ail Knds Of -ucting 8 in. cast iron in 1918 was $1.00 tto-day for 6 in. stimated at less than 6 in. cast iron pipe ,00 per ton. of watermains have sof 70% paid by and 30% by ýtown, et intersections and itted under Local; 15 GIVEN TO COtiONS. COLOS ^ND BRON. VWETis WIISN TREATED WiTM TKAYr WONDERFULLY EFFECYIVE tiOUSr.HOLri REMEDT wELL, Druggiuteî e.r 1 any doubt in yonr mind rorth of tjiee tablets or of their ess, try thens and KNOW thse e"A"-Constrnction of 6 Iron Watermain on Third 1Higbi Street 809 lineal vner to pay 100% minus rsections and corner lot S. Total cost $2,350.00. .re $5&9.42; owne's share The revenue will be annum for water and the quired to cover the town's expenditure for constsnc- ding ecnnections to psy tnd inteest over 80 years 10 the rate per foot to the property owner for 30 years. "B"--This schednle will ost and expenditure on the ýnt and 30 per cent basis. $2,350.00. To'wn's share owner's share $1,229.Z5.~ 'r watei will be $63.00 per 1 the amount sequired to )wn's shiase annually over vil be $81.15. The rate r annum will be 7 cents years. S"C"-This is an estimatel ýtension oveT the samne ith a 2 in. galvanized 'on pipe, whicb the col-,,- itates to recommend ow- ot being- of size or mater- thtle requiremuents of the [erwriters or Provincial ealth. Total cost $800.00. ýre $203.25; owner's shiare Revenue from water $681 Yable by the towxn annlual-1 ýipal an d interest $17.50. )ectfully recommiend that àe high cost of construc- att per foot that Schedule approved unless with the the petitioners uponl their id of the cost. mmend that Schedule "B", irtained owing to the pro-. :ost to the Town. " ' s before you but for given we hesitate to re-1 bis construction. L.KS TO YOUN G GIRLS M . SMITH PRESIDENT or 0 Ilis miany frien'ds in Bowmanville wilIl be glad to learn that Mr. Mon- '~#aIthet~te. tgie J. Smnith, in charge of the Cçs,-D partment, Goodyear Tire & -'the berC1Go., Toronto, was elected hidntGeneral Account- S alitý' Association of Canada at their 12th Annual Dinner held in Mon- 1* troal last month. ,jr.Siih is the first man fromi àý' Ontario to have the honor of being elected as President of this Associa- j tion. This shows recognition to S one of the oustanding aceountants in' ~I~3Canada. His paper "Depreci'ation, Its Relation and Application to Çosts" given before The Canradiani Society of Cost Accounts, Torontol 4M h- d seven publications, whule thousands ý,jjj of copies inaddition to these werej fi *hghs asked f or b cost experts from the loorig. in- United States to distribute og tWaYe, 18il, different cost societies. Mr. Snilth s and draw-. 1per'maxntzt is also President of Toronto Bad 1 styles tc. of the General Accountants' Associa- 271 I@IY tion, as -well as a menmber of the uniîed xectiv oftheCanadian Society! of Lin ccuns. Godyard On. fortunate in having snch an ont- -_ _Istanding man as Mr. M. J. Smith in Flice il grade i do"s. roofing, igsRL U nomft.