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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1924, p. 7

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BOWMANVILLE, JULY 31st., 19:21 GOLDEN WEDDING 40000 HAVESTERS W1ILL BE ___________________WANTED FOR THE WEST, Mr. anid Mrs, Thoes. C. Osborne YOUR HOME TOWN FIRST Celebrate Fifty Years of Married At least 40,000 haurvesters wi11 bEý _______Life. required to) garneur the Western Caii- By Dr. Frank Cr-ane an Wet Crop this season), accord- ______The third golden we'dding celebra- iiig to inýformiationi received at gener- Work for your own to-wn. tion in thie Reynolds famnily (fourmer- aI headquftarters cf the Canadian Na. Beautify it. Imiprove it. Makeý it ly of Solina), was observed within ai tional Railways this afternoon. 0f attactve.year. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Rey- 1thiis number approximantely 2,0 nod fSolina, celebrated their 1will have to he secureQd from flasýtern The Worid War and the Treaty of fiftieth anniversary on Septemaber 10 ,,Cnada, it being thoughýt that the re- Peae ad te Potetive Tariff anud 1923, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reynldmaner cani be supplied-by the three ail such ting5 are important sub- of this town, celebrated theirs on Prairie Provinces and British Colum-j jeets; but what's the goed of dlean- February 11, 1924, and now anotherl bia. ing up the -world unless you sweep mrember of the family completes this This informnation is the outeom-e of your own dloorstep? uriusual event of interest by cl-a conferene held at W\,inniipeg- to- brating their fifty years of wedded day between Representatives of Can- The city whose main street is life on July 21, 1924. Another sirn- adlian National Railways, Provincial dirty, sordid-looking, cluttered un-'r-ilar celebration is to be held on Oct- and Federal Governmnents an(' the inviting,, suffers much. Such a cityl ober 21, 1924, when Mr. and Mrs. Labor Boards. Tt -was also brought watts to he cleaned, recre'ated, made1 Wm. Maunder of Lindsay, expeet to out at this meeting that harvesting- a tingofbeaty sotht pope wllcomplete their fifty years, thus malt- is expected to commence in Manitob a corne miles to see it. ing four g-olden wedding events in aobut August '2th and in -Saslç-atche- The bst vertiemen of ourone family in fourteen months. wan and Alberta about Al4gust 25th. Thebes aLverisei-int f yur The Whitby Chronicle-Gazette re-' A further meeting is te be~ held business is the town you live in. ports the f ollowinig: about August ?Oth andI in sask'atche- Towns get reputations, as well as The~ home of Mr. and Mmî. Thomas cide upon the date when the special men. Make your town talked of C. Osborne,( Base Line, West, near rail fares for harvest4ers wili g-o into ail over the country. _t wil! th A udley, on Monday aftemnoon and effect. This date -will be -overned dra-w people. And where the peopl~eening was the scen 'e of their Gol'd- by the time when the farmiers are corne, there is prosperity. en Weddling Anniveresary, when prepared to accept harvesters. Re- friends and relatives to the numiber presentatives of Canadian National Tt does not take money. Tt takes !Of over seventy assemibledl to wish Raiiways were asked by the Govern- somiething that is scarcer. It takes the couple continued prosperity and ment Officiais to state how well they cooperation. happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne were prepared to i4andle this traffic were married on July 21, 1874, and anvd they were told that the National Gýet togetn'her. Organize for civic forty years of the intervening fifty Railway Systena has approximately irovmet Develop the civic have been spent in this district. 