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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1923, p. 8

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IN M~EMORIAM WiEAER-Iniovngme or fir 4ea taber Hery eadrwbo di, wbo dle ec - h,199 t neyer m11oresai e te ae Thio' Imat bngrCorthe igh And loig for tbem xibirougli ail the yea And y"t hey Sit wt1ithmnt- igt MEADER-in vn g e ory ifi beloved father Henry WllamMuadu Faithrs nani. is deair tommoy His lindly siie is with ils yet We muiss his dear famniliar formi We miss blis silin-gfa. There is nlone in ail the ,world, Can 9111 my ý-fathers pla)ce. Sadlymise Ern1eet and FIL MEADER-In loving me or of dear fatber, ILenry \William Meý[,ad(IE who died Nvme 4 92 We whplovedyou saly 1miss yýou1, As 1this date frawýsner Your memlory is as da to-daýy, As in thee bour you were called awa Sadly mnissed hy fameily-Ernest, Ed"(iti Mary, Peai adCebs MOORE-In loving mm oy f n dear wife, and miothter, RbIoÉla W Mooreý, beoved wît e of ,William SI Moore wbo dpatedtis lir e -oveýmb 24, 12 We atcelier suffer dlay by day, Tt causedr us bitter grief To sec beir siowl1y pillecaway, BuLt now sbe caimtly sleeps at last. AIl pains, ail aches, ,Ail suttering past, Wbcni a miother breathes beLr last fare weil, The loss is more tbani tongue can te The world is qte ýanother pae Without tbc-smle of a motber's tac( Sadly missed iiy ber Iliosband and Fani CROSSEY-In loving nmemory of m3 dear, daughter Caroline, wbho was callcý homne Novemiber 19,192 This slueep ni cold and stili, The cheek so pale and chill. The toided bands, tbe awtui calm, We know not wbat it is The lids that wýiïI flot it t again, Tho 'we may call and cali, Thie strange white solitude of peace Tba,tsetties over ail. Nothing is known, but we believe Tbat God is overhead And wbJat lite is to the living, Death is to the dead. Forever rememobered by Motber, Sisters and Brothier. ORMISTON-In lc ving memiiory of Maggie Elizabeth Hepb)Iurn Ormiston, be- loved -wite and mother, who passedJ away Noveml3er 18, 11910. Three years bave goneý and still we( miss Neyer shal ber uiemory fadeý Loving beaýrts wvIil always linger R'ound the grave wbere she te laid. This world nmay cbange trom year to year, And triends trom day 10day But nevr shahl the one we iovedl From xem-ory fade awa'y. Sadly missed by HLusband and Famnily. In4 atýetionate remnembrance of OU] dear triend Henry Meader, wbon die( November 214, 1922. Sadt and sudden waqs tbe cail To our dear triend beloved] by ahl The hlow was bard thse shoclt severe We littleie toghit that death was ,near. In. our bione be is fondlly rmmee Always sincere lind and truc, There is not a dlay dear friend' That we do not think ot you.l From M-r. and Mrs. Wgilter Johnson and IdIa. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Valleau 'desirel to thank the firemen ar.d al theirý neigh'bors and friends whbo'in any way assisted during the fire onl Thtursday afternoon. Xmas G reeiting Cairds We have a large assort- men~t to ehoose frorn priced frorn 5c upw7ards. It 15 none too %early to send cards Over,-as. Aiso persona] Greeting Carcis with your narne and address. W.I q T. Allen Bowtnanville BIRTHS [-y ALLIN-In, Hamptono. 