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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1924, p. 7

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How to Invest. INHEN you have saved enough money with which to buy à Canadiari Government or Municipal Bond consuit *this bank and obtain free inforrnationr as to thie particular offering best suited to your needs. Standard Service glves impartial investment intei- gence gladly on request. !ST THE TAN DA ly«E JD AN K ý-ecade ndNew,,tnville Branchezs W. P. CORBETT H-. 'W, Lapp, Manager - -E. A. Prestoin m.aager - J. Scott Montgomery, Mandger W. J. BAGNELL F. R. KE'SLAKE Bowmanville ont TO- :'O-RROW is on,th e way. If you knew to-da<that to-m~orrow's fire would dlestroy your, home, you would prepare to-day. But you cannot know what will happen to-morrow,,o You cari proteet yourself ' against financial loss, however. Fire insurance is the only one of the many- forms of dependable proper- ty protection we off er to those who would be pre- pared for to-morrow's eventualities. J. J. MASON %SON 'Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanville, A Wise Builder USE'S THE BEST MVATERIALS Rogers Cernent miakes the best fouîndation., Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir--and Quebec Spruce niake the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing make the best covering. Beaver Brand Hlardwood Flooring is more dur- able anct sanitary than any other, therefore it is the best fiooring. Beaver 'Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained ,4make handsome wal'is and ceiling. Pine Doors, Sash cand insidte trim make the best finish. The People's Fuel and Lumiber Depot is the best place to buy. Prices reasonable and a square deal for every- body. Cali and see us. MeIellan & Co., Limited King St. East Boirmanville Office Phone là House Phones 228, !274, 218 go oedyou coaWt menst tiici fûeicimsl 2»fww '1 ït Ic g, el l d I 'w i t h c w ti tE fi 1 1 ti N ti eE r e BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 5th., 1924. ure of the seenery about Naple,,3 KEDRON 4, f ~~~The rim of the crater is rea4ched frn hsdstitatne g d ally ascendling stages until at Many fonti ititatne AMEDITERRANEAN CRUISE a height of 41,26.5 feet one cari loolz Eldad Anniiverisatry. n S ON BOARD S S. LAPLAND, down into it s crater. Miss Florence Wheeler, Toronto, < Cook's Vesuvius railwvay ascendsj visite.d Miss Gladys Crassmnani.B r a $ th-rough v e ard iad through luxC- Mse ageiead Ktle By r. eiI.S.Maconad, oroto.ur. an pat nmerusCoiilin visited Miss Ruby Armour, Letter Number Nie peasants' homes. These peasants Osnawa.- seemi to have faith that Vesuvius On our w\ay back, fromn Cairo to will not break out in eruption again. Mr. and MUrs. Norman Gimnblett, es our steamer we paid a short visit to Then therila crosses the stili Osha-wa, visited recently at Mr. Our country cs Alexandria. This is the usual port almnost bare lava streami of 1858 Everett Mountjoyý's. six Rural Mail Routeý of landing for Egypt. However, we and in a long bend up, to the huge Solina ladies are noted for good may have fresh bread carne in by the back door. As des- lava streamn of 1872. teas and the concert given on Mon- hnn iett u cribed in an earlier letter, we lande;d The next of the railway is by day niht by Acme Quartette phon iedrectTohoi at Haifa , visited the Holy Land and rack and pinion. It asce.nds on Oshawa, was excellent, mail cae r. Ths' then camae by Allenby's railroad to the south margin of the lava stream M.adMs .F erMse hiidue hn Cairo. of 1872 to a fertile region an'd Br. cand iMr. H. . WeryldMises hu s, hn At once Alexandria imipressed us cbestnut wo'od. Here stand the rniean ima r.HrldWr as an imaportant commin-ercial city. It chapel of San Salvatore and the Uy r. and Mrs. Clarence Werry, ba s a busy harbor, in fatth mst Royal Observatory, both untouchedMisEth eadn Mr..J.A C B important on the Mediterranean. by the eruptions of 1872 and 1906. Luke, Miss Gussie and _Mr. Albert c %- Large quantities of cotton, grain, liere, also isý the Hotel Eremo. Luke attended the- Silver Wedding rie nt vegetables were to be seen Eroni this point the railaypse of Mr. andi Mrs. Jas. A. Werry, En- Successors to Christie'à on the wharves ready for ship- ove.r dreary fields of lava until the iiiskilleii. ment. terminus is reached. The last stag-e _________________________________ A striking monument in Alexan- of the railway is by a cable tramn, dria is Porripey's Pillar. This is th, whichi seenis to ascend at least with.j J? E 5ctilb le larg-est weIl