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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1923, p. 7

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,ARMISTICE SUPPER AND ENTERTAINMENTÎ The Armistice Supper arranged by Bowmanville Soldiers' Club was held in the club roonis Wednesday night, November 14, -when over forty ex-sôldiers participateld and did full justice to the chicken pies an!d other' appetizing things whieh ladened the banquet tables. Followin,,g the supper these offi- cens were elected for the ensuingi year: President-Dr. G. C. Bon- nycastie; Vice-Iresident-,q. O 'Neili;1 See'y.-Treas.-Thos. Annison; Exe- cutive Comittee--Bruýe L. Ferry, ýLawrence Mingeaud, Fred Raitcliffe,l A. F. M. Lindsay, G. R. Me-a'dows, Dr. V. H. Storey. An impromptu programn was pre- sented included songs bv G. R.ý Meadlowsý and Olive2r Robents andi short speeches by President Bonny- j castle, Col. L. T. Mcbaughlin, Dr. J Storey, Dr. T. C. D. Bedell, Major'I Lindsay, Joe O'Neill and othes. 1 At 10 o'clock the happy gatheringi adjourn.ed te the Royal Theatre where a splecial program was given by Manager C. T. Rosa for the bene- fit of the Soldiers Club. This partl cf the evening's entertainnient wasi thoroly enjoyed by the large nuni- ber present. iMembers cf the Soldiers' Club wish te express their thanks tc, Mr. Ross and ail others who so willing- ly and generously heped to make thiaq occasion, such 'an unquali1lkd sue- 1 cess. i,______ me Wednesday and Friday. Am'ong Life's Greatest Necessities Are Spectacles and Eyeglasses Sonm-e people have the idpa thai these are things that they car do without when 'they are actuaIl in great need of theni. This isi very serious mnistajoe and as2 stitch in time gaves nine,' so pro per attention, when needed, wil plrevent considerable trouble ir latýer life. Don't guiess-kuo-, the condition of your eyes. Have Your eYes exainined to day oui Registered Optometrist by ExamiJnation, R~. M. Mitchell, will be glad to 'nake your appoint- nment by phone, letter or in per- son. R. NI. Mitchell &Co. DRUGGISTS & OPTOMETRISTS Phone 92 IBowmanville Phon. nights and Sundays 280 Apples Warited AT Hol 1gate's Evaporator BOWMANVILLE Phone 153 or 202 'I in aY a in w t 3, TORONTO DURHAM CLUB AN ENGLISH WEDDING *Novemiber Me'eting Largely Attend- An English paper contains an ac-1 ed and a Capital Prograrrn count of a pretty wedding that was Presented. solemnized at the Primitive Method]- ist Ghurch on Thursday week, the .t It was a very sociable, happy contracting parties being Miss Louie ,V comipany, that foregathered at the Mabel Cator, ýeldest daughter of Mr. 0 hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. R. and Mrs. John Cator, ofNrwên X!W. King, 10 Walmer Road, Toronto, Mr. Arthur Thomas Knott, eldest son on Thursday evening Novemiber 15 of Mr. an'd Mrs. Knott, of Nonvich. w ýhere the host and hostess aacorded The ceremony was perforie~d by the every guest not only a kindfly but Rnev. G. R. Brake. The bride, who a Kingly wecome which placed was given away by her father, was1 everybody at their case and a most attired in white crepe de chine and pleasant and profitable social three wore a veil gurniounted with a wreath] a' hqurs w-,ere fully enjoyed by the of orange blossoni. She carrieda 1I large company of flurhamnites. sbeaf of white liles, and was attend- ,S Truly, it was 'a great night and will ed by three bridesmaids, the Misses ling-er long with us as a fond an'd Florrie and Connie Cator (sisters) joyous mlemory. and Miss Violet Knott (sister of theý o!President Jamnes L. Hughes, LI. bridegroorn). They wore dresses of 1- D., was in the chair and in his hap- pink and bie shot silk, with blackl e piest mood. picture hats, and carried bouquets]ý *During thebusiness session after of hrsanithemums and pink roses. routine Mr. Thomas Yellowlees, Sec- Mt hrd)le'W. as groe.t gretary, invited attention to an hbrd)atiasgonmn.A 1- effort being miade by the Hospital the conclusion of t.he ceremony thel, f Board of Bownianville towards te ev. G. R. Brake, on behaif of the e rection of a suitable Nurses' Resi- church, Sunday School, and Christ-, l ence which is urgently needýed. His ian Endeavour Society, presented treniarks miet with'favorable consid- the bride with a, plated tea service, eration the resuLt being that a coin- and album containing the names of mnitte~e was ap)pointed to take the the subscribers, as an expression of mrattýr into serious consideration. te higli esteern of the donors for her work, in the musical part of tQhe The miatter of the Club's annual1 churcli services, in the primary de- banquet also carne up for iscussion partment of the Sunday School, and] tand a comminittee cm ose f Presi- las organist in the C. E. Society. The tdent Hughes, Col. Stewvýart, R. W.