Eat Plenty of Meat Ieep that physical furnace of yours going with the proper sort of meat-fuel. Folks ing a lot of talking nowadays about the ix' of calories ln an ounce of food. Buy your here and you'll get ail of the purity you :)king for ai-d your allotted -number, of cele- calories. We Make Delivery In The Mornings ~ .Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. 21 Bowmanville uLYJ g 2StOri& You Buy Tailored Clothes.. Why Not Buy Tailored Shoes? 11 Choose a tailored suit, because it is made choice material, by skilled hands, and is to your size in a style that suits you. rexactly the same reason, you should buy -made shoes. Astoria, Alk-Leather Shoea are tailor-made--to your si ze, and in -~styles that suit your foot. Astoria material is flawless. Asixria Shoes are made faultlessly. Good shoes, like goôd clothes, wear longe-the value is there. COPELAND SHOE STORE Bowmanville Z?_ BUY IT FRESH DAILY Every day you will ffind plain and fancy baking iour store which wilil appeal to every appetite. Some fresh every day and the best ingredients [ways used. Buy once and you become a regular customer. OBS & HILLYER Christie's Bakery Bowmanv ille FORLONG & CO. INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS 11 King St. E. Oshawa Phone 144 HAMILTON KUTCHENER Money SA your suirplus funds are invested, you may be embarrassed for ready m oney in an irný. ediate emergency. eney in a Savings Account in1 this Bank, is ways available to meet the unexpected nýeed. STAmN DAî-cpii- BAN K D o o o o BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 17th., 1924. Dr. D. S. lloig-, Oshawa, entertair ed the mnedical profession, the Hos pital Board and the graduate nurseý at the Nurses' Residence on Frida- niglit. The sýpacious roomns wert veýry attractive withi igh lts and flow ers and made a pretty settïing foi the guests. Mr. S. S. Bragg and Mr. W. J Bragg, M. P. P., attended the fun- eral'of the late Thomas Bicle, (3an- ton, whose remains -were interred in WeLconhe Ceme(tery on Saturday. Týhc late Mr. Biekie (died at the residènce of his daughter, Mrs. F. W. Gay, Winnipeg. Thursdlay the O'Keefe's Brewery was ifined $200 and costs at Ux- bridge before Police MHagistrate Han-ilton. The fine was imposec for t-wo charges of seiling liquor, once on October 16, an'd th>e second for a similar offenlce on November 26l. Li- cense Inspector C. A. Mason laid the information.-Ontario Reformer. Bowmianville citizetis had more than a casual interest in the mnuni- cipal elections in Oshawa with Johr Stacey, a native of Darlington and W. J. Trick, a Bowmanville boy, both running for Mayor, and Georg,'e Hart and R. D. Preston, former resi- dents of this town, candlidates for council. General John Hughes and Capt. F. C. Palmer, Town Engineer, were in Oshawa Thursday night attending the banquet given by the offlie'ers of the 34lth Regirnent of Ontario Coun- ty. General Hughes proposed the toast, "The Town of Oshawa" and Capt. Palmner re-,pondedc to the toast, "The Ontario Regiment". Cornelia -warns youxig ladies agaînst leap year proposais bec-ause that to do her own proposing de- prives a female forever of her most satisfying comeicback: "Why did you ask me to marry you, when you don't know how to treat a wvife?"I Also of that other comeback: "Everyfbody said I could have done much bette! -~but you wouldn't let me alone !" Word has been received here of the death of J. A. Young, a resident of Toronto for several years. Mr. Young was at the head of the Old Durham Ribber Works liere for sev- eral years and was well known to those in the rubber trade thruout the Dominion. Deceased was in Lis 83id year. The funeral took place, t oMount Pleasant Cemietery, Toron- Ito. Miss Jessie Panton, B. A., Oshawa, in addiressing the Preshyterian W. M. S. pointed out that the last Can- aan census showed that the greater portion of Canada wýas nominally Christiani, b ut that a great miany of the peopfle were not active Christian workers and ciaimied that the th iee gj eaýt factors in Canadianizing and