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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1923, p. 4

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BWANlLE, DEC. 6th., 1.923. DM DYLINM If CUistav Town~~~~a - al, amtnroeme 24, 1923. in r~naitohwud ~ egarmeeting of ii1nefl, me-petetewn a nstr bpreen;tve W. Do Your ChILma ShppB oaf ic~ ~~ng.Minutes r~end and ap- t0 dW e ice~~~tlr issdig 10t~ und rt U -laa S o im F. W. Sinitb iequested permiinÎ5O~ thoigtta ~paùi to e~ut d'own shd trees on .side of rond at lot 23, Coli. 8. Refai'red toi U V VI IL% tine~twt ~s~r Coun. A. L. Pascea. He aiso coin- ri tAA thL~ I$I& 'J art oais~l plaind that rubbish had been thro-çiýawth osd of rond in h.s Road Dent and beat, if n1i~i fpo ase onlto have *t remo'ved. Ci Counlic decided that ail pathins- tsm st:~ loat-a tars -were re-sponsiblea fot <rnly fr car-e of ronds in theii. respective a CIitMù ouerhoatV Rond Dents, but tliat they ware also is triy nbdwthal respoxnsible for care. of sides of roads ~a4aiiewihl ~Ùdta as far as possible in order that no 1%w 1gon actionf~ for darage mou bc madepa- F gainst the counil. R. H. A~rmstrong complained that a gFi t4ovdhx i emp eesa of Can. Nat. Railwrays ha4 Td isa boa ~cuhGray a 4.removed cefrtamn dams built across CIFTV SUGGiESTIONS ariil tn tobVda oi ditch on the south side of their trhe a~sy w lgu~~ right-oIf-way at lots 19 and 20, Cou, £1tç ét Pl 1 uta oCvb- 3, and had~ also placed a culvert un F or uad And Mother Andi Every, uther Member 0f The Family Not Forgetting tS1>vi ata otht feth der the sida rond at lots 20 and 21, ~8l ft~otw ildwt Con.3, thereb tlirowing an excess of ht 'watwr across hsproperty arit 21. HER Taeadsaig~vne Cciucil whule not admitting any ua 1n1ae urp, bl responihj iy in the matter, requast- o~ tafettka a S ed 02lerk Vo ,ay niatter of çoiplint érea ~ruanfa bfi alway authorities. Hav so fèarn Our sanafet Coufe ? f-p lý0v rutcmlie htwtrReplete With Reduced Bargains On Ail Remnants ScgiJavv ua udg froni a watering ru'àu byçu n- ate the ro. e., thara-in Mustf~1n Be Cleared ByChristmas aic feriM~ to Deputy Reeve C. W. Souppla De. H. Fegsn M. 0. H. pe Stuidy These Prices. They Represent -An Ednorxnous Saving In The Farnily Budget ent~Eaa tuig ~yir aigtiOS, a~~~~~r tba b ~a t~ os4a se d hý a~n-al r-pq±rt to Nov. 15~, 191l,ý i aae a~r ~ia l giving ani other things this V1a Tn" W utLe' e Tste moug ie Se1i eues? The, Goode 1fe Mur Sell. Lets ayt To e mau~ution: Nuanber of liviug births iluutga4timsvsfoutsr for thea year. 60; s!iflbirth, 5; infant ol. dsr ,vlads t pjosv deaths iudari yaar, 4; infant mortal- See These vvoncîerful Bargains Aind 'onvince Yourself. flue]caa~~a ra tigte ity per 1000 living biths, 67; deaths ai fromi all causes, 49; death rata par conYitfth olfareo th 1000 of population, 13.976; commùun- LotaaV icable1e4ae-reported, 158;i wltb of ot fa htl t'h ~toi auly '2 deaths. Rteport was a'dopted. Groceries Dry G dsLadies' Wear thaeoxr f v slt By4lw No. 846 waa givean its sev- _ ________f usaIt aapr I l aw s eral reaings, sigued ai-d sea1d, for _____montsaep ua axhr~ps. holding miunicipal eletious for yaar r 6ad1otlfs? TaayI . 