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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1924, p. 6

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DR. G. C nfIt. 60c a box; 541 Offlce phone 40. tlouee paone son. Batos & Co., samplo box free. vjR. J. C. DEVITT - - ---- Aàsistant-Dr. M. Tucker PA~ERHANGI G raduaf e of Royal Dental Col PAPERHNGINGToronto. Office, King-at. East,1 to do ahll inds of manville. Office bours 9a. m.. ngingan deî- p. m. daily except Suntlay. P. ontmating. Estimn- 90a. flouse phone 90b. vis £!. Roývie, Elgini DR. R. E. DINNIWELL owmarvill 2-P. 0 Honor Graduate of Toronto LATING OR'S ARENA ,owmanvîlle Thursday and rday Evenings 'opractic rwn E. Steckley ýr Gracluate of Lo Chiropractic College ls: and 71-9. ,ay l9th on and rThurs- 'J versity and mnember of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practice in Ontario and the Dominion. Dentistry ini ail its branches, Office -King-st., Bow,ýmanville. Opposite 3ank of Montreal, Phone 301. PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILORS <Formerly in flowniianvile,) now at 1262 Yonge-st., stop at Summierhil Ave., Toronto, Phione Trinity 3217w. W. can stili give you aur best services. Guaranteed to fit and workmianshlp at pre-war prices LEGAL MI. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARYI money to boan on Farrm and Town Property Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351.. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money te boan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Blealey Block, King Street, Bowmanville Ontar*o. Phones: Office 1.02, flouse 279J. FUNER. F. F. and Frid DIR ECTORS ALAN M. WILLIAb Embalmer and Funeral Calis given prompt and pet tenfion. No extra charge tance. Phones 58 or 15! manville, Ont. THE WONDERS 0F THE AI BY Chias. M. Bice, .B. A.1 Denv'er, Cole-rado. The students of Yale Univ -werc previieged quite recelitl, hecar a lecture and te sec la pý tie ATOM. It vias a miniature system, and they vicie t)ius br dcoser to the heait of tiings ever bef oie, looking- upon the teSimai An -atom lisa asolar syster n la Tic Nucleus of if la represenf of the sun, andthte electron planets rang-ed and circling ai it. Dr. Nuls Bohr, prefessor of ics af tic University of Copen]i and recipient of a Noble priz Physiea for 1922, lectured oli structure of fhe Afomn bel oie Yale students and bis diScoveriE garding if andi ifs rclatieaship t greafer woîid. Dr. fBohr bas elped fo add e element f0 the vacancies ila ti contained la the periodic lavi, lie bas delved deeper perhaps, any other int o fie atonie struc Hie told of fie research that had mitted the scientist la his la tory f0 ceunt afoms. More woi ful-the atoni of electricity hias isolafed, vvhich la- getfing mighfy to fie ultimate. Thc principal feafure of the is its "epeaness." Reiatively tie tance betweea the electrons and tons-positive and negative cho of eiecfrici*ty, that mrake Up flhe - are as greaf as, those whiih sE afe bodies in the solai systeni, i mind can grasp vihaf this signifit Billions of miles separaf c the e from tic stars la fie greater sys but the stars are la irmwnsify that morfal -mmd can hardly fat their girti.1 , Reduce the fixed Betelguse fc mnote of an electron, and fie dist between an lectren la the ce and one on the outer rim of the is as greaf rclafively, as la tie tance between the' eartb and the star that physicista and matheni lana have beca measwing viifh1 finely adjusfed instruments. The Danisi piyaicist, in ils s( of lectures, began vif h a descrir of an atoni of hydrogen, flhe wE of whicb bie said, was a mnillion lion million-thrce times repeatý finies less than a smail visible si tiaf can be -veigiet on a del: chentieal balance, and whici vas mery thought to be the snmalleat ticle of matter that exisfed. Now scientiafs accept as an es iished fact, fiat there aie even s: 1er particies of natter than fiea -thc electron and tic proton turai fie negative and positive la IDR., "S.: COULD NOT ____O TOM STRAIGHTEN HIS EACK (Fon The News) Mr. Elio Aid, King, la vlsiting LL. B Then Quebec Man Used eltieson Fifth Line. Dodà's Kidney Pis. R.§~~ Moon slipped on crossing 'ersty M r. E. D. Tremublay ia delighted with Mr, FloydCtelwa oefo icuethe resuits obtained. Toronto over the weeýk-end. Solar Pointe Aux Outardes, Que., Jani Town Band purpose giving a muai- ,ougbt 21, (Special) .