fur- XM~I~Bradley, RAR No. 1, Carp, Ont., write.: N "I auffered f rom galStones, I'4~i BDX and comxuenced taking Dr. Il Chase's Kidney-Liver Pilla. I 1 was âfieted ini this way, and I have inot suffered from gali ~~ tones or even backache inice. ~ 1 have also found Dr. Chaseas 8 % Nerve Food excellent for heart Strouble and ahortnema of Dr. Chase's Kldney-LIver Plis 36 ets. a box of 35 plW, EdrFAm sou, Bates & Co., 144., Toronto M1E TABLPEs FOR [AN VILLE rIONAL. RàILWAY GOINèqc WEStr 4,2a. ni. F, a. nm. 7,13 a. nM. IAI LwAy GOING VWES«, 6 .2 5 a i 8.20a.ni 4.31 p.ni 'i.00 p.ni -RAIL WAY Going West 8.15 a ni. -J , realize wnat s Emuision :he'strength it to the body. T,'ororRto, Ot. 23,52 BOW-MANVILLE, JULY 31st., 19 24 KEIJRON Mr. Frank H. Brayi, Enfield, visit- 'ed at Mr. R. J. Luke's. Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, was at homne over the week-end. Cong-ratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Eari Batty, Ashburn, a young son. Miss Gladys Crossman entertaineÉ1 lier Sundiay Sehool Class of littie girls. Miss Wilma Werry visited 1her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Batty, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Mark HIancock, lRo-1 chester, vis'ted his brother, Mr. Les- lie Han1cock and family.,1 Congratulations to Miss Mildred Cole on obtaining first class ceri- ficate at Toronto NoYrmal. Miss Bernice Werry motored to Toronto with Mr. and M\.rs.W.Cad Miss Audrey Werry and vistda f W. Tennyson's. Many have been relieved of corns by Holloway's Corn Reniover. iti bas a power of its owin and will he found effective. Mr. and _Mrs. Wm-. Hepburri, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice an;d Mr. Ar- thur H1epburn niotored to Bowmian- prendlied hluroli 1 eboanc BOUNSALL'S MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of iving the ission. A ege- ivi. . ý.N. .LWo..ftVVUVu uvu flnt usii awa Hospital, suffering froni gan- grene in foot and leg, the latter had to lie removed. Mr. T. J. H. Allen visited lis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Allen, and with hie sister, Mrs. I. R. Bragg, called on neverai friends la Oron.o Mr. W. N. Stutt Aold 1160 acres near 1Vandura, Sask., on the C. N.* R. betrweea Regina and Brandon, hic brother Arche bei'ng the purchaser. Profr. Harley and Mrs. Billinge,f PhiladeIphia, Pa., and Mrs. W. J.I [ache and ýaniily, Weeton, are visit- ng ut their f atber's, Mr. S. NM. Bill- .ags. Mr. Robert Ard, youngest son off he late Robert Ard, Kendal, le vis- ting relatives here. 'Mr, Ard leftI ClarIe Township 45 years ago forl, Mr. McQueen, Truro, N. S., wife and daugiiter, on their retua froni a trip ta the H7awaiian Islande and B3ritish Columbia ,visited Mr. and' Mrc. H. G. Macdonald. Orano Creamery have had an out- put this season of between five and six tons weekly of dhoice butter, all purt up la pou.nd prints. This -surpass- es aay previaus seasoa's output. Worms in children, if they lie no-t attended ta, cause convulsions, and oftea death. Mther Graves' Würmi Exterminntor will protect the dhild- rea froni these distreesing afflicltions. Mr. and Mrs. Roper and faiy Toronto, are at lier sister's, Mrs. J. C. Gamey. They carry withi theni a complete camping outfit, includiing tent, camp beds, etc. Tliey are on ai three nionths' auting. Andy Somerville the ace hurler of the Orono tenni la the 1). and 0.1 Basehal League who was suspeadedi by the O. B. A. A. was reinstated hy the suli canmittee of thiat body sit- tiang in special. session at Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Luxon spent a pleasant week wth. friends at Or- ana, Newcastle and Newtonville, and the Misses C. and M. Luxon are aow viiting friendei at Orono, Newýtonv- ille and Newcastle.