa, ew; Piano Stool; ltug 9 x ý7:; Ral Hloliday vieltors: M. sud 2Mmis. W. Robbins, Leekard, uat Mis. W. J. vii-- Raock; Whitbe ,,sser; 2 White Beds; Riige ndmiss margaret, Oshawa, at tue's; Mr. sud Mis., S. G. Bates sud Springesud Matresses; Oak Dresser; M. Jnio. Wrighit's; Mm. and i ak Stand; Singer Sewiug Machine, newv; Wels anf eçu TorntoMm. 1m.-Hfamily spent Sunday adMoniday finisRocker;MeinoCbetwt fordi, Oshawa, at M. (C . Av Mss!1~ Peterboro; Mr. sud Mis. C. Mc- M -or 0 yds and 12 yds Linioleumi; Dora Mounltjoy, Oshawýa, at MmI. C. Gar- Bride, Peterboro, Mi. E. Lsw su- ad Couch; 2ý Kitchen Cuphulards; 6 Chiairs; sud sns, Mss Tronto ut 1fr. itchien Table; Drop Leaf Table, Nw rards', Mr. andi Mme. A. Grantanso,,Ms Law,TontaMr George Lintolu Rg9x 0EecroPa; Torut,1110Mm.. McNi,(s; Mises es;Miss B. Sage t Peter'- Lawn -Mower;' Bid;Curtains; Dishles; Siemoni, Toronlto, Mr. C. Biggs, M. sud homo; Miss F rances Clatwoîthy sud iKitchen Uteneils; Jeni Jars; 30( Ft. Me. Wl.A.ainandosonto, Dr. Osud me. r, W manyarticleýs 100 numerous to mention. and Mme. \Wm. Tewin sud Miss Grace, -wortby's; Mr.' sud Mis. tleo. EXgeri NOTE-Mm. Brookharn anfi family are Bowisnville, M. L. M-ýountjoy, Net-1 aud daughiter Rosina, Miss Lottie leaving for Eniglanf uext mnonth se leton, at Mm. Thos. Slemiou'e; M. and, Challis, Oshawa, with Mis. H. Wil- jthiat everything miuethoe solfi witihoui Mmes. Thoo. Siemion sud sou John, E'n-i ,,- - .. es erve. ulekill, iýai Mm. A. Beeche'; Miss Eva cox; Mrs. F'. C. Codenvisitig in TERMOS-CASH enkNorham, aud Miss Mme Ash- Toronto; Mr. G. Wilkiusou at Mi-. E.1 C. H. Mason, Wmn. J. Challilu, ton, Toronto, ai M. fR. Aýsione; Mm. iTr'1s. Mi-. sud Mis. Allan Parker I Cierk. Auctioneer. Elmer Semion, Toonito, ai MmR. 'le"' ndi r .Iurw ih r .H ons; Mr. sdMeaRneol ilsd Mr. C BuRo. withM.J.H ______________ friendes at Millbrook; A ve-ry eneýeseful Burrows; Mi. sud Mis. Mlton Avery I quilting "was hld. lasi week, 3l quilte Iof Bowm-auville, ut Mr. R. Aveiy's; I RADIO P1ROGRA.M Iltomplee, udorwarded o the M. J. B. Horn~ and son Clifford, Pet- 'titorom. Tmonc.eri>oro, ut Mis. 'C. Horn's, Mr-. W. W. Bowmnauivîllie adio Club anuunce a gvig u "yAt -oid Mheff oda iailýsî Roi-n accompauyiug he om;froni 10 AE on Thumeday, Novenmber sucess YvOnl_,I, N'-etl1 h oîiiid.Mrs. M. A. Joy, Mi. an3d Mis. W. T. '_2, ai 8.00 p. ni. This wili be a mdali tbirôui_,holit the elnverýjnùfi he Joy, Mi. Robert sud Miss Jeanette trei as it compfrises sonie of Bowmiau- auclence ,vlicliassiribed t joy Mr.andMr- . '.llppr s, best talent. If you wish te har Mr nd iltouiene wrhsonsemoredto, o .sufMs.T .S eprknow who, tue in Thumeday aighit. Sunday aftemnoon sud eveniing wemo, as Miss Alice 'Sheppard, Mi. sud Mis._______ ueuial,. delighted wvitb hie messages, betb H. J. B&erron, Miss Greta Bar-on, Mi sommions bing based ou "Thauikegivingt'. J E Fvet rnia fNr The choir providefi excellent music sud -' wc ,,Pinialo N:a were geatly appreciated. Mouday Public Schoûl, Toronto, Mis. Faw- BOWLING ALLEY STANDING evening the churcb was filled te caps- ctt aud Miss Joy Fawcett ut Mi-. City . Mrm. Milieu an eon ver y abîr George Bsiron's... . Rev. sud Mrs. Mitchell 15 3 15146 aýecf as Chairman. The crowd were bmought te erder b>y song- Orchestra W. W. Joues aud Mi. W. R. AIIýin Bonnycastle t 15 3 15082 pleasefi the audience wlth their instru- atteuded the funeral of the late Rev. Path Finder il 7 13986 meulai rpunbers and also througbout tlei W. T. ileto yoe h udn61 36 prograul aud weýre heamtily ecalled. The Wmahyoficetto nTyn Te-Brdn6 12 9 1365 play given by our young people enitÀtlef yiiah fthscimut se- reti 39 "Waitiug forLm he Trolley" was slhndicd- teuded to Mis. Wicktt in bier ber- Diuggist-s 9 9 13620 ]y giveni, evemy part being minotamus-1eaoment... Congratulations to Mr. Rocs Can 8 10 13506 ing. Those connecief inl the pýay wem-e- av PasnesMs Ru.issell Coseman' Abert