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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1924, p. 1

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With Which is Incorporated The Bowmanville News MY. A. JAMESI & SONS, ub'isters. JBUWMANV1LLIj, TJiURtSiAY, JAN. 17, 1924 $2.OO a Year In Advance big Cl"earing Sale 0F Ladies' Coats and Dresses ONE-THIRD OFF ALL THIS SE ASON'S LADIES' COATS ON E-QUARTER OFF 25% Off Ladies' Dresses Now In Stock We need not elaborate on the quality and style of these Coats and Dresses as they are high grade garments in every particular. Couch,ionston &Crydermain Dowmanville Fjaoe 104 LimItea The Shop That Leads NUARY ïrFURçeSALEi We are offering to the public of Bowmanville and vicinity oui- hîgh grade stock of Furs at Manu- facturers' prices. t will pay anyone to corne and have a look at these great reductions in Furs. There are a great variety of styles to choose from. Fui-s in this Great Clearance Sale include Sable, Marifn, Fitch, Hudson Seal, Mink, Beaver, Wolf and Coon, A few of the reductions include: 1 only, French Seal Coat, Australian Opposum trirnred, 38 bust, 40 incheps long, regular $235.00, Sale Price 165.00 1 large Sable Cape, Regular $85.00 For $6750 1 large Sable Cape, Regular $135.00 For $97-50 1 only, French Seal Shawl Cape, Regular $30.00, For $21.50 1 only, Manchurian Sable Wolf Stole, Reg $27.50, For $20.0 1 only, Natural Wolf Stole., Reg. $15.0 For $10.00, 1 only Natural Wolf Stole, Reg. $13.50, For $9.00 SPECIALS IN MEN'S WEAR this week we are offering: T oollen Scarfs ................ hrnere and Lisle ............. ed Ties ........... t and Serni Soft :es ................. lui and see these woi G. l3ownl -NEW COUNCIL TAKES OFFICE MAYOR HOLGATE'S ADDRESS PrQm-rptly at Il o'clock Monday To The Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Mert miorning the citizens-,eoinprisig the bers of Council and Citizenso niewly elected, Town Coqineil for 1924 took tiheir respective places au Bowmanville. the municipal board. The resullu Allorw me ta congratulate th of the elections were rend bSr the Counceil of 1924 for the honor ai Clerk John Lyle; J. P., nfter -Whicli confidIlee, hc your f ellow citi he administered the Oathi of Office zens have' bestowed upon yau b, ta each mem-ber. electing you: to the g-overning- bo<, The To'wn Couricil for 1924 coin- of our fair town. I hope that aio prises :-Mayor-T. S. Holgate; deliberations of the business affair Rýeeve-Milton J. Elliott; Deputy of the muiicipality will be conducte Reeve-Wmi. H. Thicksoii; Couneil- along the fines of progress but -wi] lors--Wmi. C. Caverly, Wmy. H. Car- the strictest econiomy. ruthers, J. O'Neill, deo. W. James, Ontehoinofheomn e Wm.H. eoJ.W. ynd.1 look with optim-ismi. We are lil The declarations having been ing in a land of opportunity but w, taken Mayor T. S. Holgate called on need the convictions tfrat we shoul Rev. S. C. Moore, B. Â, B. D., wbo not wait for Fortune t'a turn ti read the First Psali and Rev. E. N. wheel for us but that we should turi Baker, M. A., D. D., of Belleville,itorees who off ered prayer.1 torevs lIt-was then decided to adjourn BUsin ess in general over our Do the meeting tilI, evening, but bef are mninion is good, which, of course, hia doing so, on motion of Reeve El- a resultant effect upon the factorie liott and Coun. lIynds, a striking of aur Towýn, ihe imost of -whicl con-iiittee f Deputy Reeve Thick- manufacture »ecesities and not u x son, Couns. O'Neill and Jamres was un11es, wýhich tends to stability. appointLed ta bring ini a resolution Looking ta the future, 1 see wherE suggesting the Standinig Commiiittees this Council Board miust watch thE for tihe year at the evening session. expenditures with the keenest eye. A vote of t!hanks wýas accoizded Let me impress upon you tihe respon- Revs. Mr. Moore an.d Dr. Baker 'for sibility of each Comimittee, eacl the part taken in the opening cere- mnember of the Board keeping yi mionies. fingers