O1BflUARIES - Dlr. G. P. Sylvester, Torünto Early Sunday inorning in Welles- ley Hospital, Toronto, the c1§ath oc- curred of Dr. Geo. P. Sylve4§îof 79 Isabella Street. Deceased, 'V<> ,Owas 71 years of age, had been il1 for sev- rai days; and was opeîated Oh Satur- day afteinoon. Dr. -Sylvester was born in Bow'manville, and ïýceived his early~ education at Dr. Tassie's sehiool in Glat. H1e then ýitten(id Trinit~y Univ.ersity. H1e Ptacti'd first in Gaît, coming to Toiotnto in 1894, wheie he subsequentlY attain- ed prominence as a surgeoj. 1He continued in this branch of îhe pro- fession until about 7 years ago when he retired fîom active practice. Dr. Sylvester rwas a member of the Gran- ite Club and the Royal Canadlian Yacht Club. He was an Anglican, a memben of St. Paul's Churehl, Bloor Street East, and a member of Zet- land Masonhic Lodge. He leaves a widlow who was Miss Reid, daughter of the late Richard Reid Of B&wman- ville, and thee daug-hters, Mrg. Frank P. Sînallpiece, Calgary; Mrs. E. U. Rieid, Canton, China; and krs. E. Harvrey Ellis, Toronto. Richard Guthrie, TorontoÂ~IGONLUNI will be taken). Following a brief iliness, Rlichard1 Gutirie diod Sunday at bis home, 17:3 Town Hall, Hami-ptoni, Jan. 14, 1924. Westmoreland Avenue,' Tor onto, ia Inaugural mneeting of counceil. HAMPTON his 95tI yoar. Mi. Gutlnie was Meinbers elect having taken usual born in Irelanci, anrd came to Ton- declarations ofofce the regular Mi. and Mis. C. W. Souci enter- ente about 70 yoaa-s ago. Foi many work of counceil proceedred, Beeve W. tained the members Of the Council years he was a gardener in wiat is R. Courice, presiding. at dinner on Monday .... Sory Vo now the northw\ýest section of the Minutes of lest meeting weie reaci, lain that Mis. R. Katerson las been -cityv. Mr. Gutinie was a Molihodist, approved and signed. quite il. . Young people have ýbeen anci attended Westmoreland Meti- Ontai et fPbi .gra,,ejyn ktn nfi ed odist Churci. Bis wife died about tnio% e iptof ublic ihîaysenjhoyig sekin n e o rnd. 35 years ago, and le is surivyd by acnoiged rcein ant oifoxp9ndtur hC.o WHahe tindn ie ofMi numb three sons: James of Dixie, Ont.; onhgnwys n Djliyt foR193. is..W. Haigsqut anuero Alfredi and William of Toronto; e Chas. Gariard askod permission tVoenjonyec Rev D W. esV'the rmdon daugiteus, Mis. George Watson of cu-, dow%,n trees at lot 14, con. 8. Re-1 every word being ;perfectly distincet Dixie, Ont.; Mis. Thomas Raiston, ferned to.Corun. Williams. . ... Mi. and Mis. Enoci Stevens lad Tloronto; Mis. D. Montgomery, Ton- CQuncil decided to procure mater- word last week that their son in Vie ~onto; Mus. G. N. Tlurston, Bowîman- ial for building Orchard bridge at West had been soverely hurt by a ville; and Miss Louise G., Toronto; lot 19, con. 6. falling ...e.... .Glad Vo ses such a aiso 31 grand childien and 21 great By-laws were passeci appointing good attendance at Sunday School,l grandchildren. Auditors, Local Board of Healti and 160 being presont on Suaiday last.. Mr. Gutirie was boîn in Sligo Sheep 1nspeictors, F. J. Groat and . Church service Sunrday ovening County, Ireland and came to Canada H. F. Osborne as auditors, Beeve was in the interests of the Bible So-1 in 1852. He is believeci te be Vhe Courtice, H. Foîguson, M. B., (m. ciety... .Mr. Albert Martin las aic-I oldest Orangeman in Toronto being O. 1H). and A. Hogarth, with F. G. cepted 'tic position as caretaker ofj a meinher of Kin1g William the Third Kerslake as Saitary Inspector, as the Puiblic S'chool. ý..Miss 1. K.I Lodge L. O. L. and turne.d out for Vie Local ,Board of Health, and S. A. Smith, Bowmanville, visited at Mi.