Allin on hics success in the Durbami Hosiei-y 9 9 13430ý ýAlen Siainton, Cocil Siemoni, Mme, Cl'ar- Oratoricel Contest et Bowmauvill'e Wadhams 5 13 13009 scAvrMis Ver Slemon, Mre. A. 1-lg col.. hnsii e-Rg l31 22 Býeech, Mastoc Gordon Beech. Mme. Ther- iWb. coo. hak gn ~'- anei31 121 on Mounotiitoy; Conductoi-Mr. Frauk1 vices uvr 'poouu.ced success in High Teeiniseore-Druggist 1054;1 Gllitbyo; Lunch Ceuinter Gil'MeE.i evoiy way. ' The services of Rev. Higb three games-F. Williamis 72-6; Coulson; Couple eloping-Midss M n .W Bst Bwianville, were mutîh Hig'b ingle , score-F. Piper 286; -Ashton, Mm. Leslie Grabaai;M. Love- .Best261 WBe ibird (girls' fatheýr)-Mrý. Ciareuc Avery;, 1 appieci.atod. The choir assisted by Next ton meu-Comstc 26; i- Suffragttes-Miss Phoobe Beech, melIMiss Mildreci Souch sud Miss Faw- lias i 256; Raffauf 254; Hai-uden Lesie Grhaizusgni, Mm. W Thmî owfil-eett did exceptionslly well ........251; R.. Mitchell 250; Smiith 248; ard steveýns cf EunislkWi, , wl deigiM. and Mis. W. Landor and Bai-teck' 24,5; Moore 244; Colwell ed oveyonie with a solo au h 1ril daughter Jean, Toronto, visited at 244; Roach 244. aplad -i Rainige were alec vn -..Tbos. Elliott's. by MissVer s Ilenion sud EnMCoi- son. boih being lunchi appreciatefi. The Youug People's League meeting cbaiiiiimai'switiy meenarkýs afded Iotethe stnngcae sutccees cf ihe ,evening. Rfreshmuie atFrday evonn was in cag of 1weme eeved sund everyboly joined inl the first Dopaitient. The Presideut, W N E real sociable ture. Proceede $4640.... Mi-. Hilton Peters, occupiod the Reserve D)ceiber 21 for our S. S. chair. Scripture lesson was i-oac by Hosiery Transfer Knltters Jmse T,,e sud entertatiilnenÉ.. . .League1 service on Siun.dy eveniug was <again Mi-. Canmon Euglish. Miss Louisean Lo er wel ateneansd lte evtional period Jobus gave a peper on "'Youth's presidefi over by our President. The Guide Book, of Life." The topic odwgs tad uponet progran inlucharge cf rd Vice-Presi- o wgsstayemlmn, denit, Mmes. Ruseell Cosnian. Bible les- "Whst sud Whoi-o is Goci", wasapy son,.M'.-Milton Siernon; Toplo M. Cecil cplendidily preseiited by Mi. T. Saltor, pl ,Slernon and Mme. Theron Mouuijoy; cduel,whaiefvr Mies Meta Ashton sud m. -,%llen Staint- ý\h lofvrd vith a solo "Win Zm*em , e ou; s-ection. Male Quamie<t,; eading, One." Zm emnRlac t M%izpab Benediction. Severol of our . 330 Dundurn Street South metubers attended 'the furnerai of ouri Railwsy eompany was exoeratedi laie pastor, Rev. W. £t. Wiekett utTY fro(J biaise fori deah of,,, Florence, Hamilton, Ont. oue. Orsicemes syppabyis ,- Osborne, wiifeofo Edwin T. Osborne, 62 tesdd te Mms. Wickett in 'bei uect Caibe ':t.i row. apelcot GIVE IVES' FOOT WEAR FOR CHRISTMAS 29 shopping dayý iu which to procure g-ift footwesr. Busy days they will ho. Don't wait until the last day but do your shopping early. We will gladly lay away auy purchases made now. Below are iistedi a nuirber of articles that inake useful sud acceptable gifts. You will bo surpriseci the numbor of pretty sud useful you can fluci in oui store. PROPERTY FOR SALIE FARM FOR SALE OR 'RENT-Onel hundred acres, lot 2, con, 9, Toaw\nshiip of Darlington. For particulars apply to _M. F. Collins, 163 B:leeUcker St., Toronto. 45-3w* FOR SALE-New Bungalow on Church Street, centrally located, 7 roomis, - pice bath, wired for electrie stove ,ndoi bot water heating, ýfurnace and aundIl ry tubs, hardwood floors, brick fire"place and ail modern conveniences. Apply to Mrsl Edgar Butson, Churchi St., Bowmnanville. box 477 or, phone 290J. 46-tf FOR SA LE-Two houses on Scugog-J st., Bowmianviile, one solid brick 7- roomed liouse freshly remnodelled and de- corated. .Also a new 7 room seil- bungalow bouse, with ail modemn con- veniences, brick veneer in course of erection, ready for occupancy about Dec. ist. Also >a large electrie McClary range nsed one year. Terms te suit as .,,er is leaving for West this month. Apply to J. R. Philp), at Thios. M\1ýMul- 1len's, Scugog-st., 'Bowrnanvilic. 