upon the pulse of the expens The Mayor paid a fitting tribute: ditures whlch will ocur. ta Ex-Coinillor Lewis Cornishi of1 The General or Commn-unlty expen- Toronto wliq was in the audience by diture provides for the Iayment QI inviting ýhlm to oceupy a sent at tihe aur Fire Department, Police, Roade- council board which ha accepteçi. Mr. and Streets, Public Property, Pooi Cornish la now a residert of Toron- Relief, etc., whidle aur Debeniture, tao but came dawn jta Uowmanville toI Schools and Counity 'Rate are set by renew acquaintances and also visit1 other bodies over which this Board the sanctum where hie served the lias n'a control but which this Counc:l town so faithfully for nearly 80 ias ta pay. years. His advice ta ounceil was 1I would asic the chairi-an of each ta strive ta keep taxes down. committee ta watch very closely the At the evening session Maiyar Hol-1 expenditures of the maonies which are gate rend his inaugurai açidress, pub- allotte'd ta his departinont so liha lished in this issue. Couin. James value be roceived for the expendi took occasion ta complimnt the tures madle. Mayor on hîs spW-ndid address. With. I would suggest after the estimates out further comment business pro- are macle and'the rate been struck. ceedod. flhat no further grants be asked far iThe recommondation of the Strik- by the different departmnents, aiso ing Conmttee for the Standing aur Schiool Boards, s0 that, at the Coinmittees for 19-94 was adopte.d end of the year there w'ill be no fwithout a ripple of dissent or evi- deficit. Along this line 1 would 11ke dence af dissatisfaotion, as f ollows, ta pi-opose that Estimates and Peti- the first namied la each eommittee tions for Local lmprovement Worl being- the chairnan: ibe in the bands of the Caunceil by Fi-iance-Jam-es, O'Neill, Carruth- lthe month of June, so that ail will ers. Ibe taken into consideoeation when Publie Property-Thoiýessn, Caver- ctrîking the tax rate for 1924. y, yds. We have no way ta raiso this 1 Ronds and Streets--.-~Lli'att Tik oney except thru taxation and son, Caverly. prabably it would be a good time tso 1Fire Department-O'Neill, Thick- suggest a revision of the Town's as- son, Yeo. sessmients on a fair, equal and more Cemietery-Caveriy, Yoo, Thick- modemn basis w'hereby we could meet son. the expendituros, whichi seo ta bc Poor Relief-'-Ye'o, Carruthars,~ constaiitly increasing. H-ynds. It is ta be regretted exc:èedingly Police-Ctarruthers, Jantes, Elliotu. ta odtoswr uhta hr Waterworks-Hyrds, Oarrutliers, has yot been no Financial Statemont O'Neill. for the year 1923. 1 feel assurec Manufacturers--Mayor, Thickson, thant tle auditors' report will be forbh- James, Caverly. coming by the First of FeJbruary Court of Revision-Mayor, James, wich I expect will caver the trans- Elliott, Thickson, Carruathers. . actions of last year's business in de- Bowmanville Radio Club was given tail. permission to use the Committee 1Roam in Town Hall foar ihree mionths I would lilce ta caîl the attention at rental of $3.00. of aur citizens ta aur -wonderfu] Chaniber of Commerce Band was wvater system with which we are blest. given free use of Opera House for I is thbe purost and best e water, its sacred concert an _Sun'day, Jan-:and 1 would urge uponl citizens uary .13th.1 wherever possible that connections Application of C. A. Bartietit ta be made foôr the use of the Town iplace gasoline pumnp ln front of his -water. garage was referred ta Raads and We awn aur water systemi but tihe Streets and Public Property coin- debentures which wero issued forx mittees toacat. the conýtruction of the system are By-l'ws ore assd: athorzin not yet paid and the more cansumers miayor and treasutrer ta horrow $45,- there are the larger wil be aur mev- 000; appoîntmients ta Board of enue ta help mieet these debentures. Heaith; Dr. Johin Spe'ncer; M. H. 0., The supply af -water lsa ample to ac- Dr. B. J. Hazlewoad; Sanitary In- comimodate miany mare wh~o so desire spector, Chief Rd. Jarvis; High and is aisa ýdesirable from a public School Trustee, Dr. J. C. Devitt, for health stancipoint as shown fromi 3ý years; lease ta Durham Té_xtiles health records. Lim-ited at rentai of $200 per year, i aiso wish to draw the attention taxe ,ec.of the Board of Health to do every-1 By-law for appointmient of audïi-tin possible ta secure a Pure Milk1 tors was held over till niext mleeting supply for aur citîzens. 