ý July muster last yean as usual. North ott and Harold Skinner, Geo. White's.. A number of the' Th uealto lcet t Sheep Inspector. Rugi Sclool pupils fîom here miss-i TJam s er tok plsyace o St.e acknowlodged recoipt of ed several days scihooling ýowmng to whici Mn. E. R. yhrtn town, was $4.00 from C.I uniford rent ofth arod... M.HwdPic a-iaer od 1923 and 1924, and $2 . 00 fromî visited at Mr. F. G. Kerslakes .... a______________ Miss Reva McG-ll visited at Mn. L. A. H. Brent for cernent. 1ncos M.MolyBsig AUNT'S ADVICE TO MOTHERS Orders drawn on Treasurer were: andi Mr. F. Tienoutli have returned IF. L. Byami, nails...... .... $ .48 Vo Detroit. ... Mis. H. Wilcox is vis. Nover was btter advice offered to A. H. Moore, gravel..........-7 5 iting in Bowmanville ... . Miss Lîllie a mother Vian oui ýdeai, gooci, wise, Jos. Irwin, statute labor 1923 4.001 Tienouti las returseci home fromr practical odi unty gives toe lier T) E Rutley, statuts laibor 1928ý 5.00 visiting at Maple Giove .... Miss B. nieces. For, the sciool teacior A. Nichlls, giavel.......... 5-25 Leach, Zion, visiteci at Mn. F. J. tieîe is a valuaible lesson, too, as A. Martin, statute labor 1923 20-001 Groa's,... Miss Launa Virtue is in well as for any oViers 'wio have the G. Talcott, statuts labor 1923 21.001 Toronto... .Mr. ssci Mus. F. G. Keis- care or direction of childien. This G. Trevail, statuts labor 1923 28.0û,Ilake enteitained a number of 'Che is Aunt's adv,-ice: M. Wilkins, statute labor 1923 47.00 Young people on Wedinesay nigiht. Irritaility is a germ-like poison P. A. Langmnaid, W. F. Bonus 4.50 Everyone lad a most enjoyable time. that crsops into oui minds almost Jacks Bros., W. F. Bonus... 5-003 . . Mr. S. Martin is vistisg at Mr. unnotieed, and hen grows ustil it S..A. Noithcotit, sieep inspect- Albert Mstin's. , . . Cossider this becomes the boorish eharacteristic, ion ........... 7.80 your invitation te spenci a social ill-teiripen. Do't surrender Vo it. Grand & To J td, minute ovening in the basement of Vie If Yeu find yourself making moun- book..................... 6.15 churci on Tuesday, January 22nid. tains out of mole-buIs, or fiownming Municipal World, supplies ... 6.889 No admission foe. Jus-t a piograsi, and frettisg voî sniali disagreeabie Grant Sick (Jhildren's Bo.. . 10.00 refreshments and a social commun- things, pull yourstlf up short You W. R. Allun, Tp. Clerk. ity gathoring. If you live in oui canses easily allow youiself Voelie- _________________ comm-îiunity or are visitisg hoeeho on conme iritated oves whon you are band at 7.30 p. mi. and you will be sIoes. Yeu grow impatient over in- se mu~ch btter and mako tiem love welcoined by the ladies of Vie significant things; tien quickly it ordenliness by eaching lt in a gos- Women's Inistitute. Hainpten Young r follows Viat yen imagine otirr Ve way and at tierS ngît time. Trip- psoplo's League meeting was in Vhilgsarae expressly happening te ping tiers up -whren Vley aie full cf charge of oui Missionnny Dept. and annoy You. Socs you will finci happiness andi joy by angny iemind- oponeci witi Miss Louise Joins in yourself watching eut for those or, w\ill osly make tiem detest the 1clair. Sculpture lssson was read thinga that irritiate asci vex. Tien very ides of order. Take an inter- by Mi. Howard Price; topic, s chap- all ssch things that are brigit andi est in what Vley wish Vo show Yeu er from oui study book "»What and happy aie blnnred in consequence. tien ask theni n a casuel way-as te wiri is God", was