assiîiiating newscoivers were:1 The Schiool and Tealcher; 2, The Ho- pital, Doctor and Nurse; 3, The Chiurch and1( the Bible. Most for the mnoney and quality the best is what, you get i asuit or overcoat at Couch, Johnston & Cry- clerman 's. There is interestitig reading for every sportsmian in the Feb,,ruairy is- svd2 of Rod and Gun in Canada, in- cluding as it dioes stonies and artic- 1 es eln with derand rm-ooseý, hunting, flshing and canoeing, phio-1 "' amuion talks on Out- door if e, articles on Vrapping,-, and j an in!,eresting kennel departmient. " A Dîary of he Limberlost andHutn Cl'ub" by Haiold Tariton isaod accoant of this fiourishing cu n is -written in an originalstye.Bon- I nyatsDais the wsl" l kn1own Can1a- diani naturalist of Nova Scoia con- tinues bisaril on "Camejaa Hunt- ingl before Vhs season .,,011openls in No0v a Scotia" which: is witten wi tl, the aiuthior's sase scand ability which matke his conitributions outstaading. Gun s andci Ammunition is parriculanly large thîs iuonth wiLh first claýss artics byv E. T. -D. Facs Ashdey A. Haines, Fred J. Siff, andt a lange numiben of quanies and ans-wers. f 1? I f AUCTON SALE Vict oria County Herefordý ns' Association 6th annual M head, 12 males, 12 fe- Stock inspscted bv H1-. D. Sac., Caniadian Hereford' ýrs' Association. Date of 'ednesday, Januak-y 30, 1924, M. Place, Fanni-ing's'Sale Lindsay, Ont. Auctioneers, nd Ted Jackson, Port Perry. sthe time Vo geV a bard or a fine young heif er or a bnee'ding cow. Catalogue lication. Geo. W. Taylor, -cs. obcaygeon R. E* orPresident, Bobcaygeon,, 1- s y e n i.' il :1 Ji Read this weelk's advts and seE where you cýan save the miosil money. Mlrs. T. Wesley Cawker spent thE week-end withh friends in Cobourg. Sound the loud timbrel! We arE not going to have a winterless winter, after ail! Mr. Everett Coiwill, Toronto, re- cently visiteid his aunt, Mrs. W. R. Willian-s. Why give shields3 to juvenile ora- tors? Nobody seemns to be threaten- ing- to throw things at them. Why a club for unhlappily married menl Surely the tirfte-honored-, roll- jing-pin funct-*ined -weli enough. MmI?,. Thompson m(ld Mr. Sheriock Thiompson, Toronto, have been gue.sts of hier sister, Mrs. W,. B. Tapson. Penny B3ank deposîts ini Bowmian- ville Public schools for September -was $8.3 for October $251.26- pretty good record. Mr. John J. Turner won The May- oralty of Peterboro in a three-cor- nered field with a majority of 900 over both his opponents, a coiimpiete Lurnover from -1 921, w,,hen he was defeated by Wi. H. Taylor by 33 votes. Bay of Quinte Winter School is in sesýs'in this week at Cobourg,. No- tice of saine oniy reached this office after The Statesajan was printed and mailed. Sessions continue Vo Sundav evening. An able lot of speakers willi ;ake part.1 -ACCIDENT AT THE GOODYEAR Tbis accounit of th~e tecible Ipac- cident at the Goodyear Wrsap- epeýars in Orono News frornire Bow- - manville Correspondent: A ver r -ocking accident occurred at Good- year Works on Friday evening, Jan. *4, ýabout 5.30, two Hydro employees iwiere installing an electric meter in tlhe Electrie Departmient -when a er- iffic explosion occurred, causing the *power to shut off and the lighits tc ,.,go out. Emnployees rushed clown tc, 1find the two mon herribIy burned otheir hands, arn,ýa andfae 3for and Drs. Storey anrd lazlewood wer'e seoon on the spot. F irst aidl was furnished by the laboratory ai Dr. Haziewood soon hadl one on the way to the hospital. Stretcher bear- ansý carried the othreýr mari into the shipping- rooni where ho was taken 7 in charge by Dr. Stoney. Ini the mllahtinie Morris' ambulance anrived a'd the terribly injured man taken Vo the hospital where at last accounits both patients were resçting somnewhati casier. The nature of th&~ accidenti we have not learned, but Hydro offi- ciais were investîgating. On e of the men wone giasses, and ona can m agine what they had to bear a the rnims of the glasses -were mieted with the heat and the fiesh literally coolç- ad. _________ A WONDERFUL ESCAPE At