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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1924, p. 8

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NEWCSTL MTHWfIS ~ S'T GEORGE'S SUN DAY SCHOOL ï~ ~a trio, ard if there is S. S. CHRISTMIAS TREE nh ~LI~tit Ch dut~-LgTi andM Ven roeesig Prgr at"-Mr. Cooke and MrI. AI- ALIRD AR 9 ionJi alo mauy more* Qxght to have QGrad~ei Paced SchooIirq,,, Th ' Gbit-Iý T ree in connec luwihdaoa o pud e#e fR i o hsc li Methoist SnciayWith St. George's Sunday Sehlool was t nnn~ ~h r ooma idlc on 'Uhursday evelling, DecemhO THFIJRSD AY JN A Y3d 1924 b e' wmg ~è aigbr~SoilyDaao o wee ipakd to. the liiith Monday whlen the PaihHal' a crowd __________________,_______________________________'~wt licxtan aI'eh uirhfig but, hidol QO ~a' 27, ~~~~~~~as "Fna littie Prairie lowr lc, wate evnri t the aninual Clhitilias Tree edi ta its uilnmastý aýpaerty ta witnless and "in aîiteAar rw" exrie nd entertainirieut. Door- the programme~ of songs andc recita- MASONIC OFFICERS INSTALLED: NEWCASTLE CHOIR LEADER REMEMBERED Dr. Edgar A&llin of' Ed1mot.onLRM PCM s, ,s, wtifrs, gallery fions g-iven by th'e S. S. pupils, and, 1 Alawo a ls nineet i rbiii-ad ail available chairs and Lho ditbto f gift, froimi tlcJaehelh Woirshipful Master ofl Miss Hazel Barrie vrisited in Peter- Mr. and1 Mrs. WaIter Rickard Guests itar" gahrn wono aduata ail Trpteilrs Spc ai-ic the auol plc pre ChitlusTcltl epe urh m Ldge, Newcastle boro lasL week. of H.onor at Mettiodist Church. Pastr ofhrnwsakc 1 elw~ ~ntylf~i QU~ upstirsad downstairs and' e -ery- happily redidered recitations, alimost a n lbul i a nte u-Ncv andrprat thhog -hç wa nohrsu-Nw ,Mur'é1t olTe o w he e e a h d i s o w a v sin c t i i i e fa t - L t l J a k i r tie b r a t g l ei t d o w n, d v e yM r . T h c 't, ow 'class roomi or coinpartnmeit, programmiie eren 1to tiny Tomm I he rsit mieetinig ofl Di.rham Ladge, M.J.Waessennga ew At soia vein w a pnn the ea ta the occaiouDr A n po ved rypialpNe rkadF]çpite and athough th decoration sehiemn 1 elrretoi wliose recital aof the fanious -NO. 6,AF M, -t ohldl dasi elle Me2thadisi 'Snnd1ay School rooms 011 interestingly on a nuniber of- sub- o'~iPAaei i ~im.~m~ of ea y h a il len dd tnie in e - -t e auk h usr e s b I otl-il Sudý, in their, heïutiful ne lodge raans M iss Dueldla Corucl spentv New 1W ednesd(ay e Iin1g, Dece mlber 26, jct. Torr s w s dop a d c a g ta ' L e e spciet foir ail harmloniaus scenle Scha'ol and a Southerul Christmas casi9lo henstall wste0 er aBwhnil.we nesatiotn hof. choirer rad ai, car(e)l-lorhenesitve, emibracing.zNwaté lor- 0,.r, dialouy.gue by sainie aof the aider girls, or f h intaltinai flcrs r a MsWm arol aor er asTodronto h cnrea a t i, eleece o i by odIlt 3p n. adbya onme ~~ 1og2. This veiýy interestlng e oTgatIatee.tien in genleral wereý thle guests Ordinl- days in D'urhair, life in the West. Teprogwai was welUP t he ndi boys were \velb receired. An e-remOanY took place on Wnui-si ,s-\e yMs.Wq e(lilDclýeednesday MisEthel , WVade is spending a arv and the Chiir Leade(r, Mri. W.Jthmiei n agcuurlwlh sacaiofforinr yar andl the 1msn s 1i wa ie yM~ n.vnnDcn r 26th., ini the 1m -teMnrlad giutrlwat twnCrsnaýtesadlrý rhPerrin, ýMr. Gainles and Mr. Rab presonIce o aIljout floI.