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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Aug 1924, p. 8

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a SCENE 0F FATAL CRASH AT ADAMS' CROSSING NEAR NEWCASTLE 'WHEN FAST TRAIN HIT MOTOR PICN1CKERS Tep) Left: The wreck'ed autemo- Lbile aften thie crash et Adams' cross- kng fiçan Newcastle, whene four wene killed aând turce wrinjured whcn e r,. N. R., freigbht trin ian into the irar. Top Rîghlt: T .ie cnossing where the accidlent occunred. Bottom, f!om Le-ft te igt:Mrs, Wellington Cemn-idg(1e cf 2.35 Gladstone Ave., who was veny serioas1y injured; Mor- ris Cemniagelier -e-odsn wowes killed; Jamnes Camibridge, luis 12-y'ear-old brother, who was badly injuned ;Wellington Cam- Piidge, their father and driver of the car, less seriously inijuned; Missý Edith Hicks pf 67 St. Clair Ave. Easý't, Who was te go on the ato-f er ta cancel the arrangement. Lew- mobile paty, but wbio ncivda er Right, Mis. Sebastiani Stewart, telegram at thqe lst mninute causing whO Was killed. LAID TO REST AT BOND HEAD t he Trono ching staff. Miss Edith c fTrotwho reoeived a mssatgephrl after hier arrivai homCn- Tributes to the 'Vic tims of the Fatal the alarminig msaethat her ilTh dear m-»-- t1 f ý AccidenAs manNewocarslas thelîkets woul hod lea on o temtoth sd Se 1:m'assoc apalo iobn of tedobega. heotrswe THURSDAY, AUGUST 7th., 1924. ovr heiilag hat cast .py the la- (j1v metbeiîag-d of last Wednesday when cardd y becbr. larens Mr P1,embr1,ofitbree familles *were killedDaid.GionadM..E.Mtbt_____________________ ùutrîgbt and the tbree survîvîng mem GerdEbeck. ,os, ad lers i on famila more or less ser- Th e numerous floiral offerinigs, sweet NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE iosl njre.messages eflsorrw aad smpathy, in-i ii be oronail was joy and hapt- icie rah iujMs otio p vines. I the aternoon there wcre sor-, .Ciude ratbsfr sstr.s, A. M iss Noera _ Miss Bowley, Toronto, bas been Mr. F. A. Butler, Torontse ias an pain apnd death. Over the cIear, and Mrs. A. Farnomib, and Mr. 'and, guest of Mr. and Mr.s. Chas. Cowan, the holiday at home. bie kyofsein' lesloomed suddenly R.peac Srasfrom i\r. and iNorth Street. Ms rdGaa noe ii the biack 'ouý d iFf threatcning disaster *VHs. . D. AlglnBoos,ibrtia; Ms ugstsMebrss.istn toT rtiendGrahamently.davii in1 the hapeof the olcomiflg train., hefaml, jj'ýsister's, M.and jMrs. abe.i -stn t ootofins eet T n hesw-ift thuinerbolt of the en-'SicrPoirtl Hope; lr. and rs. eolier uncile and aunt, Mr. and iMis. Mr. W. b. Turner, New Yorlî, is fie deiing injury and pain and deathi, Creiï7, _Mjss Clara and Mr. ýfi JoseiibMerkley Clark.vitngaM.Gore ibcks and c (asting over ail the eommunity the Mýoffaitt, Tornto puils of (Qu cen Vict- vstn tM.Gog ibcs ileet gioom. oria ho, Toron,11iere Miss Mar- Master Erie Walton-BalI is spend-, Rerv. E. R. James is still on a short Whereve 'r one went Ce met two or 0orîe wa eahr iss sie me- ing the wPek with his, cousin Conant 'vaication a tMontrcal and Cocouna, iibree groops of more persons 9peaking in ahenai.eoSinger an Miss Jante Mycrs, Oshawa. Que. hnbdand awed toutes of the tragie Singeý-,r and Mlis.s Edih b rM. and evn.It was with them lu their wak- Mrs. Win. C. Lkar n Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. James Breadin and Mr. and Mrs. Hanlon Parker have ing [hours andciti was with them in theiri A. Smith and M1iss MbLta.e, NMr. and Mrs. Weish ,Toronto, werp week-end returned to their home in Rhode iq- dem.Mrs. S. W. Mason, atnd Mir. and Jirs. Sid e M. Scott, Bowmanville; Miss Kathleen guests et barris Lodge. lanc. neyearrao ven to the week and the Smith, Toronto, M'ýr. affd airs. Geo. Gray Mr. Naismitb Henry, Janetvilie, ýMr. George Wright beiped to ,well very days ,,eastie was ceLbratng. and Mrs. Giendenining. Mr. Robert rsthcodofOdByetsaatij ,ind rejoicing over i er bi ssing and bher ton. wswe-n us fMr n r. h rw fOdBy tOhw H g;reat gft of the New Community Ha'i The bodies werte laid te rest beside Howard1 Glenny and sons. week.