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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1924, p. 5

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Lost or FQuind MONEY FOLND-Nlar Býïe LUne, No. OScbiool, ia sum ocf.rmonev Owelmay have samei by proving prope4,ty a.dpy ing cost of this insertion. App Lyt the Statesmnan Office. '3 3wQ Strayed STRAYEO-2 year-old îs onle blaIck and white,, other roan,coe on lot 17,' con 3. Darlington, about 1 ~1.Own- er many havwesamne by provîbn poprt and paying expenses. 11aro,îd Bennett. R. R. 3, B'ow*manville. HeIp Wanted WANTED-A middle agetj lady for a ComIlpaniiion aend for a homne in a family, of tw.. Write box 25, Bowlip.nville, or phone 236r4. 215-tf MEN WANTED-To rpr for dunty on or albout July ist for olitdoor worlc. ('00d surroundings andhietwas paid. Apply Edl. Waheitarrymede Faýrmn, Clarksoni, Ont. 25- LOCAL REPRESENTATIVft WANTED -for Bowývmanville and district to seil for the ""O1ld Rliable Fonthili usris' We offer exclusive te-rrltory, permianenti employmient and liberal termns to thle rîghit mari. For fli priuarwie Stone & Wellington, Toronitý25- WANTED-A biighi graide mân for, town of Bowmlaniville by inistututioil withi overý ,50 years of successful opecraýt1on. College man preferred, thougb flot essenitial if otheurwiseý qualitled. M\ust bc a worker. One wb-lo le looking7 to bi9gger fields for his 1f e work, and who wants3 to learn a sublstantîial business in a substantial way iulder competent instruc- tion and caref ul supervision. For- in- terview ,ippointiment adldress in confidl- ence witth brief personal history Boxz 1001, Peterboro, Ontario. 23-t No matter bow smnall or large tbie place you !ive in you can imake mioney as our Agent. Tenl to Twenty-Fivec Dol- lars weekly for any lady wlth a few hours to spare. Onie dollar for samipie outtit starts you in business. Residenit Aý%gent wanted in ev ery town and vil- lage to take orders for Laidie' House Frocks, Porchi Aprons, etc.. direct from manufacturer toWerr We deliver and collect. Send One Dollar for samle outflt and shake hands with success I'%W. R. Jarmiain & 0o., Manufacturer of Ulouse Frocloe. Porch Aprons, Wash Dresses, etc., Lýondon, Ontario. To Let COTTAGE TO RENT-Furnlshed eot- tage at the lake. Apply W Mis. Ar- chie Bingbarni at A. M . Williamns', phone 58 gr 159. 215-tf TO RENT-Furnished bouse in Bow- mainville. central locatioýn, modern con- venlences, for months of July and Aug- us.Apply to Mr2. Editb V. Scobeil, Bow- marivlle.23-3w FOR RENT-Sumnmer months, com- fortable rooms, sultable for xarrled' couple, in beet residential district, In abi- absence of ownier. Particulars apply to box 225, Bownanivllle. 25-1w, Property For Sale BARN FOR SALE-Barn 50 x ?0 ft., in good condition, ont foundation witb stabling under, aIea a silo, nearly new. .Apply to Walter Ferguson, P. 1, 1urlteton, phone lq9r6. 25-tf FOR SA4LE Modern 6-rQozmed bduse, hardwý,ood floors, cemented cellar, nearly new, McClary's Sunshîne furnace with cou for hot water, 3'-piece bath, wlred for eleetrie lighte and range, good lot .~with fruit trees and berneps. For par- titiculars apply tqr Mrs. S. A. Lainontagne, Duke and Argyle Streets, Bowmanvile. - 25-tf FARM FOR SALE-S50 acres juet ont- side the corporation of Bowmanville, 1V4 miles nortb on which le situated a frame. house, bank barn witb atone etabling undernea-,tb, good drive shed and an ex- tra good lien bouse, abunidance of wvate-r, apples, pears, cherries, raspberries and strawberrie s. Apply to Archie Tbomp, son, R. R. 5 Bowmgniville,. 2- FARM FOR SALE'-112 acýre farm fil Clark~e Township, lot 10, concession 6: about 70 acres in crop; balance p asture and bardwood bush; abundance of wtr 2I miles from station; young orchard, good buildings. For paticuilare write the owner, Mre. Amnos MoeMulfén, 800 Coxwell Ave., Toronto,.