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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1924, p. 6

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RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAV GOING EAST OOING WEST 8.42 a. m. D < 4.22 a. m. F 10.36 a. m. D 7.06 a. m. 1.26 p. m. P 2.02 P. m. 0.49 P. im. 8.24 P.n.D 7.21,p. m.- 10.02 a. m. 9.58 P. m. D 11.21 P. i. F F-Flag D-Dally 8-Daily except Sunday., CANA IAN GOING EAST 10.18 a. m. 2.08 P. M. 9.16 P. M. 11.28 p. m. 12.26 a. m. PACIFIC RAILWAY GOINO WESI 5.51 a. m 6.25 a. m. 8.20 a. m. 4,31 p. m. 7.00 P. M-- CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TVRONE STATION Going East Going West 8.34 p. m. 8.15 a m. Daily Except Sunday For almralnourished con- ditions,,child or aduit, SCOTT'S EMULSION is the logical food-tonic. Scott & fowne, Toronto, Ont'. 23-57 4A115 iM. It I,-TUBBU IOc. -A£ AU Drug stores JThte Great bEngish Preparattan. Tones atid invigorteth oe nçýrVous systemi. makes new Blood Sinod Veis Used for Nervous Debilty. Merda and Brain Worry. De Y pndency, Loss of Energ, Palpitation of the iear, Faiing Memory. Price $2 per box, 3 y for $5. SoId by aIl1 druggists, cor miailed in plain _pkg. on reetptcf pice. New pamphét maled fr. T"E WOOD NMDIINE CO.TORONTOONT, Cook's Regulating Compound' A eae, reliable regulaing redic:ne. Sokd in three de- gres of strength-No. 1, $1; No. 2, ý$3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold by al druggiste, or sent prpaid onreeeipt of price. Free pamphlet. Addreas: TYHE COOK MEDICINECO., MRS.mB.H. KART SICK FoRm T1 ER s Wants Women to Know How She Was Mae Wei by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cornwal, Ontario. --l Iamrnenw gving your medicine à fair trial and it srely - is doing me good and 1 am go~ing te keep on taking it. I used~ to feel so tired in the m.onng that I didn't want t etubut that feling is leav- ing me now. IJalso slmeep better and feel more like working. For seven or eigbt sur I have had eadaches,tiredfeel-' inupisnmyback and aeross my body. I "read lattera in the newspapers saying what good Lydia E. Pink1ýamn's Vegetable Compound had done othera. My husband says I quit too soon, but 1 ar neft going to stop taking the Vegetable Goxpounid and Lydia E. Pinkham's lood Medicine un- tl1 amn better and haven 't an ache or a pain. Isn't that the right way? I have great f aith in your medicines. Tbey must ha rd when those who take them apeak soighly of thent> 1 arn recom- znendg theni to my friends and I will gladly answer ltters from women ask- mng about them. "-lra. BUtT H. HART, Box 1081, Cornwall, Ontario. lira. Hart wante te help otrwoe and is willing to answer Jteafo lck women s aking about thi e eale Comnpound.C KEDRON NOTES Miss'Olive Luke, Toronto, is holiý daying at home. Sunday School held a picnic in Mr. W. N. Hoskin's grove. Mr. and Mrs. George Armour, Zion, visited at Mr. H. F. Werry's. Mrs. E. Mountjoy attended the funeral ofher uncle, Mr. Joseph Langmaid, Bowmanville. Rev. and Mrs. J. Miller, Toronto, and Mr. Will McGregor, Elgin, Ill., visited at Mr. John McGregor's. Golden Links lass held a meeting at home of their teacher Mrs. Leslie Hancock when officers were elected. Mr. and Mlp. Frank Shepherd and family, Hamilton, visited their aunt, Mrs Edward Cole and other relatives Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roberts and Normia, Miss Florence Wheeler and Miss Stella Corcoran, Toronto, visit- at Mr. F. Crossman's. Rev. A. McLauchlan, Keene, took prýaching service on Sunday in place of Bey. J. W. Down, Tyrone, owing to critical illness of Mrs. Down. -Mr. and Mrs. F. W. and M~r Ross Lee, Mr. and Mrs., Max Ballard and rlaughters, motored to Nobleton, Mr. and Mrs. Ballard remaining 'witb rel- atives there. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. and Miss Aud- rey Werîy, Oshawa, Miss Nora, George and Wesley Werry, Solina, Miss Irene and Mr. Frank H. Bray, Enfield, visited at Mr. R, J. Luke's. EMORRROID ls Do rot suifer anOthecr day n th Itching, Bleeding, or Protruding Piles or Hemorrhoids. No surgical operation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will reliéve you at once and affdrd lasting benefit.' 