ÎTTTT.V si.i. iûo Mi. and Mus. Nesbitt Moffat, Par- Balmoral Hot el is seîving Special i-s, accoll-panied the remiains of Miss Chiekon Dînner, Sunday and Mpni- Annie Roblin bore la.st weok for in- 'day at 75e plate. teiment In Bowmanvllle Cemjeteîy. Men's Sum.mer Suits and Strawj Miss Rablin was a daugbter of the Rats at greatly reduceti pîices.j laVe James Robiin of this own, andi, Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman. for a n'umber of years past a nuise1 Any 'bat in the store, including ail in Ne-wi York City Hospitai..She wasI of this yoar's stock, reduced to bhaîf a sister of Mus. W. H. Williams antI puce foi quick sellung. Dingmian Mus. W. P. Power of this town . 1 & Edmondstone. _T _w 4 LOCAL AND> OTHERWISE f LOCAL AND OTHERWISE - Oshawa newýspapers report many Try Bowmiianville first. automobiles and bicycles stolen. Mi..H.Wreis oiayn Miss Irene Hailman is enýjoyung with relatives in Toronto. h oiidays with friends at Fenelon Rev, J. U. Robins will preach his k Falls. initial sermons here next Sunday. ýe Mrs. Loui'se Paterson is viîVng.I Mi. and Mis. W. J. _McLaugbliin, bier nîece, Mis. J. Gîeenaway, Port saa eercn usso r Hope. and Mrs. W.N13. Pinch. i~ Mis Isabel Wells of Gait, is vis- D.adMs .E inwl r t iting br osin isRnaCvîy enjoying a week's holidays in his old WMellntstd.adRthMne fhome town of Wiarton. Misss Vda nd Rth oas of Bowmànviile Lawn -Bowling Club Sonyn, visited _Mis. Mary Hoekins, is holding its annual tournamient Civ- Wellington-st. ic Holiday, August 4th,. Miss Meloria Burns, Lindsay, is Dr. C. W. Slemton is spending holi- holidaying with ber parents, Mr. and days at Ottawa and at the famous Mus. Frank Burns. i IgnunNtoa ak Mrs. J. T. Hooper lbas retuned MAssonqui Nation Pak. Pnc fropna very pleasant visit witb îela- Mse sirlted an RKa esPtnc, Èe rRochester, N. Y. aeN siigreaiesiYo.etr tivs. in N. ndrsoY.r Mis.Golwun Andeson [[oit Mr. J. H. H. Jury was in Indian- eStanley, is visiting ber parents,Mi apolis, Minn, ,last weck attending ai antIMrs.W. B McMîtry convention of wholesale druggists,. .Mr. T. H. Jennings of Toronto, M 'rs. J. E. Allun and sons Samuel spent the past week with bis mother,î and Alfred spent the 'Week-end with 1Mis. Wmi. Jennings, Church Street. 1Mi. and Mis. John Hislop, Wbitby. 1Mrs. George Bray of Toronto, i adMs.Go Pni, taa H vistn erparn t.Eat Ms.awT.are visiting bis parents, Mr. and H.Ers NS.ing Wsht.a n son a iMrs. Thos. Pingle and otherreais Mis. N.WakS. D. Warehintngand son Ratine Dîess Goods up Vo $1.40 anr .s .C Wapakrilaesiingn an for 75e yd; Cotton Crepes 75e for famiiy. manc. Cu Jobnston & Cryder- Mu. nd is. ackHoweant bab ýfMs. E. Roblin, Miss Aiea Roiblin, Consanc, Mntralvistedwit Mu Hamilton, are visiting the formr' andMus Abam eacck ntIsister, Mirs. T. H. knight, West- friends. moun t . Mu. and Mis. Lewis Lyle hbave re- 1Mi. and Mis. R, B. Howe andý turned from a month's visit with rel- daug'hteî Constance, motored £rom -atives at Lindsay, Petereboro and oth-Mnua ndrevsiigatM.A er places. H. Mooue's. Mr. and Mis. Hobart Knight and Mr. and Mis. Jas. Tbompson and two daughters, Aimante, and Mi. Ez- famiily, Port Hope, spent the week- zie Knigbt, Ottawa, recently visited edwt irorns r n s relatves ere.H. B. Creeper.