--Millbrook Re- porter. lux .'I JUIY )h t An1~ 1ibliUtIU, rdg., ar- JrivetI there from Scptlaad. Miss Buchanan~ writes: It certainly is bannie Scotiand andI we are naw in the beautiful EngisI lake district. There is nothing repulsive in M-il- ler's Worm Powders, andI they are as pleasant ta take as su.ar, sa thýat few children wvill refuse theni. Ia sanie cases they cause vamiting- thru' their action la an uasound stomacli, but this le on-'y a ma apifestation of CIANS their cleansing power, no indication "'%ý.'4 that they are hurtful. Tliey can lie -----thoroughîy depeaded upan to clear rH warmis frarn i the systeai. Mr. Forey Bigham, Buffalo, N. Y., N a n aid Orono boy, niadle a short visit w,ýith friends here en route ta Van-ý are co~uver, B. C., an vacation. 0f five and h ôld Up nien who entered hie 'drug store et Buffalo Inet yenoe and chat 1hie Nife ta death wh e s hut the safe Sdoor, four of theni go ta the chair' le n- t i nWhý rnSof Mlenibere of Orono Horticultu.rall painSocety ho isited the Kent Rose Lt the Gardensa t Part Perry an Manday, timep were delighted. The acres of rose_ are versart andcevr and thatl ifau flowsv gave way to us or did as we told themi the world wauld lie s0 mucli better, and such and sudh a calamity would neyer have happen- ed. Theref are we stand alooflainotur canceit froni the rest of the faulty, weak and careleess mankind in that we neyýýer really de anything wron-g or make mîstakes, but are merely tir unfortunate dlase of people wbo are hurt by others--by their inýterfer-- ence, their iýI advice, or their want- of carnmon sense. Now is not tbis a very poor spirit --vain and ioardi4ly? A lack of courage ta confese that wýe are tO blame, and ta bide aur faults andI mnistakes behind others--and possibly broader and braver shoul'ders? la it not a ýconceited pride la trying ta convince aur fellows of aur superior- ity of mmnd, an~d aur streagth of wîll-pawer; aur f ar-seeing andI a!- ways riglit prognostications? Yet it is not always the loud. voiced bally who blames others and nat hiniself. There are niany waycQ in whcili we en lay the f ault ta others; when aur friends faîl away ýwe like ta believe that they have cruelly forgatten us-not that we haýve neglected ta answer their Jet- ters or return their enle. When we are "blue" and ill-teni- pered, or miseralle, it is far easier ta pose as a downtrodden, unheeded mnar1tyr, one who is aeglected by his raýmily and ta whorn everya vne is self- isli and unkind-than ta canfeeýs toaa bad digestion or over-iaidulged habits that cause wakeful niglits. Yau will find that you wiIl obtain mucli more synipathy if you farbear ta blame others for what, inwardly, you kaow very well le not their fanit. ORONO ITEMS1 CELEBRATED 75TH BIRTHDAY jFroïn The Ne-ws of July 24tli Mr&. James Heatlie Surrounded by M Orono's Ciyic Holiday is August Happy Company of Chil4ren and 4th. Grand-Childresx. Orono Band gave an open air con- Mrs. J'ames Heatlie, Orono, wal- cert Saturday niglit. hostese at a picnic-tea on the htwil Mi,,an~Mm.Wesly OghTor to a number of hier relatives and onto, 'at Mr. E. J. Hawke S. 1fiensa h oeo e Dr. J. C. Devitt's Office, Bowman- Mrs. (Dr.) W. G. MoClul, o vil le, will be clo-sed during Aug-ust. Saturday, July 129, at C) o'clok wheil Mr. D. M. Gibson, Oshiawa is at his her children and graiichildren as- father's, Mr. Matthew Gibson. sembled to celebraLte lier seventy- Miss Mary La'wnie, Oshawa, is vis- fifth birthday. iting b er sistetr, Mrs. Alf. Beal. Mrs. Heatlie is the only surv;ivingý s.Bgr lWhty pn grandparent of lier grandchildren, lMr.Boato Wityspta The higli esteem and love with which f ew days last week at Mr. R. HiIl's. lier relatives and friends regard her Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cooper attend-1 waseve~idenced by the fact that she etl the Old Home Week at Port El- was the recijiient of mrany useful g-in. tokens with best wishes and floral Miný_s Ethel Dickey, Lindsay, isi tributes. Also numnerous letters yisiting lier 'aunt, Mrs. Thomas Stan-ý conveying kinidest regards, etc. tan.. A telegram -wa's received from lier Miss Fre'da Wilson ie a Weîcoaie1 son, Dr. F. W. Heatlie of Goodland, gues atMr.Alhrt Mrto'ssixh fIndiana, expressing regrets at bis be- line. ing unable to attend the hiappy gath- erlng, as lie hlad fonçlly anticipated. Orono Canning Factory le working feanvnigo mu'ad overtime keeping up w,?,ith rush of1 niirthi, the party 