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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1924, p. 7

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Nothîng like home-canned strawberrles They mieen delicious, whalesomne food at gi saving of from 30%,o'ta 50%i. Strawberries, raspberries - the entire range of delicious fruits and vegetables is yours for wlniter consumption if you buy now when cheap and preserve for the long winter rnonths. Our recipe book will tell you the nlost advanced methods. Senci inthe coupon. IORRO'W is on the way. If you knew to-day that to-morrow's fire would destroy your home, you would prepare to-day. But you cannot know what will happen 11 to-morrow. You can proteet yourself against -financial loss, however. Fire insurance is the only one of the many fQrms of dependable proper- ty protection we offer to those who would be pre- pared for to-morrow's eventualities. J. J.- MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanville Fill your coal bUn with Genuine Il). L. & W. Scranton Coal at SUMMER~ PRICES. Cover your roof with Artistic Ruberoid Octab Slate Surfaced Shingles. Colors-Sage Green and Venetian Red. Very best material and manu- facture. Also roll roofing of various grades and prices to suit every purpose. Replace your unsanitary, dust-laden carpets -wit1i Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring. Cheaper, more wholesome, more durable and better in ap- ~pearance than other floor covering. Estimates cheerfully furnished on ail kinds of building material. McCL'IlIaii &'Co., Lim'ited King St. East Offlce Phone 15 Bowmanviile House Phoneis 228, 274, 218 BOWMANVILLE, JUNE l9th., 1924 WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY Pkoff ahil mpuritieS-us conly M en . Pornt boirs, andtehz for 15t minutes.mater Cannot Speak Too Highly of Your Medicine So Says Mr. and Mns. T. Armstrong After Using Dodd's Kidney Pis. Ontario lady who suffered frora ieuralgia, backache and headache, tells of Dodd's Kidney Pill&. Sprucedale, Ont. June 16 (Special) 1 thiougit I w~ould write and teli1 you liow mi'uch your Dodd's Kidney Pis have helped both my husband and myself. We have used several boxes and they have helped, us won- dIerfully. 1 cannat speak too highlyl of -yaur medicine." This testimonial cornes from -Mrs. T. Armstrong, of- this place--well known and highly respected resident. The reason Dodd's Kidney Pilis have come to occupy sucli a, promin- eut place in the family medicinie chest, is that sQ many af the ordin- ary every-'day ilUs cornes from sick kiducys. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Eackache, Urinary Troubles, Diabe- tes andi Iieart Disease can al l e trac- ed directly or indirectly ta siek kid- neys. Insist on having Dodd's, the Kidney Pili your neiglibors use. SUNNIN.D, T CINDERS ORONO Froni The News of June 5th iting bis unele, Mr. Louis Ju#nker. MisDolly Erno visited over, the week-end at Mr. W. Cornisb's. Mrs. H. J. Werry, Enniskillen, is visiting lier mother, Mrs. Albert Tam- blyn. Mr. and Mrs. Moat, Oakvilie, vis- ited ber brother, Mr. R. Z. Hall. Miss Aima Cutteli is expected home ta visit with lier father, Mr. Jas. Cuttell., Mr. 0111e Cooper is througli his course at Moler College, Toronto. Miss Winnie Brown, Port Hope, isi visiting at Mr. John Thompson's. 1 Congratulations ta Miss Viola Gil-1 fillan on passing lier third year ex-, amination at Toronto Universityl with honors.1 Mr. Ràt. Foster completed mnov-I ing operatians ta bis farm Tuesday,i 'and Mr. Irwin is 110w accupyinig the1 Faster residence.1 Officers and memnbers of Oronoi Lodge A. F. & A. M., will visit Dur-! hem Ladg e, Newcastle, on June lOtb.' Among the suecessful Third Yeari candidates, Royal College Dentali Surgeons, Toronto, we were pleasedi to see the name of Mr. Floyd Cut-1 tell. Mrs. R. H. Brown is visiting friends at Bloomfield and will attend Meth- odist Canference at Picton. Rer sis- ter, Mrs. Andrews, Toronto, is visit- ing bere. Sunday the Methaclist Churcli ser- vice in the morning was in charge of Mfr. M. H. Staples who alsa preached at Kirby in afternoon. Orono, boyliood home of Mr. E. V. Dyer, will sympathize witb him ln lis sorrow at the loss of lis beloved wife, word of wbose passing came frami Port Hope to-day, and also with bis daiughter Mrs. Wells. Mfr. Edmwond Ca'lbledick returned last week from Toronto where lie spent the winter with lis