OPTOMETR'f R. M. MITCHÉ LL Registerecd Optometr'i-t by examina- tion. Eyes examined by' the latest methods and most mQdern instru- ments. R. M. MITCHELL & Co. Druggists & OPtomnetrists Bowmaxvv'Ile (Phon, 92) Ont. Peter martin & Son Building Contiractors j Plastering and concrete work a specialty. Blecking Machine and large square tinibers suitable f r>is ing bousesý. Now is the time te get your cbimneys repnired and ashes e- moved and other emahl jobs at- tended te. We are now prepared te build cencrete silos. Get cour prices. SWe are aIse open te do Teani- ing, Phone Thes. Maritn 206-r5. H. D. Mosesj Carpenter, Contr-actor &I Phone 206r4l Estimates Free 12-tf ical e estimates giý nce no object, Lacombe's lecI;ric Shop Deors East of Standard Bank nes: Day 63; Nighit 358w St. East, BowmsnvQm. aTRY prepared to Mw at a good1 buy high1 Don't seil yoiur poultry ntil yQu have first got my ices. I can make you ýal money for your f owl. Send mie a card or Jone colleet anid I will dl for them. 1. STIEN Phone 81 Whitby DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Helnor graduate in Deftistry Torontoý University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surg-eons of On- tario. Office King--st., Bowmianvilie. Office phorne 40. House phone 22. UjR. J. C. DEVITT olg Graduate of Royal Dental Clee Toronto. Office, ing-st. East, Bow,-l miaivil¶le. Office hoûrs 9a. m. to 61 p .daily except Sunday. Phen 90a. House phone 90b. DR. IR. E. DINNIWEILL Hlonor Graduate of Toronto Uni-1 versity and miember of Royal College' of Dentaïl Burg-eons. Lîcensed to practice in Ontario and the Dominion. Dentistry in all its branches. Office -King-st., Bowmanville. Opposite 3ank of Montreal, Phone 301. PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS'I TAILORS (-Formerly in Bowmaniville,) now at 1262 Yongest., stor'p at Sumnmerhili Ave., Toronte, Phione Randolph 5197, We cari still give yau aur best services. Guaranteed te f.it and workmanship at pre-war prices LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A4., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money te boan on Farm an'd Town Property Royal Bank Building, Bewnianville. Phone 351. Wf. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money te boan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Phones: Offl..s 102, lieuse 279J. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complet. Motor or Herse Equipmeat Ah ecaîls promptly sttended to. l'rivate Ambulance. Bowmaniville phones 10 and 34 Branch Stores-Oreno & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto.. Four years attending Phy- sican and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hespital, Pi*ttsburg, Ks. Office and4 Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- mianville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON,, M. D,, C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronrto,. f o1'mrly of Enniskillen. Office and1 Residence, Dr. Beit's, former residence on C1hurchst., Bow-J manville. Phone 259. 44-t CHIROPRACTIC DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate ef Toronto Chiro- practie Çelleg-e will be in office oni Tenmperanc~e Street, Bowmanville,j Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoa nd evening. Phones: Office 141J; Residence 141W. VETERINARY Dr. F. T. TIGHE V2ETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Calls Promptly Attene e Office King-St. W., Sitat.esTen Boek, Bowmanville. Phene 243. AUICTIONEERS THEO. M. 'SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Tertns moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197-r3. 1tf JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer 10 years' experience in farm, fumai- ture and bouse auction sales. Ad- dress Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer- chant, King-st., Bewmanville, phone 131, box 33. JOSEPH COULSON Licensed Auctioneer Valuator & Real Estate, Newcastle, Ontario. 