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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1924, p. 8

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-a i - 1. F. W. BOWEN, M. Pz AT H0, (Froin Port HOPQ Tmes) Durhami is essential, a fanail county4, and it is only flitirîg that L representat*on of Durliani in t] I-buse Of 4Gommons at Ottawa shou be, by a farner. That ia what ti people thoght two yezirs ago whl they sent F. W. Boweni of Ciar TowNnship), to represent themi Their selection was a good one b2 cause in the first place F. W. Bow( is first a farner, anïd secondf, he is mian who îis making bis preaencice fe at Otta-wa. Mr. Bowýen is flot ti kind of representative wvho thinf that the only way to ho dioin, thiný is to be continuaily in the limieligih Mr. Bowen's poiicy is to work an to keep on working. Mr. Bowen hI proven faithful to the people wi eiected bun, and-To the party' he r( presents, and to the leader of hý party., He has hand continuous ai tendance at the sessions, and hl leader has on miany occ4s 1ions sl*ingie .Mr. Boewen oui, for dutif3s which on] thoze behind the acenleS know the iii portance of. But it ia not the record of WX Bowen at Ott'awa We -wlýsh to writ about. It is F. W. Bowen, tih farmer. Last nighit, the w'rite1 along- with Mr. T. B. Chalk, afte having attended the bali game a Orono, ýdrove over tie sece Mr. Bowen On arrivai at his beautiful home w, were met by )drs. Bowen and hi charrning littie daughiter, Mary, whi inforned us that daddy was home but that he was haying at the Othe end of the farmi. 0f course, Mrs Bowen infornied us that we coulý drive oun big Studebaker righit dowi the lane, but in our ignorance oi farms we do not know that a ian( could extend for a mile and a hall We ýdisdained taking the car an. started out to, vwalk. Field after 'field of smiiing grair we paâssed. Here was a lâne~ ex. texding for close on a mile, on. eitbe: idle of which wene fields full an ~overflowing-, the results of carefu. husban'dny. Here was a lape whic] had the finest hay imaginable gnowînj aiong the track. On one sîde of uz was red laver, a field wbich we are wiliing to bet cannot be beater in the ceunty. On the other ide wa.; a field of oats just ripening. A little funther was a field of mangoida, dean and nice, and further on, hay stand- ing four feet high. The sun waas snking as we walked dewn the lane and we came to the conclusion that while Ottawa maib have its charms ta F. W. Bowen, there could be nothing finer than this part of God's country. Beautiful roi- 'in, îlan'd, heavy with gizain and erops as fan as th~e eye couuld see, a blood red suln casting its rays on the waving fields of corn-what a pictuirc f or an artist. There are no tumble down fences on the farm of' F .W, J3owen. Rail fences there are, but they are kept in repa'r, and th1e -en- eral neatness of the whole place la the thing- that attracta the attention of the yisto. Mr. Bowen did not know we -were caming. He had been home for supper and had stated that ie- would not ho back until sundown. It was n.ow close on the appeinted tifne. We had started out on wýhatt we thought wvould be a short walk, but still we *were waiking and couid aee ne sign of the 'bussy husbandmen, Keeping up the tramp for another five minutes we couid aee at a dis._ tance rigbt at the fan end of the 150 acres the outline of a r'g anGi then we knew we were near our journey's en d. We were 'spied, or rather, found out. That faitbfui cailie do- of Drhan's. M. P. scented strangers within the gatesa and he proclaimed the fact in the enly way