splondidly takien If Vie littîs oses are healtly andi a "giown up"--to dlean up Vie mess by oui Pastor, Bey. W. W. Jones; happy, wly fuss over thein litter, or they have usade-. If they find hs Di, E. G. Kersiake anci Miss Ruth tIe little sciapa. of dirt hey bring have Vo replace what hey have pull- Johns playerd a violin duet accmn- isto the , rooms? Be blinci te suci I d out cf place, sud tiat you only! panied by Miss Helen Joins et Vie trivial things, anci be only toorO rason without anger tiey will see piano; Miss Elsie Langrpaid gave a tbanlcful yen have tiers te plague it in your light andi be mois careful'msinî reading and Vie meeting r Yeu. t is unkinci and ungesorous te save thomsî'ves extra trouble an-1 closed wit hs Mizpai Benodictioij. toelie always on Vie look-out for the otler timo. ]nstesd cf boing ir-* .Mn. Alex. Cooper cf hs Hamlp- troblethy semVo aue ynse tated tiy and thisk cf iV as s lessntn naey, spent Vie week-end Viat you are theref oie contisually Vo yourself te enalble you Vo study! wiVi fniends at New Bamburg. ciiding tîem. You are losing suci Vhs childreh' and hr5lp'you Vo control j a lot by doing se. You will sot yourself. Rememiber, too, tat elMost for Vie mrosey asnd quality nmake thom tidy anci orderly-of nvoid early od age you must forbid' he best is what yen geV in asuit or which you are se anxious-by nag- irritability the ieast chance te creepi overcoat at Couh, Joînston & Cry-I ging at tiýer. Yeu coulci traun them edgewise into your character. derman's. 249 Special EX-REEVE 0F DARLINGTON PASSED TO REST Mr. Richiard Pascoe, S.oiina Anctier cf the old settiers cf Vie towsship cf Darlington pasacci toe ot on Tuesdlay, Januaiy 8, in Vis peison of Mr. Richard Pasce. Ho lad gio'wn ni) witl thbe country, saw Vhs many changes that science andi in- vention lhad w1ought in ail those clanging yearis. Most cf lis life was spent iirý.eVis township excopt so e yars on Scugog Islandi and ln Mariposa. He resideci at Enfield for miany years and was a prospereus farmerý but on ths deatl cf bis wife nmoved1 te Solina sud laVer married again.1 Be lad been Councillor a nd Reeveý for severai years asud senveci Vhs township faithfuliy anti te gooti att- vantage.i Heoabncibos in failing health for ovor a year but recovened for soeo meontis. Some Vwo weeks ago l was agaîn taken clown and in bis weakenedi condition le was unabre teoi withstand the illuss. D)eceaseci -was cf a veuy ciserfuli husbanci and fathýer andi wss muci nespeceteci anti beloveci by a very widie acqusintanceship. Bey. Mr. Mausi, Niagara Falls, conducteci Vie fuserai services ou Thursdlay at. Owiing te obler sicksess in Vie bouse, tibe fuserai was private. The ro- mains were laid to rost ln Vie Acivont1 buiying greunci at Solina Vo awsit Vhs call cf Vhs rosuirectios mers. Bis grandacans were bis psu-boni- eus. Besicles is sorrowýýing widow, ler leaves Vires sons Herman L cf East Whitby; Leslie C. of Enfielci; andi Ellis cf Brooklin; ssi-id onedaugîhter, Mirs. Chaules Maekey, BrooklsV o' mourn bis passing esides two broti- ors andi two sisters. Decesseci was in bis 82nd year. TO RICHARD PASCOE iFrienci of mny boyhood, Comuade cf youti, Type cf wise manlooed, Lover of truti; Uncler the staî-sky Qften at nigit, We planneci togethen To fisci clear ligit; -Light Vo nmake btter Our lives sud lie, Tins Vo oui higiest Dick, you sud me. Rairest of tiessuies 1 founc in ayou; Your friendship gave mie Joy ever n'ew. Deati coulci sot rob me Dick, al your best, Still is part of me, Thougi you'ue at îest. A shah snot mours, Dick, You weîe