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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1924, p. 3

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Il it to Cedar Lodge, No. 270 Oshawa, recently and the afair was very pleasing ina ah respects. Rt. Wor. Bro. James Moore, WV. M. Downey, Rer. R. A. Delve, and W. Bro. Rice made speeches. How many members are in Mt. Zion Lodg-e who were there June 24, 1873, -when the senior editor of this journal first saw the light la the East there? -. OWMANVILLE, JUNE 5th., 192 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Canadian he'ns have increas( nearly 50 per cent in four years. Mýuiâips la the popular diseasej Osaaas measles is in Bowm-ai ville. Mrs. R. T. Siernon, fisydon, h. been visiting hier sister, Mrs. J.1 Elliol t. Mrs. Jas. Furlong, St. Loui: Missouri, was recent guest of Mrn J. B. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Nichioils spen Sunday with Mr. an'd Mrs. Andreý Nich-lolîs, Seagrave.-, Clearing, Ladies' Suits at 25 % rE duction, good( assortmient. CoudI Johnston & Cryderman. Oronlo tal(&at are, putting o1 "Princess JBul Bul" on, Fn day June 13,, in the Opera Ho11(use. An effort i-, neing madie by th, business nien of' Pickering to secur, Hydro power and lighit foýr that vil lage. Mrs. Geo. lInghamX Ro'seneath, vis itcd lher soni, Mr. Bruce E. Inghair M. A., and other frienids here ove: the week-end. This is the nionth of weddings You.Yjill find at The Statesinan Offic( a range of wedding statioaery whicI will suit the brides. S Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Martin, -Mr and Mrs. Wells, Mn.T'omrlinson Lindsay, spent Sunday -with th( formier's sister, Mrs. F. L. B3a-'m Church-st. Mr. J. Rolph, Port Penry, was pre- sentedl with a four volumre bible b; the Bible Soci ety for 45 faithfu' years' of service as Treasurer of Pori Ferry Braach. Millbrook bsd a big conflagration Saturday conisumiinz Needham's real estate office Mitcbell's g-arage and impflement shop and George Sandler- son's residence. Some insuranice. Mr. H. W. Trick, son of Mayor and Mrs. TIrick, 0ezbawa,. bas passed haà Èfih year in medicine while Mr. R. M. Mitchell and Miss M. H. Grant of Llewellyn Hlall have passed their first year's examinations. We -welcome to West Dunham Mr. A. H. Keane of Toronto, the new owaer of "Rural Hill Stock Farn", Kirby, wbo is comfortably ýestablishi ed and m--aking good progress with his Spripg work. Mr. Joohn Qliddon, Union, Ont., was guest of /4Ir. and Mrs. J. T. FHooper an'd other old friends here last week. He had been in Oshawg attending the funeral of his brother, the late Samuel Gliddon. Boys' Suits .with 2 pairs pants foi only $7.88-a real bargain. Couch, Joh~nston & Cryderman. Regular monthily meeting of Bow- manville Soldiers' Club -will be held in the Club Booms on Monday even- ing-, June 9th at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is requested. Thos. An- nison, Secretary-Treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ellement mot- ored from Montreal and spent the week-end witbi Mr. and Mrs. Ervine Poster. They left Monday>ý for Windsor to visit Mrs. Ellemnent's par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Reynolds. Mr. Johin Elliott, B. A., London, was in town Thursday cslling on numnerous oid friends. He -wss en- route to Wellington to visit bis son. Mr. Wilton Elliott wvho is Principal of theý Conýsolidated School in that town, Mr. and IM. W. C. Allia> Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allia of tuhs to-wn, Mr. and Mrs. Fraaklin Allia, Messrs. Richard, John and Arthur Allia, Ne-w- csstle, spent Thursday wvith their sis- ter, Mrs. James S. Walker, Port Hope. Mr. William Williamson, Port Hope, celebrated bis 93rd b3.thhday on May 28th. Daily Guiide says he is very active for his years, going *down to the store daily and is a reg- ular attendant at St. Paul's Presby- terian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Slemoni, Hay- don, -anounce the engagement of their young.