he could, He barked loud and long. Bu we were flot sure whether it was a bark of warning or a bark Of welçame un- tii we were close up to himi. He hacorne te meet us, and, though hie glanced Suspiciousiy at us for a minute, one look seemied te cenvince him that we were harmiless, for he troitted alongsiyde quite gobd-naturýed" IY uitil we met his niaster. And then it was thïýt e fnet Dur- ha~m's M. P. No c-(flar and tic. No' sniart clothes. Here was the re-~ presentative fer Durhamn along wlth his two lirothens pitching hay. With a Panama Straw whieh had shaded his bro~w from many aummer sunis, here was one of Hon. Arthur Meigh-1 en's lieutenants witb a fork in lus hand, pitching hay, and while in the act of doing it ne doubt geing over in h1is. mnd miny -of the probbms loves that big daddy of hers.~b a heexi up to the village ,ih e miother, and she was fulîl of a newl puzzle site had got. It was then we saw another ide of F. W. Bowen, 'On the veranda, as we sat and sxnoked, Mary fojand ber place on her daddy'. kneeana~d aîs hle ceu4led up te himi the tlwxght went tihrough eur mins of iow rnicb that dady mtI be missd when on h i on g vists toi the capia l f aaa,. But >Mary iad DURHAM COUNTY'S POPULAR MEMBER AT OTTAWAIT he 1N evwvýcs t1t1 I ie THURSDAY, JUJLY 3'lst., 1924. FRED W. BOWEIN, M. P., Newcastle, R, R. 2, Ont. ja secret for us. She told u~s of a miost ý -oniderful'story of a t'rip te Ottawa lat week and the great time she hra ewith bier daddyv. That must have Sbeen a great tume for ber, as ste ne- ,menmbered very vividly ail the things siehad s-een, an-d site toid us of the r moat wonderful tinte abe bad had. To those who htave only met F. d W. Bewen as meniben for Durham at i sonie meeting place, they still have Il te mneet tbe reai Fred Bawen. There eis littie wonider that he can speal so authoratively on thînga pertaining I te the land tbat haýz helped te tii. and g-arner' the fruitsz of bis labours from what is undeubtedly onie of the beat farme in Durhami Caunty. His tai the mind that has tudied the preb- ilema aof thie farmer froni the inti- 1mate kna-wledge of knorwing just wb-%,-at he needs fer himaelf, an'd bit is the character that stands eut for the beat in farming, the honeaty of purpase with a squýare deal not enly for those who like himaself are tilling the soit, but for those of us who have ta !ive on what he and other farmens like himi produe. The people of Durbant appreciate Fred flowen. They know that bis word is bis bond. The people ef Ijurhani have recegnized thte fine qualities of the hian. Tltey have given te him tbth higiteat honora that any nman can hope te get from the People wbelilve in the country ia whîch hie nesides. His neigihors elected hhi Reeve of the township,, his fellkw ceunçeillors eiected hlm Warden of the two counties, and bis feiiaw electors of Durhamt picked- bum eut te carry the banner of Dur- Shnm County in the flouse of Corm- mons at Ottawa. What mare proof is required that F. W. iJawen ia noi, oniy respe'eted )y bis felaow contituents, but that he bias the entire confidence of the people of Durhamiý. But thn-ougbi it ail, F. W. Bowen, 1Wsq, . P., for É'ie County o flDurhami, is just the sanme plain Fred Bowen, the farmer of Clarke Towniship. Honeurs it, very ligbtly an the sheulders of F W. Bawen, and wben the day cemes that he ia eccupying ore of the higli places at Ottawa, (and it may net be very long,- t that), we wil stilli-meet the Fred Bowen as we met hîmi at night, a dlean upright fanm er, wîth a heant fiowing over with good f or the people be repxresents, but greater