* MNis. Harold IL[ Sutliff and son Mran s.HB.Cep hv Donald, Minneapolis, M-,inn, aid visit- Mian Ms.HB.Ceprbv ing heu parents, Mi. and Mis. D. Gai- îetunned fuom a visit witb Mu. and braîth "Yarnakii". « Mis. Noîmian Creeper aV Niag-ara Rev andMrs.S, GrleyBrow. Falls and Buffalo, N. Y. anev. anduh s. abelGof Mon- Welcome news for bot weatbeî:1 andgiad'du~gterIsael f Mn-Ail Voile and Hatine Dresses aV, treal, are guests of Mu. and Mis. F. exactly half price at Couch, John- R. Brown, Division-st, . ston & Cryedimani's. Miss Reta T. Bernnett ofwThb' Business iîs good with the Excelsior Statesman staff is bolidaying jie nurneGo . lkehc iher uncle and aunt, Mi. andI Mis. urt ry, lc epCo. W.nae et A, Fursey, Leamington. I arec, ord. w eseusine prt Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Syt Mis.eorFlemingbuies.MCray Toronto, are holidayung with their Ms Febin, Ms.eorg e adGe aunit and uncle, Mr. and Mis. F. A. JohnsHuges ,Msp orent anuîday w Foster, "Norwood Place".JonHge ptThrdy wh Mu. and Mrs. W. Fourid, MiaDr. andMs ae oae ioln 1Mis. P. H. Saigeant and daugter Mi. and Mis. Russell Wouden and t)orothy, Toronto, were Sundayl Misses Hilda Foiey, Nina Wilkins and guestF of M'rs. R. Baiiey. Doris Ellegett, spent Sunday 'with Mir and Mis. George Sm.uithwaite, en4 rnc lei nd Pr Mu. andI Mis. Ernie Sniuitbwaite and ery baby ,Jean of Toronto, visited. at Mu. Wbat an opportunity for the lad- W. J. Williamis', Liberty-st. les! Your choice of any hat in oui Mr, George W. McKinnon and store ueduced Vo exactiy balf the or- daugbteî Miss Patricia, Vancouver,, iginalpc. Dnma dod B. C, are visîting hir, aurnt, Mis.'soe (Rev.) D. W. Best ,at The Manse. 1Mis. J. Dunn and Miss May Dunn, Excelsior Life Insurane Co., a Mi. and MissimDsnn, M.Ga puîely Canadian Company esablSimsba- isSipoTrno ed in 188e. W. Blake esMtl sent tfie week-end witb Mi. and McMutyMirs. J05, Rogers. local repiesentative, Bowmanvîlle. Mi. andI Mis. Cyiuzs funhanu, Bee>- Mrs. F. VanDusen and Miss Helen Vot gave a most deleightful affternoon tea! tn, spent Sunday week wîth lier sis-, Vo a f ew of their frieinds last Thurs- ter, Mis. Albert Colweii, Centre-st.t day at their summer homne "Port M Ei o'el eundhm Bowmnanville". 1 with thenu fou a visit. r.andI Mis. Chas. Painton andI We were pleased Vo receive a cal) family, Eston, Sask., Mis. F. A. Fit- lasV week from Mi. D. W. Heaslip, cbett andI son Billie, Montreal, areI Detroit, Mich., a Durhiam County visitirg their parents, Mi. and Mis. i owode I ucraiiýe account- W Wilaî anon eton ing and auditung business in the aut- Note chPaitnge of Cbuuch omobile city. Fote Au geunon sercs services. Mi. R. B. Soden, Grand Ouganizerc ForAliustunin srvieswill be in of the Benevolent and Protective Or-c Methodist Cburch at il a. ni. and St.de Paul's at 7 p. mi. Con1giegationalde of Elks, was in town last week singing wili be a special feature. endeavoring Vo organize a branch of this society in Bowmanyilleë. He, Mi. andI Mis. W. L. Allen, Mi. was unable Vo secure sufficient mem- Jack' Alien andI Miss Louise Of GO- bers Vo locate a iodge bere. bourg, lefV the first of the week for Ms .AneAu n ic a Vwo weeks' motor trip Vo MontrealýM Miss Esie Alindn i is oeca and diff erent points in Que'bec. IBig,- rvieceladMisEte Mis. Duncan Beitb, Mr. Gordon 1 lun, Newcastle, ieft Saturday min- Beith, Mus. E. C. Southiey and Mu., ing for a trip West, visitingreais Ted Southey, Mis. J. A. 