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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Aug 1924, p. 4

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B- j r _________ 0 m Wqi ~A W-týTTTTL. A Ti(- , 1 19 Meat Prices Drop For Saturd--ayý Only we offer these very iIow and attractive prices: Boiling Beef 10e to 12c Roast Beef 15c to 20e [I Steak 20c to 22c This beef is from young heifers and steers- no old cows. It's the same Cawker quality you always get frorn this shop. Above prices are cash and carry prices. LAMB, VEAL AND PORK, SPECIAL PRICES To celebrate the opening of our new modern display windows we are offering extra specials in meat every day during the coming week. On account of the hot weather we will be unable to dress our windows so corne in and see the bar- gyains offered. THIS 15 BARGAIN~ WEEK AT CAWKER'S C. M. CAWK E R S& SOlN 1Phone 64 Bowmanville Rich, Wholesome, Delicious Layer Cakes You can quickly and easily settle the cake question, whether it is for picnic lunchles, teas, supper, over the week, or for a party, by calling at our store or having our' driver supply you with one of'these delicious cakces. Eat Corbett's High Loaf Bread. We specialize in Wedding Cakes. W. P. Corbett Il (Suecess( jBaker and Confecti, 3or to Thomas Tod) oner Bowmanville EBENEZER Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washington an-d Joyce are hoiidaying at thei: cottage at Mlortimer's Point, Lake The pulpit in Ebenezer Chiurci durîng the pastor's absence will bi supplied next Sunday by Rev. Geo. Mason, BowmîanvîIle, the foliowing Sunday by Rev. W. H. Spargo and the third Sunday by a representative of the Social Service Department.' BETHESDA Mr. anl Mrs;. W. .J. Braddl anc famiiy were at hier father's iast week whîle hier mother, Mrs. J. W. Dudley visited relatives ýin Colborne. . . .Mrs. Fred Mackiin, St. Catberines, recent- ly visitedi at Mr. S. V. Hoar's.. Miss Audrey Oslen recentiy visitec friends at Rochester, N. Y .... Mr. and _Mrs. F. A. Werry, Master Percy and Marion attended the annual Werry picnic at Cannington. . .. Mrs. W. J. Bragg, Bowmanviile. and Miss Elsie M. Bragg, Toronto, have beer visiting Mr. and Mrs. Howard Couch ...Miss Ferg-uson is visiting at the home of lier sister, Mrs. L. Buckley, Newcastle. .'Mýrs. J. I. Werry, Miss& es Florence and Alice Werry, Mrs. F. Fitzgerald and Miss McCallum, Tor- onto, iiicently visited at Mr. F. A. Werry's .... Mr. and _Mrs. Howard Couch and daughters spent Sundey wivth Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Couch, Bowmanvilie. ENNiSKILLEN visitors: Mr. Milton Werry, OGh- awa, at Mrs. J. H. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stainton and Clifford, Toronto, âl Mrs. John Pye's; Mrs. S. Hoskin lias returned home after spending a time wýith her daughter in Clarks- burg. . Mr. and Mis. W-n. Hoskin visited at Mrs. J. Mountjoy's ... . Mr. and. Mrs. D. Burgmiaster spent Sun.- day at Mr. Thos. H-Jaii's, Brookli,. Miss Gertie Oke and Miss Laverne 1Griffin, Town, at their homes .... Miss Gladys Stainton visited witii friends in Orono ........ Miss Edna Lamb with Fenelon Falls friends. ., . Misses Mary virtue and Mary Tri.