DEC. 13, 1923.j1- we ek lit laying ceon- quantities. j n town. PONTYPOOL =ry Richardson ia king pos thei Comnpany, ,ne Alway s in thats Let us off er these suggestions f or your own QwII benefit. Doll Carrnages $1.10, $1.98, $2.75, $3.25, Dell Beds ............. erns., Suits from $18 Lo see our stock beforç a large and beautiful M rs. J Svisiting1 Mr. J. hi~ <aii~$3.25 SMoore, Brook- and Mrs. A. H large, ing Jackets, ail new in for the h Xmas trade. MEN'S NECK SCARFS Mjm ~en's Neck Scarfs in silk also bet new shades from- $1.75 to $4.50 each STS MEN'S BELTS Shirt In fancy boxes with nice huck- new les, and in ail shades fromi $1.00 to $3.50 each Handkerchief Holders kkn and Soft Collar Pouches big In sQl41 leather, a real perviee- ýt able gift $3.OO anci $3.50 Sweaters and Sweater ieavy bina- Coats A larg-e assortmnent, ail styles fronm S $3.50 to $8.50 each Something Spe linen handkercl 25c compare the rd $2.50 . 9. . 8 cS 1. The