Éy aof the qýek with friends ia Toronito. S.' Riekardan Ms. icrd eeofNthnOtaot aiiItn of ever aL ' we ldnd wil ag ach athes O'er alaptintobtheteinstallations being con MisBsi isnla een spend - the guests of hanior. ai1h rn atoaii o pipes for yon n ' an er Mr- 1>. Leresley cctcbyR.WrsiflBro .C ing the pasï week' in Oshawa.' Timie, place and cireumrstances in the West .erni Pra'výinces, and( thle, a1 ofgîilts and Miss Gladys -Mateihett. A te)le- HaaiBomnlenhsusl MssDotyPoToo ito j were IU miost propitiust fýor ttlie abCsaorbi ng 1jc ofquchUn Th, astor, Ro'r. E. B, Cooke, grofoifomarle aiecîe re a d fici-, Ient minner. uu li wiss th Miss olae Toroto, success afiflthe evenit. I steEeyane ,was pleased ta hearDrNoca1 ciateas~ cha~rinan and radiatedî froin Santa Claus stating that hoe Mirssv sn Marksien Taronta, 1s - s 1 niit ailter Christmnas wýhen penceAlnpa, saoiefm hWst- G erlîuwc A.* e«rto Ilpars o, Ils a nh~ay n ai on~ The noewly installed afficers are: with hier sister, Mrs. E. Thack1y. iids greaudiandl un lloydnhappi- ail ion id.ecerlgclwyh Clerk f2dDisonC ai-~ pepared the way f or the present,whr wa hortly fllawed Wa,-rshipful Mastr-James Welsh yMiss Etta IHQliies,' Oahawa, spent Ss a.roswre abnatl iay videc.The dfid.T ep vrbdy me i net. Ir-,llla arrivs~ail Santa Inter ni hy the joîly old gentl-iiien'r appear- J.û S.-J Sc.t roainsner werestia atnd Newy withs ai Tame helpý eye od tnd get mo th ving. ance, when lie proeeed genially ta -.SotMngmr hismsoa e er oo man b1h 1 n ieasoale decora- thor-oughly ac'quaintéd with every -____________ 't i~ iuas >yth i emediteditrbue hemay ifs ron1 Senior Warcien2-We1lington Farrow Mis. C. W. Baker, Moitreal, is tions, iinaking a larely settig far rbody else, a canversational promr- Th ehoruse ail the trndieh bisribtly teoran Ohifs mar thee Junior Warden-~tW. C. Holmies risitig hier miother, Mrs. James Rowý- th pr 1analteeeig ndewsnwarh'd h o wtMiss Beatrice Bragg, S. S. and a iniake: happy the brighteyed Sertr-.W rde rn.B riu lnigadc-pr-sadn pail rou~nd the walls and pinit at the piana, and the chorus ehilren wýith a _stare ail candy, ap- esrrJ ,W.PipMs rnesGba copne tion an the part aof the chair sud the ladies choosing p"artners, chang- with nio mtions by he Primiary Class pies and oranges. At the conclu- r Cliapli-DIr. J. A. Butler by Mr. 1). Velow spent New Years ather frieadiis tag-ether with the callU ing ta the gýentlemi-ani ahoêd every uncir di'rectioni of Miss Elizabeth sýian the Rector thankecd the teachers' Senior Lieac-,on-Ge orge La'w at home, in i etn i h rust, , -tiie the0 bell rang. Saune topics fo'r Hancuck, rwith Miss Minnie Selrby at -and those who hiad contributed to 'the uirDaouE.