- mer at Mr. John virtue's. . .. Miss Winnie Ashton, Toronto, Mrs. S. Rodmian, Scugog Island, visiting- at Mr. C. E. Ashon's. .. Rev. and Mrs Harding, Michigan, are visiting withý Mr. Nelson Smith and other friends .Miss Reta Ashton visiting Scugog friends. Missionary program Suniday morn-1 ing was in charg-e of "True BI"e Class". Presîdent, Miss Winnifredj Oke in chair. A reading, "A Ilero- mne ofMoly was given by Ms LiUa WIlace. A solo was! sw%.eetiy sung by Miss Luella, Stqvensý after which Miss Miaud Asht6n read ",The mission of a Mite-Box,"; a chorus "Steady and True" was1.1given by the class. A football game w'il be piayed atý Han-pton an Thursday evening be- tween Enniskilien and Solina boys. Ratine Uress Goods up to $1.40 for 7.5e yd; Cotton Crepes 75e for 'D0e. Couch, Johuston & Cryder- man, SOLINA Recent visitors: Mr. Russel Rey- nolds, Toronto, spent Civie Holiday at home; Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Jamies, Bowmý-nanviile, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's; Miss _Mrgaret MeKessock with Searboro and Toronto friends; Mr. and Mrs. John Pasýcoe, Mr, and Mrs.i H. E. Tink, MUr. and Ms J. W. Yel-' lowTlees and Mr. SuJas Williams at- tended the funeral.I of the late MJrs. Edwin Tiuk at Brooklini on Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Sa.r Brooks andi son Gien, Oshawa, at Mr. Williami Van- Nest's; Misses Gussie and Florence Lukie andi Miss Wilmia Werry, Ked- ron, visited at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's; Mr. andi Mrs. N. Leach', Taunton, with friends here; Mr. and Mrs. Ha r- vey Hardy at Mr. James Reeson's, Columnbus; Mr. ami Mrs. Hermion Scugee, To.ronto, and Mr. antil Mrs. Jaek Pingle, Detroit, at Mr. W. N. Paseoe's; Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Pas-' eoe and Mrs. C. D. Pascoe at Ml, Frank Webber's, Enfield; Mr. andý Mrs. H. Phillips and family, Toronto,1 Mr. and Mis. Percy Neale and daugh- ter Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Neale, Pickering, at Mrs. S. Short- ridge's; Mr. H. G. Pascoe Sundayed in Toronto; Misses Lena Taylor andi Annie Williaias report a gýooi time at camip; Mr. James Reynolds, Mr. B. Whitnel aiud Mý,iss Mary Reynolds, Toronto, at Mrs. John Reynolds ' -Ver the holiday; Mr. Harold Caw'ker, Winnipeg, guest of Mr. Chas. S hort- ridge; Mr. Russel Smith was on a Usmn'pton this (Thurstiay) evening.j Don't miss it. Welcome news for hot wçeather: Ai! Voile and Ratine Dresses at exsctiy haîf price at Coucli, John- Pston & Cryediman's. VILLE, AUG.'7th,., 1924-'ý 14AMPTON A benefit game (of football-S( lina vs. Enniskillen Hb e held ii Hampton this (Tliurxsayv) eveniný Don't miss it. Congratulations to miembersc Teacher Training Clsss -whlo passe bthe recent examination with big Shanors. Text book u e was Thi T eachev's Study of thie Lifeo 3Christ in the New Staiidaird Teaclis Training Course. Those passing were: Misses Fran ces and Ruby Clatworthy, Miss Lau ise Johns, Mrs. L. Allun andtiMi-, Bertha Sarg-eant.' Mission Circle girls are enjayin camp life very much if one cai jutige by the reports. The leader: Miss Lulu Reynolds, Mrs. (Rev Joues and nurse Chapmian are spar ing no pains ta mnake the outing er joyable sud! helpfual. Some 30 g-ir] are wearing camp attire. Anl invita tion is exteudeti to ail ta visit thq camp on Friday evenn1g, A;ugust8 at 8 o'cloek, when the Senior Leagu( is ta conduct its reg3illar service a the camp. The raspberry social anti concer given by the W. M. S. was very suc c-essful, proceetis aver $50. Th( autograpli quiit solti far $10 and th( naines netteti $20.00 more. Suiay School pienie an Fvi'da) -as really a happy affair, somne 15( being present. An iiterestiiý event -%as as .sappy gaine of baseba]. between the young ladie~s of the vil lage and Mr. Will Willbur's lass oi 1teen age boys, score 13 to 8 in favoi of the femaies. Mr. sud Mrs. W. H. Harcourt, Mi L. Kols Port Hope, visiteti at Mr, Mr. sud _Mýrs. L. Ellins, Mr. and Mis. W. Mouuitjoy, Columbus, MIr and Mrs. C. J. -Mauntjoy, Miss An) nie Mountjoy,. Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. sud Mrs. S. T. Mount- joy. Recent visitors: Mr. T. A. Brown, Ottawa, Rev. sud Mrs. S. G. Bro'wn and -Miss Isobel Brown at Mr. E. Stevens'; Mr. sud Mrs. Russel Rowe ,aud son, Toronto, at Mr. T. Rowve's: [Mr. sud Mrs. W. Burnett, Stouffville' at Mr. WiIl Wiibur's; Mr. and Mrs. Frank virtue and chiltiren, Burliig- tan, Mr. anti Mrs.' R. vîrtue anc daughter, Oshawa, M imses Sadie and Laurax'Virtue, Toronto, at Mr. J. J. %Tirtue's; Misses Eyelyn Tiuk and Ruth McKessock, Salins, at Mrs. T. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ten- nant sud son Bruce, Mrs. J. T. Tre- win, Toronto, visiting' relatives; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ranton and tiaughter Margaret, Toronto, at Mrs. W.,'Vir- tue's; Mr. Forsythe aud sister, Tor- onto, pt Mr. A. E. Jeunings,,'; Mr. Mariey" Hastings, Detroit, with his graudmaother, Mrs. E. Hastings; Mrs. F. Snowtien andi son at Mr. C. Lang- maid's; Mr. and Mrs. Cea. Barrot aud son Austin motaredti t Toronto, Mrs. Joy returueti with themi after a pleasant visit 'with hier tiaughtev; Mr. anti Mrsc. Charles Wiilis anc dËsughter Thelma, Toronto, at Mr. C Johns'; Rev. sud Mrs. W. C. Frank ai Mrs. A. Trenouth's; Mr. H. Thomp- son, Scarboro, at Mv. A. Hogarth's; Mr. anti Mrs. C. Wootli anti famnily ai Mv. J. L. Johns'; Master Wallace Horn visiting in Peterboro; Mr. anc Mrs. T. Salter with frientis in Pari Ferry; Mr. anti Mrs. Gunn anti sou, Os<hawa, at Mv. J. Clark's; Mv. anc Mis. J. Coiwell, Jr., speut Suiiay at Brookiin; Mrs. George Eigranc tiaughter Rosina anti Miss Lottie ChIaÎlls, B owm-ailville, eat Mv. H. Wil- cox's; The Wom-ren's Institute are holding their annual pienie in the park Thuvstiay aftevnoon. Everyon< is welcome .'-. . Mission Circle girl: went into camp ou Manday after- noon, i nithe flats below Mvs. Jebson': *. The Boy Scouts fvomn here wili bc camping at Zion next week ... Their niany frientis here were g-lati ta see Rev. andt Mrs. J.' 0. Tot- ton anti chiltiren froni Shannonville, who were mi-otoring throbighl and stayedti t renew aId acquaaintances. AIl Sumûmer Furuiture clearing ai reduceti prices. F'. F. Morris Co. Il -~ DARLINGTON Mi*ss Annie Reddon, nurse in training, Oshawa Hospital, was a Fri- day visitor with her friend, Miss Mary Wood .... Miss Irene M1cMann, Toronto, spent the week-end w-ith Mrs. Gordon vancamp)... . Mrs. E. J Burke visited with friends in Toronito1 and Seforth ... . COn]gratu]ti->onIs to Mr. and Mrs. Carnet Symons onth ar-rivai of a son on Saturda.... and Mrs. Blake Shortad sons Rus- sell and LeRoy, Mr. and Mrs. Bruoý_e Metcalf and son Gýordlon were Sun'- day visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewa-i's, Enniskillen ... . A numnber from Base LUne and Mapie Grove attended the annual Sundlay Sehool pienie on Wednesday at Crago'si Beech. ZION Mr. A. 'T. Stainton had his"iierd of 30 dairy hoîsteins tested for tuber- cuiosis. Ail were free from it.. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur MNoore, Ennis- killen, Mr. Luther Stainton and fa.- ~iy, Brooklin., Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stainton and faniily, Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Michiael, Harmyony,. Mr. and Mrs. Thàis. Stainton, Oshawa, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thuor Stainton. . Miss Doris Stainton has beent hoiidaying with her aujnt, Mrs. Arthur Moore, Enniskillen .... Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Langinaidi, Osh- awa, visited their son, F. W. Lang- maid. .. . MLýiss Effa St'ainton, Brook- lin, is holidaying with her cousins, Misses Bernice and.-Eileen Stainton. .The Zioni-Taunton road is rather busy these ýdays as this la one of the detours for the Kingston 'road.* Hay erop wýas abundant and Fali Wheat and Rye are good ... . Miss Amber Soniley, nurse in training at Oshawa Hospital, is h~ome on, vaca- tion.... .Boy Scouts of Hampton cir- cuit are camping in Mr. A. T. Stain- ton's flats ., * *,Mrs. Snider,. Chicago, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. Herbert intoif. Summer F'urn iture Now PRICES GREATLY REDUCED Here is a real opportunity to save money on furniture which you need for summer comnfort and usefulness. As these prices apply to goods in stock, which in. some cases are in limited quantities, better shop early. One oiily--4 passenger Lawn Swing, extra well made, finish natural and red $12.50 for ............................ .........$ 9.75 2 only Refrigerators $19.50 for................................$1 6.75 $32.10 for .................................................. .....$27.50 Lawn Benches $2.50 for ........................................$ 1.75 Veranda Chairs and Rockers $5.00 for ...................$ 4.10 (Naturail finish with rush seats $4,50 for ............ ......$ 3.65 $3.00 for ....«....................................... ...... ...$ 2.20 Willow Chairs and Rockers $10.00 and $9,00 for ..........$ 7.75 $5.50 for........................................... .......... $ 4.25 Camp Chirs with foot rest $5.00 for .....................$ 4.10 $1.2,- for -... . ... ........ ........................................-98c Hammocks, Haif Price, Only a Few Left. Baby Ha-mmoc-ks $3.50'for ................ _ ....... .......$ 2.65 Several Pieces of Old Hickory Furniture Greatly Reduced. We've Been Furnishing Homes For Over 50 Years. F.eF. MORRI CO Branches,: Orono and Newcastle Bowman-ville Il NESTLETON gUr. and Mrs. Henry Sheffield who ýn hlave beeni visiting hier parents, Mr. ~and Mrs. R. C. Jackson, hias returned to their home in Detroit. Miss Mabel Jackson accompanied t........ Mr5s '~and Miss Eunice Malcolm, Port Fer- ry, are spending the holldiays with L- Cartwright ani Manvers friends.. SMessrs, Marshall and Perey Malcohm are attending Queen's Uni'versity, e Kingston, diuring holidays....MUr. iandMr C. D. Sanielis and famnily were Sunday visitors w\,ith Mr. S. H. t Macolm..... Mr. David -Maiecolm and -daughter, Lin'dsay, are spending vaca- le tion with his sons in Cartwright and eManvers... .Mr, A. N. Masoni, Tor- onto, visited friends at Cadmnus and ,y Nestieton iast week.... Dr. James 01 Moore and fam-ily, Brooklin, were 9 Sund'ay visitors with Mrs. A. H. JVeae .... Mr. Roy Wr"ght who has been spending his vacation with his fparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wright, rlhas