'MeClellan 1 at Edmonton and other cities en- attended th funeral of the laVe Mis, ro'ute. W. S. Bletcher at Port Hope on Fril- jLcleHiursigPrlî,2 day Simcoe St. North, Osbawa, Shampoo- r Mi. and Mus. T. E. Washington. ing, Scalp Trenatments, Haur Bobbung,c Miss S. C. and Mi. T. W. Washing-. Curling, Marcel Waving, Massaging ton, Toronto, and Mi. andI Mis. E. and Manicuîing. For appointmyent H. Wasington, Winnipeg, were re- ieisphone 815. Open Monday, We'd- cent guests of Rev. andI Mis. W~. C. nesday and Friday evenings. 28-tf Washington.. Mr. andI Mis. Geo. Gilîson andý Mi. andI Mus. Wesley Couch, Bow-j daughter June, Mr. Short and Miss i 1 manville, announce the engagemnent IGoochie, Toronto, spent the week-end f Of their daugLiteu, Mabel Irene, Vo a i .I. afc.', yoe h Rev. John W. Wii kinson, Carnaivon, twofMexW. Heainace' foro visT e Ont.,the mnaugliagto a lae Mu. Teddy Woodyaid has ieturned quiely i Augst.home alter spending two weeks witb Miss Helen l'rayes of Williams-! friends in Toronto. Girls Wanted!1 Experienced operators and girls to learn on pow- er sewing machines in glove department. SAMUEL TREES & CO., Limited, Whitby Ont. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Free Jersey Milk this Week. Read H. M. Foster's advt. Bowmanville Civic Holiday is Monday, August 4th, Treat the fam-ily to Chicken Diii- nier at Balmoral Hotel. E. F. Weekes is busy this week outfitting picnic parties. Miss Lenore Quick, has returned from a pleasant yis-it in Oshawa. Mi.Wm.Moc be Omenmee, is visitig at Mr. Watren Dingm-ian's. Mr. J. T. Neal, Buffalo, N. Y., was recent guest of -Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neai, Lowe-st, _Mrs. _M. J. Ross, Toronto, is vis- iting hier niece, Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Horsey Street. Ladies' Pullovers and .sweaters below cost price. Couch, Johniston & Cryderman. Miss Eila Jacobs, Los Angeles. Cal., is visiting her aunt, Mýrs. J. J. Virtue, Hampton. Mrs. F. Morgan of _Morganston, visited a few, days -with Rev. W. A. Bunner and faniily. Mr. and Mis. T. Gwyn and daugh- ters, ,Toronfto, are occupyingi the Bassett bouse for the summeér. Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Abraham of Guelph, have been visiting bher aunts. thie Misses Galbraith, Queen-st. M~isses Marjorie and Jean Clark, Pickering, spent the week-end with the Misses Bunner, Liberty-st. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Foster have returned from a very pleasant visit at Mr. George Foster's, Sonya. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Law, Oshawa, wex'e guests of M4fr. and _Mrs. Grant Edwards at Bowmyanville Beach on Suii.day. Rats at hiaif price-all this year's styles. Pick one out -while selec- Cions are at theii- best. Dingman &Edm-ondstone. No need of buying Furniture out out of tûwn when you can buy. an 8-. piece dinung room suite for $110 at F. F .Morris Co. Rev. and'Mrs. G. H. Copeland and Mr. Fred Richardson, dauglite-Aud rey and son Erie, Toronto, were ini town Wetlnesday enroute to Port Hope to visit Mrs. Copeland's sisters, Mrs. Bryson and Mus. Newton, The eontract for paving thýe Pro- vincial Highway ,between Port H~ope and Coâbourg has been let Vo the Beaver~ Construction Company of Toronto, at a total colt of $73,000 for a distance of 5.9 miles which will mean at a cost of Sie per square yard of soreen gravel concrete. Hope and Hamilton townships are getting this work very cheap and are f or- tunate if the work can be completed at thisilgure. In honor of