15, 1923,t ed Mlr. anId MIS. Hwr Alunl, a Soni. erKERSEY-At HamIipto11, Nuvemibur 1 10Mr. andMrs. SidneyKereya-oi COWVLING Nea,ýr IHamptonýI, 0onNO' rs, 14 92,to.r. anld Mrs. [Joward C'y. MARRIAGES AIKN-ANNNGAtSprnce Le Far, sbaaNovmbrS, Iby [Rev. ' S. MMulln21r. 1ave'. AiIken, IMi broo, an Barara L., dagbiter Of lu I]nd'Mis. Wie W anig sbaw,; BURK-SMVALLACOMIBE-At ' i I of tbe mateiMr. dJ. !D. F. uri orPoft rî r HOt., and Caroline I7 j, Smlicob, 1e daulgbter Of âIl amiMrs.Tbomias Saicob, Si RHINES-MAYNARD-On N ový. 1 - y t aI roitParsonlage, Bowmaillie, jb tbeMev S.C.Moore, 1'. A., B. D., Ag nesMareeldstdauigbter0of Alr,;[1n Mris. Wml. MyarscuIgoL St., and 1-1 ery aid MsM.Ibns or oe JACKLIN-BOTTRELL-On itSaturda, erNov. ,>, at tbe Ibome of tbe b ride's sis 1er, Mis. L. Winkw\ortb, Toronto, b, CbIurcbi, 1Hel(dn N.,, daugbter 0of Mr. an( Mrs. Jobin Bottreli, Bowmianville, an( Cecil R_, sonlof Mr. and -Mrs. W. M1 e l acklini, Toronto. DEATHS y L ITTL.E-In CakNovemjbei ltb, Jerg . iLit 1le, age, 59years. ty HERRI NG-I Oshawa, Nov. 13, Mar) Modwdow oft tbe late James H[erring age 94years. IBENSON-At Port Hope, Nov. 18tIs, Laura Abagail Fuiller, widow ofthte latt Judge Tbomias M\oore Ben-ison,. in hei 82Indyer ABRAHAM-At 34 -Adii lRd., Tor. onito, Nov. 17, Sarabi Edison, belove, wite of Rev. Dr. Jlohn Abrabiaml, former- [y of Wfitby. STALKER-At Toronto, N'ovember 19, Sanies Aiexander Staiker tormierly of Orono, ndarly bIoved hnlsband of Lily Staiker. Interredl at Bowm-anville. HAYDEN-In Buffalo, N. Y., Ný ovem- :,f ber 16, Harriett Maud, dearly beloveü ,_ wýife ofWilliam WVv. Hyeand Jonbl y daLugbtr 0f Albert and lHarriett Sains. utry, Port honpe. sGUMPRICHT-Àt .Tlooidil.Novemnbe 18. Jessie Jaine-, io of tbe late George John GuprictPtrboro, in ber 6181t yer.interment ini Union Cemetery, sbawva, on Tuesdaýy. 0 CADWALADER (Simpson)-On Sot- urçlay, October 13, 12,at Los ÀAngeles, Calitornlia, GeaSimpson, 1beloved ic of Morris A. Cadwalader, and dlaugbter of D. B. Simlpsoni, K. CBwavl Ont. r CARD 0F THIANKS Mrs. (Bey.> W. T. Wi*kett, Ty- i rone, desires in this -way to thank her. very niany friends and neighborsi who have given their help and kind i synlpathy both by acts, word andi by letter during the illness and death of her beloved husband; also for thel niost beautiful floral offerings. She is deeply greteful for these expres- -sionls of christian love and sym-pathy, in ber bereýavenient. WOODSALES SaturcIay, NovemIber 25-Luther E. Moun4joy, lot 12, con. 3, Cart- wright, will selI 6 acres standing mixed timberin which there is1 co>sderable cedar suitable for posts; to be sold in 14 acre lots, more or less. See bille. Sale at 1. 30 p. mi. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. 46-2w*j Wednesday, November 28-A. T. Stainlon, will seIl by public auction 5 acres of standing timber in Y& acre lots more or less, on lot 27, con. 4, Darlington, one haîf mile west of Solina Station. Purchasers will have to April 1, 1925 to remove timber. Terms: Four months' credit on ýïpfprove.d notes 5% per annuni discon o Cash. Sale et 1 o'clock-.Jae Bishop, Auctioneer. 