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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1924, p. 6

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RAILWAY TIME TABLE-S FOR BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY GOING EAST GOING WES-m 8.42 a. n. D 4,2 2 a. m. F 10.36 a1. nm. D 7.06 a. nm. * 1.26 p. mi. F .02 P. m.* .09 P. m. 7M.1) . m. 6.4 9 P.n. 8.24 p. m. D 7.21 p. m.* 10.029 a. ra.* 9.58p. nm. D 11.21p.m D-Daily *-DRilv exceipt Sunday. CA NA DIAN GOING EAST' 10. 18 a. in. 2.08 p. in. 9.16 pj. ni. 11.289 P. m 12.26 a. Mi. PACIFIC RAILWAY GOiNG WFS-ý 5.51am. 6.,25 a. m. 8.20 a. ni. 4.31 p. ni. 7.00 p'. ni. CAT4ADIAN NATIONA~L RAILWAY TYRONE STATION Going East Go0inÉr WeF, 6.34 p. mn.81 a . Dally Except Sunday8.5am ..1T WOOo'G P OSPHOoINE. The Grect En,-!içh Preparattnn, ~ oisand nvgoates the whole nervous System., makes new Blood 'in old Ve'ns. Usecl for Nervous 4~ebLLty Menariad Brain Worry, rlesponden .y Los.s of Ener-v, Palpitation of the Heart, Faiting Memor>y. Prive $2,., " for $5. 8 Sold by ailî druggists, or mnailed in Pla. p kg. on recept of prive. New pamphiet <aied 4rc.THE WOOD MEDICINE CO..TORONTO0,ONr. Cook's Regulating Compound A safe, reiable regulaing mcdicine. Sold in three de- grees of strength-No. 1, Sl; o. 2, S3; No. 3, $5 per box. SSold b y ail druggists, or sent vepaidi on receipt of price. re1pamphlet. Address; THE COOKMEDICIIIECO. BPA CK ACHED Mrs. Mcaon Tells How She Founi Relief by Taking Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compoud Chathanm, Ont, -"I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for a run-down condition after the birth of myv baby boy. 1 had terrible pains and backacbe, and was tired and weak, fot fit to do my work and care for my three littie children. One day 1 recejved tyciur littie book and read it, and gave up tak- ing the medicine 1 had and began taking the Vegetable Compound. 1 feéel mucéh better now and arn not ashamed te tell, what it as done for me. I recommend it te any woman 1 think feels as I do." -Mrs. J. R. MCMAHON, 153 Harvey St., Chathamn, Ont. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable CJom- pound, made from roots ani herbs, bas for ne arly fif tyyears been restoring sick-, ailing women to health and strength. it relieves the troubles which cause such symptomrs as backace, painful peribd1s, irregularities, tired, worni-out feelings and nervousness. This is shown againand again by such letters as Mrs. McMlahon writes, as well as by on~e woman telling another. These women know, and are willing to tell others, what it did for them; therefors, it is surely worth your trial. Women who sufer should write te the iLydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.,Cobourg, Ontario, 'for a free copy of Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book upon "AlIments Pesuliar teWomen." C When pue sweet milk is essential Fre* R.cipe Book- Wlite the Borden Co. Lhaited. Montreal. ______________________ S. 06.è.55 and onlY the best gracies of i VERMONT BLUE MARBLE i 1 eniploy no cernetery caretakers1 as agent~s preferring týa sel My own i goods thus saving the purchaser the t agent's commission. A cali solicited.0 F. H. BQUNSALL Proprietoi, Bowmanville Phone 326W Box 94P YonEaimotBulY New lEyes lot Cian,, flallhy Condillorm ¶~~e Mune F S EeN Remedy Wtefor Fe Eye Care Book. V'l il When Yotu reel It Coining -When thiat old Headkachie sends its warning that y'ou are going to sufer- take ZUTOO-. Whcn . y, ou feci a Cold coming on takýeZUTOO. At thie first signi of a pain -at the( first feeling ofsick- nes-take ZUTOO. You wili be ail righit ln 20 minutes if it's a headache, or the next morning if it is a cold. Pain ail gone, and the whole body refreshecd. Don't wait-don't take chances. Get ZUTOO Tablets to-day-and hl ave themi readly to takýe at the first sign of a He-ad.. ache or cold and 'TAKE T! HE. 25c a box-at daesor Inmiilpostpaid B. N. Robýinsol& Co. Regd.,Coaticooik, Q ",Worth $100 to Me Relieved Eczema and Piles", Mrs. Peter A. Palmer, Saltburu, Sask, writes: "Dr. Chase's Ointfinent has completely relieved me of eczema and piles. 