« Thiis year came- trouble, grief and h2art- that of the laie busband and father, Ed- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seldon and Mn Jon A ern, Toto vain. [ ward Burrows, an o fT-tcer in the AmericanMr Jon AdsnTot, Sauturday afternoon two hearses drcw Army in the Ciil tWaýr, who having îost daughter Miss Dcli, Tornto, have spent Sunday witb bis mother, Mrs. n Up~~~~~~~~ toS.GogsCnl.Tocsçt eg in batLle d1rew iapension front the been aaige ust bouse and ofn desn weccarried in andi softly wheeled to Amnerican Governmenti during bis rfte Sunday -attended divine service in the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tetley o d the front and brought to reft between 1ie, the pension con)tinýuling to the-'d Metbodist Cburcb. fmlTrno r the itar and reading dcsk. ow tili ber death last Weonesda,ý. fm ,Trotaevîsiîng at ¾r. Th e rays of an Augtist sun filterefi thru1 For sixty years >the name of 1,uLrrows e~irs. Wmn. Rickerd and daugbter, Jh ards !lie many beautifuil stained glasmcm- bas had an bonored place on the citizen-Mr (D) orIal wondows and diffuscd their soft- sbip roll of Newcastle but by last week's M!,(D.Erncst Aluin, Las Angel- Mrs. Ida Stinson and daugbter lhtstroughout the beautiful auditor-, tragedy the famuly disappear s. Wife es, eal'f., bave arrived' ln Newcastle rneFpettehlia tM lum atnd round about the fiower covcred, and daughter of a soldier! we doubt not, for,'two months' visit. Dr. Aluin Will1GergeEiibeck 'le . -y tMr caskeits where reposed the motal re-I that ini tose ilast moments they faced f ollow about September lst. MnorWem. b. eareosEi n aisof Mary E. Wilson Burrows and inescapabie 1peril and death with theMr .H.Pacsi Eead laei dangbter Marjorie Bnrrows. BotC i orage and ýsi,îit of the busband and Peste this date in your ht-Wed- retadfinio cneb pn wer, born in Bond Head, Necastle, and a 0ter. Toîgeiheir they lie awaiting the nesdey, August l3th., Annual Gard- the week-end and Icivie- holiday in e. seeivcd their education in Newcastle, trsrrCinwhenail that is bruised and and? in tis cburcb tiîey loved and were s3carred and miangledl shail be made whole en Party of St. George's Cburch, Toronto. wonit to worshlp. .gain. Newcastle_ on the rectony 1iawn. Al are gled toha omBw h ch was now thronged wlth Mr.ý and airs. F. D. MCNaughton off Lots of ets. Good Band Music, and ohe rmBw pcj1ýwbo came to pay tbeir ast trîbule Brooks, Alberta., wbo werc aÀnable to get rmo prs vrbd maav:lle thet Mrs. W. N. Buckley isJ pepeihere lu tume for the funeral arrived on a big prograno prs vrbd ,efrepc to the deceased motebr and Sunday. Mr. McNaugCton Cas returaed Welcomne., 31-2 niakîng satisfectory progness towerd s~uhe.for both were igly rcgarded but Mrs. McNanighton, (nee Isobel Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Barkman, Texicane, recovery. I andtilovdthe mother for ber gently, son), is uow staying with ber brother kîind.ty. ana ssuming mauner, the daugh- hread e itrMr.Sizr t Texas, have been guestso n.w Mrs. (Dr.) Stanley Uglow, Chii- Ir ter, ,or lber pleasant quaities, lber tai-rteshomenoflie a serairs. Burrows. J. Moore and on. ofmi rom W.cage, bas