-24-4w MOUSE FOR SALE-One haif of a double solid brick bouse, central location. On one of best residential streets in town. Pive minutes' walk from, Post office. Seven1 roomes and brick sum- mer kitcben. Good garden. Ail con- venicnces. Also steeýl range and wasb. ing7 machine for sale. For informatior- apl1y P. O. Box 462, Bowmianville. 24-I FOR SALE-S roomn framie bungalow, electric lighits, biard and soft water; acre garden. apple and pear trees, cur- iants, rbubarb; good chicken bouse; im- inediate possession. Price $1900 on easy terme. 6 roomn frame boeuse, electric llghts, funace, chicken bouse. Price $2200 on easy termes. 4 roomn brick biouse, eleet. ric ligbts, town water, 1,, acre land, pluin and apple trees, cbicken bouise, garage, shed. Price $1200. Apply to Mrs. Editli V. Scobeil, Bowinanville. 23 -3 Cernent and Masonry 1 an prepared to contract for al kinds of ceirent. and masonry work in Bowmanvil or district. Before placing your work give us an oppor- tunity of submitting prices. Mrs. A. Turner, Scugog--st. Bowmanville, phione 170. 22-t Notice to Creditors EXECUTORIS NOTICE TO CREDITiORS AND OTHERS In Élhe estate of Mary an Crowle Bassett, deceaeed. Notie eisbereby giveni, pursuant to the S'tatutes in thait bebalf, that aUl persons having any dlaimis ,against or entitled to shareý in the estate of M\ary~ Jane CrowIe Bassett, late of tbe Town of Bowmnanville, Spinster, wbo dlied on or about the 9tb day of Ma,19241, are required to send by post prepa'id or dliver to the undersigneýd, the Executore of tlie Estate on or before the 2Sb ay of July, 1924. theirCrstn and Srams ddresses end dcerip- tions, and f ull particulars duly yeni- lied, of their csimaccouints or initer- Meste and the nature of any eecuirity bield Sby tbiem. Immrediately after the 26tb dlay of July, 1924, the, assots of Ë1e said Estate -wilI be distributed to thý parties entltled thereto, bnaving regard only to the dlaimns or, interests of' wbicb th e Ex,,ecutors shali theni bave notice, anýd alI other's shaîl be excludfed from esaid distribution. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, 2"3 Bay Street, Toronto, Executors.1 MALONE, MALONE & MONTGOMERY, 255 Bay Street, Toronto, Solicitors. Dated at Toronto this l6tb ay of June, 1924. 125-4 jBOWMANVILLE, JUNE 19thi., 1924 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Sec ad on fourth page Darve) Bankrupt Stock. Mr. IHarold Jeffcry, Toronto, cpi the weeký-end at ho-ne. Màiss Ruth Percy, Toronto, is gue of -Miss Gwendolyn Williams. Miss Lillian Burns spent the wee end with friends in Port Hope. IN. Geo. Lane and Misses Eva ai Ruby spent the week-end in Toront Mis. E. -R. Thuiston hias been vi iting M.-iss Emma Alcunmbr-ack, Ne Toronto. Promn to-day Couch, Johanston Crydýerman will seli all Ladies' Coa at g-reatly îreduced prices. Dr. J. S. Somiers and son Goîdo Toronto, spent the week-end withb sister, Mis. Thos. Jackson. MNr. and Mrc. Wiy. Edger vicitE Mir. Leland Edgeî, Agincourt, ar friends at Niagara recentiy. Mrs. John Palmer and Mi Gladys Palmer spent the week-endj Toronto and Port Dalhousie. Miss Copeiand of the staff of tI Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, hý been guest of Mr. and Mis. Alan L Williams, Mr .and Mrs. W. J. -Bîadd are vi iting relatives in Coîborne anda tending the U. E. L. Celebration Belleville this week. Mrs. John W. Bunnier, Miss Hele and Mr. »wight Buanner, Stockdal -were guestsa of theii uncle, Mi. A. Grant, DivisiQn-st.,, this week. Mi. and Mris. 'W. W. Down, If and M&ý.. Norman Do-wn and so Lloyd, Oshawa, spent Saturday wit Mr. and Mis. Wesley Webster, Li tle Britain. Miss -1-na - etjck4 -oionto, Mi Albert Anmderson~ of Lond on, au Mi. Ted Pethiek of D~etroit, sper the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.I C. Pethick. MKr. H. C. Durgin, Diiectorc Board of Commerce Band, was cal ed to Haverbill, Mass., on Monda owing to the very critical illnesso hic brother. Her many oid frienda here willb sorry to learn . that Mis. Grace RU worth -who résides 'with her alec( Mrs. Carroll at Tamworth recentl fell and broce lier thigh. Dri. Calvin W. Standen who ha eompleted his at the School o Medicine,, ToroDnto, is eajoylng a fei days holidayswith his grandpaienLe Rcv. and Mrs. W. C. Washingtor Division-st. Lieut.