se tins; I shall rejoice, Dick, Ever for yon. James L. Hughet 47 Dundosalci St, Ttoronto n I i 1 ýj, Miss Mabel Jackson returned froni a visit in Detroit accompanied byý hier cousin, Mr. R. Job1b, wlio is visit- ing fîiends around here ... iss Jennie Gordon is visiting fîiends in LToonto. ... Mi. Fred Crawford re- turned from a visit in Toronto.. Mrs. John Sameils let a stick of woodi fali on her foot which leaves itl prerty sore ... . Mr. R. H. Suggitt has at last found water in his new well having gone fifty feet for it .... In- teresting services were held in Northi Nestieton churcli last week which took f orm of discussion groupa diseus- sing things vital to the interests of the church and comniiunity. They wvere hehi by Rev. R. G. Caruthersl and will ho continued this -week -when1 Rev. R. T. Richards of Cavanville, wiil assist. ..Rev. Mi. Cairuthers gave us a splendid sermon on Sundayl on "What nmust 1I(Io to be Saved"'? ....Mi. and Mis. Arthur Malcolnm of Lem-sford, Sask., are visiting friends in Cartwrig2ht and Port Perry. Mrs. Malcolm has contract-1 ed measies since coming home to her faither's... Mr. Charles Edgerton, Nestleton Station, is under the Dr's. caire. BOWMANVILJ, JAN. 17th., 1924.' HAYDON The League service here on Sun- dlay evening was well attended. The *President as usual took charge of .the opening exercises, afte.nwards Mi. Clarence A-ývery took charge of ttheý following program: Bible lesson wvas readbyMi C. Avery. Topic wvas given by Mis. Ther2on Mountjoy. *Readings were given by Miss E. Coulson and Ma-,ter Harold Greer. 'A trio was splendidly nendered byl 1Messrs. F. Glithro, Fi. Ashton and A. StainIton. League was dismnisserd by the Mizpah Bene dition. .. Mis. Rý. Asht ou and Lloyd attended the funeral of sher brother at Bethany recenty... . Mr. and Mis. L. Giahani F. Glithîro is visi»tng friends in, Toi- onto and Hamilton ... . Oui League service will be held here on Monday evening next week when Salemi League will visit us and also debate with oui League on the sixbject "Resolved that'Religion has confer- re~d more benefit to the, woîld tihan Science". We extend a cordial in- ENNISKILLEN League We'dnesdlay evening was in charge of lst Vice-President, Miss A.ima Weîîy. Bible îeading by Miss MUyrtle IBrunt; topic on "What andi Wlheîe is God", was ably taken by Mr. J. A. Weîry; îeading "The T*o Brothers", by Mr. Howard Pye. Blackstock Leaguers xiHl visitou League on Januaîy 23idl...Oui young people w-ill present "The Browýn AMouse" ant ed. . Master1 Leslie Mowry, Toronto, w o as been visiting with his aunt, Mis. A. Her- ring, lias îeturnetd home with 'bis mother.... Mr. Harold McIGill, Scar- boro Junction,, spent the week-end withi his parents, Mn. and Mis. John] McGill .... Younig people had a jolly time skating Saturday evening on the Mill Pond. Visit6rs: Mn. Nathan Byers re- tuinedI to Toronto with his son, Mi. O. L. Byers; Miss Laverne Griffin, town, at honme; Mi. A. E. Glbert, Lumsden, Sashk., at Mi. John Pye's; Mi. B. Webliei, Manitou, Man., at his aunt's and cousin's, Mis. W. O. HIeîning' and Mis. A:,ler Heiiing; Mr. and Mrs. Robent Griffin, Darlingfoid, Sask., at his bnother's, Mi. Wm. Griffin. EBENEZER Mi. Chas. Niclhols, Indian Head, Sask., is visitinrg his brotheis here. Chailie looks as thougi the West -%as a good country to live in ...Oui expert poultry mon, Mi. Russell Sul- ley of the North Star Ranclhi with lis tnany prize winners of differen.t breeds, and Mi. Jay Truli of tie Grange Poultry Faim with high class W'hite Leghorns are providiag niany people, far and