a ïiumber of out-ef- town visitors was a pretty rose tea. of which Mrs. E. A. Hyland and Mrs. ýH. A. Wolfe were joint hostess- es. The garden of Mrs. Wolfe's home on Wilson Avesqe Toronto, was attractive with a ý is beds of exquisite rose bloomn an'd gay old- tirne gaîclen flowers. Bowls of vari-colored roses were arranged in the dra-wing-room and tearoom., Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. T. G. Malcolmu, Wiýnnipeg-; Mis. C. Wilbur, Troy, New York; Miss Raymiond, New York City; Mus. W ol. verton, Brooklyn, New York; and Miss Alice Thompson of 'Bowman- ville.--Globe. A lady subscriber 'bas recommnend- ed the follow\ing recipe whieh we ýask oiur readers Vo test: 6 cups pitted eherries (Bot Voo ripe), 5' cups ofý sugar, mash cherries and let simmer until miost of thiN juice is gone. Heat the sugar on shallowý pans ini the oven antil quite hot but not scorc]hed, .dd beated sug-ar and boil 5 minutes or; tintil sugar is dissolved. Stîr gent- [y. Remýove and pour into jars or jelly glasses. DENTAL OFFICE TO CLOSE Dr. J. C. Dèvitt wishes to an- riounce that his dental parloîs will bel closed during the mnonth of August1 while on his vacation. 29-t NOTICE Dr. R. E. Dinniwell's Dental Par- lors, Bowmanvîlle, will be closed from July 8Oth Vo August 7th, while ofl vacation. PUBLIC LI'BRARY CLOSED The Purblie Library will be closedi Articles Wanted WVANTED-To rent or puirchiaseý a ski or l'tnt. Alanl Camipbeii. pR. pR . 2,Bo' Help Wanted WANTED-A local repIresentattive fi Canadlasorlly net cost Lifte Insurain Company. ApIily in the flrslt instani ro George Gibbons, D-istrict Ma nag'- ZIutuai lLif( e Of Cn dBarrie Bldî Peterboro. 3- Personai Greeting Cb'Iristmas (Cai-( -Imperia] Aýrt". Sample book free. B, known. H1ighest reputaition. Reai s vice. Lowýest prices. $l10 ta 2on w.eely in spare hours. Write dire< Britishi Canadian. 122 Richmiond W Toronto. 3 HELP WANTED-A good c apat11 young wonan for pgenera hiouisew-orj good plain cook, a smail hlom-e, mode! conveniences, ýworlr lighit, for a miîd aged couple, must Ife reliable and goc references. Ternis moderate. W rii box, 225, Bowmanviiije. -i To Let, ROOM AND BOARD-Foi, one or r persans. Apply box 207, Bomianvill TO RENT-25 acres good pasture lan( watered and weill enced. Rent fc balance of summirer. Apply T. Ward, JE R. i, Bowncanvillle. 28- For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-An roamed brick bouse wlth frramre attachi 214 x 36 ft., one acre of ]:an(] witii frit trees, corner of Liberty 11nd1 Concessýie St., Bo'wmanriville. for a 6-roomied hou> inl town or Toronto. W, B. Pinch, 7,r 97Dowmeonvilie. 1 Property Fpr' Sale Seven ro dbrick ottgeon Rini st., wa terwr'selcetric llihts, about acre land with treeýs and small fruits fe sale or wîll excbiange for, larerbons ini Bowmanvilie. A-pply p. O. Box 48ý B'owmnlvilie.i-' ORCHARD FOR SALE-$l000 buys 21 acres of orobard in one of the best local- ities in Bowmnanville. with a1bout 12-5 trees just niceiy inta bearing, mnostly winter fruit. Tbree excellent building lots on sanie.Apyta Norman' S. IB. Jamnes at Statesmian Office. FOR 6ALE-Brick Veneer Bungao ila Bomaniýville, good location, about acre; oak floor in liingroom, diningroomi and bal. Britjshi Columblia tir in two bedcroomsq, pine in kiten; town wate'r, electric lighits, pipeless furnace -ic bathr-ool; l'etrie liit fixture nued Possession Sep)tembe(,r lst. Owelav lng town. Apply to Mlrs. Bdîtb V.I Sýcobeil, Inisurance- Agent., omnvle 30i FOR SALE-M.