than a4J that, wîth 'the true inist'inct of al frue Ganadians, a love for hýis home and ail that holds dean ta him. Mids Gladys Jones is home from Torento, Mr. T. W. \Jacksonhad business in Torento on Friday. Mrs. Veal is vsiting ber daughter, Mrs. John Cunningham. MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB,, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University, alto of Royal Gollege Physician, Eldin- burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- en and children. Office-PiLtker'o Blockc, Newcastle. J. A. ]BUTLER, M. D., C. M.- Honor graduata aof Trinity IUnivarsity Fellow of Trinity Medical Celiege Licentiate of thte Stat;e University of' New York, Matriculate of te Post- ~Graduate Madical Scitool andi Hos- pital aof Newv York anti FeIlow of the Tenante Academy of Medicine. Offie -Mrs. McNaugiton's Residence. Newcastle. Hours--8 to 10 a. mi.. 1 ta 3 p. rn., andi by appeiantent. J. w is cheaper the equal have a sui Coke obta Highest cite alwayi Geo, NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE Miss Sara Meise is visitiag in The J. Anderson Smiith Ce. pic- ind;lýsorý. nickedl at Rice Lake on Saturday. MVl ts Ethel Aliai is an a trp la10 Mns. Hugson, Osýawa. lbas ratura- Sa' katcew-an. ed bhome aften visiting Mrs. Wather- Masýter Haig Sim-s, Longwood, is elI. te latest contracter of mneasles. Miss Rutht Hancack s-pent a weak MisEditit Abar, Cmialfr, with Miýss mena Baskarville down on ;in town, guest aof Miss jane singer. the farn. Master Hà îiltan Mc'Laa, Pictonl, Witile hayýing Mn. Rebt. Douglas la visitnig fni nda in bis homie tawa.i haud a pîtch-fark pogt1iruat inte Mn and Mis. James Pansons, Osh- hi's kaae joint- aw a. visitedl at Mn. NeilMEchns Mr. and Mm-is. Cai Carvetit, On- Mrs. Hadge and daughtars, Ton- ono, Sunidayed with bar parents, Mn. onte, araest ons . nere and Mrs. John Ugiow. smlIth'r. 't fMs . nesn -I.and Mrs. J. F. Lancaster andl Miss Grace Smith la ihoime aften a dfaughter, Victoria, B. C., are visit-I two weeks' visit with frien(ïs la New îag at Mn. John Douglas'. H-an'iburg.- Miss Ruby Bragg, Bewmianvilla, Rev. A. N. McEvay, Detroit, la on and Mizss Margaret Dean, Tarante, a short haliday witit Dn. Faraicomb, were necent guesta of Miss Gladys IEbar House. Hurd. Mr. and Mis. J. E. W. Philp are Mn. W. H. Gibson was displaying ;t I aad eny fine sample of f ali wvheat. Evi- a n a twa waaks' trip te Halifax a v(î1 wl a1intermediatepens dentiy W. H. can gre-w whaat as wl e Mr. L. C. Do'ren, Montreal, bias as apps. A .MLo n isDr - harge aof C. N. R. durng absence of Mr.AW. cLdadMiaDn r.J. E. W. PhiIp. etby who bave been hol.idaying at Mr MnClifford Brown's bave returned homoe Miss Mabel Brown, Tenante, spant te Toronto. Sunday with hen father and mojther, Psmse aisr svr ru at "Bntle Cottge",of a Scotch Thistle in~ bis garden, 9 t!Mn. Ed. Papineau, Cavan, and the feet, 4 incites high an~dlitas upwnrds elformer proprietor of "Excqlazior", :e- of one hýundred blassoma. ecently paid a visit te Newcastle Ms lzbt acc s i fnie. nd Ms .E mn . change of Mrý. W. H. Gibson's Fruit Mn1n n.W E eaMs Market, Kingston Rend West, and Il E. C. and -Miss Emma Bemian are an- reporta deing a nushing business witb s jeyin-g a moton trip titro ugitWest- meteniats. P erna Ontanjo. Mn. and Mrs. Heanry Ragen and S Mn. George B. Ferguson, Toron- famiiy, Toronto, spent the week-end ta, la in town cailed hem-e ewing te at Mn. John Douglas', and Miss Don-' the critical ilineas of bis sistan, Mis. atby ramained aven for a more, ex- W. N. Buckley. tanded visit with Graadma. Mn. Horace Walton-Bniiad