-est daugter, Stella Louise, to Mr. Charles Christie Briggs, son of Mr. E. R. Bniggs, Tor- ontothe marriage to take place the latter part of June. M~r. sud Mrs. W. BlakeMMut, Botvmanville, anjnounce the engage- ment of their eldest dlaugblter, Mar- garet Elizabeth, to Mr. Goldwin H. Anderson, son of Col, and Mrs. Chas. H. Anderson, London, Ontario, the marriage te take place the miiddle of Jun e. New Eyes But YOD can Pra'nîofe a YOIJR En Ee emd R.~ lt ight and Morniing., ar and Eeulthy. W rzi -caie Boo. £]tIu Emheoyg.., £mai chiestforn,Çbl.aae 19, 4. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Durham County Boys in London Mr. John Elliott, B. A., f ormei ed Mathem4aical Master ln Bowmnýanvillc H. S., now of 766 Waterloo St., Loi- la don, writing froni Wellington Cor- asolidated School ef which bis sen Deaur Mr. Jares:-It was disap, ýa pointiag to me not to see you on my E. receat flyiag visit to BowmanýTil1e, especially as ll be at the London .,Metbodist conference la Windsor Ls. wýhile you are atteading the Bay of Quinte la Picton, sud, no doubt, nt friends of yeurs will be iaquiriag Sabout you. I tbinik of Rer. David Rogers of e-St. Thomas, an occasional Statesmau h, correspondent, who bas the iavl Ious mem-ory for namnes, dates and old friends; Rer. Isaac Couch, M. A., )n B. D., of Stra throy; Rer. J. N. Clar- Y, ry, B. A., ef Sarnia and Rer. Charles E. Cragg, B. D., of Wingbam. Of e the twelve Methodist pastors la Lon- ýe don you know Rer. J. A. Cbapmran. 1_ B. A., of Empress Ave., brother-m.- law of Mr. F. F. Morris of Bowmran- ville, Bey. G. W. Dewey of Crac-e churcb, Rer. J. T. Cosby Morris wbo, was a p)robationer years ago on the' r Tyronie .circuit and now after a six-i year termi in Askin St., ia goiag toi s- Central church, Sarnia, and Rer.1 ýe John Garbuýt of Duadas Centre! h former pastor in Bowmi-aaville Meth' odist cburcb. 0f the superannusted men ia Lon- [don you know Rer. Samnuel 5alton e wýho is assistant pastor to Mr. Gar- , butt and Ber. D. N. McCamus wbo also belongs to Mr. Garbutt's cburch ansd is very helpful to Methodism in y the city sud district.' Rer. T. W. il Wicket, a belored retera xith, ýt plessaut memories of ol'd time1 friends la Bowvmanrille and Darling-ý Ston, belongs to Centennial church ' îwhere he last Sunaday night, j'ointlyl d with Rer. Alex. G. Harris, eeleratedý -the Diamond Jubilee of their en- trance to the ministry. CI I think ail of thece ,vill be pleased to know that the senior ediron isi still biearty and tint, The S tate$rnan f is going strong. t - Rer. John Garbutt'a s ay fniends ivill be pleased to know of the wel-, fare of bis famuily: Helen bas comn-! pleted the third year sud Marion thei first in Arts at the University of Western Ontario; George bias derel-1 oped into a fine youag man-his at-; titudes are mechanica'l sud musical.; He bas a position with the Sberlock-i *Manning piano firm sud it la not un-ý common to readinla ocal pressý- notices eof cburch functions thatth musical programme was in.cbarge ef George Garbutt.i Besicles the clerical names men-i tioned, I migbt gire others: Pi-rof. Dr.ý Will T. Tambllyna, beail of the De-j partment of Enghlsh in the Univer-! sity suggested at eue time that we could gather np enough Durham Old Boys for a London Association.I know Her~bert Hooper, sa noinii nieiner of the London Free Pressi mechanical staff, who got his earlyl training under you b-ýlf i Tue Statessuan office. His fsinily sud ours belong te the saine church. Tommy Haimies, great war retera la the 136th Dunham Regimient andý football player, is here in the employ' of the Hydre Commnission. 0f col. 1 C. H. Anderson's boys, eue is soon te' form au alliance witb a well knew il Bowmanville iam-fly, aud AIbert, wbo was in the B. H. S. classes ia myl ,time, after conipletlag the Honor 1Matriculatioa lu the Collegiste here, bias entered upon the course for ani actnary la the Lon-doni Life officet Mr. Ererett 0. Hall, odue fetth masters at the coilegiate, was bora lan Bowmi-anville ,- traiaed lu Oshawa bighi school sud married to a Daliugton girl-Miss Ada Coolidge of Tauntoni sud he, tee is interested lainWestý Durham. There is Boyd Sylvesteri acconaitant ia the main office of the> qBank of Moutreal, whios.e mother is a Clemens, sister ef Mrs. L. A. W\. Tole ud Ms. John PercyaieHr jol-d Clarke, imanager