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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1923, p. 4

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LOCAL- AND, OTH-ERWISE F F MORIàIS CO. S. W.MSO SON'S Alex Elliot's for Chrstmias Gifts. Municipal -oinahiabofl are Mfron- day, Deemnber 31, ajcinsMna Andrew's Presyterian, Peterboro, Th R ndzvu 1~o baepted t lt Renfrew. For Christm&s L uvwlqyrïr G ifts ~ ~~~along aainNtolRiwybe t1ween Brighton aind Coç.borne by a edto1 earni that he is reacyerng ITHERE IS A COAT TO BE CFIOSEN NOW IS TEafter siuff ering several weeks -from TIME TO DO IT the root of a tooth u1cerating. Louiis MH. Eng&1iart, Roch~ester, ~Cosy, warm serieabIe coats of soft pile fabrics, .Y>hsprhsdLk#~wHtl some trin-m-ncl with fur collars and euifs. while others aiun $7,000 Mr E: gehartwlll are perfectly plain3, others of imported Polo Cloths, and 1odc l oe then the utility Coat of a certain mannish dlesign, ser- an Tetncmrse this district's viceable inclèed, and ail so finely taiioréd are now on 'Interiediate 0. H. A. The three sale at reduced prices. Prices that will astoiih youi hae Terntonm pac~edeain ant because of their value. - Fromn the factory to yoù--our gr tn lae i p6te i)rofit has been eiim inated because we must make room. One of three Toronto young m~en arrested for shonp-breakuag at Mill- A for Our othpr imerchsais Make this your opportunity. brook. an~d Garden Hill is out on 'Save money! M 1a1k your selection before they are ail parole for thre theft of automQobiies. »îicked over. A small cleposit wiIl reserve any garment ,obacco and ig4ýttej, ail three ei for you. 'îng cigarette fiextds. DRESSES AT 201% REDUCTION ~aa onthGore Po Grantrp Qb-- Dozens of~ people have realized the wonderful val- Mcagln .B hmsn C. D ~ues we are giving in~ $îlk Canton Crepe, Crepe de Chene, Dryden, Dr. fo F. . y Wo. Phl Plat Crepe, Vella VeIlIa, Ail T<yme, Taffeta and Satin lis M oolttle and J. C. Ross. Dr~esses. Why not g'ive çiaughter or mother a dress o ietr fOhwaGnrlHs for Christmas? One wouid be surprised at the number pital thre officers were elected to the (f-tdifferent offices for 1~924: President,t ofpeople who are dolng this. A dress is an ap>precia- J.D$ti;VeçhedenMsR tive gift and, you \vill just li1ke our dispiay. Until Satur- S. Mcal4in; eretary, Dr. F'. L. Cab ml day ngIi at 20% Discounlt. Henry; Treasuter, J. C. Anderson; Dfrectors, Mrs. Robert Williams, Mirs. H. E. Morpby, Mirs. Van Wood. o~ LINGEI~~E FOR XMAS GIFTS ,ruff, Messrs. R. S. MeLaughlin, Chas, H m L y rs- Women appreciate a gift such as displayed in this Chappel, 'W. R. Giekie, George section-Silk tJnderwear, Step-Ins, Camisoles, Costume Hezznswoo1.f cc n mia l Prgc - - Slips, Drawers, e., etc., ini coun-tless numbers, ail well- fEasteiwoo1& Scol ed theo c n nic ly tailred nd rasonbly rice fron ......... 75cto $.00 ellscleaed o 1 teedro the ' tailore and tasonablyprîçedfrom....75c b 6.Ot> abI fiv stol out.e of9 thire A piece of well chosen furniture is the one gift that surtobigd- in itht townsip have been found light not only on Christmnas Day, but xvili serve as a living,latg mb- SILK SCARFS MAKE EXCELLENT (GIFTS RunltO Mdikcai Ofcr o eport byo> of friendship ties-wili continue to delight and to renderhpfdevk the Boar~d of Health at it atme- through the days and years to corne, Make up ydut ind t opoeyw We have them in endless variety. The colors we ing of thre y0ar, iheld in Oshawa. Christmas shopping now-at this store You xvili be surpr~is(dt~ urpie could not attempt to enumerate. The qualifies ,de- Waell clen otand teaed tov