'broke up,' eacb pans.wishing Grandma Heatlie many more Dr. D. Alexander, Chicago, Ill., is happy birthldays stil'l enjoying the visiting bis niece, Mrs. J. F. Lorri- sainie good health and prosperity of man. whi'ch she is now possessor. Editosr Mr. Milton , Wnlker, Winnipeg, James offers congratulations haviag Mlan., is visiting lier sister, Mrs, A. known Mrs. Heatlie probably longer A. Roîpli. and enjoyed the hospitality of thel Mrs. Thos. H. Powiers is home froi Heatle home at an earlier period visiting friends at Toronto, Paris and than any one at the celebration. Brantford. Mr. Almond Blewett, Toronto, vis-! AUNT'S WHOLESOME TALK itecl lis brother, Wellington, and j ther relatives. Our Wise old Auntie does make, Mr. and Mrs.Herb. Gillies a.d some .-ood bits when she criticizes famiy, orotovistedat lr.Wm.the varied weeknesses of humanity. .Lyo',4th Une. She bits on all sides and many other- Layton.sWise splendid people in lier talk ln Mr,. Tupper Jolinstoii, Clarke, had this issue, as f ollows: fisheep kle ylgtigdrn When things~ go wrong how very the electrie stan .Tbursday. 1 apt we are to blame somneone else- Mrs. IR. H. Allen le homne froin a or, to blamne anythlng, rather thaii pleasant visit at Cobourg. accomn-pan- ourselves. We quickly assume tliat ied by lier slster, Miss Harper. lad something or other been differ- Misses Cain and Chapman and Mrs ent we shiould have been succesa-ful Louie Junker and son Robert took la in a certain undertaking; aad iso S.3 O* ., EyEursion ta Niagara Falls. with the mistakes we make and the Mrs. George Henry andI daugliter, blunders, andr the , cidentswih Mrs. Fipps, MKarshaîl, Sask., are here miay befaîl us, we sh »t the cause ta a,,t h'er sister's, Mrs. McKay who is1 the fact that others ý ,-,ta blamie. ill.f But if we choose ta lie strictly hion- Misýs Gladys Tucker is home froni est we mnuet own ft'-i n nearly al Lake Couchiching where she spent a'cssiti uronfat.Bycn delilitul wek t, Çnada C.Grl inually flxing the blameic to others delit.tfl wek atGanaian irand finding excuses for qur.selves we Guides Camp. babitually liecame convinced1 that w How to Invest. Mr. Johin Bonathan, Newcastle, divinity student, bas been cond.ueting services at Gore's Landing and 'other appointn-ierts MissEele Sainsbury and Misas Helen Oke, bath of Port Jiope, were apporn'-ted to the Port Hope teaching safat a salary of $800.00. Cobourg- Worlçl tells of a man who said: If I were a young man I w\ould. walk around to the lbasemient of sev,- eral bouses on Monday morning, and if I found a girl helping bier mother do the washing Id propose rig-ht tere. AlI Voile Drees Goods greatl.y re- duced in Price during July Clear- ance Sale. Coucli, Jolinston & Cryderman. \VJHEN you have saved enough money with which tbuy a Canadian Government or Municipal Bond consult this bank and obtain free information a; to the particular offering best suited to your needs. Standard Service gives impartial investment int*îl. gence gladly on request. THE8 STAN DAiR< D BAN Ký% or CANAA Br-andi, - H. 'W, Lapp, Managee ýranch, ' - . - E. A. Preston, sae d Newtanvii~ Branchez . J. Seau Mdnîgomery, Maneger Railways now Preparing for Harveat Rush ~-~QJL A nuniber of F one above equipmen] ;te trains. na~z.r'train leaving ste. Interior view of Voilonist car lsed On hayvesters' trains. C tigof all wheat is expected to hegin within Wo unknown to excursionists and. alough perhaps r CUabout a week, says a report of the Ontari o not as a direct resuît of tlijs innovation, over eprtnt of9XAgriculture, and as a rule, fall 26,000 men travelleçi in speciai trains over Cana- wIaeat is loôlking ver.