19reasurer ackno'wledeed receipt O f Particular Iiite1rest to acarfs, Ren. Price $100 SALE bboICEa a50d ciçê Sugsin it aawn i$1 aýn n1Ù ~ of $60.54 from counties treasurer Faney Silk Net .5itable for S-'arfa, Raglular I leunt fVspol? W~sa for o<liixg streat in Hamiptoand Our Friends From The Price $1-50,...........SL PRICE 75C~ For slightly fdixatos~n l $25.37 from MoCla1llan anid co., for IValyetaen 22 in. wi'de, Bowand Navi troulsaê catp plraiV cerenxt bags. JCountry Rea'lar Price $1.5,..SALE PRICE 75 Istateo iiautsk &bt Orders, (rawn--on tra.surer i wer: .42 lu. All Wool Creani Serge, Rieglr 'waefo sohanto~ _____________________________ Pxrlce $2.75,........SALE PRICE $1 .25 4 only White Silk Blouses, RegUlar Pz'ice erbohtç h«w;1' W. T. Baker, teaming stone.$f 3.00 $3.7,D.........î- A PRÎIar $2.2 daunn X'lt X]f~ta aa A.Wakely, work Roy-bridge '3.00' CLEARING~ OUT AT SLAUCGHTÉR P>RICES Bath Towels, Large Faucy Striped, excellent Boudoir Caps, silk 4andle R1Cul Price dra4 Th"om ? a vik xaley, gravai .. - 4.50 Fres.h Rollad Oats lu bulk .... 6 Iho. 25c value at .... ..... 90c for 60c $275, 1 ...... .SALE PRICE $1.75 ribi ara.> l(acos ewx J. Cowling, work Roy' bridge 5.00 Table ýSait in bags (2 aizes) Sc and 29c' bag Heaviy Natifral Lineu, 22 lu. wlcla, auitpbla Holeproof Silk HosIery, Regular Price prorli~ t'r fpae~ Hl. Stairtoa, teamiaig tuba., . .00t Pulverized Giuger .......... lb. 22c~ for faixcy work, Reg. 65c, SALE PRICZ 42c $1.85,..............SALE PRICËE $1.40 will a~ h iaparue H. Burgess, work Roy bridge 5.75 Sapolio for eleaning, a nap. .2 cakes Sc Marcar Crochet' Cottonx, Regular 1 cbail French Kid Gloves, Ragailar Price $2.50 faxti~ t u 1 a a jJLe Braooks, gravai. . - . 5.87 >(Stanndard) Lanmp Glasses (3 >sizas) for~ 9c SALE PRICE $165 inste, edaon&f'ejau A. Ilills, statubýe labor,1922 6.25 Sc5 and 13c eaceh All Wool Ureas Serge, fiue quality, color 'IHa'te a'lt.~dte~h1 at F. M)euntj,/ ,gravel1.......6 25 No. 1 Bflruars (2 sizes) ........... 15c Old Rose, Brown, Tan, Green and Bua'- - SPECIAIL in t F. MeRobrts, gravel.. 7.00 Lamppwlelk(uiad. aud w'ide) . Sc and 6c yd guxidy, Reg. Prace $1.95, SALE PRICE 90c Big~ assorment of Bead Nelaces, Fanc Thxad Vswrdlnuat. W. H. M¶oore, gravef, .... 9 .62 B-atter Creens (5 aud 10 lb. 20 and 27c ea dt 9- VaVo~to~ A. NlehlilÀ grayel ...~.,.. 11.25 ri skt a.dI oe Costume Velvet, 27 in. wlde, Green, Etar- Bets, Pear B uckles, Collar and Cuff Sets, dote' ~'ti>fage fN «so ?ouufd 'work WVhite Fri Bakerts , baket 11 ail kinda froxes gudy, Navy aInd lurple, a ra bargain, Fiaaey and Initiale Handkerchiefs, Iish foui '~adteapoat o ii bridge.......... ........13-30 ?n .t tratera baskes ~aai 9çnd ta $l. Rxgular Frics $2.75 for .......... $1.60 Crochet Centre Pieces, Silk FIoe'wrs and Biut, tcnxtaasbeuei WH orgavl1.5ItraionJal (Ora#u Mal 2I.da 1 AIt> Wool Sepberds Plaid, Ragular Price Faney Pins at~ Greatly Redued Pries, is p ~tIo rayta F. A. Warry, graveb-..... 27.00 Fri Jas'rw n Per-fect Seal) all $ ....... - SALE~ PRICE 90eo Dent's Brushed Wool Gloves, Regular Pz'isp has o î'lotecn R. Burgess,Work, Roy brid4ge 27.50> aizas at ........ ......... Cost Price All Wool Plaid Skirt niateria, Reg-ula' $5.........Sale - Price 90e verseowhtapliadfr 1 1A. E. Jeu1xîugs niails, ae.