near, witli a very choice part of iheir daily ra- tions; 400 and 500 eggs a day in1 Januaîy, froi one faim and at the fancy puices tiat guaranteed pro- ducts commnand sounds like a pretty good proposition..In these days whren good roads at ail seasons ofr the year are considered to be a woiti-Wýhile asset in any conmunity,~ 1as well as a nocessity in m-uch travel- led sectins, what 'las become somo- [tliing of a puibicý nuisance has de-, veioped on the puL ' road fora i lf mile diectly su of Courtice, making it unfit foi a hIorse and al-1 mrost impossible foi a roiotor car to travel hrough or over tý Several, cars have rece'ntly stnck, somnetimes in tihe mud, sometimes,ý in very deep frozen ruts and lately j-ins '-ow banks. This condition is in the main occa- sioned by the numibon o- t-ams en- gaged dra'wing gravel o or to the Ilgwy £rom thie Courtice pit in alI kinds of weatheî conditions. It would seers to many people at least tihat the time has alroady passeti WOen the Highway engineer, with the township reprosentative, and the lo- cal ovoîseer on this division, should get togeVhei and arrange some plan whereby ths ititci used pioce of the public road can lie kept in a.decent state of iepair, or a private and dir- ect road to the gravel pit from the Provincial highway openech, for [dîawing the grvol over.. Birthday parties wei ý'vogute last wleek. Gjngrattilatibiis to Mi. Lewis Trull, Mr. F. W. Rundile and Mi. Chas. Os- borne... Mr. K. E. 'Courtice re- ceived aý shipmnent of fine dlairy cows frnm Eastern Ontarioloast week. we will offer'the balance of the Store Fixtures. 129--LINEN HOSIERY BOXES (Brass Name Tag Frame) 1-SPICE CABINET (12 Drawers) 1-LAR.ýGE REFRIGERATOR 1-RIBBON DISPLAY CASE (32 ro-ws) 1-SPOOL CASE (12 Drawers) 2--Butterick Pattern Cases i1-SPOOL CASE (3 Drawers) 1--COUNTER DISPLAY CASE 1-30 ILB. TOLEDO SCALE (Almost New) 6-DISPLAY TABLES (Various Sizes) 1--LARGE SILENT SALESMAN, With Ice Chamber, suitable for Grocer or Butcher The Merchandise to be offered by auction consists of Dry Goods, Ladies' Wear, Gents' Furnishings, Boots and Shoes. Cotton, L.inen, Madras, Velvet, Silk, Serge, Dres.s Linings, Prints, Shirting, etc., etc., etc. Cotton batting, Women's and Children's Underwear, Bloomers, Middy Ties, Linen Handkerchiefs, Wool Stockings (cotton Woollen, Worsted, Lisle and Silk,) Gloves, Scarfs, Baby's Bonnets, Shawls, Carniage Rugs, Mitts, etc. Men s and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Under- wear, Caps, Hats, Gloves, Work M'itts, Raincoats, Boots & Shoes PLEASE NOTE TH4E DATES Thursday-, Friday and Saturday January l7th, l8thl 9th Afternoon and Evening McMURTRYi & Co., (Bankrupt) Thyinld West End House Bowmanville ~Johin Hodge-, Broker Wm. MAW, Auctioneer. - I il 1 Z -Il Friday 100 Pairs of Wïomen 's Oxfords Al sizes regularly priced at $7.00, $8.00 and $9.00 Friday M)rning Only ' Copeland S,'hoe Store BOWMAN'VILLE U. F. O. NOTICE Providence Fies Club willi hjold the next meeting at the homel cf Mr. andl Mis. Christopier Cox,j Tuesday evening, January 22nç1. Pîogram: "To -what extent does the C_.annîng Factory benefit Vhe Faim- or" Ladies aie requested te bring their baskets. O. R. Bragg, R. K. Squair, President. Secretary. MAPLE GROVIE Misses Reta Power and Ruby Lai-~ caster spent Sunday with fniends in torwn.. A large congrogation greet-] ed Pastor Washingtron on Suniday. . ,T he young people have started to ie VMice their play "What Doth itr riofit"? to be given la the neai fut-r ue...'