--Tbehe ing value cal concert latter part of January. than of Dodd's Kidney Pilla as a kiddneyj Orono Young ladies are holding a Infini- remiedy laslihown by the following leap year dance on January 25th. statement of Mr. E. D. Tîemblay of iolLde'Adntn hlig itself. -ahe Scil nthtown. Fb.1 itative "I have suffered for nearîy aBsktScaliihxCuc, e.1 steYea-s fromt rheumatism and a bad Mis. Mulligan is la Toronto with ýround1 kidney and was not aible to stand up helitr i.Hssrvb s11 straight. 1 took 2 boxeps of your Mr. James Cuttell is confined to Phys- Dodd's Kidney Publs, and arn now the house with a light attack of lagen cornpletely relîeved of my trouble." sciatica. O ýe i i hatMr. Tîermblay states la sîl Mi. Grahiam, Winnipeg, visited bis nthe1 that bas ever been claimed for Dodd's wife and son at hier fatheî's, Mr. Jos. tbe Kidney Pilla-tînt they are good for Camtpbell. 'sr-sick kidacys. Mis. Frank Sheppard visited hier Lo the It iia astouading bow some people daugbter who is on thc teaching staff - wiIl go on suffering day after day at Oshawa. inesvw 1 wibaches and pains, rheurnatism OooWmnsIsiuemesl and. tiey are not aware of the fact that Council Chamrber, on Friday, Januaiy than they- can get relief. Strengtben the 2 5, at 2.380 p. m. ~tr.kldneys, which are the source of the Clarke AgrLuturalSoit annual tbr-Dodd's Kidney Pilla act diiectly on urday, January 26th. ader- thec kidneys. They ical and strength- 'Social la Presbyterian Chu-rci was been en tieni so that they do their ful coework of straining all the impurities a splendid success. Next social thirdi ,oseot of tie blood. Tuesday la Fehruary. atom Mis. John McMillen, matron, Co- atonibourg flouse of Refuge, visited berý edis- Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cana, Port sister, Mrs. W. F. Rolpb. [pro- Hope, announce engagement of their Dr. M. S. Tucker bas gone to Ro- 01r'es only daugiter, Veina Marguerite to chester, N. Y., to take a position' atom Mi. William Albert Winn, Bethesda, witb Rochester Dental Dispensary. ýepar- marriage to take place la January. TeA . t aiu' ýe8 Do not allow worms to sâpthe* Churci, Orono, will bold social even- e. vitality of your children. If not ing on Thursday, Jannary 24th., atl earth . attended to, viorms may work irrep- 8P.M 3tern; iarable harm f0o the constitution of > such the infant. The little sufferers ca.n- Miss Isabel Moffatt, Clarke Town-i thorn not voice the ailmnents, but there are sbipi, daugifer of the late Wm1n.j1 many signa by Which motheris are Moff att, died at Cobourg, Januaiy 17i othe made aviare that a dose of Miller's agcd 76 ycars. Funeral to Orono Lance i Wormr Poviders la necessary. These Gemetery. nter1 powdeis act quickly and will expel A mnove appreciated by pupils and atoni viens frorn fhe systeni without any parents, la the teaching of sînging ini die- inconvenience totei chut, Or ou pblic scbool. Mrs. Donald giant ________________Relu has the appoinfnient as Musical iatic- Instructor. their ures on fie atom as .-Acosed ptiicly Jon avk fomry n Sxh by material or piy.-ical ;means, the JLn who w iirl n it eries occult view la pla.ced ini juxtapositio newo- as living la Oshawa, died ption by a student of Madan1,12 H. P. Blav- at the homec of is biother-in-lavi, eight atsky, author of "Th-' Secret Doet- Ai. Fred Cordon, Hampton, wieret mil- rine : Modem iphysii. , viilbor- eline ovisiting vihen faken ill. 1 cd - rowing froi the ancie-its their atomic Miss Beraice Grooms la on dluty1 ,peck theory, forgot one ,)Li, the most again at Continuation Sehool after cate important of the o.i; lience being home la Oshawa wifhi an at-1 for- they get oniy the huskjs. They ieft tack of quinsey. tluriag lici absence par- behind, la the adoption of physical Mia. D. Rohb supplied efilcienitiy. atems, the suggestive fact that fromr r aprAlnPceig r ,fbAnaxagoras devin to Eicurus, the M.HretinPceig i ýmaf Roman Lucretius, and finaily even n Mi.IviRBagadMst îtorn to alilee, ailto hl o opîers b-Mis E. HsandRcî, CBourgandMr:e . ivdmore or les aia ed atoma isM .HreCbug n r inibl in 1ofsocld T. Allen, Clarke, vicie recent visitoîs 'lc biute" matter. Rotary motion