rOR TALKS Mr. Fowlds-, who is ely young mian, is nov lit terrni as Reeve of H the first wardea from Being a counities co to he a Poli-mor.n oc pliYsi Cllyý, nwral] tellectually sirfer: suitab)le leadllr. if sutbeand leaders are onle of of this iage. Need we yNoung folki their eveniný But we are so ofteii-aý unn last w( those are a t<o de Youi are Invited to Shop C's advt. ini this issue is your invitation The F. J. Mitchell 111 ing of the yQ14lg Wea~:ve miss Th( houp in Nthwtn age ïnan when it fails to cornei ien dIa" of youth., sehiools were mani- Writing from-I Viscount, en they very often ehewnn, our old friend ty Leaders and help- Swain the Crwih oung peope'ssocil says ýin his usuaýl cpep activities. Now the ography: Find eesac sd he boys and gis wihpleaseree my sul y, socamby and in- for The Statesman. I Ir a for the want of a that 1 woUld likeý to inforru It wouîl sýeem as . ho are left Of my old fan wiliing commnunity: soiates that 1 have passed fthe positive walits ejgthi happy ye',ar and never er than 1 Io do 0w withP * *everything wýe deýsire an-d vincial Li'ense as auctioneer the importance of for 1924. g profitableuseo -----Ielof Mr. C. Everett Brown1, Inspector of' Sehools, Maple Crceel, Sask., writes: Dear Sirst-I arn enclosing mny sub- scrîpiion Vo your interesting weekly for another year. 1V b- always very welcomn-e, even though I have Vo read it rathier hurriedly at times. The issue2 jusV ieceived seem-s particularly rich in narratives and old-time re- f erences. We have had a wonder- fui periodi of good weathIýr during- Vhe Autumnii and Winter Vo !date in the western part of our, Provinces had not enough frost to furnish skat- ing until alniost the end of Decem- ber. Mrs. Geo. A.Watts, (nee Nellie' Bigham, for several years Tyrone correspondent to The Statesman and a contributor of several interesting special articles) writes froini33 Erie Avenue, IHamilton, Vo MssHay- eraft: To al and singular of The Statesmnan staff greeting-s! After every storn a calmi 19241 has cele-. brated its inaugý,ural ceremonies in royal f orm and mace le Vs old hemi- phere sit up and take notice. How- ever, we breathe freely once more, and hope the mnild winter phophets yet enjoy several inaings. Tell the Editor to keep on "Talkinig" as it is alrnost better than sm--iliihg to your eaders. Thank yop-Ed. MrXs. C. J. Pascos, (nee- Cora A. Argue), 19 Norton Ave., Toronto, writes t I have always loved the hymn "Blest be the fie that Binds" and to many read1ers of The States- man I arn sure it is the tie that biads ;hemi to the Ol.d Homne Town, and ariries our memiories back to Vhe [sys when our feet trod its streets, to ollegiats, and farther back stili m'hien its Fair was a red-letter day in lhe year to us children. Amuse- ý Thompson and Huyck, Napanee,'COntario, sole proprietors of Thompson's Renowned Rupture Remedy, announce that their Special Representative wilI be at the ".00J for ALJL LCL.4L.>L ID .L ighit s WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6th îliar si- for consultation and to give free f elt bet- Sufferers. Arrange to see him.1 ileVPro-f ditionally guaranteed. renewedHere is what one man writes: uJwl'Y 91411V ie ONE DAY ONLY advice to ail Rupture His remedy is ùincon- "Our son was ruptured, and the bowel becamne stsangulated so bad that it was imipossible to replace the protruded part; ihe ýdoctor advised an jmmediate operation. "When you advised us an operation was unnecessary, we were very miuch in doubt. "Howesver, we were guided by your aidvice, and we ar&eeceedingly glç,for the rupture was replaced almost imm-ediatelýy without pain. By the use of,THOMýPSON'S RENOWNED RUPTURE~ REMEDY the rupture has completely disappeared, leaving- no opening whatever. "Desides saving the eost of an operation, we have also saved the wages of a hired man as the boy hias worked steady since lie cQmmenced your tr.eatment We strongly recornrnend THOMPSON'S RENOWNED RUPTURE REMEDY to ayone sciffering from rupture. "Bert McCoy, R. k. No. 2, Madoc". We Specialize IN PLUMBING TINSMITHING STEAMFITTING We have the largest, staff' in town an 'd are in a position 'to gîve prompt and efficient service at ail times. You don't have to take our word unless you, Ike--ask our custômers. Greenaway& EIliott Organs for Churçhes and Schools Mitchell Phonogiraphs, Used Instruments for practice purposes Easy payments arranged Telephones 86, 92 and 105 Bowmanville Low irst Cs price of Ford carsT and is been one of the great, forces in the develop- moto4r transportation. tuary 1920 the average Ford products lias 38% and Ford priceCS -i lo10west in th-e hso Forci prices are so -ker and his faniily .umerable benèfits :s of owning an automobile; th-e merchant and m-anufacturer extend their business into new and profitable fields by means of motor delivery; hefarmer- carnies his fresh produce to the best miarkets with none of the old-time hardship and delay -and ail for a very sniall initial investuient. F-ifty out of every hun'dred cars and trucks in Canada are Fo)rds-du.