tirelw Rmmewegaate vr icew e iýend entirely upon theprices wvhic-h are mQst reasouable. *soi te pead of sans5t~ed Al ael o.Rmmbr egaataevr ie esi Give her a scadf, she wi1l appreciate one of this selection. slaughterhous owi.ers andice ven- We mention below a f ew suggestions for practiéal andace1h gts dors are aiso being rêininded of the n ecessity of procuring pernit ac- ______________________________________________ XMAS HQSIERY AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES c oi'dZn te the Act. Ladies' HIudson Sea n d Persian T a ,............... .0V cr ls ....... Sik oei Bak rwnBegSad CainLamib Coats, tire bes that money can Tas.....,3D Bilk~ ~ lbini3akiBo;egBdCti, buy at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- Boo Cases............. $ 6.00 Chilcrns Tricyclest Tani, full fashioned, guaranteed to fit properiy and give imns Card Tables ...........$ 4.50 Ma Ma DoIIs .......0 satisfaction. Priced frorn . ......... .98c to $3.00 pair- Den Tables ............$ 7.50 Shoo Fly Rockers Engiish Sport Hos~e in attractive coiors andi éesigns, SALEM ~Lbrary Tables ....... 1.0 0,6c soeare neatly finished with an attractive clox. These Report of S. S. o. 9, Dariington, Easy Chairs ............$ 4.50 Doil Carriages17t $1."i$ 1hose are direct~ Engiish imnportations and absoiutely aIi for Christmas term is as f ollows: Smokers Stanids ......$ 150 Boy*s' Wheelbarro,$1< pure botany wooi, spiced toe and heel. Priced from, Sr. IV Olass-Nelson Wilins, .5AU9... --98C to $1 .95 pair J. IV-Lu Wilkins. Foot Stools .............$ 4.00~ Go Carts ............37 at OVE INul hENw S CapeET KdG ntt teIJr. I-Reta Cnnaghan. Couches ................. $10.030 Walk-Aways *......... (~LVE I II*icoini Cwbe. Stn Çbna C ants.......$24.50 Kidde Cas .....~ 27 One always appreciates an extra pair of Gioves, le Sing H-eWln Meonaldg *Les-a tns..$3~ heAas.... .~ tear su.TenwCpKi anltwith th i Wh Violet S rdon Hall Sea.ts and Mirrors Vacuump Sweepers *.$0Q small cuif mnade to lit under the coat, corne in attractive Jr. 1liveson~ Daos, Gobrdns,-Cea Mof.......$h Q Bsel $5rp7S- garOiv Catre, oss ichads, Erd- coir~,prie4at..............$32 parile, Elnier Strutt, Bert Feeter. tDinner Wagons ......*_22.00 Victrola Records. .. 75 Sik Gloves in mastic, brown, navy, black, biege, Sr. I-*Beatrice Cator, *Lorne Writing )>esks ...... ..$14.0,0 Boiok Ends ........... san4, mode anid grey. These gioves are made by !oStr, *riner-'eMhan. Hone, Ree Flw Stands $ 8.50 )3ed Room Rockers~. .$35 Rayser and are, therefore, &êpendable, priced from Audrey Cowling.ReChis$10te350 g har.. $100 to $2.2 pair~ ~ Jr. Pimer-*Pearl Cennagha'n, î ~ e his$1Q o$500 H~ hfs....425 $10 e$22 ar*Flosse Connaghani and '*Liy Mor- JardlUere Stands......$ 1.50 Windsor Char s....$85 den (equal); *IMar4ei Collaovt, Joihn Mui Ca ines.... ...,170 Chesterfield Tabl*s WVHEN IN DOUBT BUY HANDKERCHIEFS Fpeter, Thelm itl. usçÇ ies$7.1 - -Honr Kitchen C~abinets .... $32.10û Console Table ...,.. 1.0 With Xmas so near this opportunity to purchase --Ruby M. Bragg,~ teachei. -- Record Cabinets...._$16.00 Consol Mirror ---loveiy gift Raridierchiefs at exceptionaily low prices TON1'NI ictures Framed .....50, - Costiumers .........$50 xviii be weieoined by many gift seekers. Handker-TONUCL ehiefs for men, women and children. Solid colors as December mfeeting of couneiI a pit["ç, blue, green, etc,, made of strong, soft fine woven - heid in Couneil Rooin, Monday, Dec.1 1nEýýn priced.-at...................-..... .............. 35c each - irn antd memersl ai! Qpre . g r

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