60e a box; al dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., 1Limlted, Toronto. Sample box free. A SAFE AND SUR£ M EMEDY FOR AILING CHILDREN WORM coONTMN No NARCOTYIeS. CASILY rAKEN. OUICKLY AND ?HO0ROUGHLY LEANS EVEN4 THE -0--T DLICATE SYBrE. A5 SWEEr AS SUGAR Ilere's Proof That Ends Headache MrK. IL F,. Tolsfn, EX-Mayor of coud ioc, ý ..proves h. Y'our abItets are a fecb yoeedy for headache" Mr. Geo. Legge, Editor of the 'Grmtb1 Leadéw-Mafl" proves jr. "Tour Zutoo lablets deoerve to be wIi ly known as a remedy that wil stop beadache."______ A.. C, Hanson, B. A. K. C.. ColomelCI the. Btusaru, prcyves k. "I use Zutoo Tabletas ud mq-d Ilem a 107 sattsfat0ry rermcdy for Headadhe.. 83 cents ptr bx-t~ldeaiera. BOUNSALV4S MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES nd only the best gradeés of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 emnploy ne cemnetery caretakers as agents preferring bo seil my own goods thus saving the purchaser the! agent's commission. A ealisolicited. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor Bqwmanville Phone 326W Box q-4 "Hleadaches, Bill1ous Spelis, Are Now Ail Gone" MNk. John freland, Nobleton, Ont., writes : "I was a great suferer f rom severe headaches and bilimus spelis. 1 tried a number of, renie- dies witfhout obtaining'any bene- fit until 1was advied to use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pi lTese completely rehieved me, and - made me feel like a new person. I amn Vesygratefu tO Dr. Chabe's Medscmnes for what tbey have done for me, anid you m-ay use e my leter for the benefit of Dr. Chase's Kldney-Lt'ver PlUs &S etu. a box 0£85 M, memrma. Ba B ( O*KM., Twooe 1, $1 box does not Mrng relîUef. sclutely Ëarmlt-b e nèas. an t 4c, I atampu. rmltnâ 0 rontc. RU For Sale By Jury & loveli tion not favorable to worms, an d thera wýýill ha no revival of the pests. Orono Continuation School stud- ents who passed in one or more sub- jects, in Midle Sehool exams:- Mar-~ ion Brown, Edytbe Gain, Allison Gowan, Greta Davey, Stanie Faîs Charles Knox, Laurence Lorrirnan, CELEBRATE GOLDEN JUBILEE IMr. and Mis. Richardson Married in , Bowinanville Fifty Years Ago. No doubt some of oui readers me- memibar, on July 8th., 1874, tbe wed- ding in Bowmnanville, of, Miss Janle Sopai of Pine Grova, and Richard Richardson of Springfield Faim,' Pickering, at whvlich- Rev. E. Shep- pard, fathaer of Mr. E. E. Sheppard, late Editor of thie Toronto "Satur-' day Nigbt", offillated.-Editor. After flfty yeaîs of wadded bliss on Tuesday, July 8th, 1924, Mi. and Mis. Richard Richaidsýon calebîated, their Golden Jubilee at the home of' their son, Frank W. Richardson, at East Orange, N. J. A dinner was served at 3 o'clock, the time of the original wedding dînner and these! _guests weîe prasent: Mi. and Mis. Richard Richaidson;1 Mir. and Mis.,Frank W. Richardson! and their daughter Frances; Mis. W Felder Gook,(a daughteî), with berI two children, May ýand Maîgaret, of. Denver, Col orado; Mis,9 Alice Tait, Philadaîphia, Pa.;, Mi. andi Miss Brown of New York; Mis. (Judge) Stephans, wvith ber daugbter Emily White and son John. Morgan, of Jackson, Mississippi; Mis. Mary E. Soper, Mis. Amthur Francis, Mr. and Mis. Fired J. Sersen, of New York. Another daughter, Mis. (Dr.) W. Crawford, Hattiesbumg, Mississippi, was unable to attend on acuto iliness. 