. League meeting on Tuesdsay evening was in charge of 3rd Vice- President, Edna Swallow. Pîogîam: Bible îeading, Maîjorie Stevens' top- i"How can organized young peop- le's wonk help oui Church and De- nomrination" by Mns. Cecil Jeffery; slWm. Laird; Some Canadian Ouestions answered ist Ross Stevens;1 National leaders usually corne from the country, Wilson Abernethy Does Canada need the Agiculturist? by Edna S-wallow; solo, Mis. S. Snow- den; ieading, L. C. Snowden.... Miss Viola Stevens spent the week' end with Mis. Ernie Hart, Osihawa.1 ENFIE-LD Mr. Campbell Simpson, Renfreêw, a bea visiting at Mi. C. Simpson's --.Miss M. Ashton is visiting at Toronto. . .'. Mi. and Mis. L. Huri- but, Owen Sound, have beon visiting at Mi. George Oiiniston's and Mn. F. Ashton's on their wedding trip. . .Mi. W. and Mis. J. Alexander, Oshawa, visited at Mi. L. C. Pascoe's. . Mis. J.* Hepburn has been visiting nean Columbus. . Mi. John McCullough is conteuplrating hav- ing the sawing machine from Utica a gain this sumnei. TYRONE Messrs. Henry Miller and Roy Barr are attending Milîtary Sdhiool in Kingston.. .' Sorry to hear Mr. L. Keeler is very iii w7ith poleura pneu-1 monia. We wish hum -a spoedy re- covory .... A numbor from here pur- chased wood at Mi. Blake Pollard's wood sale at ......... Mi. Levil Skinner is attending the Ottawa1 Winter Fair and showiag his thor- oilihibred sheep ... . Oui ýchuich ne- opening will be helci on Jonuaiy 27,1 when Mi. Milton Sanderson will pieach in the morning and Bey. A. M. Irwin of Oshaw%ýa, at niglit. On Monday, Jan. 28 "Under the Laur- ols" will be reprodurec by the youngj people of the Loague... .Mr* J ohn 1utnwas in Toronto on business Monday. visiting with Miss Mary Hogarth. n I h i .-- r SOLINA Mr. Russeli S-Iithi, taking a Bee. Cu~lture Course at Guelph..... Mr. Will West1àke is attending Winter School at Cobourg.... Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy entertained the young people one evening last week when ail had a good time ... . Misses Mar- ion and Ruby Reeson, Columbus, vis- ited their sister, Mis. Harvey Hardy. Mr. C. H. Scott lias been under the doctor's care with carbuncles and boils... Mr. ind Mrs. R. J. Luke 1and Miss Gussie, Ke!dron, visited at IMr.AI. Pascoe's. . Mr.: W. T. ITaylor hÉ's lumbago .... rs. R. ISomerville and babe have returned home to Cherry_wood after a four weeks' visit with her mnotiher, Mis. J. Reynolds ...The syxupathy of the, comimunity is extended to the soi- rowing friends and relatives of the late Richard Pascoe ...Miss Aura Rundie, Maple , Grove, visited at Mr. J. T. Runýdle's. .. . Pleased to report that Miss Lena Taylor is homne fîom Bowmianville Hospital and doing nice- 1,.... Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stevens and sons -Jonathan and Gordon, Sask., spent; the week-end at Mr. Roy Lang- miaid's.. Mis. A. L. Pascoe la spend- in- a f ew days at Kedron and Osh- awa . ... Don't forget the big event at the churelh, Fîiday night. Corne and hear the inarried. women ... Mrs. C. A. Blanchard lias been qulite ill of late we are sorry to leain. , .' Mr. Everett Mackey, Brooklin, la, Auction Sale10 At the request of a large numnber of our satisfied purchas- ers who attended our salés last week and many more who could not get inside our store we have decided to Sieil by Public Auction for Thre "ej Dayrs Com, mencing THURSDAY at 2.30 & 7.30 p. m also on FRIDAY and SÀTURDAY AFTERNOoN AND EVENING The balance of the Merchandise and Fixtures McMURTRY & CO. (Bankrupt) On the preinises, West End Flouse, Bowmanville SPECIAL ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON AT 2.30 p. m. They include-