ýy ideal home biaif mile from ceity Llimits ofObaanear 1Rinig- stan Road, Six roil bous, blard- wooci, floors, elýctric liibts, garage barni wýithi stone wals. Shirubs, fiowers. Two a ndi one hialiares in fruit, strawberý,i- ries cberera spber ri es, pas fherris andine orchiard of aipples, spfies, badis tc.. one, and one biaîf acres pasture withi runninig streamr. Land gently slopping and best quality big Maple trees fronting propierty. Immne- diate posse-ssionl . . R bo 98, Oshawa. i- 51. MILK AND YOUR HOME The mîilk thajt belongs on your table should be hýanidled vwth care. 1V should be)( bottled with. scrupulous lalns anid served proniptly. Delivered Fresh Daily fo i Holiday cem st Is fHere od We carry a large selection of Holiday Togs- - botÇi Dress and Sporting. A eal2 will convnce.. tf e, Step in and cool off. The coolest spot in R. -t town to do your shopping. C. E. Hann, Proprietor. The Youngesv Mehchant ifl\ Canada li w WA 01,M mANN'S Opposite Ban~k of IMIontreal Phone 61 Bowmanville or S" The Balance of Summer Dresses To Clear at Reduiced Prices For $9.75 We have pretty shades in Plain Voiles and Norniandy Voiles in good variety of styles and sizes. Ratines in plain, and fancy stripes, in~ green, copen, sky. Just the dress for cool days. For $5.95 There are linens and beach cloth in copen, sky, canary, rose, green and fawn, braid trim- 1ming and sizes from 16 to 42. We are clearIng the balance of our Canton Crepe and Fancy Silk Dresses at greatly reduced prices. We have alI sizes and the assortment is good. S. W. Mason &' Son Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready..To-Wear Phione 106 Bowmanwille Articles For Sale FO R SALE-1922 Ford Tourýing, good cOndition, 1'f uly qid ly Iwn& ColO.pone 54w. 3-w F-OR SALE-Cýo111e Puppieýs, gaod us ii fellows. 30for qick lzsleý. Gç jzrnieson. ecs, e l- CHERRIES FOR SALE-LargeMnt mo1rency. Leave oder1nw. Fred W B Ute . R. 6, Phone 31ri i-t CjANOE FOR SALE-Cedar Cne close ribbied, uised 2 years, a s gooda n ew. Great bargain. F. W. Goddard. Bowmianviile. 2-6 - t* WALNUT WARDROBE FOR SALE-ý Withi sheif and long drwein go 'onditio n. Ne further use for same. WVlil seli for hai1f original Cost. F. W. Goddard, P-owmsinville. 26-C* FOR SL-ap bub ice Range in good condition, 1burnIs Ücoal1 or wVood1. wateýr front. reservair, wilil siil r~asnnhe. ppiy t9 Miss Eva Br,ý Elg!in Stret. Bowmianvilie, phone 42. FOR SÀLE-Che)stnuit -Mare,' 6 years, sotind attractive dive; aso wire ýW11eel- edj buggy,, rubber t1ireýs, a read so bdgin perfect Condition. Applyý Lýyi] Corden.r, ing-st.. oratvle eARS FOR SALE-On e Babty Grand Chý-vrolet Truckl, 11/2 ton capacity, model(C T. Also one, 55-4 Oyerland(. 1BCoth in goa)d condition, Bargain fo r quick sale. No rea1soaqble offer wili be re"fus- ed, Apiyto Irwin & Coi's Gara,Ï BUY BAKIING FOR CIVJC HOLIDAY. This is just to remind you to buy enough of Corbett's Wholesome and Fancy Baking to last you over the holiday. Place your order early and we will guarantee to bake whatever you want. Jt's too hot to bake-we'll gladly do it for you. Eat'Crbet's Ho-h oaf read BatCobet'sHih-oafBrad We specialize in Wedding Cakes. W.i P. Corbett (Successor to Thomas Tod) Baker and Confectioner. Bowmanville appeal to you, from 50c Upwards IFW. T. Al1len Books andl Stationery B'owmanvllî.