-, 48.25 , Butter Pulls, Sug'ar Bags, b1bls, Rape Seeid, Price $3.95,........SALE PRICE $2.98 Heà,Vherblooi 'Uidrkhrt Regula Price COVE sto W. W. Horn, l1ing~ street, 60.54 .Tu-ruip Sead, Linaaeed hfeal, etc., etc. Crepa Rimons Cloth, f>auey patterai, Regular $2.25,. a ..... .... SALE~ PRICE 98capn sy oe ead ' A. WilusesonP ceyomentd4 .u....... rýadywhu Pic 7.........on- RISl4e eue'eéa KitadlUadawaitRegla haat bs batavhala lar O, bridge eo., wheelbar- 1Phn you ouadi ilb reU whe Mrc 70c ....r...a.. Cotton aIÊ cr, Price $1.2'5,..... -....SALE PRICE 69e' rîp haeaai~te1agag rOa tc .Ve.............. 11L77 yo alMrp mrieyCtoalclr, Pure Wool Rtbbad Stoekiugs, Regular Prica Cris Fankxi Werry, ceniant ..... . 129.50 'SPECIAL 3 seinsa for 10ca 0, , ...... SALE PRiïCE $1.00 ' pob !Crs, u aI Fred CouVa4e, work White With aeairy 2.0puarelase we will gise 8k asGodsirga variaty of ctusllty Cotton Suede Gloves, dditTareut ahades, Règui- rue? r - e fidn Vtie bri'dge................ 157 J25 10 lb. Redpath Granlate Surgar for $1.00 sud colora at ..........Gise Away' Prices lar $1.50 for ......e wa90Cai Pedlar Fecopla LVd., cubvart Nateswahbxddteale tb ..........276.,64 W>togethr~ a~Crsint Uob RoW F. 'bonus, ., 4.50~ Tnfants We~ar jyII~ ~ ~earsi o u arfee asiilg, A, Ni4zolls, shah p ýdanagas. 6.00 Chnuaren's Wvear in tha a~ ld hyjiVy~ S. Tyler, shecp (lainages .,20.00 . ~ _____pous r awhtu u xahr AHoatsrieB.oH.2.0Pure Wool Sbawls, Ragular $2.50 for $1.75 Canid osfanprprufenqr A. HgR. lin Serv'ye B. ef H.. 20.00 Knitte,d Wooi Goats, very 'fiue, IRegiablar oôExnbroi<lared White Mull Dresses, very wr»eaV~ rt~ eraa W. ser.eB oeg PJc $1.95, SAL PRC $11 se ad r y.e, Adat W. R. Aorice, sr.~ B. f H. 20 (0 Priee $2.2-5.ý.........SALE PRIÇE $1.50 Ai olSoaigcloaEeBieadwlInyraç Dr. Feruso, se.' White Sieigb Robes, Regu.lar Prise $5.00, le Eeg. Proic gclr e, leadwr F.r. Fesak, Sa. Ins.H. 72,05 nSALE PRC 33 Black, Reg. Prite 50,~ SALE PRICE 25e leo n btpdaoaPu F. . Rwsnlc, un.Insp. 7805White Ivinl Fauey Dress Yokes, iRsgular Pure WooI Pullover Suîats, Regular Price H a, is h s~d fua;sd S. A. Northcott, shaep iusp. 2.40 90 o ............65e $6.00 for................ ».... $4.50 WouidsamnaesayV aetVl Selectors of 90ero for.. 10.00 pel u ewmul T. E. Edo uonrebt axs 5 Siik Enibroidered Bibs, Regular Prie 75c, humil-~ F. C. Rersiake, work lu park 10.65 SALEOt PRna 50c ofor Mrs. S. G. Niddery adv. White Brushad Wooi Bonnets, Regulax ______ paaaa And Shoesil~ ,tasa. S. S. No. 11 ...........50.Q0 $2.25!ufo.............. ........ 15 Men% Solid Leather Black andi Taý 'Work N rila hr o jeapr L. C. Pascea, adv. S. S. No. - >'Bossiaupt pg,$75fr*,0naar1,aaaxlV h'raurneV 15........... I3 0 M n~ urisin sMeu's Werk B~oots, Solbd Ikather Soles, 1 Vhs t »araijg JJ. Smith, adv. S. S. No. Grltiat ca and' beauid luntr ta vey ito A. Millson, adiv. S. S. No, 3 ouly IMen's Maeklnaw Conts, véry hîgli Me' K~o ninete Hiheavy ubBot, beenaas eillo~ uigta 14..........1.75.00i grade, Reg Price $15.00, SALE PRICE $10 *leusue 1bCniRbr ot e peri~di ltr sV a ~~vd N. F. MaeNaeebItan, ras 4 on1y Boys' Macklnaw Coa, 12 and 14 aend ufEo#,tn......$4'rcr 00~~Yot' SALÉf Bots tu ~ eu a Prise R1.50 fr $4.95___

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