visa at'Mi.rR. H. Allen's.f sri_ generated, in their vievia, by largel A -live* hockey tcam bias been or-t X(more divine and pure)> atonis forc-. eanized ?)y High School boys who ý1p-, t AUNT'S SENSIBLE IDEAS Hovi pleased vie ail are te ait dovin once a week at tie side of oui ioveiy and loving oIt Auntie an-d listen to her wisdom. This week shc gives aillber nieces and nepievis somnefhing quite seious fo thin-e alibout ourselves-a New Year's mcdi-j tation as if vicie: That viuicb keeps us fron committing a wrong or unjuat action, is not alwayê oui high principles, or our convictions, of viuicli -me are apt to boaat, but eilier oui ovin self respect, or desire to retaini the respect of others. Most offen la fie latter. We iik.E te believe others tiink vicîl of us, of oui home and inniates, of oui possess- ions. Self-respect viii win rnany more battles Vian yul a nuere show f or the excitemenit of others' envy, and is far less likely te suifer fie hurt of censure. But if effen bap- Ipens tiat wben oui pride retccives a blow we hoid up oui principles as Vihe cause of oui reseritmenft; yet, te ceorne devin fo basic facts we neyer gave a thought te our principles and all they stand for. No matter boy glibiy vie talk of f orgiving oui eneni- ies, otf heing charitable or of a Chiafain spirit, vie fiat if terribly hard f0 face an unexpectet blovi, and tien te behlave asvie prof csvie shouid under riucli ci.rcumstances. Tint is fie reason you feel s0 tun- conifortable and aag-ry wifh your- self, because you have net facedthe' 1ruth that it is vowrself -w}, is Io RAILWÀY TIM4E TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY GOING EAST GOING WES-T 8.42 a. rm.* 4.22 s . nm. 9.06 a. mi. S 10.'07 a.v- . 10.28 a.. D 2.02 P. n. 1.26 .m.7.12 .3 . 3.09 p. m ~8.24 p. ni.e 7.14 p. m ~8.02 p.lni. 0, 9.58 p. ni. D 12.29 a. mi. F D-Daily '--Daily except Sunday. S-Sunday Oniy. CANADIAN GOING EAST 10.18 a. ni. 2.45 P.n. 10.08 1p.n. I1. 17 12.26 a.n. PACIFIC RAIL.WAY GOING WEST 5.53 a. nm. 6.20 a. ni. 8.20 a. ni,. 4.40 P. nM. 7.42 p. lu. CANADIAN NA71ONAL RAILWAVY * TYRONE STATION Going East Goîing West 6.24 p. nm. D 8. 15 D, 4.10 p. m. X 8.10 a.mi. X D. Mlonday Wedn esday and ' riday X. Tueeday Thurocday and Saturday, dJmanvînle. zph( VETERINARY Dr. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Niglit Caîls Pronipfly Atfended te. Office [King-st. WF., Statesman Block, Bowmiianville. Phone 243. iProof That TOQ Headache king, Ex-Mayor of< Coati-. ie a sae aad e.fectiw Editor of the -ranby ýrves it. iblets deserve loIa b.wiàe_ 1remedy that wilî stop B. A. K. C, Colonel of nves it. able' and ind theni a remedy foar eaijarbe." bo-tail dealer.% eaih Dgstou AUCTIONEERS THEO. M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and Hfouse Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197-r.9. 1-tf JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer 10 years' experiençe in farm, furni- ture and house auction sales. Ad-I dress Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer- chant, King-st., Bowmanville, phone 131, box 33. JOSEPH COULSON Licensed Auctioneer Valuator & RZeal Estate, Newcastle, Ontario. 22-tf1 SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING BOOKEEPING Complete Commnercial an:d General Im1provement Courses. Students accepted ait any tim-e. Glood posi- tions for al graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE Os-ha-wa and Toronto vElThRINA'RY .KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc r Gradunte of University of Toronto 1 in'..tne ýatm a niaJp uciiicion is dra-wa betwveen the two lasses of properties within it. One c1ass, whicLh includes radio active phenom- enon, depends omn the innier structure of the nucleus; but the ordinary phy- sical and cliemical properities of the atoin depend on thecofurtn and mnotion of the lectrons; Ini t words, the difference betwengl and dros l in the nýum--ber ad hne of the electrons and protons in the atomi of the twvo elements. Gold is hecavy, because, of the aium- ber and density of the electric charg- es within it; hydrogen is light an-d eleinental, becaiuse it hias but one electron to bothier with-and s0 it, goes up and down, according to -what is known as the perodîc systemi of the elemients, that la tura is