400 cars, of the very latest type of nerve. Their neighbors and friends pre- colonist equipment held in readiness Rid ourtow ofoneeyeoreaf-sented them with a dinner set of for the handling of the excdrsion. In ter another. Clean up the vacant gold-immed china, and an adcress1 addition there are ready for service lots andI plant tlhern in gardens. Make of appreciation, while their relatives on these trains a numiber of speciaily a euttre yad a disgrace. Makze made them the recipients of a hand- designed lunch counter cars, all ~of a cltteed ardsome purse of gold and this very fit- them larger and better equipped tfban public opinion tee hot for those Who tingaddress- anyothe as ftistp'i h Tt pays. It .will promote law and 1 Dorothy Osborne upon the occasion order. It will help in the education of the Fiftieth Anniversary of their Cobourg's Civie Holiday is Aug-. 4. of your children. It -%vill draw fact- wedding, July 2lst, 1874-1924. Bev. and Mrs. H. M. -Manning cele- ories and other busïness enterprises This message is conveyed to you brated their golden wedding recently te yor loclity.on the happy event of your golden at the homie of their son in Toronto. toyor, bY Your brothers and sis- Kingston highway' between Co- Shiftlessness, untidiness, dirt and ters. bourg and Port Hope is to ho paveti selfishness, as shÔwn in your streets Fifty years passing over our heads Phs Fl, the contract having been and buildings, react upon your peOP- have laid many of our number loow, let. le. ~~~~~~~and of those who remain, ouir heads CekMcaha ttsta e have turned frona brown and black Cbentrk-eNebt Unites Cuontie- c Such things malte your boys and 1to bgray, and frofaUgiaydte white It gilsgrw p atn. tei hmeton.i ra, ndfrm ra t wit. t orhd1rlad and Durhama is girl gro uphatigther hme twn;is not fitting at this time to iaulge $400 Mak.-e your home tewn a children's in regret or sorrow, either for those $400 paraise soethng hei meoryof our number who have passed on, George Lee, chairman of Temisk- pard~s, omehin teirmemryor for our owa departed yonth. aming andI Northern Ontario Bail- will lovingly tura back to. Let us rather be thanltful for the ways says that on his trip over the -Loolk after your amusements, your memeory of their love and their fel- district hie found ne unempioyment, parks, youir playgrouads, your the- lowship, andI for the enduring influ- but general prosperity. atres, and ail your other means cf ence of their Christian characters. communal enjoyment. And f or ourselves let us be thanltful Makie your home town happy. that the Divine Providence has3 per-1 mitted us to gather here to renew, Tt pays. our fellowship and te pledge anew our devotion, a fellowship and devo-j tien that have stood the test of fifty TR U CK NU ~LOU DO Ryears.t U OUTDOORThe fifty years that you have spent Direct from Bowma.nville ' together ia wedded life hava showntt to those who have knowa yeu and to Toronto, whose eyes are open to the truth i hurnan careers, what counts most i S h o w 1jhefinal esitof humatryol!rthlflaetl vnga ay LK BY-THE-LAKEth qualities th'at have endeared ail ee hp~oeplcs LRK ~~~~to your immediate family and t(o ai Pik u d dei r who have been privileged to know -W -W M-% ~~you. oh as aT je Our wish for you is, that you may 1 ot w'w spend many more years, in healIth, You wilI save time and happiness, andI usef1ilness, amonag U LX Gthose' who know you andI love you. 1),oney by using this ser- o: 11he relatives pr'esent in'qiuded: ti Mrs. Mary A. Maunder, Lindsay; A.1 vice. s J. Reynolds, Solina; Mrs. Sarah Gil- 3, 14e,195e 16 mnore Linidsay; Prof. J.B. Reynolds, Orders may be left at T onto; Mrs. J. F. Maunder, Lindsay; J .M sn&Sons Office ti Robert H. James, Oshawa; A. Saund- Phone 50, Bowmanville. si I"~AC1ers, Oshawa; Mrs. Jeanie Mathison, c Whitby; Mrs. Mary Hoekaday, So- ) A S In H lina; Mrs. Etta MeDougall, Bow,- manville. IH. <'dnnd3rs ILV R T OPHESSupperfor the whole gathering fi ;ILVER ROPHIESwas served on the spacious lawns, a and the happ ruio ps evry 195 Lxsgar-st. Toronto bi izes for pleasantly._________ Phoe Laésid 698 andi Saddle Herses, Roadsters, PoeLksd 90 e )nies, and Heavy Draughts. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE ai ýt the Directora have by spescial Daniel Denton is Cobeurg's aew te ' les in harness under 12 hands. Councillor by acclamation, 3rd Prize, $10 Entry Fee $3 Dominion Canners' Factory at Ce- bourg has been tomn down . cc New Feature-Don't Mies It Auistin Amnent, Wicklow, got six Y Week-Vei'y Excitn ote o prting aisiLJLL.U Los of Goodi Horses onh, fr peatnga tilo0 New shipnaent cf Sweaters just in. ai igoons in the Iatest drills Couch, Johinston & Cryderman. IoV7 res. etterthan ver.Another Brighiton mns paid $2001 res. Better than ever. for haiving liquor in public place. S tebbsnitV Highlnder B~dJohn Burns. aged 16, fell into the SOte ay' IOS Higlader BndTrent and ,Sdrowne'd1. Boys, le'arn easiy chafed skîn witU C ne rgrn f iscto swîvm. e ne-w pogran of usic arry Tinney andI James Robert- r c-Autos 25c-Gra.nd son îost t1heir 'barns by fire near e FreeCanaphelîford.M. "MarcIiig On" sliker.helping h d tw - indngMoffatt Motor'W spectaclep ortraying the iîgit, hope-soaietlhiag ho has come te be- Sales Limaited wi tatI grandeur of the Britishs Empre lieve imposib1e. Its henefit is teeBw anil the amusement devîees evident te be questioned-it is its Bw nyleWî Wn te the lagenuity orfmane. own best ergurnet-its owa best ad- Oshawa, [MTINSI ONU. vertisement. If yoti suf er frein T pdueed fliroad lRates. asthrna get this time-tried remedy oa w and ftnd holp like thoissandâ of_______________ R~N G. KENT. MnJingD*r,&..tOL thers. C'aa-,you teIl whcliens 1ýýarelan not t the ueof trap lnésts? Th.- is eaSy tedetrmie f (,ee wili g;o tu thse trouble of ihandlingeahbr Su.spcted c f ibeig a lae.We lie cmn 0111qcest acodtost the ogn conce-rned in r(poute are quite ifrn ro odto observed durinig thie PeriodI cf idie neas. When thfie ovary isdo an and ne eggs are beingprduud, distance bt eîtlepivcboneos semali. Tle-vent is dry, 1smlall, ui ered, andI, in yelilow fleae Il iClcý, lias1 a band cf yellowý pigmenc r un W- tlic inside. %Wben iaying cmlue tlie peivie boutes bec(-onje pliajble anj,, spread apart te per-mit ttue passa--3gi cf the egg. Tlie- vent beeocies arge, and nacist andtI ps ring of yeli1ow i ment disappears. A visit te te ooul try lieuse ont an early winter eei sud a liaif lieur spent in g)jn- o->, thse hens will be, profitable. <JQMiit1toas Ne-cessaryi for Pr>oducitioni. 'nse experience of ic Ontarluý Agriultural Celiege Poultry depart, ment lias beu that a lien will net iay if net la good condition. Shie sliould be bealtby, free front any dlaease, and show plenty cf vigor aud activity. Thse Ilirt puilets te iay in the fali have been the early mnaturiuig cnes. Th-e pllets that have develop*id slow- ly iu bôdy and featiier have been Just as slow in startin, te lay. Thse re- sults cf lib-em-a feeding aud general gcod cane have always been reflected ln thse pullet floch- andI a fulleg basket duriug tlie period ekt eariy wlinter bigispiss High EJgg Pt"oduction. Th-e requlrcmeints fer h,égh i egg pro- ductioni are ean, dry, conifortable housee, that are free from i drect draughi over- the birds, andI that ar-, well Ilghte-d. Tite feeding ecasiats or a varicty of grains, grýeu fPced, ani- nl f ee4, grit andI shell, which is Clea-z, sweet