1 also used this Oin)tment for iny baby, who broke out in eczema. A few applicatios were ail that was necessary ini ber case. Dr,. Chase's Ointment has beeni worth a bundred dollars to me,-before using it Ihad spent a great deai more than that in unsuccessfujl treatment from doctors. We h ave also used Dr. Case's other meciciiies, the Nerve Food having restored my ; health after suffering f rom severe nerve trouble w.hen a girl" D.Chase's Ointment 60 ets. a box, ail deac-1s or Ed anson, Bate,. & G o.. Lt4L, Toronto 'an, hs to be sesu ia the action taken Note by the. Editor-Mai. Bice's bt the neeant meeting of the Inter- ýarticle was wnitten the first of Julyr iational Cliamber of Commerce lu sud a usw complexion bas been putýl Dais, admittiag Germauy to mnm- on the politiýcal situation ln the srsbhp. United States by the selection cf. The aigu of returniug peace sud John W. Davis as the Democratie oimity is the more promising, be- candidate. BOWTMANVILLE, JULY 17, 1.924. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. W. C. Cu'bitt, Toronto,wa THE EUROPEAN SITUATION town last week looking for a cott at Bowmanvîlle's popular summier By Chas. M. Bice, B .A., LL. B., sort. Denvr, olordo.Miss Rose Harwood aud Miss 1IV Denvr, olordo.garet Thorpe of Port Hope, wer-e The Socialist-Labor premier of 'guests of iMr. and _Mais. Ellegett Great Britain welcomed the Social- Wedniesday. ist-Labor premier of Frtnce a few, Misses Phoebe and1 Lycl«a Mo cisys ago, to bis, baliwick in England, and Master Fred Jillard, , Toror and after a day of "conversations", are -speulding their biolidays witb 4f it was announceed officialiy, that tbe sister, Mrs. Frank Jackrnan. "Entente Cordiale",, which, soon 'af- Mrs. Walter Thoiuton, Bellevi ter the close of the world struggle heard bier baby screarn and hurry was fouud dangling a tbread, was re- to its bed wvas borrufled to'find a esta;blis'hed firmly again witb the re- had-bitten the cbild on the band, slt, tbhat a serlous eëffort is to be most severing a finger. made to bring about a continental Mercury went over the, 100 miu undcerstandiug of the broadest char- in nortbern Alberta last week, 1 acter. Ini a few weeks a confer- hottest, ever recorded at Lacorr suice of tbe Europeau Big Four- the officiai reading was 100.88 in 1 Britain, France, Belgium and Ital1Y- shade. lu Edmonton it was 98. is to be hel to deal with the Dawes MýissGay ukrbfr e report on reparations and rebabilita- i saforGlady s Tuee be orsl tiog foraOrononwas presented witl tion, ad bîngGeranyandpos i eautiful French I'vory Haud Mira sibly Russia, into the European by Millbrook C. G. 1. T. Miss Je agreernents. Burnham madle the presentation a Already ahl unýofficial understau'd- Miss Pearl Burnham reaid the addri ingr bas been reacbed with the Ger- 0.