- ehomee The(C ORONO ITEMS (From The News of March 6th.) Msr. Hasoldi Awde, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Miss Chrissie Robb was home fron-s the city over Sun'day. Miss- Nora Williamson of Weston, was home over the week-end. Mrs. J. W. Rae and sister, Miss Me- Kag-ue, are visiting in Toronto. Royal Scarlet Chapter District of Clarke will meet in the Orange Hall I on Frid'ay ,March 14th at 2 p. in. Misses Kathleen Staples and Volai Gilfillan, an'd Messis. Raymond Armstrong and F. Cuttel were home froin University over the week-end. Miss E. Empringham, a former teacher of Enterprise, -was married at her home in Unionville, on Wed-l nesday, Febrasy 27 to Mr. Roy Cochrane, son of M- 'John Coch- rane, McCreas. Th-ey, w. 1 reside on the Cochrane ligmestea ui that sec- tion. Miller's Worm Powde s w-ork so eff ectively that no traces off worms can be found. The pets s away in the stools witboutbeg percept- ible. They niake an n ire and dlean sw,eep of the itsieand. nothing la the shape of a worm çcan find lodgem eut there when these poýwdess are in operation. ýothing could be more thorough or desirable than their action. ohis towin, a fsrer way adte of hn Aluwn, a forer old tiet borne of bis dlanghter, Mrs. Davi.d Ste'vens at Lindsay, on Sunday asat, and the seniains wese bsought hese for internient. Tuesday, Rev. A. i K. Edmison conducting the servicel lat the cen',a+a. rmaon, i .d.ra4c charge of their cost departnment. YOUR TOWN PAPER Thse Stateaman bas n0 complainti against any pers on for lack of ap-i preeciation for the kind and apprecia-1 tive letters and compliments that reach us so often assure us that this ~journal is giving a service that is valued by young and old, in town and ont of town. This paragraph, appearing in a paper of wide circula- tion has a conion sense tang about it that is pleasant to an editor's taste: Every town owes it to itself to encourage a good, enterprising ide-awake progressive newspaper. ~Such publications are -worth far piore to the *twn than the town usually realizes. By supporting , I anean not, only sixbscribing to the paper and j reading -it, but also lielping it to get i lite news, by using it as a medium of public discussion and by patronizing its a'dvertising columins. Every community feels the need for a good, level headed newýspaper. It has its work clearly defined for it and if it fulfilîs its mission it deserves the loyal support of the town and the country 'round. Sncb a papesr can rendes in-valuable service in breaking dçiwii that foolish but age old barrier betwýeen town ansd country by keeping each class sup-1 plied with the point of view of the other. A MENDELSSOHN JOKE M4r. Henry T. Finck in New York Evening Post. A-,fter the first appearance of Dr. H. A. Fricker and his unrivalpri LIILI report:. According to Rudyasd Kipling' se was a young man in Quebec o was bnaried in cnow to bis neck; was asked: "Are you friz?" and said, "Yes, I is, but we don't call s cold in Quebec". The menibers of the Canadian oir that camne lown fromi frigid ronto to this city to assist the iadelphia Orchestra ini its concert tnight, in Carnegie Hall, evident- felt the climiatic change. Many them--especially the men--fan-1 I. themselves with. their sheets of ver anm is whz Say on1 a pity le t et.0 ,011, 1 sweet days. s hol a t toi. JLct, no Ji, 1, theni at aIl. They' of 'because they do not at 1give them sufficient ni eir cleverness, or due at ýr beauty-and s0o o. at the injustice of Ûhe Ba in whicb tbey move,, ip tfland jealous of Mj iends, continually lai- 1they beeDme acute a $5 fully tell sncb young :25 ýry foolish she is. 7tI behaviour that causes nd nmakes bier so un- shoul'd cieer up and are just as good as, ,aly wish to 'treat ber will only meet themi LP N NATIO IN CO-OPERATII me-iVseives V. GREEN TEA yôu have ot tasted the