22-tf SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING BOOKEEPING Complete Commercial and General Improvement Courses. StuÏents accepted at atny time. Goeod posi- tions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINqESS COLLEGE Oshawa an~d Toronto ELECTRIC MOTOR FOR SALE- Westinghouse 5 herse power, 200 volts, 15 arups per terminal, 3 phiase, 60 cycles, 1700 R. P. M. at full speed. Just beenl tion. $60 cash. If interested call at Statesman Office.j BOWM-ýANVILLE, JULY Sîst., 1924 BOWMANVILLE METHODISTrS --i- Annual Report For Last Conferele' THE EDITOR TALKS Year Has Been Distributed. We have justC been rending a The report to the menibers and d letter froni England an~d how truc herents of the BowmianvilleMeh- it is that one hiaîf of the wurld dues ist Church has just been issued fromn not know how the othier baîf lives. It The Statesman office and niled te has been a query how, after England th'ose vwho contribute regtilnrly te the lest 50 very m'rany youngil men in- the upk eep of the church lllnd oth1ev M914-18 war, she can spare te this prýeerty. It is a pamiphlet ef 30, Dominion se many farmi workers. Pages n.ý nd every page laý_ of specialý 1But after readingl about the wnges îniterest te alI members of the con-J paid te agricultural laborers sinice the grega-tien. wvar, the wonder is that young mlen Rev. S. C. _Meore, B. A., B.D. don't emigrate in thousands te Can- served this congregation faithfully a,ý i for surely the Eniglisihj farmiers fer five years, and ln his Pastoratl pay tee littie for the value of the Greeting c ommnends bis last year's work: they expect a mian to deo. This patsto-ate as presented in this annualý letter says that 68 per cent of the report to the careful study of the total adlult male farm workers are peýople. le enys: You will obse-ý,rve paid under $7.50 a week and 23 per that the current expenses have been cent only $6 25. It is a nystery fully mret thalt the Cennexional Funds; how these people live. An ordinary have been 'increasing-ly sustained, family couid afford te pay, only thiree that extensive improvemnents have cents per meatl. per head. They been made te the property 'and that produce ment and butter,,but had aniother substantial reduction has none for their oýn familles. been made on the Parsonage debt. * * *The real fruits of Christian ser- vice ,he snys, can neyer be rightly This example le quoted of a fnmily estimated by statistical figures niom budg-et of a Norfolk farrm w\orker. In can the aiding results of church- the famuly are five children froru two work be fully reported by financial te eleven years of age. Hie payýs, statements. "The Kingdom Com- nearly a dollar for rent per week, eth net with observation" but sulent- two cents a day for a daily aews ly, often secretly, in the inner 11f e paper. They had a pound antd a haîf and thougbht of the people. Who of mararine-ne butter- and they can weigh the real worth of religieus paid 66 cents for ment and $1.68 for :mnpulses and emotions, spiritual im- fleur. They bad three :and a haîf Pressions and aspirations? Who can pounds of sugar and one- pint of skim mensure the abiding value of 'Christ- milk each per week at two cent's a lan purposes and princîples, deeply pin. Rnt, lasmane, boteslad, or of personal convictions andE candies, oil, ceai and se on, took consecrations firmly made? $2 25 a week, leaving $3.80 for For my successor, whom, 1 am i food or a cent and a haîf per meal. sure, you will find worthy of your There was ne chance of an orange fullest confidence-let me bespeàk a for the cildrea and the father had warm welcoye, and a whele-hearted te deny himself tobacco if his child- support. Thus will this historie ren were te be fed. church become more and more a * *force for goed in this favored cem- miunty-the spiritual homne of al Se great is the rush of farmn work-i classes of the congregatin-the 1 'l place wbere the yeung findà guidancef ers te the towns sin,, the war that ,and, reastenoigofle a bouse famine prevails andi rents awgceatemrhn ofif have greatly ia'creased. 