daugliter, Mrs. (Rev.) Chas. Adams, anrd is now an the homestead, sixtb uine, with bis son, Mfr. Will S. Cabobledick. Mr. and Mrs. Wm-. Underwoodj mnotored down from Tornto bring- ing lis sister, Mrs. Gleo. Cowaui, whoi underwent an aperatian et Wellesley Hospital. Miss Louise Cowan ac- companied lier mother home and is remaining for a f ew weeks. Clarke Township bas been served. wvitli a writ at instance of M-r. Peter Galbraith, clairning tbrougli bis Sali- citor, Mfr. R . Waddell, unstated damages for entering upon bis farmn at Kiri5y end remaving gravel. Mr. Cecil Carscadden and Keith Caldwell, former Higli School stu- [dents here, have successfully passed their examinations at Pliarmaceuti- cal College, Toronto. Cecil spent the week-end liere with lis aunt, Miss Jane Carscadden. Mr. Jam~es Carleton, Orona, who, hapee witli a painful accident re-s centy wîleengaged ln constructioni work an Canadien Natio nal nearI Por-t Arthur, is back at lis borne in Toronto. He iost the siglit of one! eye. Baptismal service was held by Rev.'I A. K. Edmison, B. A., at Leskard an Sunday, June lst. Eleven were baptized: children of Mr .and Mrs. Edwin Bail, James Bail, George Pat- terson, Cari Teunant, Colin Brown, Edgar Thornton, J. E. Nicholson and, Ephraim White. Mrs. George Pat- terson, on Public declaration of faith, was also beptized and received into churcli felaowship. The altar cross being placed luSt. Saviour's Churcli as a memorial ta the late Rev. James E. F~enning by lis wiclow wili be dedicated on Sua-1 day, dune 15t1. Mrs. J. L. Rowe, Okotoks, Alta., visited friends here an ber return froja Montreai, Que., where she at- tended the Diamond Jtibilee of W. M. S. Mrs. Rowe is President of this arganization for Alberta, and -Vice-President of the General Coun- Icil for that Province. lier many, aid friends were pleased ta meet lier. Okotoks where Mr. Rowe bas an es- tabiished 'harness and saddiery busi- ness is a real live sporty tawn. M. A. JAMES Steamahip Tickits~ To Europe-Canadian Pacifie. White' ,!ar Dominion, Cunard, Aliericall. ýAsk for information. Phone 53, Bowinanville. SPECJAL OFFER, The Canadian Statesman will be sent to a new subscriber ta Jan., 1, 1925, for Ânuual Convention at Port HopO. (Conciuded froii Last Issue.) Mrs. (Rev.) C. C. -Washington, Courtice, Gave thi- Very ET'xcelleet Paper on "Lif e Inive;stmients :" As the work grows, and as we understand more and miore the great need chere is in the world"t, the ques- tion of life investrnent increases 1in importance. Jesus Christ bas a vision for each one of His children. It is often a dli6appointing one. The ricli young maan was disappointed when lie foud( that the vision of Christ for his 11f e was the helpîng- of others with his great wealth, and himiself followingý Jesus as a comparatively poor mian. Man*y of the disciples walked no1 miore with Jesus, because they foundi Ris sayings bard to hear and we are ofýen 'disappointed when we under- stand His vision for~ us. We would likze Hlm to prophesy f or us fame, wealth and luxury of life, and Hel says simply "Yours is to serve andi give and love". We forget that while He is looking rat us, w'ith ail our advantages lu this 1Christian land, 11e: is also looking at those others of Ris chlfdren wvho are in ýdarkaess and misery in heýathen lands. He sees our place in Hia planning, He asks us ta share withi them what we have and lie says "You have been given mucli, of youý much well lie required. Som years ago a great need arase ia the lands aeross the sea- Our young people dropped ther work, left theiri owa places ta answer the caîL, MIothers were praud ta send their sans, preud of their bravery and wil- lugness even when their own heax4ts were breaking. There is a loyalty to Ch~rist whicl i s aibsolutely neees- sary iu the life of every Christian. We are pleased wlien aur children re- ýcognize the fiag of our country, We like tbem to be patriotic. Are we as pleased wli,-en we see in them a loyalty ta Christ and Ris cause? Do we try ta encourage that in their lives? As the Son of God, with uniimited power, C'hrist might have carried out any plans in Ris own 11f e, but He neyer got past the care of the sick and needy, and the minis- try of lave to the dest<tuite. Ris if e was a life of service. A mather said awhile ago that she knew wliat she would like for lier daugliter. She would like lier ta have all the~ education she needed