PARISIAN LADIES' oomL untltJ. ate In popular, climbing )wn to grow 18 ft. is the houses are the weather out lem. T he zn «-os t zde!i àcio',0u s e n SILVER WEDDING IW 1 W Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jackson, Port Peirry. Z t was we came ation, 4 rd(o-\n we came n states-New Ohio, Indiana,~ rado, Missouri,' as. iwere the Ni- ppi, Des Moines io Grand. nountains 1501 T0- Ail of the with adde, nourishmi storeci by O,ço Beef I7~ :-at ail dealer~s, Bewareof av.,.1 ee.TN OO EiçJ1 ..CO.RONTO,O NT. cornertot G~ENT ind we' nie in