joined lber iiusbend et the ents Ce brghtessandberuufilig Mr Jack, A. McEachera, the late Miss sucb a warm climate, Mvrs. Bark-hm fbsprnsM.adMs frinfùnes. Brrows' finance ,and is siter, Miss El- John UgTI n Thiese, qualities were manifest te the sýie McEachern came to Newcastle from man bas contnected a severe cold ow- gow very ast w heu airs. Burrows just a few Ki'kifield immeiidiatcdýy on rcceipt off the ing to the unseasonably chilly weatb- Week-end visitons et Wetberell's: heuars b fore the accident bad sbown sad uews. Mdiss Elsie later retuiîîcd er of the first days cf-August. Mn. and Mrs. Bolton and family of Pl a motberly auxiety to sec Miss Edith homne, but their cousin Miss Elsie Mc- Toronto'Lran s.G d@AhS Hicks, who was visiting at their home, iachern off Toronto, ýaccompanied Mr. Rerv. J. C. Wilson ýwbo since Con- o n n n.GnînAb saffely on the train for Toronto, before McEachern at the funeral., - fenence bes visited bis daughten and Scarbono Bluff; Miss H. Asb,_ Go-n statiu onther pcni tn wbcbMros- s Bnrrows before taking a position family et their summer home in Mus- bourg; Mrs. Win. Harris, Bowman- strdn sonatl;andpiolBrrws as he -inteVictoria St. Sehool, Toronto, two ville;Dr. Wih r n r.a accl ompanie:d Mssrlend owtesationt years ago. taught -school near St . Cath- keke, and leter spent e few days witb ie ngt M.ed Ms accmpaie h- fien t th satinarmnes, sud before that, at Kirkffleld hs necMrs. Gardam Wa ad FakBeddy, Mn.'akBrs o-a carrying the grip betwecn them, Cad a wbere site met Mr. aicEachern who lo wit b nad r o e nta. checrv smiie and word ffor ci ery onue almost, broken Cearted wlth grief. ,as ihM.adMs i.E e she miet, and s0ou the way hack agalu. Iman bas now gene to Michigan on Mr. and Mis. Percy iZ. barmen, nE Two Cours affterîvard there remained on- an extended visit witlIf bis brother, Mn. A. Melville~, Mrs. Moliai and ly the tom aud mangid bodies. M.Gra isn agtradg.RxMriTr In the absence off the Rector, Rex'. E. METH-ODIST S. S. PICNIC M.GodmWlonnat ere a eekMn R e atinofTr.- C- I. James, Rex'. Alan N. McEvoy off De- CongrndtMlsaDonald MeLr.lennand Mr troit, assisted by Rex'. Scott Howard 'otnedfo et su. rw.n Aluin, Shews, and Mn. andad Ms oadMLclnadM. the impl, imre,ýs!vefuntal Contnuedfromlast-jese.)Donald, Jr., et th e Buckiey bouse, t service,. airs. (Rev) McEvoy. Miss Winners in the venlous classes eat birthsf sens, dad, tewcMn. ed MonNewcestie-on-the-Leke. Mn. Martin Mary' Farncomb sud Marjorie Burrows the S. S. Picnic werc as followýs 'ho os,,iean'~d r. newad h tp.owrhelk i.i were scbool girls together. Girls, under 9 yeers-Meny 'Van- Le-leHeit eadoivJrook ew ae h ri on h, d nbi Members off the cburcb choir were in castle-on-the-Leke, on the birtb of e fine aaiiing canoe. their places and led lu the singing off Duse n, Matie H ennings. A the Cymuis for the dea, scompgni-d on Girls under 12 years-Violet ben- daugter-Bcrnia Aifreda. Alfreda Auto traffie on Provincial bigb- A Vie organ by aiMrs. (Dr.) AIffrcd Vi'rn - Bat.c bas the horior cf beîng the finst cbîld way even the week-end was heaviestb comb. ýnîngs, BetrceCyd.erman. arc bora in the surumer residential, on recorda. Saturday afteraoon b Inti he miourners' seats lu the front Girls under 15 years-Beànc grounds, known,,as the Gien. oven 300 cars passcd thru the village H ff tecnr section sat air. Charles Crydlermen. ibetween 3 and 4 e'cleck, and contia- Wilsoni,airs. Sîxitzer off Nanaimro, B. C., Teechers, ladies-Miss Minnie Seludwl neteagi. Apra-g MVrs. Frank Bennett, Toronto, aud airs. by ewl itthngt. Apra-9 Geo. R. M'ason, Bowmauvile, brother y. ufc utbe u nti otW and sisters of airs. Burrows; air. Sami Married ladesý-Mrs. W. J. Moore. Clr' Notice of First eIpsrfathaceut e pu onthi mot4 W. Mason, Jr., and Miss Isobel Becu- Opeal race-Miss Allie Hennings. 