%hawa is negoti'ating witli t man goveruiment heads by the National Pulp Corporation, Limiti Fraaco-Britisb Alliance, aud the Lo ersct a puîp mill for maaufacti principal powers of Europe seem, ing1 pulp out of waste paper. T uow to be working lu perfect bar- agr.eemeat bas passed the council a mouy. There is no question aie-a by-law hs to be submitted soon gardiug the new atmospbere wbichraeyrs has been created in Europe in recent aeyrs times--this manifestiug- itself in Par- luChautauqua courses are appeark is, London andi Berlin. Itaîy may in a numfber of OLnario towns tl be a stumibliug block on accountof i ce, Asa dcainla the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~hg Musln olce fageso ss enteaitainmeat feature thi the usslin, plicles f aresionare excellent, b ut fiuan'cially thý leadiag to a greater Italy, butth *vprenafiu ro lc I Modem Machiavelli bas troubles a averovestnda filue ron o bornie whicli are keepiug hlm fui aces'stnpont1 emiployed. Lucille Hairdressing Parlors, 23: The . I a uýyCnerne Sirmçoe St. Nortb, Oshawa, Shasmpo BuroeanJulyConereneising, Scalp Treatments, Hair Bobbin to take steps to put into' effeet the Curling, Marcel Waviag, Massagir Dawes report recomniendations re- suad Manicuring. For appoiatmei gardiu, reparations f£rom Germasny teîepboe85gpnMnaWi to France and other allied nations, oeda n 815. Op eniMnday, We'î the mneai eof payrnent, anid lansnedyudriaev'ug. 2- te Germany witb wbich to enuble the Sores Fles BeLors It.-There ai latter to meet the obligations wbicli any wbo have been afflicted wit she is about to assume more than five sores aud bave driven them awa years Lollowing defeat. The pres- with Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie 011. A ent Gerniian g-over-nment, bas accept- smirt troubled i should base n ed the Dawvs report as the basis. It îs urne in applying thi splendid ren going to work with the, former su- eldy, as there is uoth.i-g hike it to b emy nations te restore the standing had. It iýs cheap, b,,',,its poweri of Europe. And the powers thatj in no way expresseti b,,-'ta low pric1 dictate peace have conie to the re- Saturday moaining near Morrisl luctant conclusion that Germany re- Hope, Mr. and Mais. M M. Kellen, 3 storet is1 require inlatlie sebieme, aud West Bridge StreetBvie, wer that after ail there was ne actual iu an accident whicb paoved fatal t victor lu tLhe Worid War, whicb waa lm. Mrs Kellen was 'iving, it i pralonged to a pitch whers there said when the front brakles jammnei could be ne wînner. suad the car overturneti into the ditch Furthermore, under the new deal Mrs. Kellen was taken to the hos frEurope, the German governmenti pital. The car was only slightl, wil acedete alIied demand for aie- damageti. sumption of inilitary control of Ger- The 011 of the Peopi.-Many oiî; m'any on condition that Brit- havýe corne and gene, but Dr. Thomas aim and France, (and no doubt Eclectric Oil continues te maintaii the United Stýates) will supply a boan its position and increase its spberi te Germauy to place the Mark on its of usefulness- each year. Its sterl Lest, aud furnish credits for Ger- ,iug qualities bave broqgbt it to th4 many lu f oreigu markets, se that Ger- front and kept it there, and it cal ýmanyt may be in industrial position truly bc called the oil of the people te meet its obligations te the other iTbousands have benefitted by it an( ýnatious. Military coutrol of Germanyi would use no othiea preparation. will bc more pcolitieaIlui its effect f The body o0f Egon D. Kelen, Chief than tangible ,and it is planned tei Cbemist of Garnadiaun' Industrial AI. turu ever the question of control sud cobol Co., Belleville, killed neai futurs safety guarantes to the Welcorne on Satuaiday wbý-en bis auto League of Nations. The latter will was clitehed will be erernated sud be the read guarantor of safety te the ashles will be taken lateai by France from unwarruanlted ag-gres- friends te Buda-Pesth, Hungariy, sien by its age-lonig enemny. where they willbe placed beside the Iadustiiali'asm, economic neeessity, rernains of relatives. Mr. Alex. is at the bottom of it