45-tf HELP WANTED HELP WANTEO--Wanted a yourig girl to assist wtbhousework a, tak oit children. Apply to Mrs. Johin Hate- ly, Queern Street, Bojwianville. 47-tf MlAN WANTED-To sili akis150, Produets to farmiers in Durhiam County. Satisfaction guaranteed. W'ill furnishl credit to suiitableý party. Write Thie J. R. Watkelns Company t>ept. WA, Uanii- ton, Ont.arlo, for hfii particulars. 42-P* WANTED.-Capýalble hiouse-kee-per for ani ýook, work light, wages moderate, would likýe references. ±vWs. Harvey, 200 Centre St reet, Oshawa, 46-t ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Baby Çarriagp in good condition. Price $65o0 AppIly to 'Fxed C2. Martyn, phone 228, Pownianville. 47-1- FOIR SALE-Anumber of'youngepigs for sale. Apply tqOC. Jackson, lot 17, con. 2, Darlington. R. R. 3, ,Bowmnan- ville. 45-2w* FOR SALE-A maliogarny uprilht piano, modemn case, fulil scale, beautiful tone n in good condition. May be seen by appointment. This is a real bargain. F. J. Mitchell, Telephone 105, P. 0. Box 353, Bownianville. 43-tf' FOR 'SA L E-Overland Lighit 4 Tour- ing 1922 niodel $37500; Overland Light 4 Roadster $32ý5; Ford Coupe $275; Maxwell Touring $175; Ternis can be arranged to suit purchaser. Phione 185 or appiy to A. W. Pickard. B3owrranville. 36-t TO LET ROOMS FOR RENT-At present occu- pied by Bowmianville Business College. Modern conveniences. Possession Nov. lst. Apply to Mrs. T. G. Mason or J. J. Mason & Son. 44-tf FU1RNTURE SALE 1 have receivedIinstructions froni THOM AS BROOKH JA Special Sale of Ladies' and' Mis s es'Coats Two remarkable lots of Coats purchased from the leading Cloakç Manufacturers of Can- ada are to be\placed on SALE at Special Prices on Thursday Morning. 'Every gar-ment in both groups is fully 7F guaranteed in every respect for two years. They are fully lined and interlined wihi beauti- fui materials. Some are k trimmed with Oppos- srnw, Beaverifle or Fitch others are p erf ectly >~~eplain. The cloths are f~o~'rich colors and are very dependable f abries guaranteed to keep their color and lustre and give complete satisf action. THESE GARMENTS ARE EXCELLENT VALUE at $45.00, $50.00 and $55, but we have grouped *them for QU1CK CLEARANCE AT $29.75 AND $35.00 FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY This is your .opportunity to buy a real garment at a low price. The styles are exclusive, indivi- dual, and correct in every detail. Sizes 14 to 46, plenty of large sizes. THURSDAY, F1UDAY AND SATURDAY Pay Cash And Buy For Less s. W. Mason & Sonil Dry Coods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bownanville "t ~'1 'i "v Best grade Feit Boudoir Slippers, ribbon irimmied, chrome leather soles .. . ........ ....................... $2.25 pair Tooled Leather Boudoirs with rubber heels .... $2M.2 pair Colored Kid and Suede Boudoirs..... ......... $1.50 pair Women's 15 in. Gaiters, beaver shale . . .......$3.00 pair Women's 12 in. Gaiters, bal olrs'.......e.... .$2.65 pair Womien's 12 in. Gaiters, baveo1r, buckl.... ... ý$?265 pair Men's Romeo Slippers -with elastic sides .... . $e'75 pair English made slippers with leather soles and heel lift $1.25 Misses' and Girls' Santa Chias and bunny Slippers 95c te $1.40 Children's Leggings ........... ..2.00 te $2.75 White Rubbers ................... ..$1.00 toe-$1.25 Moccasins ............................. 90C te $2.75 Women's Feit Juliets ..... ..................... $2.50 Slipper Soles, 'Shoe Trees, Polish Outfits, and many other small articles. Wool Sox for mien's heavy rubbers ........$1 .65 pr Boys' Sox............... ................ .85c pair Galoshes for the family. Sipats for men and wonmen. Best grade shoes for everybody at reasonable cash prices. Wvv. CLAUDE IVES CASH SHOE STORE BOWMANVILLE

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