47-1w! Frida.y, November 30--Mrs. William Jeffery will seil on lot 19, con. 3. jDarlington, about 6 acres of pop- lr, also sorne large elis, in /4 acre lots. Purchasers; will have to April 1 1925, to remiove tinber. Saie at 1.30 p. ni. Ternis Al sunis o $15 and under cash; overi that amiounit 5 mnonths' credit onI approved notes bearing interest at 6%,. James Bennett, Auctioneer. WOOD AND STOCK SALE Wednesday, November 28,-Mr. Walter Ferguson, lot 21, con. 9, Darlinigton, 4b ile east of En- fieldi, will sell by auction 6 acresý of standing m iixed timiber, also 9 h4adof cattle, 14 shoats and 2 sows, inipleni.ents, ýetc. See bills for particulars. Sale at 1 o'clock Theo M. Slemoni, Auctioneer. tJ Mrs. (ev)C. O. Johnlson whio a vist O2CE rs.TheNe v ate inp n Wcbngo as gon, for anl ex- ura veing the gýirl tri-ndls of Miss 'V. ufth,ý iiTHURSDAYQ jNOVE1\BER 22nd.,1923 the Ladies',Bible C1a1s met atTber home andb$ac er mcelae onl" Ls sowe-r - previolla to 1be r marrige wbcb a1tes lace sbo]1rtl .... Sunday serviceswere weIl attended. 11In leasec of ouri NEWCASTLEj NEWCASTLE HISTORY NEWCASTLE Ms MînI1ister Rev..C.Wsigo wh_____ wa rscigi ereS.Mtoitho.T otaue is indisposed. By John Squair latbucb 0e1boo, Rev Bej. reat ho. Mnta J.ýij rit htciyoculied the pulpit bere MiSs Jean Matchettý, Toronto, spent Rev. E. B. Co4 rMrGenCourtice 88s takinig an ,Art, l-ýya oe. When one begins to look into thec a. in.-Sunday Sc À. courise aýt Saws cboo, Toronito .... .M r. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Poster, Buffalo, early history of our region, .n. le Afternoon ,Servi n 29ad 3> cn luist o r. filey far onts are vîsitîng frïnds in town. struck. by the number of inteîesting Evening- Service. l1. .M.RmrRude ootpr- M.Al eMLean HowýrdTro-things whicb are discovered. Let Vices afternoon a r. ~ ~ ~ ~ o a-av......ReeW.R orîe as home over the week-end, us take Newcastle Las an examlple. As' ed by Bey. A. M. a ented Mriï..nd.Mr . o 1nerb'. t tw eah know, Newcastle formei p ýait Oshawa, formier on, ' Monday ttenddametig ftbe11W. Fîederick Anlderson's valediet- of thie Town'sbip of Clarke, which on welcomie to al!, Board of 1> j 1 ý t , Hmto.. r.ý pcas 1ag CIo fý,oacbi, Toronto, ws usto M._dýyadr1apar'olag' o arh22, 9, "was granted in one Frs A E. Rudie oveýr Sunday; Mr. Alan ti issue. block to Jasper Murdoch by the Ex- Y ~ l" Pefon bs eurned lrom dee bunt Mrs. Lockhart and Miss Ethel Lock- ecutive Council off Upper Canada, AUTUMIN L-BodevisnidCutc fred hatpettepswekihfrnd with Governor Simicoe, Hon. W.: Tbanksgivinig. in Toronto, Osgoode and HIon. Peter Russell pre- Rhines- The Knox Orchestra wvill supply sent. But Murdoch wes unable toi A very quiet TYOEthe music Methodiet S. S. Hall, Mon- fuifil the conditions and the grant et the Methodis y ________ day, Nov. 26th. 47 wýaS rescinded on May 26, 1796. A nianville, on Satu ~ M. ndMr. . Fndeyan Oe, One of the best progranis of the survey (if the, township followed and when Agnes Ma: ýd Unionville, spent Sunday wAith Mr. seeson in the Methodist S. S. Hall, grents of individual lots beg-an to bie of Mr. and Mrs. 1.and Mis. Ed. vitu...Co.Wm onclay, Nov. 26th. 47 made. Some of these grants are in- mianvile, was unit Virte ... Co. Wi. iteresting. Lot 28, in the Second Edwaid Charles fFarrell and wif e, Mi. and Mrs. E. Miss Sadie Bennett, the popular as- Co's- nof'lre a es h and Mis. J. IRhin -Farrell spent