Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1923, p. 12

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20% Discount Off All Furnishings JOHNSTONS Goôd News For Xmas Shoppers 20 P&r Cent DISCOUNT SALE Big Rýeductions-Thé Choice of Our Enire Stock' FROM NOW TILL ýMONDAY NIC1HT DEC. 24, 1923 Our entire stock of Men's ani Boys' Clothing anid Furnishings selling at 2Q%7 reduction off regular prices. Choose from our large and choice stock your Xmnas Gifts anid any other article of Clothing ,yor àFýurnïshings, you may 'need. Sliop here and save nioney. 20 cents saved on everyLldollar's worth of mer- chandise you buy at this store. SALE CLOSES MONDAY NIGUT, DECEMBER 24, 1923 Select your Gifts and requirements from this list then buy at this store and save Money. Glovés Braces Sweaters Garteus FOR MEN Hosiery Shirts Sweater Coats Arm Bands Pyjamas Underwe Dress Shirts Negligee Silk Shirts Neckwea Fancy Beits Cuif Lin] Caps Umbrelà Bath Robes Smoking aljandkerchiefs Neck Seï Velour Hats Collai, B Silk and Wool Neckscarfs Ail at 20% Reduction ear SShirts Lr Jackets ails. 'Oxes FOR BOYS Overcoats and Suits in the season's best shades and cloths. A beautiful range to iclioose from clearing at 20%,' reduction. It will pay you to' buy him a Suit or Overcoat-Now. GIFTS FOR BOYS Stockings, Golf Hose, Braces, Arxn Bands, Underwear, Shirts,'. G1o-\e&, Caps, Sweaters, Beits, SwTeater Coats, Neckties, llandkerchiîefs, Neck Scarfs, Ail 20%/ Reduction OVERCOATS AND, SUITS A beautiful rangé of Overcoats in Men's and Boys', al the new shades, in pay toC 1 vela.. Discount NEWCASTLE Miss Cora Butler is with Toronto, Mdrs. (Dr.) -Butler recently visited keý in Toronto. l MrUs. Jam1ies recently VIs-ited her L1 daýughtîer in Toronto. o an i. char1ôS Downi-ing, Toronto, i guest of M. I -aroId Mir. W. -'J- Anderson wýas business gisr visitor to Toronto on Monday'. pi( Mý'rs. Ernest Aidread and twý,o child- -1- ren are visiting Toronto friends. W.V Mr.andMis. lHerdinian, Toronto,!s1 Sundayed with Mrs. J. E~. Matchett.Fi M4rs. Stevens is spending the win- ci ter with her son William in Oshawa.a Mr.F.L.Culiey, Toronto, was piý weekend guest of Mrs4 Frank Ben- G0 nett. 4pei Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ash recently visited her parents, Mr. and Mis. Wetherell. Mr. ]Yave Brown is on hoiidays wvith bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel Brown.1To Mr. Stanley Lobb is homne fromi Toronto and hias resumied duty with agý Mr. Samuel Rickard. MisAiva Cowan is home after a for p1eaant visît at her grandfatber's, b Mr. Robert Cowan.bu iMiss Treleven has closed her house and isý at Mr. Norman Allin's Ch] previous to ieýaving for the winter. De( Messrs. Frank Bennett and Shin Moise had a big shoot Iast week, st bringing home al the rahbits on the Mr lake shore road. i Corne and you will ccýrtainIy enjoy th the Christmafs Tree an(, entertain-. - ment in the Met'hodist S. S. Rooms, ' on Xmas Eve, December 24th. 25i Don't forget the Picture Sho4ývin a' Community H~all on Saturday even- 101L ing, Deceniber lSth. Knox's Orches- Ho] tra of Orono, in, attendance. y ST The Anderson vs. Npeastlre dam- Te age actýon o~n which Judge Ward re- e served jtidgmient, is announced, omn- HY plainant receiving ju'dgnient for $400 ,er is confined ýut of a fali an o0 ribs while eîý boughs for Gesieral eace, goo(l ilUItoward men. Ihryv publication ar inlg complete, NEWCASTLE 1 hereby retrn Uated at V Miss B. McIsntosh recently visited Nvme,19 oronmo friGnds. Sîgne ile Pleased to see Miss Wilm.lot out ".M gain since her illness. Wte Try Nmeastle inerchants first be- Province of ýre buying out of town-. 1, Harry M 1 Mrs. Wm. Jamieson bias been on a ot1 Toronto. Ytllis Eighfah Day "H. Jackc" ty of Ydrk &c. A Merry Chri py New Year. >ors East of dard Bank Johnstome 9OWMANVILLE AND OSHAWA Phone. 271 year., RWAUI Lak<e, appc 1Harold' ghter. havin In w Se«ý oui city on WiLsorne J. C. 1 Ne4vcastle New Ford Body ypç The Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, announices a niew two-doDor type cdosed car -which will be known as the Tudor Sedan. It dMfers miaterialily in seating air,,ngement from-r the four-door type recendiýy announiced. I s loJwri ue Amoig the othýer niotewor--thy leatures oýf this latest Ford imodel is the coach type body -neyver bfr available in, a low priced car. The 'Ford Motor Co-.mpany of Canada, îe, is considerably behîind in its ma7ýnulictu-Yring schedule on this type cf body. Con- sequently -we are neot ab-le to state definitely when. this mrodel will be on display in our showroomis. Watch f'or its appearance. New Ford P3?îcefý COupe, $665 Tudor, $755 Fordor, $895 Eledyic Startng and L.ghting Eq.ipmeni Sw;ndrd - ithe, modet,. Touring Car, $445 Runabout, $4C5 Truck, $495 El,iic Si-g a-d Ligblig Eq.ipme.i $ý8.00 -"'r. Allc Prices L. o ID.Frd, Onario. Goveyrnnen-, Taxes extra. A lFord modela may be obioened ihrough ihe Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. CNlRS TRUCKS TRACTORS CHlAD)BURN'MOTOR CO., OSHAWA J. S. Aines, Salesman, Bowmanville, At Hately's Garage. We Wish You Oe*C K Im 7,777MI M-1m'm'"M 77 mas

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