Ç or Mr. Jack Paumner, Brantford VIS Board, ail whirçh Mr. Richard lsa côonrorsatian -%were: Skating, Jiggs - the piano, weresuniig with spirit anl success of~i the evening's entertain- 1 . ail Ceremionies--T. W. Jackson ited at 1'Mrs. J. CJ. H coksorer memibor, for the saine evenintlie an age TeCor tôjy i jroudso gap- aue brgd wer areceived with the ut nd le pqe ng ig Ju Snior Stewardl-RbF.W' aot and Mrs. Rickard, who astonsibly Maai1,adNwYa' eol-Ihv nhn a~p1 r ~~d o atndntbrugh t acl~o it te *inin Jnio ~ewrdRoh. ~JonThe Misses Swaisîand ofTrnocamne daown ta the rillage with neigh- tiaiis. Wheu these were pretty wIll Mr. Fred GralianSuperinedt (i th e National Anhliadtebene.- îLnr Grd-niYFaek.:Branton ar uss fMs Mutale ad athe riu fnds ho;lfin e sills a ; Ot t o ~th aisfaonra oeo u îz. Se ofhe______________yr t w fctonreyerluredarkr.Miseditori nrebot ireptoth muitrauç 'ohe roiealurs cli-timeci-im oni hr drs pl fteS.GEORGE'S CHURCH, inony a splendid banquet was serreý.d of Toronto, are r isiting 'with Mrs. est suspicion ail wh'at was transpir- spenit oror the tea cups with abun- r SR N O cA the~o aboutl tad takee ph teninlace. dlance ail sandwiches and cake and ofth Iow. pste te plndd hefestival ail the natirity ail a11r Dr. Butler, Tf W. Jackson, W. J. ited his mrother MVrs. (Dr.) Anderson, place fiul aiipp e t o apan et e rsmas" was agaiu iulfilled ta th~e wrvl-salm-i no yjiigLr as fittingly abputate in~ fue nll ofpolefrnsaprntf bMrGeorge's ChùurchonCrsiisDy Iaad te.atl i 1R J.W raly mle -any cmuiat e pros- -.1Mr____,_f______ (e adast îbnetw i v.E Rettions were givon by ois nt at the early ce!.leration ail Holy rother relatives,. platilarri and aiter a few words ofi1 Jean icad Mis Winnifre iek Connuin S "c and inte-_r at YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE Mrs. (Dr.) Faîllis and' son, Shel- introduction anný co Ai, ~ l Ladies Fur Choer and G Q ai s t~ckr, hseyun eou-ofe he' ~ayr a r ~ oo aty, tatodTe ue, are- vsiting wihler mathor, proceeodings, whc er e ollow, Stisselling ofrifces Ne c*4pie-e io Rcar. thse yon 1X u fe terpay n thanklsgiyîng-sr Mi. 1 M atn tafrTe rs. J. Rowland. rthe first nuinber on the progran st Coueli, Johnston & Crvderman's.,' tinssspoçe elearly anid cllatinctly taý -Gad and la spirit ta wýOrshi 11 t Speaker Monday Evening. r Misa Margaitet Lake, Toronto, wauld bce a tria by Mr. and,- Mrs, .r 1o hat was a real p1leasure ta hear the mianger-thrane aof the Infant W,- Yo~eI sri Istrmentl ium- hrit .r Mis Lllia Cot lU 5t Vi e ltn New Years with lier mQther, J. S Rc adad Mr. W, D. Braggl the. oca ad istumnta nin- Crit MssLilia Clwil,5thVie-mrs. Frank Gibsan. - With cansiderable heaitancy, two ail beswere eftotively rendered by W- rntr of e vergreenl decarated Presi'dent aof the Yoing-, Feoples, Mrs. John Lewis and ilamiîly are the principals ail this trio walked ta, Mises dnaRi kard randi Minnie thre chiudl and the altar was adomned Loague, was