1 would to await re:ommiiendationi fromllFin- like ta Cee al'Ierds of cattle fromn anice Coittee. wýhioh mlk dealers secure their sup- tEng-ineer Palmer was instructed ply of rilk tested for ttlberculosis, ta write Governmient R-ig-hwýays De- aiso bottling plants, d1elivery wagonis, partment un reference to sidewaîksicontainers, etc., kept ln a sanitary on each side of Vanstone's Bridge condition, aind also that the i«-k be eni-tag-e of butter fat, so thiat aur, EDITORIAL BRIEFS ctien .ul b-garntedapureý product. O1lder residents of Darlington -wilil This is a veryý important question be pleased f'or the chance gvnthemn and 1 wouid like ta see the niecessary of looking into the faces of Mr. andl steps taken along this uine. Mrs. Win. Bunt of Kemible, former Our roads and'streets in Bowm-an- citizens of Hampton-on anl inner ville consist of many miles of higlih- pae.Way and the amount of m-oney ex-1 The best thanks- of the publishers penldeçi thereon does flot seemn ado-1 and editors. are extended to sub- quate to keep them in praper repair, sciibers who have when sendîng onlot alone construct new ones and 1 their subscliptions for 1924- r tnwouid like ta impress ulhe responsibil- a few words of appreciation o theity ýupon th Chairmian and Road good home paper we are publishîng. Comissioner to use niothing but the Their kind words hielp us on aur way. best of miaterials, tney wouici not 0e stayîng. 'llio n I lot us as miembers of the (executive board and citizeas co-operafte andj wvork togother to carry on the tra- 'ditions tbat have been laid clown by our pretiecessors la a manner wbicih shahl ho worthy unto them and ta the Commuaity la which we live and foi-m a part. Lot SERVICE heoaur slogan dur- ing the coming year performing 'aur respective djuties carefully and faitli-1 fuily, so that we may be wortihy of the confidence witb which aur towns- peaple bave trusteti us. Allow m ne, la conclusion, ta direct I youar attention ta the sentiment con- tained inl the following linos, which I think would ho a good i iea for each one ta bear in mind during the coming year: '<Baost for every forward movoment, Boost for evomy good impravemnent, Boost the Town for whom you la9ior, Boost the stmanger and the neighbor. Cease ta o b a chmoaic knocker, Cease ta be a progress bloaker, if yeu'd niake yourhorne tawn botter Boost hem ta the final leitter."1 T. S. Holgaw. LOYAL ORANGE LODGLE At the December meetinpg of Baov- mianville L. O. L. No. 2384, an C icial visit was paid by Wor. Bro. Sta, ord Swain, County Master for West Jur- ham, and Wor. Bro. Creig-hton L-vitt, Distri'ct Master for Cartwright' Dis- trict, who installed the officers ( ; the Local Lodlge for the year 19-4 as follows: Worthy Master-W. H Yeo; Dep. Master--Thos. Hayes; Chc plain -Andrew Gonneil; Rec. Sec'yý -T. Sellers; Fin. Se'y.-Ira Puý,rdy; Treas.-Jas. Gi; D. of C-R-d. Stretch; lat Lect.-H. Dadson; 2nd Lect.-W. Walsh. Committec -W. Johnson, C. Goodmnan, H. Henrings, L. Ifook, H. Hooey. Auditorý-P. M. J. Nokes, P. M. E. A. Jýones. The Canadian Statesnr:'-n ia $2.00 pa year -and worth it. Subscribe To-day 3 SUN4DAY'S SACRED CONCERT f ROTARY CLUB ORGANIZED i-Som-ething a little out of theO~ rd-: Mayor Holgate The First PresiJdent of mry as put on on Sunlday evening in t11rýhe Opera Ilouse after the That genuine spirit of service and ehurches were out xvxen a sacred goodfel$owship whl'ich bas pormeatedl le concert w\as g-ivon under auspices of the minds andi hearts of thou.sands 11d th~e Chamiber of Commerce Bandi. of citizens and bas reached inter-. ti- A cnpacity audienice fllled tihe buiid- national bouadiaries throughi the »y îng and a very excellent programl Rotarian idlea too'k tangible foimian ly wns presenteçi by the artists who s'a this town 'an Friday evening l1 Ur kindily assisted the Banld. when the Rotai-y Club of Bowmnan- rs Mm. T. S. Holgate, m-iayar-elect,l ville was organized. edi presided andc after a couple of num- For sanie weeks negotiation, have Ih o)ers by the Bandt under leadership of b een carried on by Messrs.