1prat gha eadess of ecith nett, cousinýs off Marjorie; air. Geoi. R. PosRick of Voters' List pense and the seoner the 'bett-ir. t Mason, air.,Jack A. aicEacheru off Kirk- Doys under 9 yees-J-obn R£ckSLMr Pt C field, sud cousin Miss Elsie aicEachern ard, George Graham. Mr1. and Mrs. W. York, BramptOn, li off Toronto; aiso Mairnsdairs. Stewart, Boys under 12 yers-Staniey VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Mn. and Mrs. Byron Bargmean, Texai- off Guelph, parents off ar. Sebastian Grc-ham, Stanley Rickerd kena, Kansas, wvere guests over the Stewart. t lut ic side pews at the front sat the Boys under 15 ycars-Geo.Wa Vte'Lit124 Municipality of wveek-end of Mis. M. E. Moore. Mn. pal-bearers ]Dr. -Alfred Farnicomb, air ton, Charles T.-ackrey, Wîlbert Gre- the Village of Newcastle, County Balrkmein is a large cotton planta- e W. C. Lake,.air. Frank Gibson, air. John ham. of Durham. tion owner and came eat te necup- ai homs, Mirank Beneii<t sud air. Geo. Noiceis bereby given that I bave eeeetna lns. Bt e ande Sigr o temthr sdar.Wllc pen rece-Lewrence Crydermnan. transmittalteoradclivered to thelperaed lo Msar. J. HL. Joste,air. Ellîsonl Teachens, mcn-Lawýýrence Cryder- ,,intioned1 ln Section D off the Ontario Mns. Benkman were delighted witb V Moise, air. Robrt Walton, air. George mïn., Voters' List Act thecopies r,ýquirecî bj what thcy seaw of Durham wbich tbey ei GrayandMr. L R forthe , Marie men-T.IL Jse.said section to Ce so trausmitted or de- tenmed the finiest ceunty they had s Gayud air. H .Pac o h ane maJ .Js.ivered on the List, made pursuant to t SAugter tesriete.nrlëreg il'3lge rg en Afe tesevcete uealcrtg Grs'3lggdrae.Gae1rg said Act, off ail persons appearing by the se.E. linder direction off ar. F. P. Morris, and Tucker Coucb, Eileen Cooke and last revised Assessment Roll off said Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Pasce and lMi Bowmanviile, sud aMr. Frank Peste, Or- euhý, proceeded to Bond Head Cemeni j Mary Ada'r. tMunicipli ty to bc eniitled to vote in eweeitretto lc.Alon oyerylggdrceAfthahm le said Municipality at elections for daughter Edna, Toronto, Miss Helen T. wbee ntrnen tokplce Alog' Bes'3-egednae-lf1Gahm embers off the Legisiative Assembly MeCimmoa, M:ss. Zelia Collins and th~ hune off automobiles foilowed. the hîarses and Kennetb Pearcre, Wiibent Gra- aud at Municipal Élections and that Miss Dorothy Milligan, làjorkers in Fi tryowns the ocuat at ad intes.m- a and Geo. Waiton. the said List was fIrst ~îsted up at m oot avniyStimncm leryth Locuans athercstsd. intescme. hnoffice at Newcastle, ot the 26th Éday TrnoUiest eteet aeM Among the mnany friends and re'latives off July, 1924, sud remains there for down te Copper Beecli for the weck- Ec from ;a distance wbo were pres urt ha- Mn. Volaey Moore returned Fnl- 1i'nspectioýn. ed adnmie vn frte"I. -ides tlîose nentiuned wr:MF, sud t.. Anîd Iiîcrcby ecahanupon aIl votersOr to airs. James Spicer and sons, Joe ad day fnom a pleasant vîsît w.tnhîbs1t aluoaivtesogrdnptynMn-y. Qt aR and~~~~~ tak~ le immne4iaté proccedi.ngs to bavegaenptyoMndyQuteR Cecii, Port Hope, air. John Steen, str.,frientd, Mn. Tom McMehoa at Port ax errors or omissions corrected ac- lage party of men, huabands cd the eti anr suars. Robert Steen, airs. tomne Burwell andDetroit. Mn. Moore aIse ordu olw womcn in camp also came down frn ono Taylor, (nec Gertie