indeed fantuxiate in se- M Perei piano duet, and an up- wîth white lilies, narcissus andi carna-j curing, Mr. iiiawe MaXrtyn aof Strat- visiting with lier parents,> r. andi the platilarin and their amrazemlent t-aesirg rbr Misses Winnifred tians, whîîst apprapriate Gliristinas foc,1to speak ta the NwateMrs. John Rorbinson. was soon turned ta enlightenm-ent and Marion Rickard. , yhy s a~nd music added ta' the' r.FakBatnla eni-We f-d, Newcstl Mtpe r w r ~~~~~~~~~yoiung people oiï Monday niglit, Hawe r.Fnk ratnis oxl-w'eiMr. Bag'tpe awr r ~ ~ Dil wjj-h song parts wero weîî h ,ty ail the service. l sa nhsat~'Iui qaeby'isposed the past woek aud wye wish with a happy greeting, and read the executed "by 'rs. j, R. Fisher's class In reviewing 'the aId yet evrand takes- a Ieding part, as those her a speedy re.orery. ' iloing address: ofgrsan 'tby Mrs. B. Moise's class fresh story raf the birth ofl Jesa wha read the pa .pers are aware, in Mr. and Mrs. Tetley and fiaily, M.aciMW.JS.Rkad" M yth Ne Y arbig hera- rf bos T o ther vrr fine Chriýst as tald in St. Luke's gospel t wr nlson oect.uej Toronto, are spending a f ew days Mran s.WJ.SRikdM yth Ne Ya b nubr were th çraracterization the Recetor reariinderi lis con.groga- also àl Cabinet Minister, holding the with M'r. and Mrs. John 'Garrad. 'Dear Priends:-We have asseini-r an oational sang in representative tion thiat it was to the shopherds- ori of i IntS-Ilectuai Aif airs, ail Mr.. and M~rs. Albbert Bra-wi ancLI led to-niglit ta pay a sinali tribute %o- zaition of your greatestamior s costumes by boiys ail M1r. Liawrence silent 'rien, rh in l their lone'ly wat- tporPoio Cyenas Class and the~ orn-iels ripon the Judaean hiIs niust th rvincial Oldier Boys' Parlia- son, Part Hope, visiteri lier parents,, Tou, Mr.' Rickard, as Choir Leader i~iissG-~a~doftn pndkad hé rap rmont, which recently met in theLeg- Air. anti Mrs. Thoinas Barrie for New ail aur church. You have worthily 'ouI' New Year's wihtQal mohe- dr'ill by girls af is Lillian, 'fý, hav ponQre efetl thele that- 'po ti fo Cowl' Class 1heiso te oming ofteMi isIlative Buildings, To'ronto. tn fiinl ile htpsto o riel Mr, andi Mrs. Hf. S. Brittozi mo-, 1 a nulber ail years, duriagaI ail o Intresing'daloueswee -ve thlat the wonderful message firat Wesuppose tînt la tire parlin- ored ta To2ronto and~ spent Sundae which turnie aur associations have been by rbostin Mr.ialoues wJee clasen came; as to-day, Godi's rovelations' n 1entary lauguage aof Tnuris Square- with lier piarents, Dr. and Mms. Mac- nost pleasant. M.HryJses came aaly ta those who mieditate upidrai, h steHn oeAatn ar irsO Mr n thsels aim"on the deep thlngs ail -ad. The repr'esentatie- ail the Coin'ties aof Kenzie. You haro nî-ways heop very pat- co Min Christmas inteAr;gluriclus vision came wh-llst theT t Forth ,LËni!ton~ andi Huron. rBut Mr. nnd Mrs. Gardon Ash, Osli- iet, an-d tactfuI and we Jrn<w tiiese irl~ailMrs~'~1sa'sC ~~ J oreThéi d'ily askcf a a