least five people in Port Perry have very great rasnto be thank- fui that they are alive to-day. Just how theyr escaped sudden death or serious injury is one of those mys- i tenirous mniracles that enter our live1s and intervene at tim;es of great dangr A panity of fv-Msr Jas. Ruddy rPercy Ingrnm, Dr. -McMaster, Samuel iFarmier and Wmi. iah ,w-eetk ing a niotor trip to Toronto on Wed- n1esdaiy last. The- car was a heavyl fStudlebaker. When a short distancei -outh of Myvrtie sain a stretch ofi glane ie was encounteTred. The car' slsïewed ainl the driver, in trying to right it, nossd into the ditch; to the right of the road, anothen slight turm broughit the car parailel to the ra and facing in the opposite direction toehc the car ha)d been g-oingý. Then it tipped comipletely over 'until it w'as upsijde down. Very fortuaately he diltchwa deep, and the sida of the car caught on ths e of the ditch so thait it did n-rot settle fiat on Vh round.11,a( this not been the cas threis littîs doubt that the' oc-_cupnts of tho car would have been' kîilied or suniously injurieý(d. As i t waal W(?-, able to cra-wl out; and, nlhug ater danys brought mc sorenless thene -wasý no serious injury szustained by any person. "'le topi of the car and the wi nd- shvlVere c.m (21sy destroyedj otbeprwise thle car de not sueem Vo have been badly d amagedl. The Canadian-Statesman is $2.0 Oa year -and worth it, Subscribe To-day SKATING Band at TAYLOR'S ARENA Bowmanville Tuesday, Thursday andi Saturday Evenings SUNIGH--T SO.t 10 cakres LIFEBUOY SOA 3 cake-s - PLANTOL TOIt 3 for - RINS(O Large package PINSO SmalI package LUX Package - QUAKER QATS Smailipackage QUAKER GATS Large round pac WINTER WEDDING Stutt-Henry The' marriage took place in St. An. drew's Presbyterian Ch'urch, Co- bourg, at 2.30 on Wednlesdlay alter- nooe, January 9, of Miss Elizabeth Jane Henry, ordy daughter of _Mr. and Mrs. 1). F. Henïy of Cobourg, Vo MAr, James Ross StLutt of Bowmailn- ville. R ,e v- D. W. Best, Powmîîan- ville, officiated, asýsis-ted by Rev. W. A. re. The bride, -Who was unaiýttenû(ed,, wore a hecoming gowýn of naivy canton crepe and navy and ýsilve2r lbat, and carried Opheliaroses. Onîy a f ew near relatives were prus- ent Mr and Mrs. Sutteftfor a, trip to the Northwe-st before taking,- up residlence in Lowmaniville. ICOUNTIES COUNCILLORS j924 MiilbrookI,-Reeve W. T. Wood. SeymIour-Reeve, George Vanl Vol- keniburg; Deputy Reeýve, P. B. Nais oný Darlingtoni-Reeve, W. R. Courtice Deputy Reeve, C. W. Souch. Neýwcastle-Reeve,Dr. J. A. Butler Hastings-Reeve, Walter M. Fçywlds. Cartwright-Reeve, T. F. Bruce. South MNonagl-hin-Reeve, Alex. Anderson. Coaýoujg-Reeve, W. J. Corbett; Deputy Reeve, Harry McGuire. Coliborne--Reeve, R. J. Clarke. Harnlton-Reeve, R. G. Holds- worth; Deputy Reeve, W. J. Jibb. Haldman-RevePeter Haig; Deputy Reeve, A. R,.ceze Brighton Tp.-Reeve,Sam iiMcCoIl; Deuy Reeve,II. Redal. Manves-Reeve, L. H. Staples; Deputy Reeve, S, Stinson. Bowmnanville-Reeve, M. J. Elliott; Deputy Reeve, Wm-. H. Thickson. Cainpbellforrdi(-Peeve, C. Diavid- son; Deputy Reeve, J. L. Dorie. Port Hlope--Reeve,, H. H. Hold- away'; Deputy Reeve, R. J. Edmunds. Hope Township-Reeve, H. B. Lawson; Deputiv Rýeevý-, Montford Wilonl. Percy Township-Reeve, John Mc- Cubbin; Deputy Reeve, W. H. Nel- Soni. Ckarke~ Township-Re)ýve, MI. J. Hlo lian ; Deputy Reeve, Thos. Pat- terson. Cramahe Townshiýp-Reeve, S. TH. Clarke; Deputy Reeve, L. C. Mur- phy. M4urray-Reeve, N. Hartt; Dep- uty Reeve, W. F. Elliott. Cavan-Reeve, Jas. N. McCamus; Deputy Reeve, D. Robinson. . - le 2 for 25C- TIONMILK-l6oz.caqn WLITE SATIN PASTRY FLOUR-24 pounds - SPECIALLY PREPARED BULK COCOA-2 1-lb. bags RICHMELLO COFFEE Dominion Stores Exclusive Brand--1 pound tin - RICEMELLO xCOFFEE 33 ~pound tin -- KKOVAH CUSTARD--25 KKOVAH CUSTARD -29 Large tin 2c - DOAiïnlon tores, LâIIte Canada 'a Largeat Retail Grocera 'I 1923 A YEAR 0F ACCIDENTS Bowmanville and suroundingeoun- ry bas had a remarkable nunibar of accidents the past year and it is saiçl Sthat last year stands out