et tbi,e Standard iBank w,,hose wif e'is daugiter o r W. H. Martin sud the late -Mrs. Ma-1 tin e of omail. Se Imigbti rua on, but what I have written willj show that Bewmianville sud Darling-i ton are rery wortbily represented la! the city of 'Loud'on. Prince Ed-\vaýrd county is W'ell re- preseated onx the Western un1iver'sity! I tffor Prof. A. G. Dorland, head of the Departinent of llistory comnes from Wellington and Prof. H. R. Kingston, head ef the Depart-ment ofl Mathematies, from near Picton, Both were bronght up on the farm. WEDDING HORSE ROUTE PADDY B The Registered Percheron Stallion will stand thronghbouýt the comning season at Thomias Gimblett's F<armi,, one mile esst of Courtice Corners.' KING'S COURTSHIP The Pu're -Bred Imiported Clycles-1 dale Stallion King's Courtsbip [14115] (14722), a grand siredj horse with fine style, best of feet sud legs sud capital acti 'on, the pïeperty et Horatie HuIls, Tyrene, will muake the season et 1924: Monday, May 26, will leave bis stable lot 17 , Coni. 6, Darlington, sud proceed te Ar-thnrý Welch's, lot 8, con. 4, for noon; thence te W. E.- Cilbank's, lot 2, con. 1, for night; Tuesday neen at Fred llockeni's, lot .22, con. 2, Darliugton; thence te Cordon Leask's, lot 33, cou 6, i-ght; Wedes'day noon at John LVlcCregor's, lot 4, cou .4, EastVWbit- by; thenice to Walter Groats, lot 17, con. 5, E. Wýýhitby, nigbt; Thursday no-ou at Morley Cilroy's ,lot33 con. 7, Darliugton; thence own stable,,: îight; Fridsy attera oon te Hsrryý 3'raser's, 'lot 1, con. 8, Darliagton, night; Saturday moraing retaraiagi to bis own stable until Mouday moii- in--. Terras $15.l. F i i MINISTERS AND CHUIRCHES KINGSTON ROAD PAVING Rev. A. E. Thornley, Sheiburne, (Frors Ontario Reformer wil be the new minister of the Pres- Johnston Bros. have been award- , byterian Church at Port Ferry. 1 ed the contract for paving the Prince Albert Circuit has invited stretch of Provincial Highway be- Mr. Edwin F. Swayne of Ivanhoe,' as tween Bowmianville and Os awa. This Ltheir pastor after the close of the firm did considerable work~ on the p resent 'conference year. Mr. highway west of Oshawa 'the pust Swayne lias acceptedl. two years. The work for which the Annual'meeting, of Cobourg Meth- contract has just been awarded will y odist Church was'held recently when staPrt at once. Some material, con- reports showed a successful yeèar un- sisting- of water pipe, etc., bas al- du pastorate of Rev. R. FÈ. Stijli- ready arrive'd. This -work opening wimn,-\ho presided. The report 'on UP at this time should in a measure uiemersip howd anineeas ofrelieve the unem~ploymnent situation. meer ip sdrig hoe a reae f Won't it i.e jolly to have a paved orftyPeduring th yer. trYoucnngctng these two sister Por Pery ethdis Yongtowns? We suggest formation of People's League has just closed a several walking, clubs, in both places, very successful mnem'berehbip and pro-_______ gram contest. The Reds were win- ners and Blue,- served a banquet to TYRONE over 80 persons. Miss Dorothy 1Higgs, daughiter of Rev. Win. Higgs, Report ofý S. S. No, 18, Darlington. a frner Tyrone pa.stor, has beei Names inorerof me t -Kath electèd First-Vice Presidlent. leen Gibbs, Fred Goodm-an. Sr. IV Danforth -Methodisi Church, Tor- -Kathleen McCullough, Leon Moore onto, was operied on Sunday by Rev. Leverne Burg-ess, Frank Hatherly, Dr. S.ý D. Chown, General Superin- Arthur Richards. Sr. 'III-Eleaii- tendent. Thanks to the laesi or Thoipson lIvan Smith, Annie of their energ-etieý pastor, Rev. John Gardiner. Jr. IFI-Irene Camieron, J. Colt the 1Danlforth veueBiGoOdmnan, Clarence Goda Mehodists now have on)e of the finest Sr-. Il-Tedl Woodyard, (Alice church hbomes in thecty white the Tho, pn anld Lornia Hooper) equal, Sunday Selhool, wýýith Mayiýor iltz as Fred Tayloýr. Jr. Il (b)-Myrtle, Superintenident, is not surpassed inBoos, gracis Thompson, Carto Toronto. an peain eeler, Cqarence Hatherly, Edna i Asucesfu a Cer C ern. Jr. Il (a)-Heler jnoon tes was given by ladies of Tim, orne ShAnetni, AdelaideeAn- fancy work booth of Oshawa Pres- ns enc hcltoVoaKee -~ *Sr. Pr.-Jack Gibbs, Niina Hodgson. ý]iterian Church 'at horne of Mrs. Jr. Pr.