kest. ~res1-i gcag'rant and pure. Tiry it, IF you would mnake a dingy ropm bright and attractive lay Seaman-Kent Hardwood Floors. Notice the transformation. Youir rooms will fairly shine with cheerfulrness and comfort. TIhere would be even more hardwood flooring in the homes of Canada if it were realized how littie they cost. Measure Up your rooms and let us tell you what it would cost to refloor them. Anyone handy with a saw and hammer can lay SEA\MAN-RENT FLOORING oves the present ones in a day. You will be siirprised at the low cost, and delighted with resui s. Decide today to abolish dust slivers and cracks. SEAMAN-KENT IIAR'DWOOD' Local Dealers M6Clellan & Co., Ltd. Bowmanville, Ont. To Everyman T H fistand inafft U that of succSmfulbusinesadfam bu&- the formation of a Resnwe %d A reserve la fnot only invalumblowhm rmmor emergendies arls%but ti u ieo bmth and promotes seI<onfideume STANDLZBffNK 3owmarivilIî an, 3,lackstockBrn, 'lwateand N4ewtonville Branchez -- H. W.,Lapp, Managei - E. A. o~, nager J. Scott Montgoniery, Manager ~-- ~ ~ ;. Robt. JowIer at les from Mss.. Elli( ; a pumrp from 'W 0; potatoes from a bag. 'Sure sign of Spring-Miss Eva Darch, daughter of Mr. James H. Darcb, Saleni, saw a woodchuck on Marcbý 10 on ber way to school. Albert, 17 year old son of Mr. Albert Collins, farmer, South Mona-' ghan, commnitted suicide by sbooting bimself. Worry over ill-bealtb was the cause. SMen's Mackinaw %,Coats $7.50 for '$5.98, $9.50 for $7.98. Coucb, Johuston & Cryderman's. Put Dollars In Milk Pail FEED PURINA COW CHOW AND LOWER COST 0F PRODUCTION This is no- idle talk and mtany dairymen are proving daily that cow chow is making big profits for them. Try one bag and you will be convin- ced..................................$3.50 for 100 Ibs. Ask for bookiet "Profits from DairyinLg" Keep your stock in condition by feeding them Woodhouse Stock Feed. MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 P,,Ite dIectof SCOTCH AND) SWEDE. GRANiTES and only tac beet grades % or 'v 'ERMONT BLUE MARBLF. ~iI eniploy no cenietery caretakero a8 agents preferring to sel niy own goode thus eaving the purchaLses' mhe agent>o comm~ission, A un rolicited. F~. H. BOUNSALL etcr. sowmnanNFll. 3C\NBox 04 Fresh Fish Just Receiveci HARRY PHOP< lie ALLIN 80WlA0N VILLE. e . e e e e RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL. FAILWAYt GOING EAST GOING WEST 8.42 a. mi.* 4.22 a . nIr 9.06 a. mi. S 10.07 a. mu.* 10.38 a. ni. D 2.02 P. m.e ,.26 P. nM.* 7.13 p. ni 3.09 1p. nm. -8.24 P. nM., 7.14 p. nm. *8.03 's 9.58 1). ni. 1) 12.29 a. nÏ F Ff-Flag D-tiaily 5-Daily except sunday. S.-Sunday Only. CANADIAN PACIFIC GOING EAST 10.18 a. mi. 2. 45 p. mi. 10.08 1p.n. LI. 17 p.n. 12.26 ,RAI LWAV GOING WEST 5.53 a. ni, 6.30 a. ni. 8.20 4.40 p. m 7.421 p.m CANADIAN NATIONJAL RAILWAY TYRONE STATION Goïng East 6.341p. ni. R 4.10 p. M. X P, Mondlay X. Tuesday Going West 8. 15 a. mý R 8.10 a.rn. X Wel'dnesday and Friday Thursday and Saturday. SKATING Ba~nd at TAYLOR'S ARENA .BowmanvilIe Tuesday,. Thursday and Saturday Evenings acquaint the 55s as to increas- ton and miater-ý ue of con- Oxo icen- ngth to a Cup. Sebedule the vessýons commiend th 1AUNT TA] AM*, Templeter Ewfare of Imitations!1 as inavesy ýs condition, ne 1Igot up did not rest ýcormmended ýtable Com- d me about er's advice ttake long daches left back to me. have many se, sncb as -z/ Until Y3u Try