constructed on the rythmn of music, with its harmi- onies and disharmionies. rIf -we know the weighit 0o an atomi of an elemnent, we may know the properties of the eleinent for they are fixed. As another scientific -writer puts it: "IMca and womnen, mice and cie- pliants, the red beits of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn are but ever shif t- îng,- ever changing, varying swarmns of atomis. Ever mnechanical wvork of earth, air, tire and wateî; every crimi-i mnal act every human deed of love or' valor-what la it al, pray, but theý relation of one swarm of atomns toý aniother." It phantasmiagoric dance of Atoms and we have the universe. Lucîetius, the poet-philosopher Who livcd ln the golden age of long ago, picturýed crudely the clombination of two atomis of hydrogen and one of oxygen, hookced togethier ia theoe cule of water, and wondered at the, -work of an all-god. fie savi, too an affinity betweeni the atomns whicl iim- plied intelligence, and be came to the cýonclusion that la every atom the(re- mucst be an elemient soul, a center of1 potential v'ility, with latent in,-telli-J gence in lt.' lone respcect the ancienits were further advance.d -fan themoes in that, they gave to mnatter an intelli- gence which enabled it to hielp) itself,i and in ti'me, risc in the seale. "sa follow-up" to the Boîr lect- OPTOMETRY R. M. MITCHELL IRegistered Optomnetrist by examination. Eyes examîn-1 ed by the latest methods and most modemiý instru- L& CO. i tne ancient wisclom that lie Vaught that the sou] was composed of fine, tender essence forn-ied from the smoothest, roundest and finest atoms" Which cails for- the dividing line,. if there be one, between piiysies and meta physica. The Woniderss of The Atonri The tercen'tenary of the birthi of Pascal, French m-atheinatician abnd wteis being observed] this year. H(e, too, was interested in the "infi- nitesimal cosmos," and in his writings he asked man to turn to an investi- gation of the nmost delicate details of nature. First he, invites consilderation of the mite whose tiny frame presents a series of yet tinier parts, whose veina blood in the veins and globules in thie blood, until through endless sub- divisýions the powers of imagination are not only fatigued but exhausteýd, adare uniible to go beyon'd whatý hie calls "The inutest extreme of inature". But therein let man disceover a new jabyss even iii the circle of the con- centratedl atoma containinýg worl.ds of its own eacýh with a firmament, its planets, its creatures to ail infinity. The atom was a reality la Pascal's mind, but how did it get iato that mind or brain? Ia his 'day there were no0 delicate instruments with which to carry on the experiments thalt are macle in oui day, no s-pec- troscope to wýeigh and analyze thec composition of a star millions of miles distant. "The minutest extremne of nature," la Pascal's, words, is what the uni- verse is being built of by present day science, withi its atoin as the brick o f that univErse, Pascal hiad thec poets' mind and foresaw centuries before what the microscope and the telescope amd other wonderful instruments of the century are eonifirming fromn the phy- sical point of view. But hie and hose who weat before, himit ehed over the "dadval1 or rsu"on to anothier plane and be- hl]d the spirituaý,l granideur la atoml and universe. out.1 Sone -vine ce and y Your le Anniveisaiy services la Metiodiat Cliurch on Sunlday, 1 3fh, viere large- ly aftended. Sermons by Rev. J. E. Griffith, B. A., Toronto, viceeclo- quent, inspining, and mnuci enjoyed. The choir assisted by several mcm-n ber.s of Kirby Choir-, alse Mr. M. S., Staples and Misa Bucannan, vas ex- ccptionially good. Miss-, cana in evcning sang "Tic Bird vilf aî B3roken Pialon". Offleers elec fo!L o dg e Woiveî- hampton, Sons of England, vicie ln- sfatlied by W. Bro. Tiomaa Hecigltifo, Distri'ct Deputy, Bovim-anlville, ac- conipaaied by prominent membera of Wellington Lodge: Bro. Mitchell, W". P:, Bro. Meadovis and othiers. A.1 su rprise -vins given fthe Secrctaîy, Bro D.T. Allia, a present as a sligit fok- en of appreciafion for longl services of 34yarsý, vieIl and faitifuily per- formied. Lunch vias served and an enjoyable finie spent. Mi. Thios. W. Underwood, Markz-t han, virites: Anxiously aviaifed ar- rival of Tice2Newis viti resuit of Municipal eleetions. Sorry foi those, fibat vicie bebow the line, but con- grafulate fiose sauccesaful, for if lai sometiing Io have tic endoisation of the beaf townshiip miunicipaily, mroîally and financially. 