Sundalýy at Mi. Eaîle sistant et the Post Office, îs enjoying soutioiin of itrk, je coers eyTebrewo Couters, benzer . i. nd is.a wll-arnd hlidy.the buildings of the village, one of canton crepe, gr Albert Hawkey and Miss Mary Rich- Look! A dollar enteîtainmient for which is the niewly dedicated Coin- brown fox fui th( aide spent the -week-end et Mi. Wmi. 50c and a splendid Fowlx Supper nijunity Hall, gift of Mr. Chester D. Shie carried a b Jewýýels, Oshawa ....... Mi. Harold fiee. MLýethodiet S. S. Hall,ý Monday, 'Massey. This lot was gianted by Roses and was a SSkinner is ehowing bis thoîough- Nov. 26th. 47 the Crown to Robert Baldwin on Nýov. ter, Miss Berthe bred eheep et the Winter Pair, Toi- The picture show in Courxmunity 27, 18029. He had corne to Clarke in attîred in gold ci onto ... . Rev. W. H. Spargo preach- Hall on Satuiday evening was well 1798, but it is not certain that he velvet hat and ca e d veîy acceptably here on Sundayptonednducetnywa a vrivdothspt. tismeTegomws ýr hiioining and spoke very feelîngly pgtoid an tcranywsaeL lvdoth pt. Ii meTegomws for oui late pastor, -Mr. W. T. Wick- "Of show. likely that býe settled on lot 31, Jack Hem of P, ett .... .Mîs. -Miller -who bias been vis Mrs. J. Scott Howard was called toBrknFot which lies west of grooms gift tot -iting et Mis. W. T. Wickett's bias re- Toronto over the week-end owing to the village, calling bis place a gold compacti tuîned to ber home in Napanee .. the deatb) of bier brother-in-law, Mr. Annaîva, the Crowvn deed of tbe beet man e si -Mi. and Mis. Fred Goodman and* Geo. Kimiber. wý1iich bie received on Jan. 11, 1816. .After the cerE IfRuth, Columbus, _Mis. Booth and MissFIli gg and Mis. Win. Coulter, Probably bie was while hie lived was held at the l Mies Al!berta Booth, Toronto, M3'1 . New York, are visiting friends here her asteantofe Cion e prven t, hee a and Mis. Thomias Goodlman, Miss and renewing acquaintances in the nyewfeara settier, altbougb ere t ve, dj Ireie SphaliiiBrookin, viited a oldsome con oi learing wes donc on lot 31, Leter Mi. and ir Ire J. Spbwal-iBkii vstd todoetw. B. F. He moved awey to York~ for a trip to poin Mi.b . oodans.Congratulations are in order et (Toronto) in 1810, and lived iwith return tbey will rI EBNEERthe home of Mr. end Mis. 'George his son Dr. William Warren Bald- Previous to the e oisn wn otearvIo win, father of Hon.. Robert Baldwin ýwas gîven two miý tibeautiful baby girl on Tuesday lest. (18 -88) who witb Sur Louis by friende. She Recent visitoîs: Mr. and Mis. B. Rev. A. M. Iiwin, B. A., B. D.,- Hippolyte Laf91tnbine (1807-1864) of miany useful g fJ. Ga.y, Os.haw%ýa, with hie brother,, Osha'wa, wil heve charge of the Suni- guided the de.,tinies of Canada for Mi. Milton Gay; Mis. Roecb, T'oron- day services et 2.80 and 7 p. m., at two periods (1842-'43) and (1848 to, with ber cousin, Mis. A. -E. Runac- Methodist Chuich, Newcastle, Sun- -51)>. le; Mi. Elmier Rundie, Toronto, spent çIay, Nov. 25tb. Lt2,th4e7 oees, a n Thaksgvin wih is arets nd The J. Andersôo"4nit.h Co., aie 59 of the famous Rectoiy hioldings, deed- installed a radio set for Mi. Pen- îushied witb orders thaït it is necesslarY ed by the Crown, Jan. 21, 1836. to beîthy; Mies Ada Annis spent to woîk