Mr. Mrs. Lewis Pascoeanad qui teaa riGeorge-ý Singer motered eut te ubroorad rm Tnne Gherrywood Wednesday and vlsitad spent the weèk-aad mitit Mrs. Pas-- Mn. John Armstrong. coe's daugitters, Misses Myrtie, Mai-1 Mra-. Metcalf and two grand- ion and Margaret at Camp Coppen daugitters, thte Misses Swaisland, Beach. have gene te Vancoeuvar whene Mrs Mn. John Perrin, a formter New- Metcalf intends te resido. castie boy, now living la Galifornia, Ï Tam Brown's many friands werala enewing old ïacquaintances and Fpleasad te sec bimi up street titis visitiag the scanas of bis boyhoad, week. Tom la aVtili a bit shakey guest of bis brotiters, William and froni bis recant severe illness. Fernando., Mn. Donald McLaughlin, Jr., of thea Mns. P. 0'Nail and son Percy and Ganadian Steamshipa Linos, Toronto, daugitten Mis. Ray Keecit af Welling- iis itolidayiag with bia parents at thte ton, and sons Kennetit and James, ~Buckley House, Nawcastla-en-the- meotored te Newcastle July 24, te Lake. v'sit Mn. O'Neil who is in change of Mn. L. N. Martin wto itad change Newcastle Section. at thte C. P. Ry., during theo absence La st waek's visitons at the home of Mr, H. W. Cook on itolidays, is aof Mn. and Mm-s. Clifford Brown, now officiating in a similar capacity Kingston Rond, Eat, ware Mns. Alex -'t Grafton. McLaeod and daugitten Denotity, Ton- Mn. and Mns. Cînyton Crawf ord ente, -Miss Beatnice Legga, Oshtawa, an'd ceildiren, Mary, Scott and -Colin and Miss Jean Ransbarry, Entarpnise. have returnad te Elmiturst aften a Mn. Rwart lemaence . motoned te mnontit'asejeura atte bh aieaof te Bobcaygeon ons Monday andi the New- late -Mr. Crawford, Si., while Mn. castle contingent ntt-andiag the aum- 1C nawfend's mothan was ia England. mer achol thoreacaçompaaied itin Paste titis date la yeur àt--Wedï- ioma-Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Cook, Mis aesday, Auguat l3tit. Annual Gard- E. Rickard, Miss L. lamenca andî an Party of St. Geaorge's Churcit, Misa L. ColwilI. INewcastle, on te nactory lw. Mn' and Mrs. Clifford -Hanceck, 'Lots of enta. Goodf Band Music, and son and titrea daugitters, Petexrboro, a a big prograni of sports. Everybody have been guesta at thte homes of weicme.31-2 thein cousins, Mr. Chas. H. Hancock, Mn. Russell ColwiIi, Tenante, spant Mn. Herbant E. Hanceck and Mn. te week-end at Mn. and Mns. W. H. Fred Hnnceck, and took in te eth- Paarce'a, nnd on his rotunn home was odist S. S. pienic on Fri'day. nccompaaied by MrIs. Colwill and Mr. Hugli Hunter, enginear ofn childian Roy and Jean, who bavye Manning Chambers, Toronto, and tc been spaading a mentit with lier is- daugitter Bessie, Miss Amy Huater F tans, Mms. Peance and Mis. Scul- and lady friand of Toronto, Mrn. thorpe, Port Hope. Mrs. Jos. Huatar and son Jesepit Jr.S Mn. Narman S. Citeate, Baimont, and daugitter Mary of Beleville,n Port Hope, and Mi. Geo. W. Gnaing- weîe wp'ek-end- guasts of Mrs. Wm. an, Tenante, wera week-end guesta Huaten. t of Dr. Walton-Ball at Harris Ledga. Mis. Ray Cari, wbo with hier titrea Mn. Graingen -%as accompanied home childien Douglas, Florence and Don- ir by bis wife andiber methen Mns. otby, lias been staying w-ith ber Stoneburg, wito had anjoyad a pions- mathar, Mis. Wm. H-unten, went down ant week at the Lodge. te Belleville last week te attend baer Rav. Fathen Collina of Peeroo husbansl wbo became suddenly 111 is conducting mass everyPetSano yfnom tite effects of a very aggrnvat- lE mrigat St. John's R. G. Suday ed case of pelsoning by poison ivy. T curing te summer, as quite a numL Tite maay friands of Mrs. W. N. tE han af holiday