Special ValIUE j Tomato Plants i Asters Verbenas 2 Boxes 25c ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowme [anville Treat the Family TO WILLARD'S ICE CREAM it certainly is delicious and in great dernand these warm days.' Sold by brick, bulk or cone. Also special orders in~ bricks or buik packed and delivered to your home. WE SPECIALIZE IN WEDDING CAKES EAT CORBETT'S HIGH LOAF BREAD w. P. Crbett Baker and (Sticcessor to Conf ectioner Thomas Tod) Bowman Vîlle Dudley Stili Sends ,Meat by 'Mail In order to stili give our country customers first-class service by way of prompt deiivery we wili send any order for meat, large or small, with this understanding: That the custorner pay 5c extra to applyon the parcel post and we agree to pay the balance of the postage required. Ph'one us your order the n'ight bef ore and we will see that it goes next rnorning. Wilbert J. Dudley Hormey Block Phone 225, Hou.se 272 BowmanvilIe FARM1%ER'ý-%S! ARE YOU INTERESTED IN DRAINING YOUR. LAND? Tile Drainage is not an experiment on ]and but an established rnoney-rnaking investmnent for you. Ontario has about 300 ditching machines in operation and the United States Jhas thousands. I have a ditching m~achine and arn ready to help you drain your landi. Corne and talk it over. A. W.r PINCH Drainage Contractor R. R. 2 Newcastle Ont.1 I i i ir cb Vce on uionday in SI,. Andrew's aiacl moire cape anda Ick fbat. UP-1 Cooper, Orono. IChurch which -%as crowded with on their retura Mr. and Mrs. Real, Auditors-Miss. M. Walsh, Mrs. C. friends who came to pay their tribute will reside at the Strathcona Apart-i Carveth. of respect an~d affection for the life 1 ments, Toronto. EeuieMa .E acat IJus lsd Dean Armstrong of, Among the guests were Mr. and Bowmanutve; Ms. ThE. HSmiat, Trenton, assisted in the service. Mrs. M.. Murdoif and Borea of BoW-v_ Blackstiock; Mis. R. Hatheîly, Ty- Thlere were many beautiful floral manvilie.rneMs,5 .NdeyH ptn offeings lier____________suvive Mrs J. Honeywell, Orono; Mis. H. 1 two sons, Dr. William H. Garratt of Phil*p, Nestleton; Mrs. R. J. MeIKes- Yonkers, N. Y., and Frank J. Garratt AUNT'S TIMELY ADVICE 1 sock, Solna; Mrs. W. D. Jones, New- of North Bay, one daughter, Mrs. S. 1 tMisIabeîlaîgsn eyset S. Edsall of Borwnanville, and one Aunt's weekly letters reachi us reg-, ang"B vr set sister, Mrs. Anson Whittier, Trenton. ularly but our space is so crowde dbyly nieMrofAge" The bearers %vere Messrs. Stephen local news and advertisers, that they j t was moved by Mrs. Holman, Leaven!s, S. P. Moirden, H. E. MeFaul, are crowded out. Here is a goodi seconded by Mis. T. C. Jewell and James Lane, J. S. Shurie and Wal- bit of advice to an over-sensitive supp'orted by a unanimous standing lace Wilder. niece: vote that, as an Institute we place Amongthos whocamefromourselves oni record, in favor of the Amotnge tostendh e f rom a Ie am sonry for yo&ur most uncom- 0 . T. A., and that we pledge oui- Distance toW. arattend he f nrelere, foîtable and embarrasing day. Stili 11 selves to ]do ail in oui power for the DUr. and Ms. W.F.rank t, oke think you are a littie over sensitive Temperance Cause. BaMrds. WiFirnk Grratt, North as to what people May think and Aharyvt ftnkwagie Bary r.Whittie, M.and Mrs.i a. Isedo bigs eetdtA eryveofhnkwsgvn Hary hitirMs. Bryant and sy nta f eigs eetdte retîîing President, Miss' Rey- Miss, lB. Armistrong, Trenton, Mis. and hopeless about it, make up youT nolds, who bas given four years of1 Bal'dîick, Picton,. Mr and Mrs. M. mind right 10W, to improve mratters: faithful service to West Durhami Di- W. Murdof, Brighton, Rev. and Mis. it will be easîer than you imag-ine. trict. Rufus Garîatt and Dr. Gilbert of "Preparedness" is a goo'd one-Word Miss Haycraft was appointed dele- Demorestville, Mis. Walter Leavens ,Otto to keep efoie you. It j, s0 gate to the Federated Women's I- and sons, Ralph and Harry, ?BIOOm- useless to fret afterwards; it will do Ètitute with Mis. Cooper as alter- field. no good and only make you nervous nate. KENDAL far better than pîeaching. at Tyrone. and iritale. ractial lssonhare N a iticltem igllbe hel Wickhan-McMil*u You can improve the manners of Kersiake at'the organ was heartily your home f