overtiçne. The pioduct Of the Rectory of St. George's Parish. Suricday with hler grandmiotber, Mrs. this Company is ertainý making a It becamie the property Of the Allun Besi -Worden, Winnipeg, hes corne to, live markets. Wrdsfiiy with bier gxandm,ýother, Mis. John The next lot east (No. 26) bias a Worden, who is btck in ber own The Newcastle contingent of hunt- very interesting history. The Ciowii homne. . . Mi. and Mr§. Cecil FoundI ers has îeturned f romi the- noîth dee'd lws gianted to Mies Rachel Fres] are living in terhnefrel land. They all report e good timie Crookslmank o o.1,19.Ms ownied by Mi. Robert Courtice, but all did not succeed in bagging Cîookshenk also received lots 26 and' Capt. and Mis. Wm. Farrell, Tyrone, the expected deer. Bihl Jackson bias 27 in the Broken Front and in Con- i spent Sunday witb their daughteî, a veîy fine buclç on display but does cession 1. She was the sister of the1 -Mis. Coulte. -.-. Miss Jessie McKenn t l aim the credit of shooting it, Hon. George Cr'ookshank, as well s zie spent Sunday 10 Toronto .... but Bill says bie saw it fist. Of Mrs. McGill, wife of the Hon. Services on Sundey were in charge The f ollowing artists will appear in John McGill. These were ail friende of Reyv. Beni. Greetrix, Peteîboro, the Methodist S. S. Hall, Monday, of Governor S«nicoe and Mis. Sinicoe.1 who gave two tboughtful sermons, linq Nov. 26 th: Rev. A. M.' Irwin, B. A.,j The Sinicoes 'Jest Toronto in July the niorning on Missions and in the, B. D., Oshawa, Lecturer; Rev. R. H. 1796 and the Governor's wife cried. jevening bis thenie wae Service. The. Rickard, B..,A., Noithpoit, Baîltone 1aIl day lonmg at parting from iber dea.r J Go I Jastor, Rev. C. C. Washington, B. Soloiet; Mrs.. Fraser, Happy Val- f'rîends. Miss Crookshank b .e1ame be IA., was in ,Peterboio. Servicesi ley, Reader;Mr. Thonipson, Brook- 1817 the second wife of Di. James next Sunday -,ill bc as usuel. The lin, Tenon Soloist. 47 MUacau'lay, father of Sur James Bucb-ý Sunday School ie beginning to plan .ênotber newar fataîity happened on anan Macaulay, who wes Chief Just-. _______ forChista ~ Leauewes10the -west bill Saturday evening wbvea ice of the Court of Common Pleas., charge of Social and Liteîary Vice- Georg-e Law and Mat Alidread were He died in 1859. Miss Cîookshanks Piesident lest week. Mis. F. W. coming down the bill 10 their buggy,, land wae wf'terwards Walbîidge prop- Rundie gave thic bible study and Bey. when a young mon froin Bowmen- 'ertY. Mi. Washington told the stOîy of ville ian loto'the rear of their buggy, Noir ehould we forget Miss, Sophia Dr. Jekyl and Mn. Hyde. 111e con- throwing the men out, wreeking the Shaw one of the seven childien of varsation contest afteiweîds those buggy and injuring Mr. Aldread quite Genieral Aeiieas Shaw,e frien.d ofCh using the woîdc "yes or no" loet severely but fortunately not danger- Governoir imcOe, Who received lots h their bow. A playlet and box so- ously. 