nesidents at the lake Buokley will regret te beain Of berC -wonship at St. John'stitane is te- sanious ilineas, wbicb necessitated, hanrIi getitar with the regular Newcastle- ramoval te Bewmanvîlle Hospital P communicants a geod attendanco at witara an oeaation was at once per- i eanoi service. fornmed by Dr. A. S. Tiliey, and smali w Ecrinhope was at titat tima beid for bier si Thea Sens of Englnnd Exurio acovery, liùt lateat reports are that f( te Niagara Falls on Wednesday te ber condition la sontewbiat impreved. J. 26th., in caiebration of the Golden Ju'bilae of te Society mas patron- Soe of te big Toronte papens izad by anaumber from-Nawcastle, in- are giving a geod deal of preminenceR cluding Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Lova- te samplas aof grain producad in diff- kmn, Misa lana Caswell, Mn. Erie aient parts of te Province, but we Wicks, Mn. George Jones, Mn. Rdbt. hava net noticed aniything titat was Walton and Master Rosa Jones. quite up te te aampbe of swaet claver DnS~Jame Goten f . oro to, t Mn. Wmi. Sninsbury iaft at teH ýpr r. ame Cotor f Tronoeffice aof C. R. Carvatit, aur localM prminent as te discoverai ef a naw Saad Marchant, and which neasured w anaasthetic, nacently calied on.D a ine feet four incites, Z Alfre Faricoti t1ilo pVLÂiULÂidL 1 New Yioik. Dr. Cotton ssxj i-a r B rai'II'wr of Mis. Long mite maintains a sunt-, mer home fer hersaîf,, relati ves ande Newcastle visitais at Newcatle-or-tbeLk ' Insurance.gen Prof. Reginald Ellwontty aof te Do- d Divîsin Cort, minion Depatmeat ef Chemnistry, DZi. o ox,.C Ottarwa. was aIse a recant visiter] C. at Dr. Farncomib's. Mn. Hubert Spiale, mita bas spent semae yeans in te United States, and Mr. Thomas Jenninga iately af - Regina, Sask., spent Sunday mithi )D ( AKCE Mn. Jenning' brother William of Newcastle and Mis. Jannings ant mitit Mr, and Mis. Carter Blacýk- ~burn and daughlters, andi attandesi rthan wood and îs twa citunoi services. Mr. Smala is an old scbo*l feliow, of Rer. Wm,_ to the best Coal. 1 G. Frank of Victoria, B. C. uply o2 the best Mr. nd 3,sMFankLacate iinale,,daugiter Lettone of Vancouver, B. C., Linablehave been risitimxg relatives in On- tgrade of Anthra- tarie since Juna andi ast waek an- nivet inl Newcastle te spenti a fem rs on hand. days mitit Mrs. Lancasten's uncle and aunt, Mi. anti Mrs. John Deuglas. Mns. Lancaster anti daugitter of Van- S , couver, hadth ie Itomelike pleasura of Jarniç,eson listaning Vo te preacher from te neighboririg city of Victoria, B. ., - - , , lahan home churcit at Newcastle on NeOwcastle Sunday nigbt. Gar den Party at the Copper Beech on CIVIC HOLIDAY MONUAY, AUGXUST 4th Ice Creamn, Hot DÔgs, Supper.. Side Shows and Concert. Talent from Tor- onto. Admission I5c Corne and bring friends. yourl ng Service wilI ha a song service la bhicit aur owa orchestra assisted by utide talent wiil Iead us la an Taening of wership. In addition to mguIai choir menthars the mixed ýuartet comprised aof Misses Rickar'd, laeon, and Messrs. W. F. Riekar ,d H. èllin wili sing. We invita OU. NEWCASTLE Miss Hick, Toenitoý , i vi ing h fran, Iss Manjonie Burews. Mn. andi Mma. Enýc Sea man ani daugitter Manjanie, Tarante, are spending vacation at ?Mr. W. H. Wa' are sorry ta record te con- tinued iilness aof Miss -Marinje 1Jonea wboh(se condlition is but slight- ly. improved. Mn. Gelding and IMisa Emily Mc- Donald, Tenante, imetatord dewýn et Sunday an, clld at Camp Coppa: Beecit and on a numben acf otitar New- castIe friands. Mn. -Walter Douglas, Genenal Saleantan for te United States Rub- hanr Ce., Providence, R. I., U. S. A. isý