and wholesoine, and is given te thse birds regularly, ana lun sucb quantities that tliey have ahl tbey waJut toeaet before going te roest, at aiglit; that thse supply of drlnking -material la clefan and abundant; tliat tlie attendant Is regular in1 lis or lier ivork, and iIs interested iu the,,samet; ,bat the bixrds are bred froni good laylisg ancestors, snd tisat tbcýy are hatched at the prepeýr seécson andI well reared, and are free front ieoe D)istuibutJýnof eEggs. A study cf thse dilstrbutikm o f theý egg lyrution la Intereetiisg asudli- portant firm tise point of tise annual returns from the birds. Egg p)riceý-s rIse anC faîl with tise sc-asons, andI UsuallY thsegetetProfit kle mad,, where produclng eg at a sePaïon 'ý sea o r ofthe year wisea pwriees areý igh. Pullets are the chief sourc- of egg siipply. As stated pircvflusly, bey require usually froin six te even inonths la wldcb t-o meture. If a, ther-rfore,, possible te regýulate their preducttcn in the faîl mouts t leeast to sulew extent by reguiating th rne tbey will bathin lathse spring.--DePpt. oit Eetsie4o., 0. A. College, Guelph-. More Poeiltry Pointe-s. 0,'ows- are lIlkel>' te ateal thse egs Erom thse lutd3 turke-y cts if thse n-eets re made at smnite distance fPosn thse uildings. Be sure that tis o sng gTo'wizsg ,hicksi are well red te prozuoteý grewth tin tisat tisey aze gi'ren lIb.erai range risere there las abundanceý of green ied andI aleo animal feeýd la tlh. formi )f iusects, worm8, etc. It la poor econemy to keep mo-ie ,ockerels than wlll be nedetI fur next iear's breecdlng op-eratUons. If thoy ire solt as soDn a" they are of breller )r fryer size a leas will ba steppe-d id ths letawlll do bett(er witl- )ut theui- Cold, damip, poerly lighto-d an,! rentilated PeCultry quarters favo- the ýread of suich dlisease(s as roup, Sudh rntagieus dis;ease as these- are dîffi- mIt andI semetimeu-s impossible te ceu- '0oles given attention iu Uic irly stages. Wisercve-r preveative neaasures fail, separate slclt b4rds om thse fiock as soon as there la rîidencecof diseace and tisen obta;kn tpert adviceF te eff oct a cure. If thse ciieeu must be confise4 ou count eoflied weatber, ps-onde a >04d straw lîtter te whicli tieir grain eed mnay bu scstter-ed. Thi-s will give hei exorcise antI kee4p tisei-n inter- sted and oieatliy. Whien ciciets bat have beýen aeccustoeme(d te froc ange are c ooeycntilued this fre- uently dhocks their tIevelopncot fefr .0 tinie beinu uless tbey are madIe ontented in thlr new quarterïi. Pio- de green feetI for them alase. Indian Ruinner duelks seem te hav'e KrAZe -MAH F~or Sale B Jury & lovell TO-MORROW is on the way. If you knew to-day that to-morrow's fire would destroy your home, you would prepare to-day. cairnot know what will happen financial loss, however. Fire insurance is th-, only one of the many f orms of dependable proper- ty protection we2. offer to those who would be pre- pared for to,-morrow's eventualities. J. J. MASO N & SON Real Estate and Insurance BroJkers Phone 50 Bowrnanvflle SEASONABLE HlENS ANO 'EGa tAYING ýHAY FEVERl A Melarige About theIlnig S m er A hm of Barliyart Pufltry Will spoil your suxnmer and mnake y'our coixlpany distressing to your HlOw to Teil the LyrsC1jiiosfiends unless yo-u get relief. Necear~ or Poducion-igh Get a box of RAZ-MAH today. Most Eg-Yelmg-Distib;ution of people feel better from the first dose. EggsMor PoltryPoits. Your druggist wil! reJund your mnon-y if a $1 box does riQt bring relief.A- (Cotriutd bIOtar'jo Depamt i of solutely harnaless. Generous sa.m te Agriultue, orono.)for 4c îi stamups. Tempnletons. ToQ ._ 1 il 1 1.ý to-morrow. You can proteet yourself against

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