\ promnising. Western reportsidian 1Pcific line s. ~re lsover eno~rgjn, bu jut wat he ar- This y-ear the Company is rnaking practicaily vest is expected to be will flot b)e generally kn h aiepeaato slstwssona tl untl rprsenatiesof he hra paire rovn-known just how nny are requlired to work in untl rprsenatvesof Lh t1re priri Poý'nthe harvest the excursions wl be ar-rangedI and cial Governraents and t1he two riliroadls meet i trains madie up. The excursions originate fromn as Winnipeg to discuss thie labor situatInaI the f'ar east as the Marit imes and as far wvest as the best means of securinig help to havM hatever border of Ontario, but aH are of th-e rame type crop there is.. However, tJhe crop reports issued to as far as r~ail equipmient is concerned date by the Agricultural Departme-nt of the Cana- Clonist cars are used whichi afford comfortable dian P'acifie Railway have been very optiis'tie seating during the day-, facilities are afforded. end this comipany is al;readcy gatherig and distri- those who wvish to prepare their own mieals ia, luting equipmepnit various points in anticipation sniall kitchen at the end of each car, and at nliglit of a heavy miovement of hai-vest workers. bunks niay be pulled dowýn as an upper berth or The niovenient of liarvesters has developed into the seats extended to afford coiniortable sleeping quite a departmient ini railroad transportation quarters. The lunch counter car in wilîi as many offices. As once the mnovemient starts It miust be as fifty men can take- a meal at thie saine tie rushed through to completioei as speedily and effec- is an important section of the train. The travel-~ tively as possible, the attention of a large staff ling hbarvester ies 'Ure of beinig ale to secure a. of men is concentrated for nearly a month before, meal to suit lis Jiurse and of the food suppliedi during and for somie tinie alter the rush on assem- hini being of good quality an-d served in a1 sani- bing equipm-ent, distriluitng it to the vai-ious parts tary inanner. Laist yeaýr this departm-ent on Cana.- of the country fron wlience the harveetere are dian Pacific Uines served over two hundred thou- drawn, niakîng up the speclal trains, secui-ing sand mi-eals,, and the e-xperimient wa.ssoimuchiappres- supplies for the lunch cars, and the hundred and ciated, and proved suchi a euccess that it lias now one things which have ta lie lookçed after in order become a regular institution. ta ensure smooth ru,.nnig and of w,ýhich the travel- Old timers- travelling west now-a-daye regard 1er usually knows nothlng and probably cares less. the tri p as a holiday anid the number of wonen. During the last four years the Canadian Pacifie and chîidren who have been seen travelling with Railway lias, handled soniè 85,000 west-bound har- the harvesters since the standard of serviee ren- vesters. Last year thfs Company inaugurated the dexed bas been what it now is, has increased to Lunch Counter car which afforded facilities hither- a remlarkable degree 1 SPARKS CIRCUS IN OSHAWA On Saturday, August 2ncl. Saturday, August 2nd., afternoon andI evening under h\ige masses of canvas, the fineet circus ever made by the iagenuity and courage of men, will parade an'd show in Oshawa on A ugust 2nd, ta make the youag foîke happy andI the oId faîlke young. The great parade is on Saturday morn- ing at 10-30 o'çlock. Firet of all, a real.wild animal circus le a 1924 acquisition, having heen ïimported frini the world's g-reatest wild an- imnal training quarters at Stellin- lien, Germany. Included la these dispinys will lie found lions, tigers, leopards, polar andI grizzly bears- even trained ostriches will lie seenl in adiitioii ta the Sparks group of sixteen "Rotation" horses, the twa elephant herds, fancy gaited andI posing horses, the Bibli County Pig Circus, Gaptain Tiebor's senTe, andI haste of others of a novel nature. The circus proper apens witli an elabor- ately staged secta'cle, "Echoes froni the Reign of King Tut", la whicb al of the animiale, per 'fornmers, premrier dancers and a Ilarge chorus partiel- p at e. As a flhting finish to the all- feature performance, a genuine Eng- lish Fox Hunolt, introrducing real Irishi- bred higb jumapers, broad jumpers, andI perfectly schooledl fox-hounds, wîil replace the aId-tme and very dangerous chariot races usually taelie found with other circeuses. Don't for-I get the date-Osliawa, Saturdlay, Auguet 2nd. MW am M M ÀR Yffi, ,ue l :eept Sunday. ýIAN iPACIFIC Sunday ulatîng Comnpoundj Boia,nviPll Neç~eand 1 isowl