* >Mthodist Church also presented thei tKing, .C. G. Gladnian and Secretaýry bride with a case of plated fishl eat-1 SYellowleer, was 'ppoiînted toconi- ers and set of plated salad servers. ssider the dlesirability of holding oae A reception was held by the brîde's ,1during the winter and report at thepaetndlerith dyte Decebermeetng.couple proceeded by train to Dover- The e'vening's programi was a very court for the honeymoon. Mr. and choicti one wvhich all thoroly 'en Mrs. Knott's future home will b<e at joyed. Suitable vocal selections Hnhm M*)ri we M. ren'de eby Msrs.Jrry , s The bride is a niece cf Mr. Fuller MaronM.VaNet, esrs J jD Cator, Bowmanville. Many frien ds Kcachie and C. G. Gladman; and an, at Salemi will remember her father instrumiental number was given ofl as lie spent a number of years in the Pianiola by our host Mr. R. W. that vieinity being Kin,-, ail being richly,, appreciated. a number of the le'ading farmersa Miss1 VanNest wjio represents two there. w,ýell-kniown- Duriam families-her mother and sister alsô being present, Corns cripple the feet and mako also lier cousin, Miss Irene HI. Bray walking a torture, yet sure relief <ber acccpipanist-received a mlost in the shape cf Holloway's Cora' Re- hearty Awelcome and Mrs. Parry in mnover is within reach of aL. ber song-s-onec sung in French- captivat&,d ber audience.. E. 1,Fielinig, one of our veterans, told fL the story cf the Canadian Club's trip! tatePcifie Coast and told it well. o r c i t was full of interest and showed the wondcerful possibilities which Dr. Durwvin E. Steckley tawait development in ouir great West. Honor '..raduate of The Decemnber meeting oýf thie Club TorontO'Chiropro.ctie will be held at the home of- the Sec- retary, 676 Spa.dina Aveniu, Ton- Coliege onto. During the half hoilr while re- Office Hours: freshmnents were beîng served, many Bw av hands were clasped, and kind words 11ninvle 2-5 and 7-9. spoken, and the evening was fitting- Beginning Monday l9th ly closed, whben thanks were tender- I ed, mioved by Col. Stewart and Rev. November aftetrnoon and J. C. Wilsoni to host anid hostess, and1 ahl who took, part in the program eeig usaTus Af ter which Auld bang Syne and da an Stu ay God Save the Kiîng brought the hap- a an Study py function to a close. - Orono 104 2-,Monchn I Special S)ale of 0F UNDERWEAR ENDS THIS WEEK Warm Underwear-Iight, medium' and heavy weights for winter. Why wait? Better to get Un- derwear now than have a cold "iget" you. FLEECE LINED 99c 2 Garmeràs $1.89 1TRU-KNIT WOOL & COTTON GARMENT A g9od wool and coitton mixture,~ Shirts and D.rawers, ail sizés, SPECIAL AT $1.39 ea HANN'v S L ABER'DAS nH E RY PHONE 61 Opposite Bank~ of Montreal BOWMANVILLE O.NuVEMBER PROCRAM. LATTRACTING, I BIG R~oyal Theatre, Bowmanville 'Better than ever' you will say, after glancing over the very attractive programs which will be presented during November We are sparing no> efotto give our patrons the best pictures that -, in'oney can buy. Most of these films corne direct frmthe big picture houses of Toronto. FE4TURE PJCTURES EVERY NIGHT NOVEMBER 21-22 aLorna Doon3e" with an all star'cast NOVEMBER 23-24 Harry Carey li "Divorce" With an ail star cast Admission :-Aclults 25c, children 15c-inictuding tax. NOVEMBER 23-26 Lionel Barrymore. and Almia Ruebens in "Enemîes of Women" Xby the Author of i The Four Horseman» NOVEMBER 28-29 «'Brawin of the North" with strongiieart a, Penman's 95 Ail Wool Combination's $3.99 2 Piece, Drawers and Shirts $2.39 garment Stanfields Shirts and Red Drawers RdLabel each $2.39 Gold Label each $2.19 Combinatior. Gold Label $3.69 Boys' Fleece 69c garmenJei Combinations .......$1.29 ]Boys' Merino Combina- tions $1.29 A-% 7-% W-4, uiKuwwv DS

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