Steen), airs. John visitedfinsiClvln wieo DadJuy2,14.0 tecyadt' Polean MssVia ilon TrotoM. C. BONATHAN, tecyenteited on the beach atin &Ul relatives; Miss Nota E. Coleman, off bis trip eround Lake Erie. 1Çîerk, Village off Newcastle. Cetten's Point, or NEWCASTLE'S BIG DAY ,~ e n c e l t Civic Holiday was celebrated by R the citizens of Newcastle and comn- munity- in ?,v ery enthusiastie man- ner, the principal attraction being the basebali ganies for the Commun- ity Cup. Five teams competed- NEWCASTLEOrono, Kendal, Starkville, Newton-. NEWCASTLE ville anc-, Newcastle. The firs-t draiw re.sulted in New- Mrs. Gingeli, Hamilton, is visitingI castie and Newtoniville, and Orono Miss Aiba Colwiil. and Kendai as apponents.Starkvjille Miss Jessie Mc1Naiughto>n, Toronto, a bye. Newcastie won over New- us visiting frienlds hiere. tonvilie and Oronto over Kendal. Mrs. Win. Jamieson recently vis- In second round Newcastle drew 'tea, friends at Niagar 'a Fails. Starkvilie, Orono getting a bye and Miss Doris Wiliows, Montreal, is it was during the playing of this viiigher aunt, Mrs. John Cunning- gaie thatthle weatherm~~an tee Mrs.Fetts ad lile on Rgergame was caiied. rs Ftti e and teMsn RogE, The Newtonviiie vs. Newcastlei reViiighrmteMsM.E gamie was one of the closest and best M S. contestcïtd games ever seen on the Mr. John Finley, Graind Rapids, -local grounds and was flot won until Mich., visited bismoer Mrs. Thos the last man was out. Orono hadj~ F inley. their troubles to score a win over Miss Laura Walton attended the the strong Kendai outfit, "who are narriage of hier cousin, Miss Violet playing good bail this season, and had Mrs. D. Garaith ndMssCoatbey not been unfortunate in flot Mrs.D. Glbrath nd _iss orabeing able, on account of sickness to Butler motored to Hamilton to visit put their usuai uine-up in the field, vIrs. Rex Wynn. there periaps would be a differenti Mr. and Mrs. Cookinghamn,1 Red, story to tell. Newcastle and Stark- Hook, N. Y., are visitingl her mlother, ville jusýt got started when ramn inter- Mrs. M. E. Toms. rupted, but judging from the way Mrs. J. Scott Montgomiery is home theStarkville team went into the from a pleasant visit with ber par-gae they wili be the team to beat. ents at Cannington. Tbey are a husky aggressive lot of MissDors ad MaterDoulasboys and play baIl all the time. Willowvs, Montreal, are visitîng at MrTwogams trmaillndtbe plyed John Cunningh-'am's.r Newcastle sStkvleadtewn ner then takes on Orono in the final. Messrs. Alfred and Richard Fin- Watch the local press for date and ly, Toronto, Sundayed witb their then be sure to corne. motber, Mrs. Thos. 'Finley. Picture Show in evening was one Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lockhart, Tor- of the best yet, and our fine hall was onto, was holiday visitor 'with bie taxed tô capacity to provide accomo- mother, Mr,%.' W. T. Lockhart. dation for the huge crowd of patrons Dr. R. L. Wright of Broadlawn, which fact again goes ta prove- the preached to a large congregation in good judgment of our esteemed citi- St. George's c hurch on Sunday zen Mr. Chester D. Massey, when ieý miorning. planned a hall for Newcastle of such Ma.ster "Dîck" Anderson Mfnd(ay generous dimensions. fîternoon while playing on a )'t _______1_ it Mrs. R. P. Butler's rolled off' CHIROPRACTIC Fracturing bis elbow. Dr. Butler, ceduced the fracture. Dr. Durwin E. Steckley of Bo'w- Sundy eenig nxŽ Msse Eda jmanvilie will make residential calîs Rickard, Lillian Colwill and Lillian in Newcastle, Monday, Wednesday lemncewiî gve mot nteestng and Friday. For an appointment sport of the Summner School which phone1 141J, Bownianville. 