'Tie wrttem lans, and where the aged find sasthat the Labor Gevernnment is cheer and comlort as the shardows ofc sasevening fal-h lc hr h proposing te set Up Local Bourds te te pae hr h regulate wag-es in the agricultural weak and weary find' streagth andb industry and if it succeeds in solving rest, and wbere the wayward and s this problemi the drift into tbe towns sîn rful find new life in Christ. t may be arrested. The facts set eut Somne slight idlea of the duties d from the official figures, are an index and activities of the pester of a large à of the difficultiesi confronting the church may be formed from these 1 country ln this post-war period. In fig-ures from Mr. Moore's report for i niany serieus miads it is ýbecoming a bis last year: Members received 118,h grave question whether the British present membership 91~5, catechu- l Islands can carry much longer a mens 90, baptisms 40, burials 46, population of ferty-five millions, marriages 21, families ministered teý We have heard pessimists Suggest 600, pastoral calîs approximatelyd that our naramount need isa first 1200. ýi ate zymotic dNýase te thin eut our superfueus populatien We publis-hed a poem Some time ago entitled "Watch Yourself Go By", the idea being teo observe the kiad of person you are. Ia other werds, put yourself te the test. In most industries 'and business enter- prises certain tests are made' by the heads ef them ce ebtain somne ides as te wbetber the person or thingj may be expected te give the requir- ed qualities that augur for success in the 1ine of action or duty for wbicb be or it is wanted. A memnent's considenation will show how very conmmen is such a testing. The farmer tests bis grain, bis cows, the quiaftity and quality of milk theyl produce-it miust reach a certain stnadte be satisfactory, ether- wiealss instead of aprofit will be the resuit. lie aise weeds eut the unprofitable benis of lhis fleck. A law of Nature le that like preduces like, se tllat god seed, good sires, high quality ln every branch of the farm o perations is equired fer best results. This prvision often marks the ýdifference between the successful ad the unsuccessful farmer. la ike manner it is profitable anti -1dviî-sable te put one's self te and through an examination test. Ask yourself why you have net been more successful la yeur endeavors?1 Others have made more progress,, more moaey, hati bigger creps, bet-I ter financial returas for their laborsI andi enterprise. Their efforts havel been more fruitful in se maay ways andi as a resuIt have got on very innch better than you have. Condi- tions arounti them 'ýare far better than yeurs. They did net, grow that way. These better conditions are the result of well-directed attention. They are man-made. They are achieved threug-h eff orts wisely dimectei. It la work that wins. Now, wbat have you te say for yeur- gelf? Why are yeunont a more successfuli mn or weman? There la a measep, Put yourself tbreugh an examinatien. Saine rainy day make it n proffitable day by sitting down in the bouse with your wife anti tailk over your affaira andi se try te find why you are net more successful la your work or your management. There is a, reason. Others arounti you or in your line of business suc- ceed. Why are yeu net getting better results? Put yourself tbrough a tborougb examination. EDITORIAL BRIEFS will be seen by the me' in this iscue of the ami VIETERINARY V. S., B. V. Sc EUniversity of and eame-ý Mr. W. F. Dale, Treasurer OfficiaI Board, reports s net revenue of $5151.28 with a balance on haad of $14-68. Chef expeaditume was Rev S. C. Moore's salary $2200. Mr. M. A. James, Trensurer Trus.- tee Board, reports a revenue of I $3601.2~3 and a balance of $271.46.1 As thîs is t ' hief spending branch of the ch- m àiay be stated tbat its sources Jf revenue are tvio: Seatý ment and annuaî thank-effering. Seat renta amounted te $1111.13 and thank-offering $2440.30. Amount received from Official Board was $2712, and $1400 were borrowed te1 mieet defiands before thank-offeriig' Sund'ay. Then the $1400 was paid that had been hborrowed andi $1100 was paid te reduce the parsenage in- deýbtedness. The outlay was ex- 'traordin'ary lat year, $580 for1 painting cburch andi steeple, $371.12 f or repairs te sexten's cottage,' $253.56 fer fime insurance, $836 for fuel, $166.60 for repaira te par .son- age andi $j13.32 for ether epairs, laber and supplies $128.58, wiring $37.95, taxes $218.75, music $122.