9 and 10 in thse Broken Front and in ciel will enteitain tbQse -wbo comet tagrditdlt ow nCnoso ,o a 22, 1798. She this week ... . About f oity people of j SuAnd ne ritdit ow 1 ocsso ,o a the community invaded the home of undy evenilig about il o'clock and was after'wards engaged to he mazried Se Mr. . J.Oke n Saurda eveingclaimed that as hie was walking east to Sui lsac Brock, who fel et Queen- n. .J s oe onAlieturÉja msev -n in the neighborbood of Sbaws School, ston, fighting thse Americans, on the landu solect ic of tbraimlecs. two men with a car stopped hlm nand morning of Oct. 13, 1812. Thse stoiy Stat. i lneuscoletin f rtcls. Her demanded bis money. He had no is told that; i0 ber father's Niagara maiaetoWllBcketke laenoney, and then hie wes set on and home site gave hlm a cup of coffee thuwek.beaten up. He certainly presented a and wave.d bim a loving farewell as sorry appeârance on blis arrivai here, lie rode away i0 the grey of the inorn- OIITUARY howeveir, after being cared for by a ing on whicb lie was killed. Hen land good Samaitail be proceeded on bis hay south and west of wbat ie now Mrs Sarah Battis, Bowmanville way. Newtonville. Thr asdto reet after an 11- It is clear that miany of these early J nese extending over eigbhteen years, STARKVILLE owneîs of land did not do much to Newcastle Sarah, beloved wif e of Mn Allan Bat-I settie the country. But giatdually the tie, Manvers Road. They were People of thîs vicinity are ail busy to'wnship becamie cleared and buci-J boin in England and were married ipieparing for winteî; the farniers are nees developed, which la exemplified' there before 'omiing to Canada whiere pleased to bave sncb nice open i0 new enterprises. For instance on they settle~d and lived in Darling- weatber to enable theni to finish Mardi 6, 18,38, the Legislature pase- ton township, first on tic SqnLir plowingl. ..A numiber fromn here ed an Act for the incorporation of homnesteed and laterir nar Provi-- took in the Tbanksgîving supper et the Bond IHead Harbour Comipany, denice. Pive yeaîs ago they mioved Newtonville....Miss Laverne Stark It is an interesting document. N. H. to tIse Stewart Faim purchaeed by and Miss Mda McKey, Toronto, epent Baird, Civil Enginieer, made a survey their son Mr. Robert Battle wIho witthei holiday ut homre having conie of 1lts 27 and 28 and ieported that H G his fatiser bias cared and provided down froni the city. Mi. and Mi. 'econ5sidered the front of said lots jfor biei for meny yeais. Thos. MýcMlulleni, Bowmianvile, visited a's a nioet desirable situation for thse The funeral whicb was pruvate on Thanksguvung day ýwitb bier sister, Harbour. The following -were to con- took place on Fiiday afternoon, ser- ,Mis. Saveîy... Miss Mand Gardiner, astitute the Comipany: George Menni- vic bingcodutedbybe pasto,1 Canton, Oblio, is viiting her cousin, ers, Benjamuin Clrk, Hervey p. An- R ev. S. C. Moore essisted by their MiMs. Richard Hallowelh ... . Mn. Ed- drews, Donald McTavish, AlexanderCun neigbboi Bey. W. H. Spargo. The -,vinRnthiven bas returned home front Jacks, Henry Muliro, Edward Cloxrk,i on pall-heaîeis were foui sons-Anthur, the ....... . The niew sbeds et Shilh A. Wilmiot, John Middleton, George Jeshp n 1b 1nt, Pied -n Wall-ece. areund-iway -nd wIl 1_l SObcni . Isel - Daniel1Petnry, R. H Tusdy bie omngtoWhîby . . Bert Reidl loaded a -car of Bowen who -,t-e ýtbo. o Mi.n Copwaqu m n tbe car yMrs Bwnwo Mthn.te o r CT. Ross, onil, diiving a For-dl stock on the "'hog special" at Stark- Fred W. Bowen tisepresent M Coue, wasrunino ad te 'arturnied ville on Saturday morning. And Mir. 1f or Durham~. Politie usi h ae Rington Road. A,* car driven by Mr. J fOd d4a odo Ted unro hlood, but there bas been a Langmald turncd out oif bis roadway nIor.ning.Mies Norma Hallowell change: tise great-grarndson iselongsH and ths twotcars met. Mrs. Rose -was set tise week-entd with friende ini no 1 Ispt bu t hte car was badly da mi- sNe wn vii( u a t a e 6 [ETHODIST CHURCH olke, Pastor. 