1 It ha intemesting in this connectioný to knowvý that the same day was the flfteenth we'dding annivems ary of their dlaughter, Mis. Cook pîeviouslyl mnentioned. Nine of the original wedding party are stili living, Miss Alice Tait hav-1 been tha flower girl. Miss Sopeî's bridesmaid was Miss Minnie Jones of Belleville and now residing in-San Diego, 'Cal., niece of the late Hon. Billa Flint, Speaker of the House of Gommons at2 Ottawa, for twelve years. The sun pailor of the house was a mass of roses, as was the bouse li which the marriage took place. The rest of the bouse was beautifully jdecoîate'd witb a' profusion of yellow j and white daisies, ailxand fem1 and on the landing of the stairs sto agreat sheaf of corai gladioli,,a git to the couple.1 Mis. Richardson woma a charmingi ýdress of taupe crepe satin, having a toucb of the original Cluny, lace which adorned hem wedding gown. Mr. Richardson wore the coat of his wedding suit. Mis. Richaîdson camriad a smali round bouquet made in-the old f ash- ion with an: adging of lace paper. This was a gift of one of the guests, jMis. Francis.- It is intemesting to know that hem sister attanded a ra- ction in Pittsburgh last yaar to D-,dLloyd Ge6oge, at wbich, time she was given Dame',,George's bou-i quet.11 On a table ha the, reception hall was an înteîesting collection of .pictures and souvenirs. býAmongj them wara pîctures of the brida andj groomi shomtiy aÈtei their maîriaga, picturas of Pine Grove and Sprinig- filid Faim, and pbotographs of five genemations of both families, con- tained in an album having a bog oak cover, which 'came fîom Ireiand and was a present to the bride 50 years ago. The table was in the form of a T, with Mr. and Mis. 'Richardson-, their son and. daugbteî at the one end. The tabla was appropriately 'decor- ated with yellow comeopses and in front of the bride and groom was a gilt basket filhid with a beautiful col- lection of yeliow flowers-roses, snapdragon, daisias, lily of the val- loy, etc., with goid ribbon twined about the handia, ençling with borwsl on c,,Lh side, a gift, from another guest. At each place were beautif ul place cards and small gold baskets. filied with nuts, and souvenirs of the occasion appeared in the f orm of gold pendils foir eacb guest. In the absence of their miinister, whom they bad hopad to have with them, tbeiî son offerad a prayar of, thanks for the long and happy lifel bis father and miotbeî had enijoyedl, and invoked a continuance of theirf ~blessings. Immediateiy after sitting clown ati the table 'a pictume was taken of the group. Telagramas of congratulations fromn coast to coast in the United States and Canada weîe received aIl duîing the day, the fiast one, arrivirng aaily in the miorning, fîomi Miss Kate and Mi. and Mis. W. J. H. Richardson and family, Whitby, their home town. J I BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 21, 1924 ORONO ITEMS Fîo m The News of August l4Ith. Master Robert Yonkýer is w-ith his grandparents at Kitchenter. Mr. Robert Fielding is sediga few days with fîiends here. Mi. Wm. Armstrong, Sr, took a jaunt to the city last week. i Misses RHlda and Beulah McCutch-- eon spent a week in Toronto. Miss Hutchison, Montreal, was guest of MissCrissie Waddell. Miss Neya Rainey and aunt, Miss Taylor,' are visiting in Toronto. Mis. W. H1. Rowe and f amily visit- ed friends at Lucan and Toronto. mrs. John McRae is home from a visit with her mother in Montreal. Mis. J. A. Jerome in poor health, is at present in hospital -at Toronto. Mr. Fletcher ýCaîscadden, Kendal, meturned from hospital, was in town. Mr. and Mrs. Slo-an, Peterboro, visited ber father, Mr. Oscar Scott. Mi. 'and Mrs. Will Rowan, Bethanýy spent Sunday at Mis. Mc'Cutcbeon's. Miss Kate McKay is visiting ber parents at Port Elgin, on her houi- dalys. Misses Margaret Dickson and Mar- garet Brown are eat Mr. Orley Ghap- man ls. Mis§- McAlpinle, Methodist Book Room, Toronto,ý is guest of Mrs. H. Junker. Miss MacGowan, Toronto, is guest of a college friend, Miss Mary Som- erville. Exchange of pulpits, Pmesbyterian and Methoidist, continues, to end of month. Mrs. Isaac Winters visited bar daughter, Ms.Olie Cooper ,at Little Britain. Rev. Mr. Barstead and f-amily, Illinois, were visîtors at Mr. H. Hq -oper's. Mrs. (Dr.) McClelland and daugh- tei,, Toronto, are at her fatbeî's, Mr. Robt. Foster, The Pinte.1 No one nead endure the-agony, of corns witb Holloway's (-rn Remover at hand to remove tbem. Mr. Fred Lorrim-an,-was taken