visiting bis parents, Mr. and _Mm-s John Douglas. Dr. Stanley Uglow and son Georgg acf Citicago, ara ha-ing titair annua summan visit witit Mr. and Mis. Jehn Uglow, anti siezed thte oppomtunity ai meeting mnny Newcastle friands at the Metitediat S. S. picnic. -Mamibers aof St. George's ChuncIr and Suaday Scitool iteid a vary en- joyable picaic at Elliott Memaral Park, Hampton, on Wedlnasday af- tennoon, July 23nd. Tis was the finat timie many aof oui citizena badý visitad titis popular picnic grounds and praneunca iV an ideal beauty spot witb eveny cenvenianca fan sucit Mns. Allan Brown and son Ken- netit and daugitter Jean acf Success, Saskt., ara visiting at Mis. Bnown's meothars, Mis. Richard Warrern.Mn. Br-own la anotitan Newcastle boy whe bas made geaod inte West and is ona of the big mon of $uccesa-is Poz-- master, Justice of the Pence, and ca.r- ries on a lange insurance business in te town lha bas helped te makl. Mr. and Mns. Wm. Smith and son ,Fred meotered fnom Tam-enta and vis- ited Mn. and Mis. W. J. S. Riekard. Sitaw's. Mm-s. Smith mas formerly Misa Balla Lang, -r',ind-step-daugh-~ tan of Mn. and Mis. Martin Tei, wito for many yeams lived on te David Arnett and Titos. Lovekin f aims. Mn. Smitht is known as te father of amateurn basebaîl as playad at prasant mith te large soft hall. A numbar af yeung folks of te cammunity necantiy calied an Mr. George Allia te calebrate his ma- riage in te formi of a seranade. Tite band coasisted of old cana, etc., la(1 by Prof. Brownhill, oaa oIf Newcastle's aid tinte rusicians, with bis accoîdien. Geerge greet- ed the boys in lus usual whele-iteant-, id mianner and aften a few short addnaaaýes of cangratulations and monga tbey adjeurnes te te ice cregn paier at the pleasure of te newly initinted benedict and ail ate and weîe filied, closing te evaning by singiag "He's a Jolly Good Pal- low".1 Newcastle Metitodiat S. S. Picnicý n Misses Titenpson 's Groe on Fni- clay was fnvoned witit fine weatbenl and evaryone had a deligittful tinte, playiag baIl, bntiig, strolling titru tae woods and lunciting witile many iîttle enes enjeyed themselves on te wings and rolling down te longi sloping banka. -Pniza 1kV aof win- îers in racing contesta under direc- ion of Mis. G. H. Hancock, Mn. J. H. Jose and Mn. Lawrence Gryder- man, will appear next week. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Flann la mature ii fe-W. Carter Blackbtun and Richard Allia as thay wendad baein way Va te picnic grounds ta- getbam- and eajoyed themselves as1 nucit as any boys titane BASEBÀLL TOtIRNAMENT 1 Monday, August 4th., is Newcast-1 e's big day with a big Basebaill Tournament la the nfternoon, five teams competîng fanrte famous Community Cup, followéd by an open ir Orchestra Concert, and a big Piceture Sho~w in te Gommunity Hall in te eveniag "Witen Kniglttheod was in Fiomer", ail for 50c. Be mne and be on band te help citeer anr youn favorite teant. JW. Bradley, Ge!o. Jaznieson, Gitairman. Secretary. REV. WM. C. FRANK PREACHES TEMPERANCE SERMON Baker & Girocer 24 Newcastle -'I BnlARS SOAP dhoice Castile Soap for $1.00 24 We are off ering other tempting grocery bargains this week. R. UWALTON Grocer Newautie p - Competition Life of Trade That's the old saying. And we're flot a bit afraid of competition from other towns or ecities. We take second place to none when it conMes to giving best quality, value and service in Groceries, Confectionery, Fruits, Vegetables, Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pastry. He.ZS. BRITTO""N, BRIGHT SUMMER SCHOOL Wednesday nights, on camip