-e to the public appreciation of Ford value. See Amy Authorized Ford Dealer ucus iiypir ~peaure U sejl- -1 jimprovement.I M r. Neil MacDonald, Ponoka, Undestaa * *-~ tAlta., tels u~s pleasanit things and Undertandour view point in hs news that makes us shiver after last miatter, We would be the last man week's blizzard in this section. He te deprive young foill of r-ecreition'-wý,rites: Please finçi enclosed iuy and a certain arnotiut of pleasure. ubdscription Vo Statesman for pres- IFor instanee, at this season, we lçnow%ý7 ent year. We are passing hrough Iof 110 better sport or recreation for! a very cold spell, being as low as 49 *both sexes to engage ia together, degrees below\ý zero, but the days and than skating but they shoull not ab-I nights are beauitifully clear and sor saî1ll their evenings ia that health-. biight. We alwýays look. forward f ul exercise. They cani easily pur-,with pleasurs for t he old home pap- sue sorne study-course for, self iml- er and enjoy readirig the editorials provement by a systemnatic apportion and news of the towa and district. of their time and religiously' Mrs. Williamn Chapmnan, Broad- carry ont their scheduled prog-rai. view, S'ask., -writes: We enjoy The S ystemi and order should characterize Statesman very m-uch and looki enger- all their, even terl o its weekly visit. We have sleeping hours. EvQry successful ha'd a very nice winter but it has worker must taký, a requisite quaatti ben pretty cold siace the new ysar of sleep-,Nature's aweet restorer. 1t' opened. It has been inilder this is rnost unwý%ise for any person, wekwith just enough snorw for young- or old to deprive theniselves good sleighing. We wish you and the hours of sleep that thieir constitu- your staff a very prosperous New fions cî for and for which Nature Year. makes provision by letting down the ?oinds and coveriag, he earth -with M1r. T. E. Higginbotharn, Nelson, darknes. WhaV vte have sai.d on B. C.. writes: Bowmianville is a the question of devoting certain even- fine own and hard Vo beat. Ili ings a week Vo study or self-imiprove- fact it is "The Town That Satisfies" . ý ment of soine kind, sin-ply generalU But just wherie we are now living is reading of good literature in miayV:ie choice of any place la Canada. ho, is for young foJlçlinl towps and Why we have nieighbors who have villages as well as for young people travelleci the world ovCsr and de- la the farmn households and for boVhý clare thiis Vo be the mnost acceptable sexes, for we would have every mian's ý place i n which Vo live or perhiaps I dlaughter receive as, good En,,g':Iih edf- shoulcd have said therotbatf. cation as is sons. 'Indeedi, the bet- mnouiltain scenery to be found any ter edïucated sand more intellig'en+ whviere and a pleasant place in wihich the girls hecoe vhhe tter for the' to live. We have as neighbors, gen'leratÎins Vo come(, for an intelli- Lords, Commiianders, Colonels, Cap-' gent mothler is a great blessing Vto ta1lns, Writers, MIerchants, etc., etc., hier famnily of sn and daughters' 0f course, wýe are living oni the north ahike. shore of Kootenay Latke, just acr-oss ï.roinm the city, wvith al the !onvenie-- WORDS OF WISE MEN ýces of Vhe city. It is beauti- f ui here, with the, west arni of IV is a Tact that mien will blsed Kootenay Lake in front of us and the and dlie for causes and reli 'gions la mnountains behind airid a1l aroiund us, wvhich hey do not actually believe. w ,,e have2 the finies-t water obtainable Ia the middile, ages itwa consid-! anywhere piped down froni the m-ouln- ered demeanin.g Vo rendi and write. taiin side. The winters are flot coldl Now it's derneaning not Vo.i but mi-oderate and as you ayknow To he alliîed unto wisdom is irn- skiing an.d sleighing by young and rnortality. old is very mach enjoyed. But 1 Love rejoiced in the truth, must s-ay Vhs Iast three winters have His heart cannot be pure whoselheen colder andC the lake has been ton-me is not dleani. frozen over which is n19V Vhe ~rule ý Frettiag cares make grey hairs. an-d skatiag has been iiydulged na. IV If risfortune cornes, she brings ijaay surprise you, but since coming along hs bravest virtues. he-re I dug up mny oid acine skates By sorrow of heart ths spirit is and -when ice perrmits I play hockey broke-r. on hs lake with hs boys and when A goodl horse neyer lacks a sadd1e. the ice passes and the good old surn-1 If it were noV for a few leaders, mer time cqrnes we fish on hs saine the hurna race would still be wal- waters aad cat/dli rainbow trout lowingnVhmdofabars. weighing frori oaseVo five pounds Who woos slep must have an un- each. We havTe many noted per- troubled] heart. sonages passing this way. Last Were everyone Vo sweep before his winter we had a call and enter- own house, every street would be Vained for a brief spell Bliss Carmian. r: I Better Service Better Values We are neyer satisfied--when it cornes to n-eriting your patr,.onage. We always aim to improve each year by giving better service, better values and the best quality of groceries obtainable Qur steady increase in business is proof that more people find it more satisfactory to deal with the Old Reliable Grocer. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville Make YQur Hens Keep You This winter inisteadl of keeping your hens all witer to lay eggs in the Spring. It is now you want egg productcion wh;ile the price is high. To do this it is necessary to fecj a balanced ration sucli as the following: Scratch food or mixed ýgrain along with egg mash, or 1ayinl nmash, beef scrap, alfalf a meal charcoal, oyster sheli or poultry grit. To put your poultry in good condi- tion feeci Poultry Spice or Specifie. We are headquarters for Poultry Feed and supplies. HARR ALLIN Dominion DISTRIBUTOR Upright and Grand Pi'anos j, SOWNM4 VILLE E, JAN. 31,- 199-41 ILM eouni