ser- iously ill last week wit.i appendicitis, but is repomted convalescirg Mm. and Mrs. W. lli, 'M:ss Hulda and Mi. D. Redpath, Oshawa, were guests at Mr. W. Sherwin's. Mrs. Verner Cochrane slipped on, the smooth, floor of their residence, and fractuîed ber ieg near the ankie. Lady members of Hortieultural Society are asked to, bîing cake witb them to Flower Show on, Satuîday, 23rd. Mr. John Berry who had Mis left leg ibroken six weeks ago, is makingi satisfactoîy îecovery, splints beingi removed.1 Visitoîs at Mi. 1H.4 N. Junýkeî,'s: Miss KC. L. Williamison, M r. J. M. Kilîm1aster and Mr. J. Andrews, ail of Toronto. Mr. John -Morris, Orono- Central, who lies been seîiously il!iVient to the bospital at Toronto for examin- ation by X-îay. 1Mrs. Eldwards, Chesley, is guest at Mr. W. H. Barrett's. Mis. Charley Baîîrett, Kerrýobeits, Sask., is daugh- ter of, Mis. Edwards. Miss Kate Williamson was biýides- mnaidý at the wedding of Miss Kay Lavery, Toronto, at home of the bride's parents, Wbitby. Wolvehampton Lodge S. O. E., was invited to join with members'of Lodge Newcastle, Decoration Day, Sunday next 17th, at Bondhead. Mr. A. A. Gamsby and son, Mr. . A. Gamsby and Mr. J. J. Gilfillan County, on a fisbing expadition.' Mi. Thos. H. Powers and daughteî, Miss Helen Poweîs, visited friends at Buýffaýo, N. Y., Miss Helen re- mainiýng for a more extended visit. Mis. Thomias Patters6n and grand- son, Master Lawrence Allen, are vis- iting ber father, Mi. Joseph Carscad- den, Collî-ngwood, in his 97th yeam. As a vermifuge an effective 'pie- paration is 'Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, andi it can ha given to the most delicata child without fear of injury to the constitution. Mis. Jane Miller received a n'asty faîl. She tripped on tha mough piece of cemnent walk. One aye wýas dliscoloîed andhem face badly 'bruis- ad.1 Mi. and Mis. George Mowvat, Messrs. Chas. Mowat and Frank Ward, of Wvhitby, Mi. Lloyd May- Launder dainty things twice as often, this way It's not necess'ary to keep your prettiest things folded and laid away. Wear them-often. Launder them just as often as necessary. -But do it this way: Us e Palmolive PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES- and see fragile crepes, silks, laces, corne from laun- deîing absolutaly unharmed. ýColora biightened and freshened, if anythîng. The great foamn of suds contains notbing to huit the daintiest fabric, the most delicate coloring., It dissolves the dirt, however, most tboroughly-and washes it away. These snowvy, crinkly fiakecs contain nothing but pure soap. So they go farther, cleanse more effi- ciently. Tbat makes it economnical to use them in the washing machine, for aIl laundering, and for every general household purposcý, If only to try, get some today of your dealer. Ile has them-în handy one-pound packages. THE PALMOLIVE COMPANY OF CANADA, Limnited Toronto PA L m O LIv f. flPRIJN CIES S-SOA\P JFLAIKlES Made în Canada NEWt/ For $tne.s nk.1, or coar*$t o le. 20953 Fred Lycett, 'Theresa McýINeil, El sie Rowe (Alg.), Laur-ence Savery, Beatrice Sovcb-. Waddell Racx Mill WaïrehouseI is riearing compietion. The strength- i ening of the walls and roof by pow-ý erful reinforcemnents has made it! capable of withstanding mainy timnes, the estimatedstrain it mjay, be sub- ject to. Mr. Robert Johnston hasl had -charge of the reconstructionI work under carefully prepared plans, under direct'on ojf Mi. Waddell. Kennetb Dean, young son of Mr.! and-Mrs. Ed. 'Dean, -was knocked down and seiul~injured near, his home, Renwicks Corniers, by a large j touring car in wbicb -were severali, people, andtravell'ing at 'a high rate' of speed. The fleshi was torn from the shoulder to the elbow, it isi thought by -the car fendýer. AnI Orono doctor rendere d fiîst aid, after which he was taken to ]3ow- manville hospital. Tt may be an effort will be made to graft newv skin on the ammi. 2)e1icious19 ?)fferent TRONITO W. P. CORBET'-i W. J. BAGNELL I

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