aIl. Industrial Kelen, brother of the unfor-tunate iuteruationalism ie going te be the cbemist, accempanied the body te chief resultant factor from the Moutreal. Woaild War. Europe la going te work Rev. L. S. Wighit, B. A., B. D., in eumimoa with a division of terî- and Mais Wight and friend, Tweed, tory lu steel and oil, sud eue or two sud Rev. Alfred Poulteai, Thomas- other "K'ey industries". United buaig, passed tbrougli Bo-wmnaaviile States iaîdustry la at list-euiag post last week motoaiing te sud fromi juat uow aloug with Uncle Sami's uan- Toronto wbere Rev. Mr. Wight wau official representatives. Iadustrially called te officiate at the Luneral of politieally, the United States caunot the wife of Rev. A. D. Waite, Bridge- tif ord to 'be lef t out ne matter what water, who died afteran s operation the political conventions now in for appendicitis and childbirth by session mnay say or nlot say to the Cesarean section. The cbild 18 liv- coutaary. ing sud was baptiséti by Mai. Wight. As moat Canadians sais doubtss i nternai parasites in the shape of awane, the great Republiean party worms in the stemaeh sud bowels of has chosea this. saine Dawes as a rua- eblîdren sap their vitality sud retard nîug mate la this yeaai's paiesidential physical development. Tbey keep contest with President Collidge for the child in a constant state of un- bhe greatest office on earth. rest sud, if net attended te, endanger And, owing to the vicissitudes sud life. The child can bc spaaied mucli uneertainties of human life, like the sufferiug and the motheai much aux- present incunibeat of that biga office' isty by usiag a neliable worm rem- i is possible ha rnay step frrni the edy, sucb as Miiler's Worm Po-wd(ýrs vie prssideacy into the first place wbich are sure deatb te worms. in the repu'blic's gift. 0f course, ___________________ b i$ assui-std that the Republican arty la geiug te wia lu the coming cause the motion te admit Germaay lection, but about that, theais is now ws made by oe of the Beigian ery littîs doubt, after the disgustiug membeais, and secondsd by M. gure the Democrats sars cutting in Etienne Clem-entel,' the Frencb Mi:n- fieir convention in New York City,1 isteai of Finance. The door is thus ud their lack of unity en the greati opened by the two, countries wbose I TEACHER REMEMBERE i1Base LUne Friends S.rprised tagcý.E I. Dundas Thursdýay aftsrnoon, June atth close of the Promotion 1 ma-!iationis, the friends' of Miss D thd m net 4, Base LUne S. S. N où, School, for the purpose of Ibi ,)reber good-bye and expressing t ostheir kindly çvishes. After nto, friends had grathered, Mrs. heir! Campbell asked Miss Dundas corneforward, when Master li, opps read an address and a' jng opportuneme Miss Florence al- companion, containing a Toi Sheli Mirror, Brush and Comh h andsorne silk-lined case. This i irk address. the, Dear Miss Dundas--It was :h e deepest regret that we, your T teof Base Line No. 3, learned of coming departure fromn our s ,a- at the end of the terni. I a For týhree years it bas been 'ror good fortune of rnany of us to ean> had your teeching, guidance nd counsel in our work and play. isouly now, when you are abot 'lhs depart, tbat .we fully realize A', wouderful you bave been--not -1 nte eching of our books lie lessons bave you sbown the g nid est interest and 'care, but we 1 to that you have dons your bes try to shape our lives for the j igfuture tbat is before us. Fe'l h,us ever stop to tbink of the g id phyvsical strain and worry tha le-true teacber is under during t school year, and it is our gre. al wish that your intended year of will restore to you your good he; In wishing you good-bye, 3_'could not let you