- Power $95.05, printing $180 *56, 88, sextens $584, Hydre Electrie SOUND BUSINESS INVESTMENT, l~n Ne-w York City there is a mer- chant tnalor with a large shop in one of th'e higli-rent buildings which bundreds of thousandïs of persons j pnss daýily; it is along, one of the very congested patbways ef tbe City", wrtaWilliam G. Sbepherd ln the World's Weri<. "To this main", hie idds, "'his own success in businesýs has only one ex- planation-his titbîng. lie spoke teo me as- frnnkly about it ns;be rmight about ayother bsnespractice. "AnyT man who pînys fair -with God, e snid, 'is su-ce te prosper. 1 stnrted titbiing when 1 get tbe idea some years ago that ah I 1had b"e- longed te God,. and that lie was per- mnitting mie te use it. 1 expected, of couirse, when 1 began te tithe, that my het income would be reducedi by 10 per~ cent. But this lbas neyer bnppenied te me. Eacb year'És net income has been larger in spite of tithing. "When the lease on these quarters rail eut a few years age, a great in- crease in rent was demianded. We have a very choiçe, corner in a very superior location, but it was hard te see 'how we could make the psy- ments. I talked the matter over with my wife, and we hoth decided that, even if it became necessary te m'ove, we -woulnot stop tithing. We signed the new lease, and at the end of the next twelve menths our net protits showed a fine increase'. "'Talent leaned by Ged, time loan- ed by God, snd money loaned by, God', has been the working metto of one of the most neted furnace manu-1 facturers of the country. "Hie bas a life of business achieve- ment behind him, and he attributes it ail te the fact that he has econsidered hiruself a steward of divinely lent elements of succeýss. "'Il had te leave school when 1 was feurteen', he explained te me. Il was the oldest of seven children. When 1 was a boy the pastor of our church convinced me thxat everything 1 had, or would have, in life would belon- te God. As seon as I under- stoed'this 1 began putting aside one- tenth ef everything- I earned, every day, ne matter hew sm'sll it was. 1 went eut inte life with empty pock- etý and willing hands and a fim be- lief in my responsibility te God. Go'd bas more thani kept His promise te ne financially and spiýritually". drain $28.60, organist's salary $1000, interest $233.50, telephone $36 ' 19, commission on seat.rents $55.t)0, Mr. J. J. Mason, Treasurer of Con- nexional Fuads, reporta receipts of $2807 of whicb $1971.95 was frein regular givings by envelope, $273.71 subscriptions, $301.34 from Young1 People's League, $160 from Sunday Scehool and $100 frein OfficiaI Board, of tiiese $2000 went te Missns, $210 te Education, $136 te Sociýal Ser- vièe, $276 te Supemannuatien. Funti, $69 to General Conference, $63 te Sustentation, $48 to< Contingent Funmd and $5 te Parsonage Loan. Mr. Elmer Cox, Treasumer S .. Board, reporta a net revenute of $1120.27, witb a balane eof $216.46. Chief outlay was $603 for achool sup- plies. The total receipts from May 1, 1923, te April 30, 1924, are stateti te be $13,387.34. Present debt on Parsenage $1700. Report any errers feundinit the annual report te m.J. E. Elliott, phone 292w., who lias the original reports of the treasurera of aIl the societies. New Things Are "News" Every member of every family in this community is interested in thie news of the day. And no it- ems are read with keener relish than announcements of new things to eat, to xvear or to enjoy in the home. You have the gootis andi the desire te selI them. The reaçiers of "Thse Canadian Statesman" have the ioney and the desire te buy. The cenneting- link is ADVER- TISING. Give the people the gooti aews of new things at atvantageous prices. Tbey look te yen for this "Store News" and will me- apondti t your messe ges, Let us showý you that "Au Advertïsenient Is An Invitation" Thse Statesman has four times the circulation of any other paper published inl West Durham. YrQu Can't Heat Al Outdoors Se why attenipt the impossible? Give it up andi turn that waste heat to Iowering- your heating cest. The beat that is lest up the cbimney from an inefficient fumnace or steve costa as mucb money in your bin as the heat you get the benefit of. Yen weuld save it andi the dollars it costs if yen knew how, wouldn't you? That la, oaly ONE of the strong peints of the MeClam-y "SUNSHINE" furnace. Ask us for mûire fa4-cts. Greenaway & Elliott Heating Experts and Co..sultissg Engiacers .1 f 1- Ph*» 18 MIL