- Wiiattaml Mr. H. C. Durgin, sacred solos were an d Young of Oshawa ail a suvey erspiendidiy sung by Mr. C. S. Hall- of thie business and prafessionnl men arnan,Mr R. M. Mitchell, M. H. J. of Bowmanville taken with the ap- e Knight, and Miss Helen Hynds of praval of the President of rotary Id Toronto. The solaists received very înentinl Idhearty applause and those present Itrainl seay they neyer heard themi sinlg bet- The procee'dings an Friday nigbit rin ter. In addition ta thle Bançi num- -wel'r e hl run h7etsr n bers, the Bragg Quartet i-endlered attractive banquet tables at t.he 0- pleasing ntumbers, andi our oaid musi- Bowmlan House and were conilucted as cabredyM.Je lpnyo-~ that prince of good-fellows, Mr. es tawa, .who is in town, ronderod' two J. L. Whattam, President of Oshawa ~cornet selections "The Rosary" and Rotai-y Club. Ho -%as assisted lu ~. A Perfect Day." Bath nuinbers the ceremonies by Messrs. J. C. indcatçitha Jo hs nt frgtte IYoung, F. J. Balles, C' N. Hlenry andi re iow to pflease and entertain an aud-. C. Ross of Oshawýa,* each glving leace. -Miss Hyn'ds who sang in St. vory interesting and inspiring aci- -oh' ilurch on Sunday, posse dresses la which the genera~l palicy n- la finle contralto voice andi was heard of Rotary was outlined. ,h ith mucli acceptance la bath naim- Considemabie enthusiasm waÏs ir1 bers. The admission was a silveir shown by the Bownianville men L collection but thoso prosent say the prosent la regard-- to tItis mattcr and pragramn was worth 50c.. Thbe ac- the club was immiiedlntely organized, canipanists were Mr. T. W. Stanley, ani got uînder way witthaut a hitch 1-Mrs. John A. Gunn, Miss Doncaster or fiaw of any kînçi. SuIFIcient 'f and Miss Leta L. Bragg. Mm. J. W. nie-mbers were secured ta abtain a Ïs Hynds thanked the audience for the chanter andi application for samne has )r splendid support givea the Band on already been macle. , this occasion. '~ Quite a numlber of The local officers elected are; ýy country f olk were notîced in the President-Mayor T. ,S. Hoig-ate; ci audience., Vice-Presideat--Dr. B. J. Hazle- il woad; Secretary-R. F. Aitchison; H-OME AND SCHOOL CLUB Treasurer-W. Claude Ives; Ser- :h ~geant-at-Aris-Gea. E. Chase. .e A most enjoyabie and highly ia- The chartered miembers of Potary structive meeting of the Home andl Club of Bowmanville, besicles the lSchool Club held la Principal John- ahove meationed, are: Dr. J. C. i- ston's room aon Wednesday, January Devitt, F. F. Morris, W, P. C orbett, 9th, had about 70 memnibers pros- D. R. Marrison, A. L. Nicholis, T. R. 51 ont. Meeting oponecl withl coin- I Right, Gea. W. James, G. R. Mason, miunity singiag after whichi the gen- C. T.Ross, C. Dickinson, F. C. Van- r ral business was gone through. Mrs. I stone andi G. A. Edmondstone. 0' W. J. Challis' paper on herul T ho history of Rottt'y lainret ie ness" was mlost iaterestiag. airs. 1In g. It was started in 190.5 hy 0 Alex. Coiville's solos were very Paul Rai-ris of Chiic(ago. lHe was a .e much eajoyecl. Mr. R. M. Mitcell,, college graduate aad'aftor gracluat- 1- address on "ThJiy and ItsCee" ing h api University travelled exten- k was, exceptianall 'hoouh na in- Sivly, fiaally settling clown la Ci- Y structive. We hop r icel e1 I wll avr te lubaga. Msscago. While practisîng lits pýofes- Dail faaorgthe club f he ReMis' sion there lhe feit the loeliness which Cros W ks Or iz ~er o t h Red caues ta a pei-on who is a stranger Crsi