olks very easîly if you go, sung and the meeting adjourned.' On he venng f Jne , Cllee aoutit n akinly nd actul pirt. A very excellent supper was pro- Street Baptist Church, Toronto, was Few things caa be more unco.mfort- vided by the ladies and eveîyoae the scene of a very pîetty -wedding aible than ill manners at the table, thoroly enjýoyed the. good things -whien Miss Anna M. McMilen be- and, worse stili, outspoken remarks whilh were so abundantly servèd. came the bride of Mi. Edward Guy before strangeirs. A hearty vote of thanks moved by Wickham. Re'v. Benjamin Good- Miss Haycraft and seconded by Mis. * field officiated. The bride who was Y7ou are not the only one who can- R. J. McKessock was accorded the given away by hier uncle, Dr. David not keep things exactly "right" inNeonie ladies for their cordial Archer of Port Peîry, Iooked cbarmi- the every-day hustie; it could not %welcome and generous entertainnisent ing ia a gown of white satin, caugh'. be expected of you; so you get slack afforded the visitors. jwith orange blossomis, -wearing a and youî husband and childien get large white hat and caîrying a showeî slack, and neither one of you can Ibouquet of Ophelia roses and Lily !of pull up when the chance "particular" OLN the Valley. The happy couple left comipany comes. _______ I~~~~~~ -a00o(lmtrtn hruhMu- A odPlan is to get up one spe-ý (Received too late for last week) koka. the bride travelling in a smart cial mieal once a week,, prepare it Mi. S.G. Chant attended Bay of blak ad wit cotum. O teiras f fr ompany, and expect comi- Quinte Conference as representative ietuMnse ionslTrsdo ntek-pnyo.manners from leach one. Y ou of Hampton Circuit .. . . Ms. Isaac vîe MasinsTornt. wllsoon find tbat this will miake Hardy has ibeen visiting lier old homne 1a wondeiful improvement to ail of at Oakwood.. . .Miss Mary Reynolds you. t would test' your capabili- has returned fîom a visit to Toronto ties in planning a. well-balanced . ... A large nuiber fîom here at- menu; you should bring out your best tended Ebenezer anniversary ... Mr. silver and napery, and that would Cecil Bush, Columbus, was horne on *silence the'reýmaika that are so emn- Sun'day,.. Mr. B. Whitnell, Toi- barrassing from thie outspoken onto, visited at Mrs. John Reynolds' .-(oungste"s, which would be the samle over the week-end. ... iMessis. Kvi in the unusual dishes and the wayj and Basnhaepîhae v er-! * tey 'are serve'd. cheron Stallion. ... Our boys played the flîst game in the Bowm-anville, If you are tactful aad treat it as oiaadEnsilnLau~wt gamne the child'ei will enijoy, it and EnailnStra 9wnb . soonimpovein their manne- Yt0* . Miss Ellen J. Jam es is visiting e a yo sh0u1 always insist on good frienrds at Columibus ... . Ji * t manners, ~wfhetheî in the bouse or at Ryod a oefo oot * the mneal table; armns and elbows off over the week-end.. Mis. J. Baker the table; gentie conversation, and visited hier mother, Mids. W. J. SOf rt.If you check aIl kinds ofB agg, Bowmniiville, who is quite ili rughness in the bouse it wil] becoine .... .Mr. and Mis. N. E. Wright, Mr. CIent handie. Sold by al qientrl ndhbtal -or them and Mis. S. E. Werry and -Mi. A. L. Druggto ,Goe n to ,Âehave' nicely at ail times and aIl Pascoe attended the funeral of the Drugiss, rocrs nd your worries of what people will late Mis. L. Weîry at Blackstock on General Stores th-ink will be at an end. Tuesday. eliclos lavo dCrawn (Trom ?the leaves of CLS 60 USED CARS We are sacrificing ail used cars we now have in stock at unheard of values. You Wili actually be surprised at the really Iow prices we have plac- ed on these autos for quick clearance. There is no excuse for you not owning and enjoying a car now. Corne early. This is a genuine bargain sale. HAVE YOUR CAR PAINTED Our expert artist who has had years of ex- Iperience ,$n painting cars wiIl give you a first-class job in every particular. Not only wiil you go away proud that your car looks as good as new, but you will be happy that it cost so littie. WE WILL WASH YOUR CAR What's worth doing is worth doing right. You'l flnd that we kniow how to wash your car to perfection. Just run your car in our garage when you need it washed. CHAD.,rBURN MTRCO. Phone 177 Bowrnanville BQOWMANVILLE, JUN-,E l9th., 1924 A FASHIONABLE WEDDING W. D. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 5Spport of O. T., A. PIediged-Mirs. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Heai-Fish W. B. Poliard The New President. Miss Eva Curtis, Toronto, is holi- Annual meeting of West Durham dayîng at home.' Wflnen's Institute was held in the Miss Mahel Noon is holidayin Miss Eva L. Fish the only 'daugh- Methodîst Church, New%ýtonville, on wit reaties n esteto an ~ ter of Mr. H. H. Fish, general super- 'Thursd1iy afteînoon whien a splendid onto. ~ esitneto h ot-eti n representation of 'the Brxanc;hes for tario District, Caaadian National this district was in attenidane. Mrs.W. . Kys is attending the Railways, and Mis. Fish of 63 Triller MisE n aolS( D- United Empire Loyalists célebration Avenue, Toronto, was niaîried Wed- i s dnart a ndseSlna, is-n at Belleville. nesday to Mn. Harold E.-Heal, Can-trtPesdnasitechrad Miss Emma Sunten, Toronto, spent adian passenger representative of erin the eet ing o d eai s.onin the week-end at her uncle's, Mr. Wm. the Pennsylvania R. R., Toronto, the hati nteoeigoe i.W Painton, Westmount. only son of Me and Mis. F.,R'. IHeal C. Lane presiding at the organ. Boys' Suits with 2 pairs pants for, Of 1504 King Street West. The Mis. J- R. Cooper, Orono, Secre- only $7.88-a real bargain., Couch, manriage was solemnized in North tary, read the minutes of last an- Johnston & Cryderman. Paîkdale Methodist Church ýby Rev. nual meeting which were adopted. Miss Theresa Moreau, Oshawa, Mr.A. H. Runnelîs of Montreal, assisted_ m eksPraesd tat ineh beenng re- Otho Brwon,' Toronto, spent the by Rev. Dr. A. P. Addison. marks sAtd t h statsheBhacben puy- week-end at Mi. C. L. Brown's., The church, tastefully decorated ing tire year and had, found eveîy- Mi. and Mns. Stephen Gardiner, with mauve nad white lilacs, ferns one doing a good work. Toronto, are spending three weeks and marguerites, made an attractive Mis. M. J. Holman, President of -t Mr. Roy VanCamp's, Darlington. setting. Miss Fish looked charming Neitonville Branch, extended a Mi. N. C. Rundle and Dr. H. C. in a beatuiful gown of white meteor very cordial welcomne to the visitors Rundie, Brighton, visited their crepe with long bodice and foui- on behaîf of Newtonville mnembers. mother, Mrs. Johin Rundle on Sun- tiered skirt, with court train of white Secretary-Treasuîer presented the day. chiffon, lined with orchid and clust- financial report of the District and .Mis. M. D. Williams, Syracuse, N. eus of orange blossonis. She wore Branches xhich mas very satisfact- Y., is visiting ber son and daughter a veil of Brussels net, with a cononet oîy . The membership for the p'ast Mu. and Mis. Aia Williams, Queen of pearîs and orange blossoms. Miss year was 368 a decrease of 11. Stet n ther relatives. Fish was givein away by ber father, Starkville Brancih had disbandpe'd. 11r.an eetM Mrdf and Ms while the bridegroom ,vas supported Reports Irom the Branches showed a M.adMsM.MrofadMs by Mr. H. R. Fish of Montreal. Thé enddya' o' n eep Borea visited Mis. Cecil Dunsford, splendid yearss werrk and wereipue- Toronto, and atteiided the Heal-Fish prewsaidMis Vra onins Wnni- sentedas follows: Victorian (Black- wed'ding on Wednesday, June 1ith. pg a rtiygwe nsne stock) Miss Margaret Swain; Hamnp- pink, georgette, trimmed with silk, ton, Mis. 'C. J. Kerslake; Tyrone, Mis. F. Atlee Poster, Bemman- lace of the me celor and wore a Miss Stewart; Bowmnanville, Miss ville,, returned& home to-day after leghorn hat with georgette and Kdith M. Weekes; Newtonville, Mis. spending a week wfth ber parents, French flewers. The flomer girls W .Jns rnMs .R Mr. and Mis. Thomas Tremeer.