cion ail one ail aur iluies.a'wýa, and Mr. Carl Aali, Crobourg,~ duties hareo aiten been haeuvy anrd ) de ieto f 'Mr W. J. JMoore ring purpent' Chrristmnas with M.i-. randi Mrs. have meart a sacriftçe on your part. i cin m souad pmoteeting their which in the past and in 'the preseat lpont yy ~ ~ j~J< "Youg Deo'r Divine". si-cep, and so came rtho sancLificatipn1 thro gI so îpany ofiL ts ilienaiers aof IL A. Wethpe fl B ut Lt hias always been checrlîy - -A Of a-il thi sp edid ro gani 'of of ' , rr r- o the drnfly ro undc t h t-ie thirc generatin , have been and 'are M . and àilrs'. and M iss Christie reudered W e kno w, too, thînt vau lr o e many uomen daer~ble parts,. perap conno 4,ic -lonng thestWichest -andi niast Staples and 'Miss Hazel Bama off lare nat been (loir- 1 this trami a ear r trr er non m rheautifui i-i Goncîwding, tie speaker urged 1215 p'rominent supporters ail thre Necast Wh m2 omgtssrtaaar ac ildt lnbta eue-r N~c~I r n r emtationor effective in portrayal learers ta go wlth the shepherds te le Methodist Churci, we like ter call Mr.Go .-eads f orlv o h o Bethehe a - Mtrr anw hi lnpanloe ,rr r. Charles iMoise la 'speading n; rIt must be a suree ail satisfaction- - wiegowlied youn, ladies aof Mmc.ý in -,lie 'worship ail the Son of Go- Ho- r rys at home, Chliarles set the ta you ta know tlrat tire choir iras (R )E. B. Cooke's Class as t1heyý q'rho for aur sake becamle -Man", and'H o rexy interestinglly af the sui' nier at~ t-ho Saut, la charge ofilderelopei nter your leadership. toi- ilutaeiby gesture and action thre ha-v-mg first wonslhippeci, ta, enter inta Tuxis Square work ti genetral ari the Wireless Station tIr re. r silch an extent as ta cali for such Aoin "0 %ion, 1-aste" Iry Mis. 'Mary 1 tire full tjy andi gladness ail tire ail tIre recent session of the Older r. and Mrs. German, tlieir son wards ail appreciatia - andi commen-- A.Toson, softly-sflng "by 'Mrs. Cristmas rejaîcing. Boys' Parliamnt. He lias a quiet, George and daughter Flarence ail dation as rwere spoken reertly froinr Cokeacomrpanied on the piano byi , On r unday, D'ecemrber 30, la view clear and pleasing delirery, and Northport, -andi Rer. IRoy f. -Riekard aur pulpit by a former Paster.r Mis cil Bserieo the, nw-spaper reports ofl acnThnlehdfnse i ýdes i tM.adMs .J .Rcads - rtrerversy agitating the church in the r nnsweredi readily and canrteously a isGmc Smt nt rthrJi '-Mm. ic a, ittrto hwyu May thpcat 1New a W fo c to béli fnte Satsli rgýrdtnumber ani1lube ofi'intere qesios.eteriind questionsiryongyo- prt-fr Peahaecedtandný 2'rtr r - -th ai ad - e o aie ner il~teîrythge doctrine of the hou>aus amco-'whn h m fnisedli aaresdho t f .anteMs.W. on Rica'd', 'ewulaIsv1k:ta ho yn, Mi hn ________gi doctin e ,u Cricustind>u whiida ernn ,he a ny îoneîy lours whie Mr-. Rickard r ontentment. Sueli is orsnee .11~î r fJan hit wrc nst enjoyabtle tiare was spent by li ta ho absent froin home in ther r Chr<'sa lias coire and gOne, anài the Ret-or 4iook as Iris text -tire r ____Municipal nominations pnssed' off promneo hs uis ih rouh nnie .. . M an Mors Jo a èny i chprau, of St uk n te3terse, s i-' Mr. Jamers Rnlght, Brookla, is an Manday evcaing there being a sp,- 'Phose ail us -who have been a-ssc- hones .. MthrsJonMK' ai frieutist suppfomt a otrin er- 9id anti rery apprcciatîve reader ail did turnout ail the ratepayers. 