DEC. 13, 1923; SOLINA Mrs. S. dgar Werry visited at 3ON Oshawa. Mrs. J. R. Kiveli is imiproving nice- oon Mountjoy ar'e ly- fri a seriouns $ all. Hamilton. Mr. and Ms.Wallace Scott, En-. Gilbri nd vl-field, visitedi at Miss -1. Hogarth's. R. Slemon's. Mrs. H. L. Pascoe and son Harvey, rcommiunity Mr Kedron, visited Miss Mary Hogarth. adley and fam-ily. Mi. and MiUs. R. H.L Armistrong, Lns and Mr. C Ma. eGr 1~ vissited at Mr. Harry r?, 'ceAftly 'yisited lArgeue's. S. Mrýs. Caroline Montgomery, Toi- juls and Fred Ash- onto, visited at her brother's, lMr. W. [ eports o. hevanNest's. held at Bown'a-n- Mr , Darïus Green intproves slow- i- orning whlch Iy fromn having his ankie badly huit by a horse. derson., Toronto, Mrs. H. E. Tink visited her mother, the pulpit here o Mis. T. Pascoe at Hlamîpton who con- and delivered aný tiiiues vey ill. on "As a mani Mr. A. T. Stainton's wood sale - 1, 'Pl waýs onite a success realizing over, Siàm evenig wasMr. andi Mrs. L. G Sn-owden and j Afteî the famnily, Maple Grove, tecently visitedj ýducteti by oui1 at Mr. Thos. Baker's. - 1 ihami 2nd Vice1 Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pascoe andl et -ion ea by th Misses Marjorie anti Edith, Hamp ton, etside theooe' visited at Mr. 1H. Hardy's. P [tic wthes tak- 1 Evýerybodyv should bear Rev. W. E. topid i. F. -1Morgan,. B.A., B. P., the returneti teoestingMrend- missionairy, at EldadSIunàay at 2.30 C. Avery; Let- P.«m were read by Miss Mary Reynolds is in General )y frin the Hospital, Toronto, for ani operation ato where Miss for goitre. 'May she have a coin- f Oufr own girls plete recoveiy. Sunday evening iMis. Ernest Laîmer and son, ocial anti Liter- Blackstock, are with hier parents, M. Mfrç. R. Cross- andi Mrs. W. T. Taylor at the olti1 homne for a visit. Laurels" at Mr.EeetHa n o hri mber 4th.Orono, Miss Ida Joniýs, Whitby, Miss Kate Poster, Bowmidnville, visited ut E Mi. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid's. Don't forget the Chîistmnas Treel ýy has changeti on Deceiner 2th. A very good de taking pos entertaininent la being piepareti by st. AIl out-~ local talent of aIl ages to interest ,iII be honored eveîy person. Young mren will sing, 19201. young- ladies present a tableau, the younger boys and girls will be at the ned J. J. Vifrtue. fore in song, drills andi recitations- 50-2wl aIl for 20e aduîts; chiltiren 10c. -s. u made your Christmas sele&- ýo, look over oujr lists and see if Syou. We have lines suitable ýmber of a f amiIýr. ,r the children, and useful ones, vhich last the year through. useful gifts and even up to a nice comfortablé chair, a WOOD SALE STARKVILLE Wednesday, Daý7enib0 19-Miss M-Iss Ma McKay was home o4wer Maggj i McLaughlin 'will sel! by LeSuunade t a.S auction on south end lot 12,cn. Rv'.leM.S 9,' parlingtoei. about 4 acres G. Hallowell'& s < standling mbcnied tiiiber in 1,4 acre Bntflwahrrmisadr- loýts, inostly har.dwVoûr; somti cediar, Bu raja fa is much welanoee pne and hemii-locký fit for luub er cen a alisluhwcoed purposes. Parties to have unitili Mr. and Mrs. G. Gow,,ani, Nwa April 1, 192.5, to remlove tim--ber.ý le, spent Sunday wvith lier brother, Ternis: Ail suains of $15 andd under Mr. H. Gilmier. cash; over thqai aoint S7) onts 14r. and Mis. Thos. McMullen, credit on appîoved nlotes w1ith in- Bomvile ere recent guests at Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer. People are not one bit satisfied1 with G. N. R., train service and should take strong-er action. This MAPLE GROVE railroAd is of more benefit to us ________an-d is miore Valuable to Our proper-, M.Raymond Snowden, Toronto, ty than the thiree-, million dollar spent Sunday et homle. hotel in Pa ris which Sir Henry Mr. and _Mrs. E. W. Foley îecently1 Thoînton bought with Goveramient visited bier brother-, Mr. -Milford Wil-! mtney. Tt cost more than this kins, OsbawVýa. 