-Jack Trimm, Eva Collacott, t'red Storie. Tables and rooms were Donald Thom-pson. Jr. Pr. (a)-Flor- preîtily decorated and Mrs. T. H.ý ence Camipbell, Douglas Keeler, McMurtry poured. Miss Dorothy C -,harlie -Henry. Number on the rol Moffat gave several piano selections.35 Those who assisted Mrs. Storie were: Mabel L.Wihtaer à Mrs. E. S. M'eath, Mrs. 1Moise, Mrs. Wgitahr . Ross, Mrs. W. Parks, Mrs. DPhillbps and Miss Mothersill. Pro- ceeds $40 for bazaar fund. Thle man who broughit ten thous. and Armerican MUethodists to Spring- field, Mass., in May to attend the general conference of the Met'hodist r Episcopal Churcli and to celebrate th detofMtoiniit e r rotect Yoi Methodism. He is Bishop Edwin W ith Toronto Asi Hoît Hughes, S. T. D., D. D., LL. D., iof Malden, -Mass., resident Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Made fromn pure wool a the Boston area, one of the 'most ono Al. . su gifted public speakers in the sister onto, A phl R.Looings u church.- to every roofing probi At the Brighton District meeting at Co1lborne, a motion was passed economy. placing on receord the very higb es- teem in which Rev. W. G. Clarke, We have it in rolls and B. A., la held ini the District. Mr. Clarke leaves at the end of the conference year to assumie a pastor- ate in the City of Otta.wa. Theý best wishes and prayerg of the Dis- trict go with hiai. Rev. Wilmot G.c ClrethodaChutrchobf o going t Cle ws' C orhobforB omnvj eBntCo Trenton anld the good will and good B iyq-l wishes of bis former parishoners bore go with hi-m and farnuly to their new iel ofactivity in the Capital of ef _hV l y Canada.. ehg9 v ie "The Coal That Satisfies" This is the rnonth to fil your coal bins for next winter. We have a splehdid quality of al sizes 110W ready for immediate delivery. J. A. HOLGATFÀ & SON Phone 153 Bo-wmanville We are sacrificing ail used cars we now have in stock at unheard of vabWs. You wiii actually be surprised at the rfflly iow prices we have plac- ed on these autos for quick clé arance. There is no excuse for you not owning and enjoying a car now. Corne early. This is a genuine bargain sale. HAVE YOUR CAR PAINTED Our expert artist who h -as had years of ex- perience in painting cars willfgive you a first-class job in every particular. Not only wili you go away proud that your car looks as good as new, but you wiil be happy that it cost 50 littie. WE WILL WASHI YOUR CAR What's worth doinig is worth doing right. You'Il find that we, know how to wash your car to' perf ection. Just run your car in our garage when you need it washed. CHrwADïBURN Mu-"OKTRCO2-. Phone 177 Bowrnanvilie Il -~ -,, , SOL.D BY A. L. NICHOL.LS Skee1essBabies, IS* BABY restless? IGet Johnsenoe Baby Powder at once. Ma ssage it over the tender skin. Baby is corn- forted and sleep cornes. Touar 1> ruggss More Than irMerchani.D Ur Ho ueme phalt Roofing and pure asphait. Tor- pply the ideal sol1ution lem-safety-beauty- 1siates, t1 Now Anthracite Notice to Creditors I~THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE OYF William Leslie Oke,. late of the, !Towaisip of Daiington, ceasedl. NQýTICE IS HEEBy ÇIVEN that aIl persoas having anyChabims or deaad aga-jiast the lUte William rL eslie lc, h dlied( on or aibout Sath day of April , 1924, at the Towasipi of rilington, aire re- lquiredl to sead (lby post prepai~d or dýe- ]-Ver te the u-ndeýrsignedï solieitor for WesleY Oke, th,ýeexecuitor ef the estate of the saiid Williagî Leslie Okýe, their names and adese nd lfull particulars in wrtigOf 1their dlaimis and state- mients of thieir accouats and the nature of scrteif any, hield by vthem11. -AND -AENOTICE that- after the 25th dlay of June, 1924, the said W-esley Ok'e will rcedtuo dastibu)ite theas sets Of the said Lece'ised amoag the pen- sens entitled thereto, haývinig regard only te the dimrs of whieh hie shaîl then have hiait notice, and thait the said Wes- ley Oke will net he lhable for the, said assets or aay part theýreof fdue any per- son of whiose dlaim hie shiaîl net tiien have reevdnotice. Dated ant Bwavlethe 17th day 0f May, 1924. MGVOUD Soliciton fer Wesley Oke,, Eixecutor. HORSE ROUTES

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