s kspes Mm G. H.ouncae n la a big city. After being ili Ch.i- s nurin R c nlas s , r.G.v a H oD adca go for same Dn i s.ho visited bis d ofR chmand said veaurCubcmad-aid home tawn la Veniont wliere he favom a abl i heone inub theiren.faund everyone calling his neiglibor ;- fvrby%7itthonin-hi o\,.by bis first nane, and seemingl-, tak- e Refreshmients were served by thie ingafinl aseti h el r t el ces ________ of his aieighbors and i lteîr failieb. lie thereupon coacoived tie icea 01 HIGH SCHOOL NOTES carrying the village spirit of frJidli. T aess inta the big cities and on bis e Monday aight the InteT-C'llegate retuma ta Chicago he laid the mnatter b hockey season got lunder way ln befare a few of his friends. At 1 Bd'vmaiiviIle when thie local students first they met ia one another's places -defeatedi Oshawa High School by 6 of business la whîch eaoh li ook tui-ns y toi. Bath teams played their hiard- as host. Eventually the club grew -est ahl through and set a fast paýce, too large for this way of mieeting -so that tihe gamle created lots of ex- and thçy met for lunchean in hotels citement la spite af the score. Osh- and re staurants. The ane "Ro- awa teani was nat at f ull strength tary" was selected because they ro- 1and was clearly out-played la every tated from place ta place. departmeat, especially shooting at wbvich te locals excelled. Jamie- The first Rotai-y Club was organ- son gat the only goal f or Osha-wa, and iz ed la 19 05. Ia 1910 theme weye s was tieir star, whiie the B. H.S. 16 clubs. Ta-day there are over players wore ail good andi workedj 1,500( with a miembership of 96,000. well together. Pointen playod aj The Rotary motta is "Hie Profits god gaine on the defeace, ancl/James jMast Who Serves Best". Its mni- macle a nuniber of difficult stops la bership is formled an the uique plan the nets, The Bowmanvîlle team of one active and representative man seemls strong enough to ho a Con-' fi-rn each lino of business aadl pro- tender for the Cup. Two goals were fession la the camimunity. scoreçi for B. R. S. by Fennell, while TeprosanibetsoR- Williams, Osborne, Poînten and R. They arp osesn ourae and cfsto- Cale got one each. The score by ()- eieaof'ric'as the periotis was 1-0, 3-1, 6-1. The B 0w- basis of ail worthy entorprise; (lb)- mlanville teamn lineti up as fallows: higqh ethical standards in business Gol--Stuant' R. James; defence- and professions; (c)-tho appIination W. H. Pointen and Joilhn Colo; centre of the ideal of service by every- Ro- -ami-y Osborne; winigs-ElI'wood tartan to bis personal businiet and Feaineîl and Orville W\illiamis; subs- cnmuiylfe d-h d-ýlp Raymondl Cole and Erniest Roach. runt1fe;(-he delp mient of acquaintance as an ,,ppor- tunity for service; (e)-the ree.ogni- tain to oui- faimrton, ecause Bo.. tion of the worthiness of all -seful manvllewiththi fas sevice *11occupations vand the cdignifyi. z by manvllewit ths fst ervce iIýeach Rotai-ian of his occupation as an be as convenient ta the business dis- opportunity ta serve society; ;f)- triet of Toronto as mlany of the outer! the advancemient of uiidersta-: jing, parts of the City are at the present1 good-wTill, and international pence timne. 1 througbi a world f eilowship of busi- Ina1iis way business mon xvth ness antid prafessional mon unitet(linl familles may live in aur mnidsat enj oy-1 the IRotary id'eal of service. in1gthe best privileges of if e inij Bawmianville Rotary Club wihl liold evemy w-ay anti not be bandiicappeti its next mi-eetingl on Fi-iday, January as t<hey are ln the lai-gem centres. 18, at 6.4.5 p. m., when abo - 50 We have a gooti Towni-thie best! Oshia-%7a Rota-as are coing ow Town in this worid for t1ie pLopleO to show the lacal miemibers h ra -who livo,. and have tiheir homols Ratai-y Club shouiti eonduc1 ha among us. If it wasn't I a., surelwel uceas $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 8 MLL Di m lit il týl eM7

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