-Colonel Edwy White, 21' Fourth St., Milwaukee, Wi8., bas ou thankc foriJlustrations of the disas trous bail storas on Frid'ay l3th o June. When Friday falis on ti 13,th, someth'ng happeas. Misses Annie Clhumch, Veina R: [att, Grace Barton, billian Reader o Bowmanville, Messrs. Clifford Me Cullough, erbert Rogers, Por Hope, Mr. Jac~k Thomnpson and Eddi Leveque, Oshawa, spent Sunday a Lake Scugog. Mia. ÈEmma E. Witheridge an nounces tire engagement of hei grand-daugter, Doris Alice, snd Mr Elmrer Leslie Wood, son of Mi. anr Mrs. James Wood, Bowmanville, tii mairiage to takeý place the lattei part of June. Orono Continuation School gelý $2,376, Millbiook Contn. School $3, 4,80.10; Janctviile Contn. Schoo $442.29; Bowmýanville H. S. $6,999. 67; Port Hope H. S. $6,207.45 Cuampbellford lH. S. $5,993.00; New. castle H. S. $1,361.06 in grants. Mis. (Rcv.) J. E. Miles and laughter Catherine of Syracuse, N~ Y., attcnded the Golden Jubilec Eelbration of Ontario Ladies' Col cege, Wihitby, and are now enjoyinl avisit with her brother, Mr. Alan Mf. Willîsmns and other relatives here Next meetinz of Bowmanville Womcn's Ictitute wil'l be held in the Schdol-room and on the lawn at he Methodist Church, on Friday, Fune 27, wh'bn Solina Bîanch is ex- pected to visit this Bianch. AU naembers try to be piesent to etijo: the program. Miss Gladys Westaway, Oshawa, nd Miss Elizaibeth She-a, Toronto, pent Suaday with Mi. and Mie. cery 'W. Westaway. Miss Westaway ails on Saturday by S. S. Antonia f the Cunnard i4ne, for a six wceks trip to Englaad and will visit rla- tiys in Devonshire, including Bîad- worthy ber father's birtbplacc. Miss Gwendolyn Willianms, pupil of Mi. Vig-go Kihl, and daughtcr of Mr. and Mis. Alan M. of bis town, was îecently 'honored bý Articles For Sale SHINqGLES FOR SALE-Ca,ýr of No. 1 Gralde B, C. RedCda XXX Shinge- $5.40 per M. Apply to il. G. pascoe, Hampnlton, R. R. 1, Phone 133-3.24t Hemstitching Hernstltchlng left at W. T. Allen's Eig 20. Bookstore, wlll receive prompt aadi careful attention. Wôrk dons by Mrs. E H.Wayne, Queen's Block, Oshawa. 21-tf test .nd vis.. [w his ted tn d liss in hfe 'a- at [en le, Wv. t h lit- r. ad ýnt F. of 111-i; of be ta- ly las of -W, aý, MARRIAGES GIGSON-GIBSON-On Wedinesday, April .30, at Christ Çbutrcb, Anglican, Mieford, b)y the Rev. T. D). Painting, BK A., Ellen Eva, tliihid daughter of the late- William and Mrs. Gibeon of Mca- ford, to Willim Heslop, eldeet îson of the late Thjoma,,s and MNrs. Gibeon of Newcastle. ANDERSON-McMURTRY-.At the rieneof the brdes-paens 11o Sturdakýy, Julpe 14, by Re'v. 'S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D). , Goldwvin Hi. Anderson, eldi- estsOnof Coi.and Mrs Chs. H An dersion, London, and Magre liza- beth, eldee(t daughter of _Mr. and Mre. W. 1'B. MoMry Bowmainville. JUNKIN-EDMISON-On Monday evnnJune 11(;, a Euclid Aven1ue, Toronto, by Rev-A.1. ZEdmsoM. A., broher 0 f theý bride, Jeanl Mar"orie, dagtrof the a(te ev T. J. Edmnisoni and m. Ednùson> to Dr, C. Iva Jun- ki, son of Mr. and Nlrs. W, T. Junkini of loronto. DEATHS BUFeROWS-In HTamprton, June 14tb.. 12,John 1blenry Bur'ro'wP, aged 89 years. H EN R1ý>_t fLindsay,ý on Friday, June 12,2, Sa1muelJ Henry. Intermecnt at PortHoe STALKER-In Darlington, June l6th. 1924, Peýter Stalker, formerly of Clarke townisbip, in biis 93rd year. MEDLAND-In Oshawa, June1, ey Leilda, daughter of Mr. andMr.Wl liam Medland, -186 Bruce Street, in bier 4tb year. MOORE-At Whlitevale, on Sunday, Junie 15, 1924, Edmurnd Johnr Moore, formerl"Y of Hlamplton, in bis 8lst year. Fahrof