returned to Windsor. . .. Mrs. J. J. Tiffin and daughters Beryl andI .r Relen, Lethbiidge,, Alberta, visited hier sister, Mrs. Harry Philp, last week .... Week evening service 1Thursday was conducted by Won,- *en's -Missionary Society. Goodt pro- -grai was rendered including a cap- tital address byPastor J. E. Griffith.., -. > Sun'd.ay service in North Nestieton. A good sermon by Rev. J. E. Gri- ffith, his subject being "The Cross".i iThe choir was assisted by Miss Bris- bin of Toronto, who is spending the eholiday at Emierson's Beach with, Miss Nina Allun. Miss Brisbin sang a solo which was much appreciatèd. '«The anniversary in South Nest- leton Presbyterian Church on Sun~- Idey, August 3. Two sermons %vere d preached by Rev. Mr. Tlhornle, rPort Pe.rry, the church choir býeing 'i assisted by outside talent in morning and the choir from Ballyduif in the -evening. Monday eveninig a tea and -play wili be hed .... A numrber from aroundi here attended the reg'atta and r land and water sports at Scugog -beach on Mondiay and thoroughiy en- -joyed the contest which was in some instances very armusing... .Mrs. J. sW. Emierson returned from a visit with lier mother, Mrs. S. Washington, Oakwood, Mr. and- Mrs. Walter n.Washington and Mr. Hicks accom-i ý,1panied lier homie and stayed for a r couple of days. Miss Annie A. Williams, Hampton, Iis prepared to give piano lessons in ail grades cofi-imenceing August 29- b30, at Mr. Fred veaie's residence, -North Nestleton. For further par- ticulars apply to Mr. F. veale. t! Buy Summier Furniture now while prices are greatiy redueed. F. F. (lMriGo. t Manufacturers' Sa.mples of Hos-1 iery selling less than whoiesale price. Get some of these. CoulJon ston & Crydermain, O. R. I<dne-y Tonie bas aifordeýd Comnfort adRle to manny sufer- ing froimRhuatsn and ail Kidl- e ney Ailiments. 7)c iit youirdeer or S by ma:il prep'aid fromi The Oi. R. - Mdic (' o., Richmiond H11W, Ont. Redthis. Al last winter 1 uf rdfrnim eiineur!tis in the ,shiouldeýr and eould -neither sewý or Imit. O0neP bottie of O. R. KýidIney'Tonicfxe me up1)a nd am now feeling ciuite weii1 agaîn . My bilhsband Iias aiso used(7 it for rhieu- .atism Uih exeeIIent resuit' (Signed) _Mrs. 0eo. Cowp)therwýaite. sold i town bij F. R. KERSLAKE Special Purchase> of Footwear ~Which lie are passing on to our customers at a special price: 20 Pr. Men's Brown Oxfords Regularly Priced at $6.00, this week, $4.49 pa ir LADIES' WHITE SHOES Right in the midst'of the season when youx are needing a pair of White Shoes we have reduced them in price. 15 per cent off You must see these goods to realize the gen- uine bargains being offered. SPCIRTWO VE SHOE STORE Il 't 'i The Balance of Summner Dre'sse.s To Clear at Reduced Prices For $9.75> We have pretty shades in Plain Voiles and Normandy Voiles in good variety of styles and sizes. Ratines in plain and fancy stripes, in green, copen, sIky. Just the dress for cool days. For $5.95 There are linens and beach cloth in copen, S kY, canary, rose, green and fawn., braid trimi- hiing and sizes from 16 to 42. ps' We are clearing the balance of our Canton Crepe and Fancy Silk Dr-esses at greatiy reduced prices. We have ail sizes and the assortiment is good. S.W. Matson R& Son Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-To-Wear Phone 106 BowmânvyIlle Buy

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