'T'he ciated witl yau, lu the ichair, per- etraned da nunibl er f fres whc i wa nsupt f thi othowrine, The Statesman and in renewiag fori atemtbers ofr the 1923 Counceil were haps know lest, what it has meant Mi'an Ms.TJ.~alngi ~l l~inlt'V drc, hoi1 clcaliy '1924 writes tînt hoe stili tiiks a lot ail iionriinted for me-elction ralso tO, you. Tire desire ta show the ap r rs.T etia l "- hâd t Prmtivei herh shoi e ai1 aiEhxae-nt ihe lc tf tdaree A. A. Colwill for Reere preciation, net Ouly ail the choir, adhitisfsia nwiihMr tho~at t ia upth eyone ofl the waîe ofpp thew Y-ar.dw sth tf n ,Mr. J. R. Fisher sud John Gib- but ail thc cangregatian as a wliole is - r ~ ran-diaMirs.edl MissZit r jol iri iaibie i Irlîttdibe'ielne r. Mrkfestway Mia-i, Ma, fsonforcoucippasrenaparnt y tehslenid atheing------------ ç rE lovv",emi adMre Frnt qe tîne' Chis~tian Resurtion is ilinglif tin Mor. splndk esapor Misemi sta '~'l-n - lier, mote' vcy mnerion eofca the me - - hee -ie e s o nr ie.tOt.r Bowms4na fa-tl th ITere cftra-ie! up, it is thie purpose ail the Rector ta, theo aMy iink bet-ween mie and the oitseveral ail wironrh ve.r Rickard toaccept these piecea ofl Newcastler gi-vohra at serhe aile adrese Mron 'T-h pepewt .hmI a irl arrow escapes ilmain serions in'Juries 'fumniture, 1not for their iutrinsic- r iiurnb t ron.. A ver y {DiyalCrs"ttre eky - boyhood - Manitoba weather iý veyýas nresnrte ail be dcrher vicbtn ialtknai u ____________________________ - r- -r o-f frieaids spont ra jal~vice on Fmi-day erenings Dit 7.30 p. ni. grîi-nIpesn adt-een 'wsrpre îttre aswm a~ atitude. r4s. S.' G. Hallowell. .. ar-r 1h fhrit sern c N w as 'Ee an ber Z6th. Business is miuch affect- the west Ijill arnd St. George's Celme- We- ail join la -wisiring you rd n ___________________ cd by low prices of ilamar produce. tory. yonr fanlly a vei2y Happy and Pros- Grahai ofTomantoe, ttoloi 1-0P n da wil f ienshre.... Real goad _T P .rr. M. D. WiUliami wlio lias rend ________perous New Yenr, and mnay you have mnoftheri. wac had on -the ailternoo ai00,1 - The Statesman ereýr siace she began mn i nbhî i -i h~ u as Ti'e a-u -mî~c crerit is Chris- DecearI e Municipal Recew, con rewding new.spapers, writing firoinmogeainM,~ .Ala .O ra-ch Mte an rStew ret, for d(lu e ai ns th lrt c a tr al " uii Syracuse, N. Y., sa s: lTe ad fanil-j L UIU Park at'W. D , Ag. thein 'trin pa0.' h i a a a,~ or i nie r otng sac n eF I L- Iraiutip ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tan tahre . m ni e rt fibma hapter of towa.l r I

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