Mr. W. H. Moore, Enniskillen. G LOVER-At Richmond Hill, Suinday, Junie 1, 1924, Edwardl Glover, llusband of Margaret Louise Doyle, in bis 83rd year. Brothier of Mrs. C. M\. Cawker, Bowmnan- ville. VAN N EST-In General Hospýiital, Tor- onto, on Friday, Jupe 13, 1924, Julia Bray, of 144.Kniwot-Avenue, Tor- onito, widow of Johni Van N_,est, Jr., Dow- manville, aged 67 yeairs. IN MEMORIAM In loving memnory'0f -Byron Robert Tay- lor who departed this life June 19, 192S. Sadly miissed by ,vife and littie soni , 2* Ini loving memory of Pte. Arthur Har- ol Living wbo wae kllled in action at Sanctuary 'Woods, June 13, 1916, third son of Airs. W. Jordon. Rest dear Arthur in your distant grave, Your life for your countr-y how nobly you gave Mother wam not there to hold your hand While you were paLslng to the Glory Land. Gone but not foirgotten. Mother. Floor Sanding PLOOR SANOING-Get your xlor cleaned up with the electric floor sander. 01d1 ioors made like new, new lior,, mtade like glass. B. W. Ha n Z wo- worker, 161 King St. Wees sbawa, phonesn: Office 491; Resldenoe 180r2. 23-4w Mr. Leon Dumas desires to thank1 the Superintendent and Nurses @f Bownianyville Hospital for their, kindness and attention to hlm diiig, hiis stay there for an operation for appendicitis and to the many friends who remiemberea -him with floweirl, etc. Special Prices For the balance of the mnonth 1 arni offeringý sorte lUnes at prices that mean a real saving-. MATCHES Dominion Matches, easy to light and safe to handle. Full sized boxes of 400 matches 3 fer27e Boxes of 300 Matches 3 for 21c LUX Everyone knows Lux, get in a supply at per package 11ic I Ask about our Soap Specials jý SALMON Red Cross Brand, worth 40c a tal tin. Try one at 28e Pelican Salmon 2 for, 45e Red Sockeye, as go'od as any sal- mon packed at 38e Other specials that the space Then with everY dollar pùrchase we give you free 30,c worth of Theatre tickets. Good for a.ny show at Royal Theatre. Cail on us a3nyway E. F. Wveekes The Commuujty Grocel, Oorn.s. King and4 Ontario St.. Phone 226 ring 4 "Hasten SlowIy"-a.m An ancient motto, and very good one to have in mind when you select furniture. The quickly chosen bargain often proves poor economy in later years. Furniture, a lifelong possession, shiould have behind it, for protection, the guarantee of a store of known integrity and reputation. You can buy only quality furniture at this store-dependable furiture-and at prices so low as to make any other kind un- worthy of consideration. "WE'VE BEEN FURNISHING HOMES FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS" Fe F. MORRIS CÀO."0 Branches: Orono and N4ewcastlle, Bowmanville ïs- ... he ,le Jo0hInstns Clearing OtSl er Blowwe qoteyou pie and savings in le Men'sand Boys' Clothing and Furnishings which- this sale affords. Note carefully the sweeping, reductions in every line. REMEMBER--THIS IS A GENUINE CLEARING OUT SALE. le it $3.0FR$88 ANY CAP IN THE STORE 95c r, I$35.00 FOR $26.25 'Y. $32.00 FOR $24.00 y$25.00 FOR $18.75 Bos' u"" 1,$22.00 FOR $16.88 Orcmlt ieo By'Sis $16.50 FOR $12.38 Orcmlt n fBy'Sis y Mostly ail have two bloomers--in ~~ Tweed, Worsted andi Blue Serges, MVe[1' vercoats ail go at 30% REDUCTION 25% OFF 25 per cent'. Men's Odd Pants By'Kikr off A MEN'S ODD PANTS 25% OFF BOYS' KNICKERS AND BLOOMERS Mfen's Shirts MVen's Straw Hats Men's Hats 25% OFF GREATER REDUCTIONS Mien's Hose 1 THAN EVER M0en's Neckwear1 $6.00 Hats .............. -.$3.75 10nsPyjamas $4.00 Hats .................$2.75 ]Boys' Khaki Panits On ail Winter Goods sueh -as M[en's BracesA i Heavy Underwear, Flannel Men's Underwear Evey Aricl i BOYS-' KHAKI PANTS AND11 Boys' Underwear "' BLOUSES Shirts, Heavy Coat Sweaters, Boys'Shirts teSoe~2%OFHeaVy 7Overcoats, Boys' Stockings theSoeRduaiIced 5.I F Etc., Etc. Oshawa JO[ STON BowmanvilIe e.. t i i k .4 ~ 1, i~. k

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