in history of compensation in this Province as the year in which thare wera more acci- dents reporte'd to the Compensation Board than aver before. Ia 1ý2.3 there wera 61,109 accidents report-ý, ed by industry to the Board, of which' 379 wera fatal. These figures, on the basis of accident frequeneiy, con- trast unfavoarably with the 1922 figures, when 50,411 accidents weref rèportad, of which 418 wee aal. The only consolation inl the report îsi the f act tha increase is in accidents 'of a more minor nature.: pV 1923, the largest nambar of acc ide ntsI reported was in 1920 when there were 54,851. In 1923 benafits awarded amoun-ý ted Vo $6,173,761.74; in 1922 Vo $5,1 692,896.61, and in 1,921 Vo $6,189,1 263.49. No one will quarrai withi [the pinciple of compensation but tewhoie community may reasonably stand aghast at the thought that accidents in in'dustry in oaa Prov- ince of Canada are cosnting six mill- ion dollars a year, plus losV product- ion and lost wag-es which miay aasily double that figura. Most accidents are prevenVable-a littie cana, a ~litle forethought, a littia commn-on-senisa, ýwil prevent thousands of accidenits and reduce both human suffering- and money losses. An average of 204 accidents ne- ported eveny day in1 1923 Vo the Workm-en's Compens;ation -Board calîs for 'direct action by m-anagement and 1men to assist in raducing these fig- unres nmateniallyfo194 Radr will you help? ,_for_192.____ tr West Urarn MEETING West DrhaniAgricultural Society Saturday, January 19th. The annual meeting of West Dur-l ham Agricultural Society wiil be held in the Council Roomi, Bowmanivilie, on Saturdlay, January 19:th., 1924, at 1 p. mi. sharp. Election of off- -cers for the ensuing year and re-1 ports of thle society -will be presenit-, ed. Every memirber is urgently re- quested to be present. M, J. Elliott, J. G. McCIeIIan, Presidlent. Secret.ry_. PAINTING AND PAPERHÂANGINGi 1 arnl prepared to do0ali lkinds ofi paiting, ppra.igand decora-i t ingl General contracting. Esti- atgîven. Lewi's E. Rowe, Elgin Street, North, Bowmanville, P. O.1 Box 55. 2-t__ OPTOMETRY R. M~. MITCHELL IRegistered Optomnetrist byl examination. Eyes examin-1 ed by the latest methodsi and most modern instru-1 ments. R. M. MITCHELL & CO. Druggists & Qptometrista B*Wmanville (Phone 92) Ont. Always the Best We know our customers are particular about the mieat the-y eat. For that reason we always buy ther best that is iw the market. It must be up to the highest stand ard--young, well fed and pre- pared uinder sanitary conditions. That's what Dùd(ley's Meat is alwiays tender, juicy and full of nourisfrment. Let Dudley be your butcher for 1924. Wilbert J. DJudley Horcey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville Seasonable Goods 1'Reasonably Pticed We1 prices. wanting: Hand Hoci Tobogan have wvhat you want and at the lowest Hiere are somne of the goods that you are dI Sleighs Horse Blankets cey Skates key 'Sticks Snow Shoes, etc. No trouble to show the goods even if you are flot ready to buy just yet. Mason & DaIe's Hardware Phone 145 Bowmanville Robes Mitts Il FRESH MILLED ROLLED OATS-6 pounds - KEÏLLEIRS LITTLE CHIP MIARMýlALA DE --LEMON and OAG-Gasjar 25 EAGLE BRAND COHQE ?5 SALMION -2 1,ýlb. tins- EAGLE BR-ANU COHOE 1c SALMON -1 lb, VLin - - I Every hou,,sewife kno'vs she can! save monleY at any one of the DOMINION STORS. That is one reason why we have a million customers each week. Another reason is DOMI1NION quality. It is a1 comfort to knovi that you can'V go wrong in anything you buy at your groce-ry. EveryVhin-g on our shelves is of as high a quality as you can buy anywhere. Hene you flnd the nationally konbrands you have bought for years. H7ere also you will find our ow;n speciai brands, of high quality and low pnice. You will dlo better at the red front DOMINION STORE. " 75c CLARK'S POIRK & BEANS IN CHILI SA-'UCE 2 f0 3 No. 13tVin ~ET SOA - 25cIN CHILI SAUCE- PRZACTICALLy PEELED V3C PEACHEIS--Pound - q - St.CHAPLES or C.AR NA- Z fer i c TION MILK Bazby aize 3 ,o ckage 1 4 1 i