preserved relie of an- ane angle atof terees ad See coupon1. tiquity, 'n the city. t lis a granite Thlatproftescnismd columai about 100 feet high- and is on foot over loose ashes and sla. crowýned with a Corinthian capital. How,ýever, a gradually sloping path- t is almiost the last reniinder of the way makes it easy to reach the rim. Roman periîod in Egypt. We 4,valked along the edge of the Near by are the cataconibs. These cer 'ihissihru aor D ar nagifeettobs cave otcontinually pouring out, accompan -___ii afre sonid c nomi cnsist o ' îed by duil, explosive o1tbursts. Our of he old rckandconistofsev- guide wished ta take us 'down into eral toreas.iî They'afford an ex- the Crater but we were quite satîs- t ke i x clth ape ota fwt the blending of fied just to take a peep into its a e n w theEgytia -wth heGreek and dph from above.' Roman styles. No doubt these dle spent a delightful day visiting s fi I i ckw tonmbs beloniged to an Egyptian niag- the Island of Capri ait the entrance LiiVness, iihe i nate. Around the principal chamb- to the Bay of Naples. It is a1W, ers are plainer vauI'ts for the doines- mountainous islaind, about 5 miles tics of the f amily. There is a large square and is one of the characteris- Yaui, toa, cani have the beauty of lus-7 chamber used f or~ funeral banquets. tic features of the Bay. Marny ar- tos ik hi.Ee fyu ari The tomrb chapel' is on the lowest tists aretouattraeted ta Capri by itsrhair loor. Th 'ere are ninety-one shelf picturesque coast scenery, its seas brittle, duli, lifeless taday. tombs around the chapel. grottoes, the limpid purity of its airitanledebyunghscaet The Place Mahomet Ehi is the cen- and the gloos blue colour of its I alb ocb iigti orc tre of European life la Alexandria. sea. shainpoo - which authorities recami- In the Square' stan~ds an excellent Capri was the' favourite resort of miend. This aflve equestrian statue ta the Khedive. Augustus and Tiberius. Palaces, yau in],ain rrees and flowers beautify it. The baths and public works were con- This offers yau a test, free. PIoi~S Curts of Stice ar the usechef isrt, dy.eiwihsilexslaioié Courths fJt. Mare the ourse, ihe psrut d y ten. hihsi xsPay attention ta this fact which hair Nat a bit aily buildings of the Square. The limestone rocks of Capri have specialists kniow:ecnmcl Leaving Alexandria our steamer i been beaten against for ages by theiv cn)iial now headed westward across the sea and wind and mauy gorges and The carrect shamnpaa contains oliv Try it-atc Me'diternanean. The most menior-1 caves have been formed. The best ail. It cleanises haiir and scalp thar- fan 15c trialL Naples -was the passage of thel an entrance oonly three feet i hig'h. pore mie part of aur ret.urn voyage ta known cave islythrfeBl Gottowhiag, lahdw.nt h t aes ' Ate sn Straits of Messina. Long- before1 Once inside, the cave wdeus into a at the base af each hair. Atrtoil eutering the straîts the lofty cons grotto 40 feet high and 200 feet% natice enicour ofMouut Etna formns- a prominent long. Light is eeldei. ecet orYe gent]ly, imildhy. Leaves feature of the landscape. Situated1 that refractedt fromi the smiall ~open- 1--air 1so-ft ais a cil1d'S, pli 1ant, ri chly on the Island of Sicily and having an ing at the entr'ancez The effect is eevation of 10,880 feet, it is theý most exquisite, ever'ything appears glarn inaturial colon andibaty 5 oftiest mounitain lu Italy south of to be of silver .and blue. FUi]i he Alps. At sîl timnes of the ,-car, At various spots around the islaud its peak la snowcspped. However, the are othen grottoes but the Blue Grot- T A A-F~- of Cia owen siopes are quite fertile, oran- to is the best example. A r,"-LI E S AtM O ges, olives aud grapes beiug gro-wn Another day we miýotoréed across Miade in Canada Nm everywhiere, the Sonreuto peninsula visiting Amn- TEPLOIEC'ý1 YO AAA In ancient titys the currents sud alti, Sorrento, Salerno and Cava. TH AMLV OPAY0 AAA IITED whirlpools of Messina were much ThLk was the most wonderful drive inaToontdront dreadeti but they have no noticeable our experience. We have drivenTono Ot eifects ou the steami vessels of ta- aloug the Corniche Raaid of' theéit lay. Riviera; along t'he- Axenstrasse of-- 42 Along the shores of the straits we Switzerland, from N'~azareth 1to Jer- saw many towns, chief of which arej. usalem, and fronm Jerusalem to M/essna,i Sieily and opposite on the Jericho, but, the 'Anal, oad i s, by? talian mainland, Reggio. if ar the niost ~adventurous andà Saîling northward fnom Sieily, picturesque. The roiad f ollows the Stromnboli soon came into