32-t ,.ey receritiy attended. _________________ Mr. Sebastiani Stewart and laughter, Toronto, callýd 'at Dei. 'h Canadian Statesman lfred Farncomb's en route to Port is $2.00 a year ïope, to see Mrs. Wellington Cam- opide Hn o ni. Iiei tePot-and worth it. ride Hsansnl. me nte ot Subscribe To-day The Quarterly OfficiaI Board has rranted Rev. E. B. Cooke three_________________ veek's -holidays and hie with Mrs. _________________ ooke and Eileen left for Union-ville ;s week on a short visit to M-rs. ~ _________ ooke's parents, Mr. anid Mrs. Camp- in. The Methodist Çhurch was filled specially inspiîing service of so C om Petto td music. Newcastle, Orchestra That's the old sayiflg. ssisted by miusicians from Newton- ilie, Oronio and Bowmianvilie,, rend- afraid of competition fror crd sonie fine selections of classical îcered miusie and also accompanied We take second'place to îe congregation -al singing with Mrs. 4,C. Fisher at the pipe organ and vau a rs. Chas Cowan playing the piano. gxving best quality,vau a he choir rendered two splendid an- iems and the mixed quartet, Mr. Cofcinr ris e, ýrank Rickard, Mr. Howard Aluin, dr.(Rev.) E. B. Cooke and Miss Cakes and Pastry. ,dna Rickard sang in fine'harmony 'isten the Master Beseecbeth"l. ev. E. B. Cookê held( the entranced H « B ttention oûf the audience as hie told H S B ne of Henry VanDyke's great ser-I ion-stonies on giving one"s remnants Baker & Grocer residues to God.I 241 lm BARS SOAP 24 Choice Castile Soap for $1.00 We are off ering other tempting grocery bargains this week. R, WALTON Grocer Newcattle Exclusive Ready-to.wear Shoppe GIGAN TIC CLEARANCE SALE 0F AL Summer Dresses Now in Full Swing-Gréatest Values of the Seasojn. CS. Mason, Exclusive Women's Shoppe Phone 161 Bowmanville Whore the selection is Irage- Wbere youu neveu. ee two gar. monts alike--where you are nover Urged te buy. Miss Marguerite Garry, Miss Ger- trude Foley, Miss Goddard and Mrs. Chafey, 'Toronto, are on vacationý with Misses Mary and Ellen Breen .et their most pleasantly situated and comfortable cottage, Pierview, Bol- ton Street. Dr. and ýMrs. Adam Wright will be at Piervïew after Aug. l2th. Dr. Wright is a brother-mn- law of Dr. Griffiths, Headmaster of Ridley Coliege, St. Catherines, who with Mrs. Griffitha and cbildnen is spend:ng the summer et "Trelawney buse"', Newcastle-on-the-Lake. MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB,' M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University, ail» of Royal College Physicians, Edin- .burg.î Specialty-Diseases of wam- en and children. Office-Parker'@ Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honot graduate of Trinity University Fellow of Trinity Medic 'al Colýlege Licentiate of the State University of New York, Matriculate of the Post- Graduate Medical School and, Hos- pital of New York and Fellaw of the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. McNaughton's Residence. Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a.,i. 1 ta 3 p. ni., and by appointment. J. WV . Bradley N.wcuatl. Caerai Instrance Agent Clerk of 2nd Division Court, Cce-. GOOD COKE is cheaper than wood and is the equal to the best Coal. I_ have a suuply of the best Coke obtainable. Higahest grade of Anthra- cite always on hand. Geo. Jamieson Newcastle if e of Trade And we're not a bit m other towns or cities. none when it cornes to ind service in Grcoceries, ýgetables, Bread, Buns, ITTON, q - Newcastle C.S.MASONYS wme's Children'a t i.. A ~

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