gsýiIun4, other nights. The central featune Bowmanville District Sent Largest encli evening wýas an addness by Dr. -Number. R. J. D. Simýîpsonr, Toronto, on Con- isecratian tand Service. T~he service Rev Ro H. Rickardi, B. A.. B. mighit hbpc are at homle but it M. E., Presid(ent of tý e BaY was made d-eanthat î imuat alWays rQuinte MJethoudiat Confenence Sum- dIemand a wi ,orid )utiok. Afteýr Fri- mler Shoi rsie ver the finat day venngaservice, life decisions real camp mieetüing ,ini many years. wene recorded. Som-le af these were Agiutua ar, Bbcyen reported ta thle amp leaders. It is r aýs an iea site for sucit n camp belIecved mrrany other decisions \yere having Agiceu)tural Hall for dining, recardetd for'personal use and kept , e athier fan iasaraamis in as remindera for the days when the e ain y weathen, and convenient teý camp nimnireýs shalh have becemee bathinig beach-. Delegates indiulged fladeid. aftennoor-,ns t four ini tis pnivilege 1Saturdla< evenling. prizes were -and ta dvnae fdmasr - aarded (1tathe two tenta taking 100 etions jiný life-saiving by Rev. E. Hansý-ý points fan neatness and ,adapta'thoin te -ton of Woaadvilie. Somte taok anl camp life. T4e staff tent aise wevn eanrly mo1(rlning d (p as weli. soumeai-y suekers by taking low- 'wýhen camp apened -Manday, .Iuly e(,t k. Pie wr rane ný 21 the reg-istrar hiad about a bund- te four districts as firat and zecond rred students an'd sonme thirty came awards for beat sangs and yellIs and - sînc. Thelretnmbrcm for heat stunt in imipromptu enter- from lBawniil District but evýery l tainient of the evening., This even- idistrict in conference had 1repesent a- inig wýaa cancluded by the reading -tien, About haîf the delegate.s wn f-the 3rd edition af the camip paper. piaedundr anvswer bllted "Rey's Rattier" ýby ita taiented aedi- wiÀth the bospitaible village people, tar, Miss 'L. Taylor. local residents aise nmade rom for1 an extra number who, were dri-vn B.obcaygean cet engregatien joined e from their tenta during the drencit-,wt h celi w peddsr in, nanof1usdyni1t vices on Sunday. Rev. E. W. Mer- Eschii-mornin.g the program_ of gan gave the addness in the mornnp, I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L 1td ooe h needr service, felewed by Sacrament tl 9 o'ciock, Rev. W. R. Taflttn, Nivp- the Iîord's Supper. At the evan- a ,nee, led in a worship snervice: front ing service an the camp ground, Dr.. i9.80 te 10.30 five differeilt groupa Sinmpson's address was follewed by * wre orn~d e tud th euiatnd a camip-fine talk wbicïh was veny tnt- Iing crises in the Life of Jesua--the p sie Raptiin, the Temiptations in the wil- Perbapa the meat reniankable ser- derness, the Confession of Peter at1 vice was an infromal gathering at Gosarea Philippii, the Triniphal En- 3 a'cleck 5'unday a.fternoon, net an- stry, and thea Gruc'fixien. nangeýd for on the pregrant, but it Leacers of' these groupis -were: ws feit that some of the students iRev. R. T. Richards,, B. A., Gavan ' %vould like te say what the ÈýboO1 Rev. R. G. Garnuthers, B. A., Sea-: 11,d meant ta thern. The respense- grave Rer W. J. Smyth, B. A., B. D., 'was wanderfui. Seldom bave we Wellington, Rev. J. E. Glover, B. A., h eard testimony se abaolutely fr~ee Ganvbray and Miss Nina Yeomans, and ebviously aincere. Truly 'these Belle-ville students have been on the meunitain- Manydelgats fund aw igb tetop, and tbey return te their homes break upon the if e of the Mate, eternmîneid te take te others seme- as tltey tried to understand not oniy 1tliing ýf the inspiration and vision how ethens laaked upon Hint, buft