10.301 Dhool. 2.30 p. '-- vice. ' 7.00 p. 'n.- ndAnniversary ser- adevening, conduct-I pastor. A cordial1 N WEDDING ý-Maynard wedding took place t' Parsonage, Bow- mrdey, Novemnber 17, rie, eldest daughteî Win. Maynard, Bow- ited in mnarriage with Rbines, son of Mr. nes, Porti Hope. re e dress of grey cey velvet bat and ie g-ift of the groom. bouquet of Opielia .ttended by ber sie- Meynard, wbo was canton crepe, brown aînîed Ophelia roses. snpported by Mn. Pont Hope. The the bidesmaid was vanity case and to ilver cigarette case. remony a reception hiome of the bride's wedding suppen wae tbiity gueste. d Mis. Rimes heft nte weet. On their reside in Port Hope. e we'dding the bride scellaneous showers Le was the recipient tQuafity Groceries h stocks already arriving for our Christmas trade. We Aim To Please R. WALTON Newcatle rist mas Statio'nery cial"vahIes in White and Colored ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Gradluate of Trinity Univeîs-ity, also of Royal College Physiciens, Edin- burg. Specilty-Diseases ofwoni en and ch'Idren. Ûffice-Parker's Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Tîinity Uni-výei--y Fellow of Trin-ity Mledical CGû'e ILicentiate of the State Univer.sity'Df New York, Matriculate of the Poet- Gradluate -Medical School and Hos- pital of New York and Fellow of the Toronto Academny of Medicine. Office --Mis. McNaughton's Residence. Newcastle. Hous-8 to 10 a. m., I to 3 p.ini., and by appointment. J. W. Bradley Newcastle Generfil Insurance Agent Cheik of 2nd Division Court, Cosm, missioner, etc. Coal I have on hand a suu] of the best SCRANTON COAL about your fuel needs. Geo. Jamieson Newcastle ........ QUALITY AND CLOSE PRICES at this hardware store. No need to ig worry you if you buy here. We re- 1inferior goods and guarantee ail pur- 'rices are close, too. ar For Dollar ways pays to buy your groceries. and baking from 1. S.,, BRITTON, arocer Newcastle ,î ney. Choice new stock just arrived. IC. HANCOCK Ont. New Electric Shop WilI Open 2 Doors East of Standard Bank on or About Saturday, November 24th. Desiring to give my custorners better service I arn opening an Electrie Shop at the above address where you will find a very attractive display of: Fixtures in latest designs and finishes; Electric Washers; Electrjc Stoves and Ranges with new elements; Heaters; Irons; Vacuum Cleaners; Bulbs, al sizes and colors; parts for electrical repairs. I buy direct frorn manufacturers and thus can save you rnoney on purchases. Estirnates given for wiring or repairs. J. 1. LACOMBE Electrical Contractor Phone: Day 63; Night 358wBomuil vl ~ i I ~ t-. 'i I4 'V"M. JAMIESON I Stove or Nut size. See mé-, 1 , tionery. Store Newcastle Bowmanville

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