ta make lier thoroughly accamplishied, do-wn in life in comfort and freedom and luxury. She sai'd, "I would, like that for my daugLiter, but what of the plans of Christ?" Whiere daes Ris work came in in thouglit of that kind? Can, and oug'lit my daugliter ta sit down ta sucli a ban- quet witb the wistflul faees of tIc needy unes, tho-se-.w-o -h~ave bad no chance, looking- in at the wîndow? She knew that hier plans for lier child would be impressed upon the if e of the child as the years passed, and she felt that she ouglit only to have the brightest. Wliat we wan1t to-day in aur country is mothers wîvth miore vision, mothers who are not afraid ta see the plans of Christ for their ýchidren and wlio will earnestly strive to help them to carry tliem out. Tliey will no!t ail go to the Foreign Field, ýbut there or here at home they will lie fitting juta t'he great plan for the salvation of the, world. The youug people of ogr country have become one of our greatest prablems and they are aour g-reateât asset. Do you Vhink there wiil be six or five or even one in the comiing generation ta take aur places as we finish aur work. There ouglit ta be fifty. Have we toa low an estirnate of aur young people? Do we feel that 'tbêy have ta be entertained aill the timie, and f ed on the whipped cream of life? Are we afraid ta, strike to the 'deeper, more seriraus side of their lives? The response is there and they can. measure up? We have neyer kanown an age of sueh equipment and training; same- tbing is wrong when we do not have an ever increasing numýber of if e investmeÙits for definite Christian service. When a littie girl was asked if her mother was verv ricli, sbe said "I don't know, mother doesn't often talk of any, but the true riches". Lif e Iuvestment-putting aur lives where they can be of the most use. Ifwe care ta think of what we get out of it, we will know when we hear Miss Hawken speak of lier work that having lost lier 11f e for Christ, I 11f i =u.tl3lflI If You Are Going 1 to Buy a Coupe- Body by Fisher: a SIX Big, roomy, staunchly buit. Vlu Coue t ikls-try hatrdoelight, door $1650 Touring Roadster Sport Touriag - cab - - - Sedan - - - $1265 $1435 $1545 $1760 Thè'G. M. A. C. ex. tended paymiern plan mnsies buyiag easy. 0-«24 Wondeër fui Chassis: 42 H. P. Six engine, srnooth and'quiet. Delco ignition, Borg & Beck clutch, Ale- mite lubrication, cord tires, 863/ Pspring lengtb with 110'/2 i wheel base. Economical to Bay and Maintain Boasts a record of 28.7 miles per gallon of gasoline, and the çonsumption of only 18 o.imnoes of oil on a tran~scon- tinental trip of 3784 muiles. Don't buy any car until you get ac. quainted w~ith the OIdsmobiIe Six Couipe Prices include all taxes and spare tire MOFFATT MOTOR SALES LIMITED Oshawa Phone 248. Bowmanville niýnqhlen-R l p ( Of C; EEN E RA iii. H il 1' I b .1 hi Get far more wear from da.',inty garments It isni't bcuethiey're so fragile thiat youir crepe gar-menits, fine silks, and laces wear out quickly. It's the injiurionis things contained ini ordinary launidry soaps. Youi cani get far more -wear from the s-heerest, dntetthinigs yýo own-by laundering thlem this Use soywie rnl PAL'MOLIVE PRIN-P CES-S SOAP i FLAKES. Nothiing but purest soap. A great foam o-f suds that gently dissolves ail dirt t and oub ueer injures thie filiriest fabric. And if nthn it realy brighitens and renews de'licate Colors. BeLing pure so-ap-nlothling else-they go farthler and clean mr thoroughly. That mnakes thiem coll onmical for use ii the washing mra- cnfor ail launidering, and for ail houisehiold pupoe t act.-"M Your dalrhas theni inhandy o ne-poutnd pack-. age,-s. Do get somne-if only to tr-y-todayv. THE PALMOL-VE COMPANY 0F CANADA, Linilted Ta-onto ýJ I PAL M L1 V 1E qfA S PI N C LES S SOAIFILA K ES Made i an aa For fin. st afilks or co<srSeif wcwdqn F. J. Mitchell DISTRIBUTOR Dominion Upright, Grand and Player Pianos - Highest Awards London Paris Philadelphia Chicago The Narne "IDOMINION"I lias been a synonym for excellence in musical instruments aince 1870 In this district, instruments may be seen, by appointment, at the factory. Many purchasers tave advantage of the deferred payments which are willingly arranged te suitthe convenience of eustomers. For information write Box 353 or telephone Nos. 86, 92 or 105 Bowxnanville TO-N Y Us - - I. i!ýîliii, ille H

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