sight. Wei rugged coastline, most of the way a IF. J.NI ha nopportunity of observing it by huudre'd or more feet above the sea- DISTRIi dayhghth anti then aiso late into the an'd is dotted here and there with night. This peak is referred to as; prtty little- villages or whitewasbed D mno pihGa he lighthouse of the Mediternanean hOuses, perched perilously along the and, indeed, it serves its purpos~ ewill. cliff, Along- the. hillsides are ter - Highest IDuing thie day its plume of black J aced gardens growiug vines, Oran- smoke is visible froni a great dis- ges, lemons and olives. Londoni Paris Phil ance, while at night, it flashes out. Amalfi lies at the m-outh of a ra- at intervals much as a lightbouse vine shut la by mnountains andi by The N arould. lu addition may be seen al rocks. tream of nsd-hot lava' runrnng dowu Its flnest botel is Capuchin foami- "> O thé'd ftevlao tobl rly a mopastery built lu the liollow has been a "Dnoy o M!elecei bas been discharginz lava, for over of a rock 230 feet abruptly above two thousaud years. liffýtle olden the sea. Shortly before our «ý-si-t this l days, it was tboaight ta be the abo.te hostel as well as a little village near- f Aeolus, the god of winds. by, was destroyeti by a landslide. Ia this district, instruments mayL On aur returu ta Naples, one of We drove to Amalfi by the Higb factory. Many purchbasers take adv. ur flrst visit.a was ta the city of Roàd over the peninsula and return- wîhaewhîgy ragdt ut Pompeii. The Forum or great pub- ed by the Clif road a'Ioug the sea ilnyaragdtsut, liec square of Pompelil l 515 feet ta 'Salerno, Cava anti Naples. For informati4on write Box 353 ci long and 107 feet wiide. t la paved________( Bowman with large shahs of stone, Ou the sides of the Forum are buildings SALEM onnected with the Courts of Ju~stice. The Basilica was used both as a The following is the May report market and a court of law. Its in- of S. S. No. 9, Darlington. Figures lerior has severa1l Ionic brick columus denote per ceýnt; * houons; j- absent and at the sud tauds the raised one w'eek or mare during the nionth. R tibunal. Sr. IV-*Nelson Wilkins 77, ý'Jobu Near the Fxroum is the E~x- Cator-Y6, Bob Collacott 54. Jr. IV hange origiually suraunded by 4 thaura Wilkins 54. Sr. 111-' Earl olnns of Panian anarbie. Fowlen 80, ;,Sidney Elconibe 76. Sr. le city, had seats for twenity in- 64, tHelea McDonald 56, f Wil- ...1 , i i f f r thousand spectatars. There are liam Cowing 46, tRets Gounagbaný ;wo smaller theatres wlith capacities 43, f violet Strutt 23. Jr. IL-DorisI nI Af 1,500 and 5,000, respectively. Collacott 70, Edgar Caton 52, Olive v r h a t n o"i intérest sud mauy notable resideuces Foster 48 ' Meredith Little 47, -tEl-i mae been brciught ta igbit. One of mer Strutt 19. Sr. I1-*Mariu ,hese la the House of the Faun, sa Honey 95, Beatrice Cator 74, Lm aqledc frami the statue of an 1gFotr71, lrdYon 4 A ut EXTR~ALAG P-4 1 Aro P. SAvL5 FunL CAS T leos DOME -LAý-r R*IG OiGAi. FIRE-POq HHEAVY aaeS IR, îiwz 4unIl- iSI VEg AIR- ,S F RING fi jr in j J E grmth of/pourlhome By Mail ,tomers living on any of the s going out of Bowmanville d delivered to them daily by xshop or ordering from the ia Çonvenience that y.ou 97. & HILLYER s Bakery Bowmanville IV 'j-, lan 0fe construction. On the sidel Ï ifltoducis twormed air O0 VER the f the entrauce was a smaîl roorn 'grJîu r Ur c ierJL ufc.iert vo4zme to consunw theu or the porter, anti just within was ~(unU)cio ae ee be ,central court, having a fountain Is.t JU U07r' heat from sol't coaI r esef2voir for staning the rain water. Surrounding the court were M flkm anCoutMClr'deerindor ae.g bfe different apartments, inchudingj osltMCap' e'1 ' n î,u 6kei. bhe diuing-room, kiteben anddseeping! Free R w. ipe o/4 the fuel pou save and the comfortable uxi ooms. Write te Bord* e. .. - Our ascent off Vosivius was weilî Limite4, fi'oat4 wortb wvhile. The ma-sive cane of .S.3-. bhis voicano is the doi'mhating feat-I SoId ina Bowmanvilie Iy Greenaway & Efiatt a il treltmlent, is given to xaiderni, dainty farm in Eiamipoo. Pleasant ta use. .. Q uickly benleficial1. And aul xpense. Send coupon i- it the first timie you will iraging restults. cTRIAL tO1TLE FREE in and poSst to The Palmolýive CompanyJ ada, Limnited, Toronto, Ont. 'Jitcheil BUTOR and and Player~ Pianos Awards ilacelphia Chicago lame INION"Y in musical instruments Rince 870 be seen, by appointment, at the vantage of. the aeferred payments the convenience of customers. or telephone Nos. 86, 92 or 105 nvi uthraeiteI

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