they have gained. how He bimself passed thieugit these The students will net soon for'get vnnied expeniences. the motherly cane of the Camp Mat- At 10.45 study groupa, taking up nron, Mrs. E. B. Cooke of Newcastle, the relation of QJhist's Kingdom te non the g-enial lIeadership of Presi-. the world pnobissof to-day, Rev. dlent Rickand, or tle splendid meaa, Wesley Morgan gave a survay of the furnished thnoug-h the ce-operation situation in West GChina; Rev. R. ef Rev. W. J. Smytb and Mrs. Cur- McWilliams ;of Kanazawa and Rev. rie of Seabright. AIl are hoping H. W. Outerbnidge of Kobe Theolog-i- that they' may be able te attend cal College, presented Japan in a again next yean andi they are going new light. te werk for an eveti langer registra- In the reat heur, after cinner on tien of boys, there were really enily IWednesday, Mr. Outerbridge deiigbt- five maie students titis year. Some ed a chtance audience with an nc- resoivad te attend Winten Scbool ia ceunt ef bis expenience in the necent Goboiýurg. Thenea tany rate, male eartbquake. and fentale students will be more Rer. E. W. Rowland, Omemene, eveniy balanced. But the mnot at-. took a group at 10.45 la studying ing memory of ail will be just the Home 'Missionary Olbligationsa. It was' harmiont and geod fellowship en- dlean te thase in eacit of thjese groupa joyed, from beginning ta end of the that the young peeple of te-day waak, and the inspiration of a aew have ne reason te waep like Alex- and I>,actical presentation of the ,ander because titane are ne more Chniat-like-life. monlda te conquer. Thé fields are s:till ripe for barvesting and thiý first taskla iste rally the -harvesters. The -appeai for volunteers ;n GChristian Clerk's Notice of First werk was presented in a very direct way by the Presidertt, Rev. Roy H. Posting of Voters' List Rickard. 7he final study penidd eof the VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE morning was set apant for the study, of -Young People's Werb, .G.I.T. Voters' List, 1924, Municïpality of and C.S.E.T. programas, unden lead- the' Village of Newcastle, County enship of Presidant Rickard, Mfiss of Durham. Yeomans and Rev. Mn. Hanston, re- NotiCe is heýreby givea thiat 1 have spectively. tranismiittted or delivered to thie pensons Apant from batbîng the popuIarinl entiened in- Sectidn 9 of the Ontario physical activity -%as soft ball. Each Voters' List Act th,ý copies requItireil by afPtennoon n league game was work- liered ont the List, fiadle pursuant to edofbtwee different study groupa said Act. f ail persons appiearing by Die Mn. Rickard's gnoup easily won the last reviseci Assesmannt RaIl of said chapioshi. Tursay ftenoo tiniacipaity ta 1,.eantitied to vote ita chamionsip. hursay aternon te said'-Minicipality at electiens for was an exception.. That day Str. tnemnbers of the Legisiative Assenibly S. S. "Lin-tonia" took students and and at Muiinicip)al Elictions andl that some local excursionists te se ind- the said List was first poited( up at miy ffie Rt Nwate on the 26th day Say. The utayer had very kindly of July, ]9ý4, and remnains there fer arrangadi for n fleet of cars te take insp)ection. tite visitons anound Lindsay te the And 1 hereby calli upon ail votera to an i gre ht hyhdta k e itimmeciat pIrceeedlitngs - to have n g ieettattb a ny errors or omnissions corrected ac- seen muci to admire and to e nera- cording to iaw. aH '1 uy2. 1C. BONATHAN, E'veaîng sessions were beid in Clerk, Village of Newcastile. Bobcay.-aon Chutrch on Tuasday and Ui-2, Newcastle

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