1 ain afraid if is bosing somevihaf- polifical- ]y for ic good of the nation, and vie look for a revival in fia respect, and cannef but believe if vwiii recover loat ground and make îapid aftrides, to ifs former place in thsevr serious finies tiru viici ouicuty la passîng. A happy ,vent occurred af resi- dence of _Mr. and Mrsý. JohnRcky at t1icir Nevi Yeam's gatliering, the! chisiteingil of Joani Louise, daugiferý of Me .and Mirgs. Peroy Rickaby, Or- hula. Tiose present vicie: Mr. E. Fielding and daugifers, Mm. and l Mrs. C. A. Cumomiagný,nd son], Mr. and, MiUs. Addison J-Licýkaby and fani- iiy and Hairoid Rîckahyý, all of Toi-ý ont o;Mm and Mia. MT-. Wight, fiai- oid JeweIl and sister and Mr. R. FildnBovimnvilie; Mr. H. J. Souci and famiiy, M[r. and Mi1s. C. A. Ciapmnan, TMm. Milton Staples and Mn. COx of O. A. C., Guelph; Mi. J. WV. Rickabiy, Hiamilfon, being devi over undy. Tic cerem1-ony con1-1 duef cd by R ev. A. K. Edm-ison'passed Off nicciy, àant a good fime ail round vins enjoyed by ail present. For Cfn.It laone of the recommendations of Dr. Thomas' Electrie 011 fiat if caui be used la- ternaliy %vili as muci suecesa as it ea outwardly. Sufferers front ca-1 tairh ylfind fiat fie- 011 wien ised acîcordcing te directions vf ilîl give prompt relief.- Many suif crers, froni this aliment have feund relief in fie 011 and have sent testmmx4ls ýause you il be nr Aunt. One of fie commonest cmlit of infants is viormas, an-d tfie moat eff-1 Sective applicatioa fer theni is Mother Graves' Wcxrm Elxtern-fnator. WHERE IT COMES FROMI Violiniats often vionder, ne doubt, 1viience comes fie hair on boys, wifi- eut viici tic moat cloquent Stradi- varius viella le pracficaily voiceless. Tic Scienfifie Amnerican informa-n us fiat herses aie bred in Russia for fis pur-pose. Tic fineaf bows are conatructed viti bair froni -white herses, and! speciai ranches are miaini- tainet for fie breeding of herses viiose mui is of tint celer. Tic prim-ary aorfln.g of ha-ir fie place af fie ranch, freini viich it goca ote ebleacier, vie bleacies tic haï vifli suiphur. If la beund Up la hanka of 100 te 150 hairs. One hank usuaiiy gees te a boy. On arrit- val at fhe boy factomy, or fie repair îoorn- of a large dealer, tic bair is comibed and fixed on tic end vifi sidllac. Tic iair la strnigitenc'd eut by menas of a special conb. BewareOf Imitations! pac-kage( or on1 tabiets you; are -lot get- ting tic genine Bayer Aspiri poved safIe by mnillions and îrbd by pliysicianas over tvienty-tiree ycars foi Colda edai Tolt hache Lubg NKeuritis huxtin Neuraigia Pain, Pain Aýcccpt "Bayer Tablets3 of Aspirn" only. EaIci unlirokenl package coaitains provea directions. Handy bxsof tvielve tableta, cost fewvi ents. Druig- gistsa aso sedi bottles of 24 and 100. Aspiria la tise trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylleteid. BOUNSALL'S MONUMENTAL ARST WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES arnd only t1e beet *radtes of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I mlyno cemnetery caretakers' as agents preferring te oeil my own ïroods thus eavlng the purcliaser the agent's commission. A eau Policited. Proprletor. Bowmnanvllo.. .Tones arnd Ivigorates the whoice nervous s'ystem. 'makes new Biood -'in aid Veinis. Used for Nervous DMIebiIity, Mlental andà Brain W4orry Despondfen v, Loss of Enerpn, Palpitatioa (oj Ithe Hleart,1 att1iingeieory. Price $2 Pe/ box. 3 -(. for 5Sold by aii druggists, or maiied mn plain pýkg. otirecei)t ofip#ic~e New pamt maited ',ee.T4WOOEiCN ~O3RNON. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Double Track Route Between Montres i Toronto Detroit Chicago UJnexcelled dining car servce. Sleep- ing cars on night trains and parlor Cars on the principal day trains. Full information from auy Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto,. J. H. H. JURY, Aseut Phone 78 Bowmawrmel If youenogeete you WMllb. satis, fied wivth no other 12iend. - Try It teday,

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