leave us witb 0the mrniories of the happy yeari g9, bave spent under your care, so in n maîl gift ws try to express our atnd best -wisbes for your Lu' health and bappiness, and a.Iso _ of our parents and the rate-pal 't3 of this district. th We also wisb to say that ws aY try to live up to the high staný I you bave set us, botb under our 10 t-eacher and in the future life bel us- ý eSigned on behaif of the scl li children of Base LineS . S. No ýe- By Allan Clarke, PFarwell Blackbi h, Iva Foley. W Miss Dundas briefly sxpreszed se thanks for the beautiful gift and to pressed the .Wiih that the same lI; s ty andI co-oper.ation rnight be sb<' ýd to the incoming teaclier as had b h. ahown to her. ' tml S- AftýEFb -a-peasant social tml [y Jwa s srved. Is Astlima No Longer Dreaded. s' dread of renewed attacks from In thrna bas no hold upon those v .-e have learned to rely upon Dr. -D. Kellogg's Astlima Remedy. do tbey feel that complets ,n liancýe is placed on this true spec *with the certainty that it will d wvays do sîl its makers claim. If 3 h ave not yetleaýrned hlow sale 3ý fare wvith this preparation 'at ha 1- get it to-day and know for yoursE Ini this district, instruments may be seen, by appointment, at the factory. Many purehasers take advantage of the deferred payneuits wrhicb .are willingly arranged to suittbe convenience of customers. For information write Boic 353 or telephone Nos. 86,'92 or 106 Bowmanville FRE5c trial boule. To Have Beautiful Hair Shampoo this way Womnen who commandi attention and ad- miration have, pretty hiair. Hair with soft- ness, and silken sheen. Sncb hair ia within the power of every girl and womnan to possess. We are off ering yvou a test of the shampoo which specialists on bain treatment recom- meud. It m-111 hring out new beauty in your hair. Withouit perfect cleanliness of bair and' scalp, no biair can bc really lovely. Do not u ,se sbampoo which leaves the bair dry and brittîs, duil or lifeless. Sbampoo contaîing olive oil is beat, au- thorities say. It cleauses each hair, clear dowrn to the 'tiny scalp pores. Yet m-ildly, se that ygur hair is left soft, PALMOLIVE SHÏAMPC Mae.inaCanada THE PALMOLIVE COMPANY OF CANADA, L.IMII TED Toronto, Ont. t city...Provb~ce... fluiffy, pliant-with the rich gleami of naturaï colo)r, Today, in Palm-oliv-e Shamnpoo, youi have olive oil in its perfect formi for the hair. Daintypesigno oily. And econiomical. Millionls of '/women have fouid inew hiair- beauty through it. You can test it, at home at our expense.. Simply send the coupon for a 15c trial-size bottie, free. 15e TRIAL BO TTLE FRE Fill in and post to'lThe Palmolive Co. cf Cana- )0 ada, Limitcd, Toronto, Ont. Roy uvw odyo it th e *. ~~y u ady's LO IfBIttu n in "a with Ofrn pupils yourl schoolTO NO ntheI andî W. P. CORBETT W. J. BAGNELL It is Ut to h6w only ýand ýreat- Imow stto ~r gra of e tW 'oftec VourHome 'reat ýatestWithi Toronto Asphait Roofing ilth. Made from pure wool and pure asphait. Tor- onl onto Asphait Roofings supply the ideal solutioni this to every rooflng problem-saf ety-beauty.. love ture econiomy. thats We have it in rolls and siates. shall d ard new Efore our, Bulay Co al N o w 1 ex- Lehigh Valley Anthracite een "The Coal That Satisfies" :nh This is the m'onth to fill your coal bins for next winter. We have a splendid quality of ail T~he sizes now ready for iinmediate delivery. who J. rife~ J. A. HOLAE ON y Phone 158Bwanâl and F. J. Mitchell DIST1RIBUTOR Dominion Upright, Grand and Player Pianos Highest Awards London Paris Philadeiphia Chicago The Name "cDOMINION"9 bas been a syuenym for excellence in muLsical instrumenta aince

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