- mere Miss Haýel Cam-pbell of Toron- Copr oia isRyod;andà, Lindsay Post. to, who carnied mauve pansies, andinotherabSelne ofssthensio r- Mr. an'd Mus. Nelseon T. Bragg, Miss Phyllis Ryckman of Stratford, rsnaîeteSceayra h Toronto, Mis. F. L. Bragg and Mis. -who carried sunset sweet peas. Mis peettv h Sceayra h E. W. RundleOsaaspnSu-RH.Fsoteofhebie, annual report sent in by Mis. R. day witb Mu. and Mis. W. S. Bragg, a gown of black georgette, trmor e csn, B an Secr ery Case Kings ton Road, East. with beavy black lace and a blaýk DesaigadMlieyCesa Mi. and Mis. W. W. Allun lef t lace hat. She caruierd a bouquet of had been successfully conducted at Saturday afternoon on a trip to Vani- Ricbmond roses. Mis. Heal, mote Newtonville and a Nursing Class hy Vancouver, B. C., to spend sonie of the bridegroomn, woue black bead- Solina Branch. weeks with their son amnd (aughiter- eci satin, faced with canton crepe jMn s. Gilmer Smnith and Mis. Hai- in-law, Mn. and Mis. Geo. W. Allia. and a, black lace bat, andi carried a. lowell sang a duet very nicely. bouquet of roses. Miss Haycraft gave a brief ad- The shes wre.LMn.A. . H d dess on "Foui Keys to Successful TheS. EDSALLe-MBEA.EJVEDd- nstitute Work" and added a few gesMv.W. Pîfrman Mi.W. o- ords re the Federated Womyen's In- Pasingof W.H. arrtt, warth and Mi. W. MacDoiugall. The stitute. Psizo rW.eH. Garratt wedding was an iunusually laigely at- MS enlsra h eie ________on tended one and guests Were present Ms enlsra h eie from Elcho, Wis., Vancouver, Win- 1raies on the Fedetated W. I. which' The passing of Mis. William Hen- nipeg, Detroit, Montreal, Buffalof mere on motion of Mrs. E. R. Bouni- ry Garratt remnoves one of Welling- Windsor, Brantford, Stîatford, Hain-: sali and Mis. S. A. Devitt appioved ton's pioneers and one who is held ilton, Bownianville, Belleville, Otter- by this District. n high esteem,. Mis. Garratt bas' ville,' Oakvjlle, Brockville, Guelph A resolution mas also passed re- eeniiifQ soe onts ut erand other out-of -toma points. 1 questing Supt. Putman t& send out ondition did not become dangerous notices for the Provincial Conven- until the paàst week wben she grad- Aftei the cereniony breakfast mas tion to the delegates, little eailier ually grew weaker until the end serveil at the home cf the bride(, the than last year, smme having only a ame early on Satuîday. The de- house being daintily decorated with couple of days' notice and sonie none eased was nearly 85 years of age mauve sweet peas and Ophelia roses. at al and mas bhorn at Demorestville. Her~ The bridesgnoom's gîft to the bride . \ls .Jhso aearoý e naiden namne wa Elien Matilda was a diamond bar pin; to the brideR.-ohnson g ilieyaved srt re F'one.s. Sixty five years ago she mas maid, a pearl onyx ring; to the onthesliertnddesn'- narried to William Henry Gaiiatt man, peani l dress shirt studs; te thei eng courses wbiceh had proverd ch a who survives hier. Most of their ushers, pear, tie pins, and , to the sourýew of vile asrsn. eeftt h married if e bas been spent in Wel- flomer girls, bracelets The bride's NwovleCûs lington mhere they lived in the old- gift to the bridegroom mas a walk- Neomt oftlcers eleeted are: st bouse in the village buik hby Dan- ing stick. President-Mrs. W. B. Pollard, iel Reynolds, the first settler. BoNVnanville. Mis. Garratt mas a miemrber of the The happy couple le fOr a, Vic e Pre'sident-Mrs. John Baker, Anglican Cbuîch and a regular and boneymoon to be spent ia Atlantic t Solina. ait 'hful attendant at the services înj City and New York. The bride more 2nd Vice President-Mrs. D. St Aindrew's Chur-ch. Rev. W.'G.1 a "going-aw,,ay" dress of black taffeta Hooper, Tyrone. Lansbury conducted the funerai ser- Jume wthmgenta velvet, wth~ Secretai-y-Treasurer-Mrs. J. R. gowmanville Branch, Bl1ackstock Branch, ""Mr Proteçt lour Home With Toronto Asphait Roofing Made from pure wool and pure asphait. Tor- onto Asphait IRoofings supply the ideal solution to every roofing problen--safety-beauty- economy. We have it in rolis an~d slates. Buy ceai Now Lehighi Valley Anthracite "The Coai Tliat Satisiies" This is the rnonth to fil] your coal bins for next winter. We have a splendid quaiity 6f ail sies now ready for immediate deiivery. J. A. HOV'-LGATE"L & SON Phone 153 Bowmanvilie - .W.. Lapp, Manager E. A. Prestort, Mamage,' H469 has won itmlioso usr.S d FREE SKMýpLE îa I ETEA vuPOREWJEsT. SLDTONO The Investor's Safeguard SSATYisthe frtconsideration in êvery phas S of nearst aarca giusie yo infoe rmaina eposition to render a con plete investment service, regarding anysecurities you may contemplite purchazing Let STANDARD, SER VICE be poeir Investmant Safegnird STANDRD BANK