1ra--ilroadl would in houndreds of M.anti' Mis. Ewart Everson and years ind not as manly people ser- daughter andi Mr. Stanley Everson, vdb t Oshawa, yisited at Mr. L. CJ. Snow-. Shiloh people hati finle weather for den's. their anniversary. Two very able Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wilkins, Mi. elon r dive b Rv*S and rs. rvile Hardand family, C. Moore, B. A., B. D., BowlmnvilI'e. Osat Ms rntvde Hed tefo e onday evening an immense crowdl Oahaa, M î.Eent . visietiy e . rm r e nijoy ed the oyster supper. > The ser- sistr, is.E. W Foeyvices of Miss Buchannan and MissI Mr. andi Mis. J. H. Munday, Mr. Fisher and the Newtonville Orches-ý and Mrq. M. Munday, Jr., Mis. Wm-. tra weîe imuch appreciateti. The choiri Jeffery Sundayeti in Toronto, guests on Sunday was ably assisted by Mis. of~~~~~ ~~~ thiCosn i.W odn o-san and Miss Rickard, Newcast- Mr. and Mis. Chas. Bah an~di le. daughter, Port Burwell, have be-en ________________ visiting hier parents, _Mr. and _Mis. John Allsworth. Keep Deceniber 19 open for Maple V T R N R Grove Christmnas Tree to be given in the hall et S o'clock. Admissioný atiîts 20c; childien 10c. 49-2w'! E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc Honor Graduate of University of EBENEZER Toronto Ail cass gîvenpromptA a- visited Mr. anti Mis. C. Truli at thei Grange. Mr. an~d Mis. Johni Penfound, Toi- onto' visiteti with his mother over the wveek-end. Mr. George Gore is enjoying a f ew holidays after an active season, with Mi. F. W. Runtile. Mr. Kinsman and faxnily are oc- cupying the late home of Mi. anti Mrs. Harry ,Balson, having reateti it for a termi. The Sunshine Girls are aiîan grng for a Poverty Sociable on Friday eeing at the Sunday School room. Wilthe eats be turnips, hoise rad-1 1 is and-l on,,inorwbarlev breati? Gome1 isjing young farmers,1 Courtice and R. C. posinig of their grade nd launching into the Swith somne high class 'uccess to the boys. idge and roatiway on [Highway a t Tooley's~ ig completion and wI' f or traffic. This -will Lprovemnent to this sec- oad making for safetyl of timle to travellers. Pickel who ha-s been shipping business at a nmnb'er of years, has pruces his herd of Ilol- have the records of imous quantities of the 'or bis Toronto custom- Osborne *Who has been ew months in the har- Alberta retuined home biinging aloag two for feeding puiposes.l a very hearty welcome ssociates ait the Ghurchl vices on Sunday. of the Sunshine lass ther friends of -Miss n-hie re the ear w lines we are showing, gave ýsting the r Children's Tricycles a Stands Ma Ma Dolis ats and Mirrors Shoo Fly Rockers 'hests Moth Proof Doli Carrnages Wagons Boys' Wheelbarrows Desks Autos rniture Go Carts lower Staq4, Kiddië, Cars àairs Walk-Aways re Stands Wheel-Aways abinets Ail Steel for ChiIdren Cabinets Vacuum Sweepers Cabinets Bisseil Carpet Sweepers Framed Victrola Records s Book Ends some abies when ierils miLk fuI attention. OFFICE MAIN-ST. HAMPTON Phone l129-15 u NOTICE Special to Winter Drivers Valves ground and carbon cleaned on any modeil Chevrolet Cars. $3.00 Ontarîo Motor Sales Ltd. Bowmanïville Oshawa Whitby Chevrolet and Oaklanid D'ealers Choie e PQultry For Christmas We have purchased a grand lot of choice poultry for oui large Christmas trade. Place your order early as it will be to your own iterests. We guarantee quality and price. Our stock will inclucle young well fed chick- en, ducks, geese and turkevs. Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville The New Sedan In the New Fordor Sedan the well4c-nown Ford sturcliness, dependability, and econo'my have been combined with a dêgree of convenience that mnakes this the most rêniarkabie closed car value ever offered.. Tlhe front s at in this new inodel is of~ the full-widthi stationary ty~pe. Four doors are provided, aflording easy access to front or rear from either side. Upholstery and a'ppointmients are of a quality and complete- ness hitherto obtainable only i cars of much higher price. You are cordially invited to inspect this remarkable- new car at the nearest Ford dealer's showroom. New Ford Prices Cup, $665 Fordor Sedan, $895 EectrtSloaiùg and tightimg Eqipýent Skpd.rd on Iht Aes di,. Touring Car, $445 Runabout,,$405 Truckç, $495 iEletMc Siajrtin& 0and Lighting Equipment $85 .00 efa Prices L o. b. tFord, Ontaro. Coverxýrment Taxes extra. AllFordmodels may be oblainedlthrough the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS CHADBURN MOTOR COMPANY Oshawa FORD mO? t~~ ~~NX~~4l~.FcRD, oNTARIO 1andi Re- gift of aI] j have